Chapter XVII: Final Solutions and Endings, Night Five

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#17 of Creators and Hunters

"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story."

-Frank Herbert

Night Five: Final Solutions and Endings, Part Five

"So then tell me about yourselves why do you three want a child?"

Zander, Benji and Koji all sat down on the same comfortable padded beds as they talked to the medical expert who they managed to get a last minute appointment with. And there he was the fifty year old medical expert, rolling over in his chair and checking boxes on his paper was Nikolai's father, Dr. Atones.

"Well we've all be together for a very long time and we're finally looking for some young one to spread our joy with." Benji said putting on a very happy smile façade. Koji nearly gave him a glance, but help himself back and knew that he would have to play along. If anything he wanted to just straight out pull the cat.

"Oh well, everyone has the right to be happy with a family. I don't know if some surrogates will be as accepting, but I'm sure we can find the perfect woman to plop a child into. And what species would you be interested in getting."

"A shark, we would like a shark." Benji said as he quickly took the role as the matriarch of the family, he was going to speak for them. Zander rolled his eyes and realized he was quickly turning into the third wheel in this relationship, he was kind of hoping Koji would go for that role not him.

"But really any kind of species would work, we are just so excited, so very excited to get a child." Koji said as he tried to take control of the conversation and see if he could get any information as he sat with his hands in his lap patiently waiting for the right time to spill the beans. "So Doc how long have you been working in this field?"

"Ah well I started here thirty six years ago, back when I was a wee boy just out of college, they needed all the employees they could get back then. So do trust me when I say that I've been working for a while." Dr. Atones said as he wheeled himself over to his computer desk and started to type on the keyboard. The screen loaded and he made what looked to be a grunt.

"Well we have a few surrogates that entered into their profile they would be willing to carry for a less then monogamous couple, but we've have to call then and check their profile, however if all of them say no we can do a little lie and claim you as the house guest." Dr. Atones said as he wheeled back over to bed and gave a look to Zander.

"Ah yes, I'm the house guest; who just happens to sleep with them in their bed more often than my own." Zander said as he quickly realized that he was becoming the third wheel in this group, he wasn't sure if he was feeling flattered that he was being such a threat or insulted.

"If that works for you, now we can't do much for a first visit but we can get "fertility" samples, if you know what I mean." Dr. Atones said as he walked over to the cabinet and pulled out three containers. And that was at the point where Benji decided that they had gone too far.

"Ok, nevermind, restart. We're here because thirty years ago we believe there was a rift in the universes outside your door and that some form of DNA was found, maybe cloned. Other information points to you being the man that found this DNA." Benji said as he metaphorically grabbed the bag of cats and shook them all over the floor making a massive mess, an adorable mess but a mess none the less.

"Well then, you're probably with some government program or mercenaries to find and destroy my creation, so either way I'm a bit forced into this corner, but none the less I will show you what I did." Dr. Atones said as he seemingly walked over to another cabinet and pressed a tiny button on the side wall. A side panel on the wall opened and the door opened.

"This is the industrial level of the building, where all the genetic action takes place. Consider this the evil lab." The Doctor said as he walked into the door and the three stood up and made way to follow him. Benji looked at Koji trying to see what he knew, but the shark could only give the other one a shrug.

"Well this is turning out better than expected, I didn't think that we get this much information this easily." Zander said as he walked into the darkness, lights turning on ahead of them barely as they walked under them. It was somewhat unsettling and just strange.

And then a whole set of lights in front of them lit up and they were in the Doctor's lab. There wasn't a massive test tube in the center, with a floating child or strange machines, only petri-dishes and standard equipment. It wasn't surrounded by rocks, it had standard white titles. There were microscopes and strange centrifuges and while it looked alien to the group, it still didn't look like it was the base for a supervillain in the making.

"Well this is my modest little lab." Dr. Atones said as he walked in and showed it off, he looked nervous. Maybe this was his first time showing it off or he was worried that other people would find out on what he did. Koji walked to the side and found pictures taped to the wall. They were all of Nikolai, first a tiny dragon barely able to spread his wings all the way up to the Outsider agent he was.

