The Red Razor

Story by Spear on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon - Snippets of Lives

A... sort of spinoff thing from an RP I did. The Red Razor, a hero of comic books. Rite, a scizor who resembles the hero. Rai, a child who looks up to said hero. Put them all together, and...

Sies lay in her a bed, coughing loud and hard enough for people to even hear it from the outside. Everyone crowded around, and Verne, a Lopunny, asked for the help of one other to go in and do what they could for her. While a few tried to comfort Rai, it didn't help. He'd nod, say, "I need her, so she's not allowed to die, duh!," but it wasn't really how he felt. For the first time, he realized he never had a friend other than Sies, at least not one he spent so much time with and who risked their life so many times to protect him when they didn't have to.

Now she was sick. The Jolteon didn't understand everything, but he knew what death was. He sat there in front of her medical tent, never moving until the sun sat and everyone else was asleep, and he ran away, far out into the empty fields and forests that lay beyond the camp. It didn't matter to him if anyone still awake saw him, if he was crying as he left and someone heard him, or anything else. Rai needed to get away.

Even when his muscles ached and his legs felt like they'd fall off, even when he could smell the blood seeping from his paws from the relentless running, and even when his lungs felt like exploding, Rai never stopped running. Dying from exhaustion didn't matter to him, being a Legendary didn't matter, nothing did, except for getting back to Elweth.


Outside in the forests of Elweth, a knock on a nearby treecaused the poisonous Pokemon to look behind himself.

The dark night hid the Jolteon's body for the most part, but the outline of his frame and the occasional electric spark made it clear as to what species he was. There was only one Jolteon from these parts, too.

"Huh? Aren't you Tyron's kid? You're not supposed to be back," the guard asked, his voice still showing signs of sleep. Yawns, too.

No confirmation. "I'm looking for a Grimer named Dalon."

A smirk. "Well, I do know a Dalon, but he's not a Grimer." With a flex, the Muk pointed to himself. "He evolved, you see! How can he, er, I help you?"


A strong bolt of electricity erupted from the Jolteon, narrowly missing the poisonous blob as it dodged at the last second. "What the hell?!" Dalon asked, but he was only answered with another bolt to the face. Not taking any more of this shit, he threw a glob of poisonous sticky stuff at Rai, which landed squarely on his face.

The dog lost his footing and tried shaking it off, and seeing the opportunity, Dalon rushed forward, slamming Rai down and pinning him. The ooze of his body was covering the mutt completely, choking him from air and poisoning him badly.

"I bet I know what this is about," he mocked, laughing down at the dog as the prince's life was seeped away. "I assume something's up with Sies. Must be serious if you're this pissed, but I didn't think she'd tell you about me, or that you had enough brains to figure it out on your own or to even care if you did. No matter. I'll kill you now and no one will ever hear from you again. You will simply have died during your silly adventure."


Rite stood in the tent with Verne, helping with everything he could. Now that he had actual hands of a sort, he wasn't a danger to everyone in the immediate vicinity anymore, and he managed to pick up a couple crudely basic things just by watching Inez before. Each time the bunny guy asked him to hand over an item or to find something, he at least knew what it was that he was looking for and was able to help. It was more than most of the others, so he was allowed in the tent with Verne and the passed-out bird.

"She doesn't look well," Rite said. How plain, but he didn't know what else to say.

Verne nodded somberly. "I don't have the tools to help her, and frankly, I don't think anyone but humans would. Unless she gets some human medical attention, she's not going to make it."

"How'd this happen to her?" he asked, not taking his eyes off Sies. She looked peaceful and not in pain in her sleep, which was a nice change from the morning before.


After learning the truth, Rite slowly walked out of the tent, breathing deeply. He was tired, and looked up to the stars. Why can't he be a star, or a moon? They don't have to worry about being tired. Hey, wait a minute, where's Rai?


Rai could no longer feel anything. Even the poison coursing through his veins had no effect on his physical sensations. Everything began to blacken and slow down. His eyes stayed wide open, his tongue hanged out of his mouth as purple poisonous gunk filled his muzzle and seeped down his throat and nasal passage. 'Sies, I'm sorry... I... I love...'

