The Stranger Part 2

We begin the story again as Jack is driving Jesse to his condo on the edge of town. It's a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, and semi-luxurious place. Jack enjoyed living here. It was away from the city noise and smell. He had a pool and a Jacuzzi out back for the...

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Somewhere we belong

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Dating Out. Chapter Three.

Dating Out Chapter Three By Roofles Corey was back to work the following week, stuck inside the small convenience store he worked at. He'd spent the entire week off and on with Maxwell. Just the last afternoon and...

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Dating Out. Chapter Two.

Dating Out Chapter Two By Roofles Corey wasn't sure what to wear. He wasn't sure why he was even going along with this. Or why he was overthinking it. He met the guy on a hook up app. Not in... where did...

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Dating Out. Chapter One.

Dating Out Chapter One By Roofles "Boring. Ugly. Small dick. Too smooth. Needs to trim... to young. Twunky. Not bad but I've already tried." Corey muttered as he laid on his bed in the middle of the night in nothing but a...

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The back door to the spa banged open sharply, and the old badger looked toward both ends of the alley before running to the dumpster to check all around it. Finding nothing, he looked up to the other end of the alley, where he saw the meerkat from the...

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Moogles In Training

Moogles in Training By CalexTheNeko "Okay but you gotta admit it was pretty funny! You had leaves in your mouth and everything!" "Alright maybe it was a little funny. Heh." Two moogles were sitting at the bar within the tavern. One of them...

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Student Exchange

Student Exchange "Yang!" "Ugh what?" The charcoal colored cat jerked fully awake as he heard his name. "Back among the living are we?" Professor Grumbole stood at the front of the lecture hall. Despite there being literally three hundred other...

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The Old Man

**The Old Man** "Do not leave me alone." I stared hard at these words, written in decorative cursive that the old man had given to me on a paper that had been torn out of his notepad. I was flabbergasted, knowing full well...

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A light snow fell outside, enough to dust the lawns, to frost the windows, to bless the rooftops with a gentle nightcap for the perfect winter's nap. Barton sat contentedly by the fireside, a cup of hot chai and a few ginger snap cookies (both of...

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The morning light stole in, as it always did, eventually, even after such a long and frightening night as Hallowe'en. For the young female rabbit crouched down behind a dumpster in the filthy back alley, the real terror was just beginning, again, as...

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Just as the lawyer seemed to be turning into a real furson, something in him shifted. Barton could almost hear the wheels and gears churning. "There may be some problems. My claim on the kits should supersede the wolves', based upon _nunc pro tunc_...

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