The Mourning After - Chapter 9 (Moving On)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#9 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

We're back with Laguna as he prepares to go back on duty at the Northern outpost.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism.***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

Our meal was spent in near awkward silence. After her first drink she began to loosen up, but it wasn't until after her third that we began to speak casually. She was always so uptight it took a few drinks to loosen her up.

"Did you hear about Krer and Jacques?" I asked, barely able to keep myself from laughing.


"Well it would seem that they got caught by the outpost commander screwing while on duty!" I laugh, a laugh which is made longer by the bewildered expression that graces Kassandra's muzzle. They had thought that they could hide in the darkness of the eclipsed moon long enough to release some pent up stress. I smile at the thought. "From what I heard he made them finish with him standing them staring at them."

"What?!" She squeaks, a giggle escaping her maw.

"Oh yeah... he made them keep fucking until they couldn't get it up anymore. Then he made them finish their shift and then marched them over to the officer's quarters where he made them spend the day servicing officers until their next shift."

"That's bullshit!"

"No I'm serious!" I insisted. "Hans told me."

"Hans?" She snorted. "He's always starting rumours!"

"But did you not notice that Krer and Jacques were nowhere to be seen the fifth day we were there?" I ask. "That's because they were in the officer's quarters! No one saw them, even during meal times, until they started the night shift the next night!"

"I still don't believe you!" Kassandra laughed taking a mouthful from her tankard of ale.

"Believe or don't, but it won't change that fact that it's true!"

"Yeah whatever!"

There was a long silence as we continued eating. The stew we were eating was nice, I prefer my stews with a rich thick gravy, but this one was a little on the thin side, but seeing as this is one of the cheaper place to come and eat I can't complain.

"So what are you going to do with your week off?" I ask to break the silence now that I've all but finished my meal.

"None of your business." She says bluntly round a mawful of food.

"Oh come on!" I whine.

"Stop complaining!" She snorts. "It's not like we're courting or anything! Despite what the others say."

I laughed, I had heard the rumours as well. Because I actually spent any time with Kassandra everyone thought I was trying to sleep with her, or was, depending on who you asked. I found them incredibly funny, considering I was quite openly gay with no interest in females.

"Well if you want to hang out sometime you know where to find me." I grin. I knew better than to push with Kassandra. She was stubborn and would likely try harder to refuse any offers of friendship the more I pressed. "Besides I'll probably see you at training."

"Probably." She downed the rest of her drink and took one last mawful of food before standing. "I'll catch you later."

"See you later." I smiled.***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************





How quickly the week had flown by...

Tomorrow morning I would have to begin my journey back to the Northern outpost. Not that I minded doing my duty, but I was a little upset about the fact that I'd miss out on the festival and seeing the tournament. What made t worse was that our shift was going to be a day longer than normal so that those participating in the tournament that opportunity to do so. I always loved watching it. But at least I wasn't the only one missing out.

But right now though I needed to focus on getting the supplies I needed for the next week. Didn't need to worry about food, we were all given a food package to resupply the outpost for the duration of our stay. Well I could always purchase a some preserved meat for a little extra food, I always felt hungrier by the end of the week. I'd see what coin I have left once I buy the rest of my supplies. I'll also need to keep a little for the traditional meal with Kassandra at the end of the week.

Speaking of Kassandra I had barely seen her this week. Normally I see her at the dojo, but apparently Master Aceh had kicked her out after she injured someone during practice and she hadn't been back since. I had gone looking for her but hadn't had much luck finding her. Short of sitting outside her home until she appeared, which would be a bit creepy, I had better things to do with my time other than worry about her; although I still did.

The markets were starting to get a little sparse, and from what I understand the next delivery from the trade wagons would be around the time the festival kicked off. At least that meant when I get back from my week on duty there might be something worth buying.

"Hey Laguna!" Loire greeted me as I was busy examining a few varieties of soapstone that one merchant had on offer.

"Hey Bro!" I grinned back, clasping my paw in his and wrapping my other arm round him in a friendly hug. "Haven't seen much of you this week!"