A really painful foot had the audacity of kicking Dalon's face in, sending him flying back into a tree and splattering into it. It took a moment to reform and to stand back up, looking at what just did that.

A Scizor was kicking his foot a little and wiping it off on the grass, trying to clean it of the sticky nasty feeling that was stuck on it. "How gross," he said to himself, genuinely icked out and wishing he had a rag right now.

"Who the hell are you?! This is a private Elweth Guard matter!" Dalon yelled, pointing at the little knight-like helmet that was sitting on top of his head, totally not on his face, just balancing there. It had a painted on symbol of Elweth. It was probably the same helmet he had before he evolved, and hadn't had the time to replace it yet.

"I'm-...!" the bug began, and looked over his shoulder down to the yellow dog that laid behind him. Bruised, bloodied, and horribly poisoned, Rai looked up to the metal red Pokemon with sad puppy dog eyes. Never before had Rai shown any such serious emotion. The dog knew this wasn't a joke or game like anything before, and he didn't know how to deal with the emotions he was experiencing. Rai needed something for himself that he never could be despite his attempts: a real hero.

"I'm... The Red Razor!" Rite said with some artificial enthusiasm, striking a heroic-looking battle pose as he did, adding in a couple clamps of his claws while he was at it.

"Er, who?" Dalon asked, raising an imaginary eyebrow. "Why does that name sound so dumb?"

Without replying or waiting for an answer, Rite dashed forward, his arm raised up. It glew a little, and slammed a Metal Claw down into the Muk's face. Dalon yelled in pain, but his body tried to suck Rite in, probably an attempt to capture and dissolve him like he tried with Rai.

"Let go, you ugly son of a-..." Heroes can't say that. "You fiend!"

Dalon actually rolled his eyes at that. Then a big hunk of purple crap flung into Rite's face, essentially blinding him. It was the same trick that had gotten Rai before, too, and the Muk was attempting the same body slam.

A few bolts of electricity continually rained down into the poisonous villain over and over. "Don't fuck with my hero!" Rai yelled, distracting him long enough for Rite to wipe his face clean.

When his face was finally clean, Rai was charging up something serious. "This is for Sies, you bastard." Rite leaped forward, grabbing the yellow dog and moving him to disrupt the aim. An obnoxious Thunder shot from him, cutting a tree in half, piercing completely through a rock, and scorching the ground behind it.

"Rai..." the false comic book bug gasped. "That, that would have killed him! What are you thinking?! You can't kill him, you'll be banished from your home!"

Dalon was thankfully knocked out regardless at this point.

"I don't care!" Rai screamed. "You're The Red Razor, you always beat the bad guys. He's a bad guy! Sies is going to die because of him!" The dog kept trying to wiggle free from the Scizor's grasp, but he couldn't escape. He probably could if he made an attack, but he wouldn't.

"Stop!" Rite yelled, and it surprised Rai, working in making him stop. "I never killed anyone! Or, at least not when I didn't have to," Rite was taking sort of a guess there. He never read any comics, he just heard of them a little before. "Let's take him to the town and tell your father what happened. He'll take you seriously, you're his son. This doesn't have to end with any more death, okay? And Sies isn't dead yet. There's still time to save her."

Rai lowered his head, not answering at first. "...Is this really the best thing to do? What if I'd rather not be a hero if it means this?"

"Don't say that," the Scizor whispered, petting the dog softly. "Sies wouldn't want blood on your hands, even in her name. She's a nice bird. I didn't get to talk to her much before she passed out, but she kept asking if you were okay when me and Verne were helping her. She wouldn't want you banished from your home just to give her vengeance."

"...We're just going to put him in jail then?"

Rite nodded. "Yeah, pretty much," he confirmed. "It's the right thing to do."

Rai sighed, turned and began walking back home. Rite picked up the unconscious body, half-dragging it along with the two.

Justice would be served... the Rite way.

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