"I always knew where he was until months ago, his mother told me he disappeared. She said he may have gone on journey, maybe looking for his strange origins. While I could only hope that he would return to his house, parts of me wished I could view my magnum opus." Dr. Atones said as he put his hand against the wall and looked at the photo. His eyes were watering and Benji could tell this was a man who lost everything.

"Hey it's okay, we know where Nikolai is and we fully and hopefully intend to reunite you two. However, first we need to know how was Nikolai created, what did you have in order to make him." Benji said as he put his hand on the Doctor's back and hoped to cheer him up. Dr. Atones looked around and walked away from Benji.

"Ah yes, sure. Thirty two years ago there was a glowing outside of the building and being the night manager, I went out and checked what it was. There was a person being sucked into to some sort of glowing but he reached out and the rift closed on his finger." Dr. Atones said as he opened a cabinet above him and pulled out a container. It was filled with bubbling water and as he placed it down Dawn's finger floated in the tank.

"This was all that was left of him, when I found his strange DNA I knew that something, someone had given me this in order to change the planet. I kept it alive and believed I could make a viable child." The Doctor said as Benji and Koji walked forward towards the finger, suddenly it reacted, a spark of fire being released and boiling some of the water in the tank.

"Interesting, it reacted to us. I can assume that never happened with anyone else before." Koji asked as he looked at Dr. Atones for answers. The Doctor placed the finger back in the drawer above him, and shut it placing a lock over it.

"That happened to no one, even the woman who I showed the finger. She was Russian, she said she was working with KGB remnants but she wanted out; and she was desperate, maybe I took advantage of her state but when I mentioned the project she agreed as if trying to increase her chances." Dr. Atones said as he showed them a photo of the dragon mother.

"She returned and somehow she managed to get out. She must not have been important but she went and lived in Siberia, she sent me status updates and while I've been wanting to do another one, I figure you're going to stop me." The doctor said with a face of sadness but acceptance. Zander sighed as he realized someone's heart was going to break today.

"Does anyone know about the finger?" Zander asked as he walked over and joined the group.

"No, everyone I asked said no, so using a little device, I made them forget and we simply continued on. So only I and Nikolai's mother know about it, but what is important about it?" Dr. Atones asked.

"Well, it's from a Kagen, they're dimensional beings and they are powerful if a villain group was to find out, they might create their own superweapon, so we believe it will be safer with us." Koji said as he looked up at the cabinet. Doctor Atones reached up and unlocked the cabinet and that was when the building started to shake.

"Oh god it's the big one!" Dr. Atones said as he grabbed onto to the table and held on. Koji was knocked down over the room and Bright quickly grabbed onto the table. Zander revealed his energy beetle and put his hands up in the air. An orange shield formed above them and the floor started to collapse. Something was happening and it wasn't an Earthquake, as Benji was knocked back he saw glimpses of fire in the cracking floor above him.

"Guys, someone is attacking! Fire us, it's not an Earthquake!" Koji said as he was knocked against the wall and then the shaking stopped. Material collapsed on him, quickly he placed his hands up and absorbed the collapsing rubble. Koji took a breath and stood up.

"Stay down this is an attack; if you do not interfere with this attack then you will be spared. Outsiders, come out and face us!" Zander shaped his shield and leaned the material on top of it down to the corner of the room. Above them, three dragons floated above the burnt facility. Zander flew up into the air, propelling himself with energy as he went to combat the dragons.

Koji looked over, he would have run up through the stairwell but as it seemed he was trapped. He would need a source of energy or something to propel him up into the sky. And as the dust cleared he looked over for inspiration from Benji, and the shark wasn't moving.

Koji stood up and ran over, everything collapsed on him too quickly. He was dead, and kaput. And as Koji started to move the rubble realizing that the good doctor himself was next to Benji the whole time as well. He absorbed the rubble into his body and found himself looking at Doctor Atones, not crushed but stabbed.

The doctor had a massive steel beam going through his stomach. He tried to form words but even as he managed to say something it was quiet. Koji leaned in and heard his words. He figured the doctor wouldn't make it to the after party. He at least deserved to have his sons hear his words.

Zander flew around in the sky, tracking the dragons as they flew away from him at full force. He smiled knowing that they were afraid of him, putting his hands out he put his energybeetle into overdrive mode and entered Full Energy Mode. The dragons looked back at him as his energy armor surrounded him and they looked afraid, Zander could see it in their face, they were shaking in their pants.