"No... the little ones been keeping us up." He shook his head and smiled. "Her fangs are coming in. So I guess it'll be a week or two of sleepless nights."

"Sounds rough. Hey are you taking part in the tournament?"

He was definitely the strongest bender, and fighter, out of our family. I know Baroc was planning on taking part in the tournament. He was a pretty decent bender, but couldn't participate in the benders tournament because he hadn't made adept. Which I still didn't understand because on the rare occasion I sparred with him he usually won. But he seemed resigned to it and didn't fight for the rank. He simply said that he'd get it when he gets it.

Surprisingly mature for Baroc.

"I'm going to try my paw at getting into the benders tournament. Their taking names right now, but their only accepting so many. I guess I'll find out in a few days if I make the cut or not. Are you going to take part?"

"No..." I sigh. "I'm heading back out to the Northern outpost tomorrow morning. I'll be missing it."

Not that I wanted to get my ass handed to me in front of a crowd of spectators, but I was disappointed I'd not get to watch it.


"So where's Elle?" I ask, wondering where his wife was. Where ever it was no doubt she had the cubs in tow.

"She's back at home. I was just going to go get Lou from his nen training."

"Oh shit! He's already training?" I exclaimed.

Lou'anse, or Lou as our family called him, was my brothers oldest, just turned four the other week. At that age they could join the basic training that all drakes were entitled to participate in to see if he held the gift as a bender. It took months, if not years, for most to even gather enough nen to manipulate enough to activate the perception stone; if they could do it all. During that time the youngsters would do exercises that were designed to help build up the nen their bodies could produce. There were definite perks to starting off their training early, but starting them too young ran the risk of them becoming bored, or even coming to resent the training, which could hinder their progress.

"Well if he's anything like you then I'm sure he'll be graduating to the next level in no time!" I say enthusiastically.

"Thanks. But don't go telling Elle that." He said with a chuckle. "She's already worrying that he'll grow up too quickly. You have no idea what I had to do to get her to agree to letting him take part."

"I think I'd rather not." I laugh.

"You want to come see him?"

"Sorry... I've really got to get my stuff together for tomorrow. But I'll stop by later."

"Sounds good. Lou has been asking when he can see you."

"Aww." I grin.

"Can't wait to see Uncle Laguna."

"Can I help it if your kids love me?" I smirk.

"Tell you what. Come round for dinner. I'd like to catch up before you end up going back out on patrol."

"Sure. I'll be round later." I assure him.

"Good. Don't be late! You know how Elle is!"

"I won't I promise!" I wave as he heads off.

Well that's nice. I do love my nephew and niece, and if I'm getting a free meal out of it I wasn't going to complain.


"Unky Guna!" Lou cheered as he threw himself towards me and hugged me round my hips.

"Hey little guy!" I grin and pick him up. He giggled as I lift him and then hugs me round my neck. "How did training go today?"

"Real good! It was fun!"

"Ha! Good job champ!!" I praise the little drake.

He was dressed in a full body robe, a crisp, dark green that came down to his knees. I always thought of robes like it as a bit like a dress, but this one had a bit of a manly feel to it with the design. It was from a heavy, thick fabric a d fitted him around the torso snugly but was loose around the neck, arms and legs so it didn't hinder his movement.

"Good to see you Laguna."

"Hi Elliwan." I smiled innocently but enjoyed the huff of annoyance at me using her full name. "Where's the little one?"

"She's sleeping, just put her down for a nap. And how many times have I told you? It's just Elle!"

"I have no idea what you mean." I feign innocence. "Elle."

"Hmmp... Xavier went out to get some ale, he'll be back shortly. Make yourself at home."

"Thanks." I say as I move to take a seat at the far side of the room, Lou still in my arms. "Smells good."

"Loire brought home some fresh meat from the market, so I'm making some stew." She said as she stirred the pot that was suspended over the pit fire in the center of the room. "Shouldn't be long till it's ready. Loire said you're heading back out to the outpost tomorrow?"

"Yeah... another week at the Northern outpost." I sigh at the thought. "It's not a bad job, and it pays well... but I hate being away from home for so long."

