First Moon

Story by SilverWolf96 on SoFurry

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#1 of First Moon

Just a little something I wrote. Might turn it into a short series. It was fun you write and I hope you all enjoy reading. Comments are always welcome and thanks for viewing.

First Moon

Christophe walked through the Appalachian mountains of Georgia. He was alone and in a hurry. Tonight during the full moon could be his first transformation. Two nights ago he had met the wolf that bit him. The wolf called himself Adrian. The last time he saw him was nearly a month ago when he was viciously attacked by the ocean blue furred wolf. Christophe was sent on a mission two nights ago to find Adrian before his first transformation. He had been following Adrian's scent trail for the past two nights. The trail led to one of the rounded tops of the Appalachian Mountains. Christophe reached the mountain top at nightfall. Upon reaching the top, he saw Adrian waiting for him.

"I'm so glad I found you Adrian," Christophe gave the blue wolf a hug, "I'm not going to lie. I'm afraid. I'm very afraid. What is going to happen to me?" Christophe looked up to the nearly eight foot tall wolf. His golden eyes emotionless. He noticed Adrian had a necklace on that had a large piece of a silver glowing stone.

"You have a right to be afraid Christophe. What you are about to go through will be one of the most painful and violent experiences you will ever endure. I say that you can survive the transformation if you do not give up. Many do not survive the first transformation I'm afraid." Adrian said, "Come and sit under this tree with me."

Christophe sat with the wolf. He looked up to the tree and noticed it was a large elegant oak tree. The blue wolf was tall and strong. He scent was of confidence and strength. Christophe had hard time managing his new senses.

"I take it you had an uneventful journey to this mountain?" Adrian asked.

"Well, no, first I encountered another wolf pack. Next, I met a werebear who helped me out. After that, I ran into a group of hikers on a trail," Christophe said.

"Yes, that pack is the Chattahoochee pack. Their leader is a black wolf by the name of Watkun. I am surprised you escaped from the pack. They are one of the best packs in this clan." Adrian growled, "Sadly their motives are quite selfish."

"Escaped is quite an understatement. I would have never gotten away if I didn't fire an arrow that let out a smoke screen of sorts. That bought me enough time to run away."

"I am glad that you did get away. Now let me explain what is going to happen to you next. That last spasm you had lasted more than two minutes. I thought for sure you were going to go through your first transformation then. Somehow you held it back and regained control of yourself. I have never seen that happen before. The next spasm you have, I am sure you will be unable to control. You will turn into a wolf. I will be here to watch you. There is little else I can do," Adrian said.

"Well can't you give me something to ease the pain or something?" Christophe interrupted.

"There is no pain killer that can help you. Once you transform, you will be in one of two forms. The first form, called Primus Vultus, is the form you first saw me in when I first attacked you. This form looks like a normal wolf except it is much larger, stronger, and better than a normal wolf. The second form is the one that I am in now. An anthropomorphic form we call Anthrex Vultus. In this form you are strong and you are capable of bipedal or quadrupedal movement."

Christophe looked up past the limbs and leaves of the oak tree. Some clouds had rolled in and covered the full moons light. His body felt as a thousand feathers were resting on his skin, "Which form will my first transformation be? Does it matter?"

Adrian scratched between his ears, "I cannot say which form your first transformation will be in. I have no idea. I personally would like your first transformation to be into the Anthrex Vultus form. This form is better than the other."

"What makes the Anthrex Vultus form better than the Primus Vultus form?" Christophe asked.

"Well, Christophe, the Anthrex Vultus is better because you will be more efficient in what you will learn to do best."

"And what would that be?" Christophe asked, feeling as if he knew the answer.

"To kill." Adrian said baring his teeth in a smile, "To kill is what you will learn to do best. You must learn this in order to survive. You may kill during this very night. Not just for your survival but also for the survival of werewolves of the werewolf kinddom. Anthrex Vultus form is the best form for this. Not only will you be able to use the teeth and claws of the wolf, but you can also able to wield weapons with your paws and use your intellect. This form is the better form. This is the form you will be; I know it," Adrian howled.

"How do you know that will be the form I will be? Just a minute ago you said you had no idea which form my first transformation will be. Now all of a sudden you know? That does not make any sense!" Christophe yelled, "The most I've ever killed are bugs that get into the house every now and then. Now you're thinking that little ol' me will be capable of killing other wolves, werecats, vampires, and whatever else is out there!"

"Precisely! Does this anger you, Christophe? I suggest you calm yourself. Where you are right now is the last true human calm you will ever get." Adrian stood.

