Lykos-Redemption Act II Ch. 1

**Lykos Redemption** **\\\\\ACT II//////////** Ch. 1: Serena Wird Voller Licht Sein The next week had gone by quickly. With Nyctimus being taken in as a physician's assistant he was busy nearly all day long and only was able to feel Apollo's...

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your beloveds DJs' first story.

The fox 'derick julius fox' was the ruler at the time of ancient greece, the fox son of the previous king, inherited the throne.

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chapter one

Yes i know it has the same name as the ancient greece city but it is very different. for one the city is ran by anthropomorphic people, just like me, yes i'm an anthro. i am a deputy to the sheriff here and the sheriff is my best friend.

Good and Evil ... after hours

It's a coin from ancient greece, a sixth of a drachma, i think. they'd put them under the tongues of the deceased to pay charon for the journey across the river styx."

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Creating a character

greece and persia make excellent examples; rams, lions, wolves, rats, mice, boars, hyenas background skills appraise, forgery, profession favored classes pc; bard, cleric, rogue.

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The Gamer's Crossing 2 - No Bones About

It stood on the other side of town, against the east cliff, a prestigious looking place with columns that looked as if they from ancient greece. the interior was like a resplendently white palace.

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Geography part 1

(dm note; nmar is based on ancient greece and persia) cities and towns nmarian cities are well laid out and alleys minimized, often a wealthier city will build sewers and public baths.



Buildings rose from the streets and its architecture reflected on ancient greece and other cultures of the world. one building towered above the other buildings in the very centre of the city.