"The Thin Line," Part A
_(Author's Note: This story was originally published in serial format. The "\*\*\*\*\*" designation shows where the original episodic breaks were located.)_ \*\*\*\*\* It was not difficult to discern that my drill instructor was peeved at me....
A Thin Line - Part Six: Stop at Nothing
#6 of a thin line uh oh. you know what starts hittin' the fan :p now we get into the true meat of the story. damien's loss and slow decent into insanity. part 7 is finished as well and will be posted probably tomrw.
"The Thin Line," Part VV
\*\*\*\*\* Meadow had my tunic trousers down around my ankles. Which, of course, sounds like the opening to one of those kinds of novels. No, in this case, it was for the mundane (but decidedly welcome) purpose of cleaning out the leg-wound...
"The Thin Line," Part UU
\*\*\*\*\* The next sensation I had was being poked gently in my shoulder. I awoke to find the sled-driver using the butt of his riding crop on me. "Sorry t'wake yer, mate, but yer only a 'ero once, right?" He gestured in front of him. "No...
"The Thin Line," Part TT
\*\*\*\*\* The hardest part of the journey back to the field fortifications was at the very end, when it came to facing Boy Tom, and telling him that his father was dead. I told him the story of how we had faced off with the snipers. Meadow...
"The Thin Line," Part SS
\*\*\*\*\* In relating to you the story about the Battle of Mossford, I don't want to leave you with one mistaken impression: that Captain Chitterleigh played no role in the battle. Not only would that be untrue, it would be grossly unjust to...
"The Thin Line," Part RR
\*\*\*\*\* In the dawn mists, the ant-borne host moved across the ice, to the strain of the occasional oliphant, but other than that, in unnerving silence. As they got closer, I began to make out the emblems that they were wearing on their great...
"The Thin Line," Part QQ
\*\*\*\*\* I could swear that I had been out for only a few minutes when a paw started shaking my shoulder. Blinking awake, I couldn't tell precisely what time it was, since there was now a curtain tacked over the entrance to the dugout. I almost...
"The Thin Line," Part PP
\*\*\*\*\* In a few minutes, I was seated on an overturned biscuit box, greedily sucking down mug after mug of hot, sweetened tea. By the time I had finished my third one, my paws stopped shaking and my breathing had returned to something...
"The Thin Line," Part OO
\*\*\*\*\* There's an old joke about a recipe book, where the first step in preparing a feral rabbit stew is "first, catch your rabbit." It was all well and good that we were on the way back home. The problem was that the forest in between our...
"The Thin Line," Part NN
\*\*\*\*\* Each fur has their own individual way of preparing for an important operation. In the case of Aethelwulf, he was impassively sorting, counting, resorting and piling his lead ammunition. Meadow carefully checked her equipment. I...
"The Thin Line," Part MM
\*\*\*\*\* Standing amidst the results of an armed clash is rarely the kind of circumstance which inspires conversation. Or even somewhat rational thought. Meadow merely folded her arms and looked at me bemusedly as I checked over our recently...