"You know what! I never asked for this! Why did you attack and bite me?" Christophe yelled in anger, "Now I will never be able to enjoy a normal life. Now I am going to live some crazy double life full of violence and death! Of all the people why me!?"

"Yes, it will be a double life. But it will not only be filled with what you say, but there are some great upsides to being a werewolf. You are just too angry to see them now." Adrian said in a calm insulting tone, "Tell me, Christophe, what are you angry at?"

"What do you mean what am I angry at! Are you stupid or something?" Christophe growled, "Isn't it obvious that I'm angry at you?"

"Hmm. Why are you angry at me?" Adrian said. Adrian looked up the clouds had parted. He backed from Christophe and from under the oak tree. He stepped back directly into the moons light. His blue fur glistened.

"Well then, Christophe, if you are mad at me are you just going to sit there and sulk or are you going to do something about it?" Adrian asked with a shrewd smile. As soon as I get him to walk in the moon's light, he's done. His first transformation will start. I got him all riled up. Adrian thought.

"You know what?" Christophe said standing. He walked from under the oak tree toward Adrian, "I know what you are doing. You are..."

Christophe did not get to finish the sentence. He had walked from under the oak tree into the moon's light. As soon as he did pain streak through his body. He fell down to his hands and knees. There was so much pain. Christophe started to yell. He looked to the sky and the full moon above him. Then he looked up at Adrian who was standing in front of him.

Christophe struggled to speak, "Well, I hope you're happy," he snarled.

Adrian knelt down to Christophe's ear. He placed a paw in the young humans smooth caramel skin, "You know, I am kind of happy," he whispered. "You have exposed yourself to fragments of the Moon Stone, which will make you all the more bloodthirsty wolf. Now all you need is this." Adrian took of the necklace that had the larger fragment of the Moon Stone. He had carried the mystical item for centuries. He placed it around Christophe's neck. Christophe was in too much pain to resist the gift, "By the way," Adrian said, "Once the transformation is done you will be in an uncontrollable rage, and may or may not remember the events of this night."

Christophe rolled onto his side screaming. He looked at his arms and hands. He saw, heard, and felt his bones breaking, growing, and reforming. Christophe violently rolled onto his back. His torso was now changing. There was sharp pain and burning throughout his body. Looking at his legs, he saw his skin and muscle darken and peel. It was replaced with fur and new muscle. Christophe was beginning to falter. He felt like he was dying. A sharp pain at the base of his spine arose. New bones, muscle, and fur for what would form his wolf tail began to protrude from his body at the base of his spine. A new crack with each part that formed.

Adrian simply watched as Christophe changed. Come on, Stone, work. Finish the process. Make him stronger and better than the others. Give him the strength to live. Give him the strength to survive. Adrian howled into the night sky.

Christophe held his head as it began to change. He felt dizzying pain like he was being hit with a sledge hammer. There was blood as his flesh began to morph and peel away. The process was nearly done. The bones in his head completely changed. He screamed and yelled in the excorticating agony. His head morphed to form a snout of a wolf. His human ears fell away and were replaced with fur. New wolf ears grew atop his head. His eyes burned as they changed to accept the new body. The shirt and overcoat Christophe had on ripped as his body changed. Only the pants around his waist stayed on. Christophe could no longer take the pain the life was draining from him. Christophe gazed at the Moon Stone fragment Adrian had given him. He stared it and went in a stance like state with the stone.

The Moon Stone started to pulse. It pulsed faster and faster grew brighter and brighter. It became a hot coal on Christophe and he yelled. The stone shot a bright beam of silver light into the sky. Christophe was engulfed by the light. Adrian could not see Christophe; he only heard the screams of the boy. The light could be seen for miles around. The beam of light ended, and a gale of wind blew out from where Christophe lay. The wind was forceful enough to blow Adrian off his feet. The tress closest to Christophe splintered and fell in the gale of wind. Dust filled the air. Adrian got up looking for Christophe.

What happened? Did Christophe survive that? Did I just send this kid to his death? Where is he? Adrian thought as he searched through the dust. He could not hear Christophe's breathing, nor could he smell him. Adrian stood alone in a swirl of dust. The ground beneath Adrian's feet shook. A gust of wind blew straight down from the sky. All the dust instantly settled.

Adrian looked around but Christophe was nowhere to be seen on the mountain top. There was a small crater in the spot Adrian last saw Christophe. Where is he? He couldn't have been vaporized by the stone. It can't do that. Can It? Adrian thought.