Zander flapped his wings forward and put his hands forward. He grabbed the legs of one of the dragon and formed a parachute of energy behind him. The armored snow leopard and the dragon he was attached to were pulled back as the air facilitated their slow down. Zander floated in the air as he started to spin. He started to fire energy through his hand surely burning the ankle of the dragon warrior.

And then as he spun around he slowed down his thinking. Zander quickly found a route to let the dragon go on that would surely lead to a painful experience for that reptilian. And thus he let go, the dragon flew out and slammed into a stone slab, surely knocked out by the power of his motion. The two dragons turned back towards Zander and started their revenge.

Both of the dragons were engulfed in fire and they had that look of burning, Zander quickly dodged one and was knocked by the other. He needed to recover and quickly; thus the snow leopard moved. He grabbed the dragon and slammed him against one of the still standing concrete pillar.

Zander wasted no time and threw the dragon to the ground, surely incapacitating him. Letting his power and anger fuel him he took aim at the last dragon and what surely must have been the most powerful one of the group. Zander flew towards the dragon, following in his trails of fire in the sky.

Zander curved around the edge of the building and made his way towards the third dragon knowing that he could quickly catch up. Putting his hand forward, he tried to grab the dragon but he soon figured out the dragon was hiding something from him. The dragon flew ahead and turned on the concrete pole.

Zander laughed, feeling as challenged as when he faced Adriano in the city. Turning around a concrete slab in the building he flew in parallel with the dragon and tried to see if he could merge into the dragon. Putting his hand forward he fired a blast of energy. The energy flew in front of him, but the dragon had some skill.

Angling his wings, the last dragon warrior spun in a corkscrew. He flew around the supposedly intercepting blasts of energy and continued forward. Zander put himself into nearly full blast and flew just a little quicker than the dragon. And quickly as he saw an opportunity, he took it. He flew through a tiny collapsed point in the building and rammed himself into the dragon. Zander mentally screamed as he landed on the flaming dragon.

Both of them fell out the sky and landed against the hard, cold and unforgiving concrete of the ground. Zander managed to stand up first and saw the dragon warrior trying to stand up after the battle, Zander quickly ran forward and grabbed the dragon leg's before he could fully take off into the sky and get an advantage.

"Ha look I caught a dragon, now then you three have made a mistake. You might have gotten the surprise on us and managed to kill Benji which based on what I've seen everyone does but now you've really screwed yourself over, you have to deal with the most powerful of us." Zander said with a smile on his face, before the dragon could react, he pulled him back and the reptilian slammed into a slab of concrete.

The dragon managed to escape from his grip and stood up. The dragon knew that he might be able to take Zander if he used less tradition fighting tactics. The dragon's fists were engulfed in fire and the dragon smiled as he threw a punch. Zander dodged and gave the dragon a look wondering what he was thinking.

Zander let the energy flow to his fist and it was engulfed in its own intense orange light. He threw a fist forward and the dragon was knocked against the group. The dragon looked up and wondered who he was dealing with. Zander quickly transferred the energy to his foot and kicked the reptilian, making sure that he could stay down to hear his speech.

"Now then you really made a mistake, do know when your defeated dragon. Your two comrades have fallen and I have a feeling that you won't be making an escape either, unless I decide for the occasion. Now then Dawn sent you didn't he, just nod." Zander said he smiled, feeling the energy flow through his body. He felt power and was going to show who was master. The dragon looked afraid and nodded.

Looking into the dragon's eyes he suddenly saw the fear he created, it felt wrong it felt dirty. He still killed two dragons, and maybe he went too far because of that. And then with his hand forward and ready to throw a blast of energy, he decided to take mercy on the dragon.

"Go back to your master, travel through portal but through some way, you will tell your master, we have gone too far and that soon the final conformation will take place." Zander said as he lowered his hand and let the dragon fly away through the sky. The dragon was returning and seemingly was traveling back towards Las Vegas.

Koji climbed up, carrying Benji's body. He plopped him on the concrete floor of the building and they looked out. The building was destroyed. Koji had a look on his face and as Zander looked around for Doctor Atones. He suddenly realized what happened to the doctor.