"Such a mommas boy aren't you?" She gave me her usual jab. Just like how I teased her about her name she always called me a mommas boy.

"Nothing wrong with being one of those." I grin. "I mean mom's are the best! Isn't that right Lou?"

"Uh-huh!" The little drake nodded eagerly.

"They make the best meals... give the best hugs..."

"And are super nice too!" Lou piped in.

"That's right!" I grinned and rubbed the top of his head.

I glanced at Elle who was caught in a mix of speechlessness, surprise and looked almost ready to cry. No doubt my little come back to her insult had irked her somewhat, but Lou's agreement to what I had said and also his own little addition had caught her unaware and tugged at her emotions with that last comment of affection and endearment from her son.

I watched as she fought to regain her composure, and she did well in my opinion but she was surprisingly silent and her eyes shimmered from the tears that were threatening to spill. She hated to appear weak, even when we were young she hated to be treated as a girl, weaker than the boys. She reminds me a lot of Kassandra in that respect. But unlike Kassandra she was very emotional.

I suppose it's this knowledge of Elle that makes me hope that deep down inside her somewhere... under so many layers of fear, spitefulness and hatred... there is an emotional female trapped within Kassandra. And one day I might have the privilege of seeing it first paw. I don't know what it would take. I don't know how long it will be. And I doubt I would be the one to free that female from the prison she currently resides in, but I'll keep trying if only to give some other dragon the opportunity to set her free.

"I'm home!" Came the familiar voice of my brother as he stepped inside, clutching two large bottles of ale in his paws.

"Daddy!" Lou yelled as he hopped off my lap and ran towards my brother.

Loire scooped up his son while somehow managing to balance the bottles at the same time. They rubbed their muzzles together affectionately before Loire put Lou back down and walked over to Elle who he kissed tenderly before turning his attention to me.

"What? Don't I get a kiss" I joked.

"No. But you do get one of these." He gently waved one of the bottles in my direction as he crossed the room to give it to me.

I took the bottle gratefully and looked down at it. It was one of the better ales, made in Zangar. Made by one of the nobles, usually only for private use, but occasionally a few bottle make their way into the market place. Last time I checked it was pretty expensive too. I'd have to remember to thank my brother properly for this later, no doubt if Elle found out just how expensive this stuff was she'd hit the roof. And with such a large bottle I was sure to get a pleasant buzz on.

"Jum'bai!" I grinned, using the age old saying used as a toast for a fortune filled future, holding up my bottle so my brother could clink his against my own.


I joined the line of drakes that would eventually take me to the quarter-master as he gave out the provisions for our time out at the outpost to each of the members of our squad. This was the food we were to give to the quarter-master at the outpost when we arrived. They would then check that everything was present and accounted for before sending it down to the kitchens where it would be properly rationed for the week ahead. I at least had to give them their due, they didn't skimp on the meals they provided while we were there. But it makes sense I suppose. Hunger is bad for moral. It's bad enough we're away from home and our families for a week and work long hours as well.

Plus I'm still a little pissed off that I was going to miss the festival.

The last festival we had had seems like forever ago... and it was not the best one. Many were still reeling over our losses after the wolves had attacked us. The memories of how good the festival before had been with Malakye certainly made it hard to make it as good. After all he took my virginity that time in the mines. Sure I'd sucked a couple of cocks before that, but he was my first.

I shake away the memories, my anger at missing the festival had been quickly becoming a depressing sadness which I didn't need on the long walk to the outpost. Best to think about other things.

"Hey Laguna!" Skit called out as he waved at me as I approached. He was lined up to collect the rations we'd be taking with us to the outpost.

"Hi Jo!" I replied using the shortened version of his real name. Skit was a nick name... and not one he liked. He's had it ever since we were young, when he had an accident and wet himself. Ever since then he's had the nick name Skit, short for skitter*. "Enjoy your week off?"

"Yeah... as much as I enjoy having a week off at once, it makes the idea of going back out there real sucky." He laughed, but I knew what he meant.

There were a couple of drakes ahead of us before we got to the table to collect the rations.

"Yeah." I grin at him, taking my bag and putting it on the floor in the mean time. "Any sign of Kassandra?"