"It's okay, he told me he was dying already. But he wants us to give a photo album to Nikolai, off all the pictures have. He also said that he was afraid, some people were talking to him about turning his children into weapons." Koji said as he waited for Benji to awaken again. He looked over to the shark who started to shake.

"And who would these people be?" Zander asked.


Bright screamed out in pain as his body glowed, his body changing and his hair burning off his head as it changed. Everyone backed up wary of the edges around them. Bright pulled his hands together and with one final blast of energy from his body the process seemed to be finished.

Dawn smiled as he put his finger up and seeming waving it around, closing the fire circle. He looked happy with what he had done, forcing Bright to die and regenerate as well as doing it in front of what looked to be some of his universal family and friends. A smile formed on his face.

"Now then friends and family, all of you shall be convicted in a Kagen court." Dawn said as he looked at Twilight who was really giving him the "angry but not angry enough to kill" look. He could only smile he was going to tear the world of these people apart and then he was going to stomp on it and make sure it stayed down.

"Oh good, well we thank you for a fair trial; as if one or two Kagens had ever given one of those." Bright said as he pulled up his now loose sleeves and everyone got a look at his new body. He looked young, renewed and ready to battle. His long messy hair had reset to a shaved look and he had the look of war on his face.

"Ah yes, well you know how it goes. I am judge, I am the jury and I am of course the executioner." Dawn said as he magically plopped on a set of black robes and a powered wig. Twilight could at least thank the games that Dawn played for extending the amount of time they would have to live and aversely the amount of time Koji would have to rescue them.

"Well then, let's look at the charges. Twelve counts of interrupting the Kagen Manifest Destiny, so now then what should my punishment for you clods?" Dawn said mostly humoring him, but for the rest of the group in the Kagen dimension it was all too serious. He laughed a bit and opened a flip book.

"Well, it says for family groups it would be best to sentence to life in prison, so life in prison." Dawn said as he formed the gavel in his hand and prepared to smack down their judgement. Twilight wondered if Dawn could be serious and gave Bright a look.

"Oh, god he's going to spare us all." Isen said as he looked around he couldn't find Blake anywhere, he had to be somewhere in the Kagen dimension and he couldn't die without seeing his lizard one last time. He was worried, he couldn't sense anything. He couldn't sense metal or any metal in people's blood; it was like the dimension was messing with him.

"I wouldn't be so certain about that Kagens play in games, and all we are dealing with is the most Kagen of them all." Eric said as he tried to formulate some sort of escape plan, maybe he could turn into a werecrocodile and try to exert some sort of battle with Dawn. If anyone could take down the Kagen god of fire and tepidness it would be him.

"And you're right I'm just joshing with you, you are all sentenced to be exacuted in front of the Kagen portal and really consider yourselves lucky that I don't trap you all, Twilight knows the feeling. And now we shall move on to temporary accommodations." Dawn said and with a snap of the fingers the group was suddenly behind bars. They all looked surprised and looking to their left was the group that was taken.

Nikolai, Elliot, Blake and Alex all stood before them in the other end of the cell. And the groups reunited, quickly Isen weaved his ways through the group and meadow ran through the group and towards each other. Alex smiled, it was always so nice to see a couple reunite. But then he looked over and saw Dawn who was smiling, and raising a finger.

"Shame you two are such a good couple, we won't want to delay your executions, now would we?" Dawn said seemingly as he formed a ball of fire-like energy in his hand. Alex quickly reacted in slow motion as he knew what he had to do. He was tired of seeing people broken up by death and maybe the ultimate price would be easy to pay, he never did really feel like he was a part of any group.

Putting his hand out, he tried to absorb the energy seeing if his life could be saved as well but it seemed different plans were going to had with him. The ball exploded in his face and he was knocked to the end of the cell, slamming against the back wall he wished that the Kagen God would only grant them mercy.

He felt his life start to extinguished but knew that while he might phase in and out, eventually everything would end for him. He kept his breathing slow and knew that he was going to die and whatever had happened the next life would be nice. He rolled over and appeared dead.

"You're a monster trying to kill them!" Twilight yelled as he knew that Dawn would pick them off slowly, the Kagen keeping them in suspense. Everyone looked at each other and then Dawn smiled, it was strange and they looked at each other wondering if they would be the next.

"Am I the monster or are you the monster, betraying your own race and standing with the enemy. It was horrid and a shock to the community to the Kagen, you betrayed us and while we the advanced life form, incapable to die and more powerful than other groups." Dawn said as he smiled and knew that the team going to die. He knew he needed to act quickly and teleported them again.

"Now then welcome to the Kagen Portal, that is the device that will kill the whole of world and you." Dawn said as he raised his fist, suddenly multiple chains and sprouted out of the ground. All of them were entrapped by the chains and they stood in front of the portal, helpless as Dawn stood before them.

Eliot, Nikolai, Isen, Blake, Twilight, Bright, Eric, and Rolando stood helpless chained and powerless against the might of the Kagen god. Twilight looked horrified as he saw the look on Dawn's face. Maybe one of a complete psychopath or a man pushed to the edge and one who needed to do something.

"Well then you have us trapped Dawn, this is what you wanted and now what are you going to do?" Twilight said with a look of defeat on his face. He closed his eyes and waited for death or regeneration to be imparted on his body. The shark stood still in his chains and waited for Dawn to do something.

"What are you not entertained? This the end, smile perk your chin up and feel like you at least did something, or would that be too hard for you. Well then we might as well get moving, Kagens scream for me tell me how badly you want you want to invade this planet!" Dawn yelled as he put his arms out and released fire into the air. The Kagens around them, arranged by species and divided into ten groups all seemed excited.

"Oh god they're all against us what have we gotten ourselves into?" Nikolai said as he placed out his rare wings and started to flap, trying to pull him chains out of the ground and see if he could escape from the chains. Dawn laughed as he walked forward and looked at the semi-Kagen dragon.

"Oh you poor things you think this is going to end soon but trust me we're going to keep on running until the end of time, so come on already have some excitement or something." Dawn said as he put his hand on Nikolai's shoulder and tried to hold him down. But Nikolai broke free and the chains extended with him into the sky.

"You are amazing aren't you and you know that don't you, so if you go with me then we will have fun and I will make you my second. You will advance this culture and be my ambassador of my people to the Earth, you will lead us in battle. Take my offer and you will be my son." Dawn said offering Nikolai, power, glory and surely fame along with that. But the dragon stuck, though pushing Dawn away and continuing his attempts to fly away. Seemingly showing bias, Dawn simply pulled down back to the ground and did nothing to punish him. Twilight then realized that Dawn did have a weakness, it was Nikolai.

"Now then who going to go first?" Dawn asked as he looked over the group and turning towards Rolando and smiled.


Benji walked forward as he formed his set of katanas, he pushed open the doors and said nothing as he sunk his swords into the two guards standing guard on the door. Benji smiled as the two guards sunk to the floor and crimson shined on his blades. He walked forward and followed through the blank hallway.

Koji and Zander followed, looking as the shark seemingly sliced and diced his ways through the last of Ruby's guards. Seemingly this was the last place they were held up, a tiny empty building that all the guards had been holed up in when their leader has died.

And yet they performed one last act of revenge against the Outsiders, they took their leader and Eric's boyfriend. Jackson, if you forgot. He walked forward and looked out as Benji ran forward, it was perhaps genocide against the gang but this had to done. Benji sighed looking forward, plunging his sword into the last of the gang, perhaps their current leader but he could sense on one else with evil intentions.

Looking forward he looked at Jackson, the black and white orca suspended in the tank. Benji smashed open the glass with his sword and put his hand out. Jackson woke up and the first sight he saw of the new world was the shark.

"Come with me if you want to live!" Benji cried out as the orca looked back and saw Koji. The orca smiling seemingly knowing that he was saved. Koji and Zander ran through the hallway, avoiding the dead bodies as they walked forward towards Jackson.

"Seriously, you could have said anything but you went with that catchphrase, what about looks like your sleep was shattered." Zander said as he talked to Benji and pulled him off to the side, knowing that Benji would probably want to talk to Jackson but he decided to let the orca not have a psychopath with the mind of a twelve year old.