"You mean Zangars most desired female?" He chuckled sarcastically. "No... she's not shown her muzzle yet."

"I hope she turns up soon." I say glancing towards the entrance. "She'll be late if she takes much longer to get here."

"I don't understand how you worry about her!" Skit exclaimed. "She's a royal bitch!"

"She has trust issues." I say almost reflexively.

"She's a bitch! Remember when she knocked out one of my fangs during practice!?"

"That was years ago! You're still holding a grudge?" I asked a little surprised that he'd bring up something which, as far as I thought, was ancient history.

"Damn right I am!" He snorts. "She never even said sorry!"

"Everyone loses a fang every now and then." I say trying in some way to dismiss his anger as unwarranted.

But I could understand why he'd be mad. It was just so long ago... hell Baroc had knocked out a couple of my fangs when I was younger, thankfully new ones grew in because I had been so young. I was mad at him at the time but I didn't hold a grudge against him for it now. Then again Skit was an only child and after his father had passed away had been doted on by his mother. He wasn't so bad now, but had been a bit of a spoiled brat when we were growing up.

I didn't really listen to what Skit had to say at that point as we finally reached the front of the line and were given the large wrapped bundles of food. We stepped to the side to pack them away in our bags. As I was closing my pack up I caught a glimpse of blue from the corner of my eye. I turned to get a better look and sure enough it was Kassandra. I let her get her pack of provisions before going over to talk to her, leaving Skit to moan to himself about her.

"Hi!" I smile widely at her.

"Hi." She said back.

Her response had been less that enthusiastic, more of reflex than anything else; devoid of any emotion or sincerity. But I was used to it by now, so tried to be cheerful enough for the both of us.

"Did you have a good week? Didn't get a chance to see you."

"It was fine."

I was about to say more when the quarter-master informed our squad leader, an adept by the name of Ai'hiko, that all the provisions had been given out. At that point Ai'hiko ordered us to form up and to head out. Adepts were higher ranked than regular warriors of the same rank, and were often in charge due to their ability to use nen giving them an edge in combat. I was also and adept, however I was just a lowly lu'kari; my nen not being all that impressive. Ai'hiko on the other paw was a na'kari; and was much stronger than the average adept was. While adepts we were both the same rank, but he was the strongest of all the adepts in our squad and as such was in charge in the absence of an officer.

As we left through the western gate with the other squad that was also heading out to the I gazed out at the mountain range. The early morning mists still clung to the mountain tops, illuminated by the still rising sun. As much as I hated getting up early to head out to man the outpost, this sight made it worth it.

The air was crisp with the chill of the night. I loved that chill when you breathed the crisp morning air into your lungs. One of the perks of living on the farm is that I get that pleasure every morning unlike the dragons that sleep within the caves.

The walk was made by the two squads in relative silence, with a smattering of idle chatter amongst the group. At about midday we reached the fork in the road where the other squad would split off and head towards the Western outpost while we continued on to the Northern one.

As we said our farewells all of our attentions were caught by the sound of running. Reflexively we all readied our weapons but relaxed when we saw a group of Zangarians running towards us. I recognised many of them, but most importantly I immediately recognised Warlord Stern and Warlord Xavier leading the group of dragons as they ran, and continued to run without slowing, past us.

All of them looked exhausted.

All of us just stood and stared as we watched them disappear into the distance; making haste towards Zangar.

"What was that about?" Someone asked.

"No idea." I heard Ai'hiko respond. "But it's none of our business."

"How can you say that?!" Someone else asked. "They're exhausted and have been through the wringer! How strange is it that two separate hunting parties are running back towards Zangar together?!"

"It's none of our business because neither of the warlords leading those squads stopped to tell us anything." He responded with a cold emotionless tone. "If it concerned us they would have told us something and since they haven't we should return to our own duties."

His response stopped anymore questions. He was right. It didn't matter why they were running towards Zangar, they could simply be having a race for all we know! We had to go and relieve the drakes currently manning the outposts.

With a few grumbled complaints from a select few individuals our two squads parted ways and continued the last leg of the journey to our respective outposts.