"Well then looks like your back in the picture, so then would you like to come with us and meet your boyfriend." Koji said as he reached out his hand and allowed Jackson to step out of the glass cage that once enclosed him. He stepped out and seemed wobbly at first but then he took a breath and seemed to normalize.

"How long has it been?" Jackson asked as he gave his first five words. Jackson wobbled a bit more and Koji leaned him on his arms. Standing still Koji laughed as he nearly tripped, leaning against the wall and keeping him and the orca upright.

"It has been two months, we've been looking for you but things are changing and now universes have crossed over and we're going to change things. The Kagens have kidnapped, Eric and Twilight went after him, other people were taken but were going to get them back." Koji said as he walked forward and they walked towards the door. It was easy; they passed out the door and walked through.

"Well then, let's do this, let's get Eric back and we can do this, let's find a way to the Kagen." Jackson said as he leaned off Koji's shoulder and walked forward as he stood on his own. He walked forward walking towards the car.


"We don't have any black book pieces?" Jackson asked as he looked through all the drawers in the Outsider's base and tried to find something that he use. They needed a piece to travel to the dimension and he remembered what happened to the black book.

"No the rest of them are probably back in Seattle, they've probably spread over the air there is no way we could have any, Twilight and Dawn probably have their own shard but we have no access." Koji said as he searched through the drawer but knew that their travel was at an end but nothing was working.

And then suddenly they heard a splash outside the building. Benji looked at Zander and they walked outside the door, looking out it was Rolando. The Komodo dragon stood up, Zander smiled. His powers always worked. There must have been some sort of crack, his powers always worked.

"The nearest pond of water, something makes me think your stalking me." Zander said as he moved around the metal bars and put his hand out. Rolando laughed as he splashed his coat down and took the snow leopard's hand. He was pulled up and wondered how the hell he managed to get back to the city.

"Well then, it looks like my powers did search out the nearest puddle of water for you to form back in. It seems like they managed to put a hole through dimensions, and then this was nearest." Rolando said as he jumped over the metal bar and joined the group inside the building.

"Wait, he wasn't here before, is he one of the multiple Outsiders from a different dimension?" Jackson said as he walked away from the drawer and examined the Komodo Dragon. Koji turned around and looked at the Outsider. He walked forward and smiled.

"I think I might have a plan." Koji said as he raised his two hands and they glowed red. Rolando backed up and looked at Zander who nodded at him. Rolando stood still and wondered what the shark was thinking with his plan.

"And what would that plan me, does it involve my powers. Because this dying multiple times doesn't work, but if it gets us to the Kagen dimension well then we need to, because Dawn has gone more insane than your other shark here." Rolando said as he pointed at Koji.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean!"

"Shut it Koji, you might have energy from the Kagen cloud on his body, and when I absorbed energy from that well I was able to teleport between dimensions, so maybe with that I can from a rift again." Koji said as he raised his hand and Zander nodded smiling, glad that they were close to figuring out a way to reunited with their friends.

"You might just be right but be careful we're close to the end and something bad might happen; we don't know what is going to happen." Rolando said as he walked forward and Koji placed his hands on Rolando's shoulders. Rolando shook as his energy was absorbed and everything seemed to be going great.

Koji shook as he smiled; the same sharky grin. Zander nodded and smiled as Benji put his hands out and formed two guns in his hand. Koji shook and knew he was feeling the same energy he felt so long ago when his real journey was just starting. Back then when he moved back into his apartment and Eric as werecrocodile raged through the town.

"Now then, everyone wish me luck. I should have enough energy to power the rift, but no one wants to be left behind so jump through as soon as I do." Koji said as he put his hands up into the air. They glowed and he put out the energy he just absorbed, he pushed it out and activated it.

An orange rift formed in front of him, he was close all he had to do was push through. It was one thing to break through dimensions but to break through the Kagen Dimension lock would be more than enough to push through. He pushed through grabbing onto the orange barrier that was the lock.

He smiled and focused his energy on it, and it receded at his touch. He wondered did he in one dimension to put some sort of contingency on the Final Solution, something that allowed him through. He tried to look through but he could see nothing, beyond the orange glow. He tried to push trough but was knocked back.

"Well then, this is it. Who wants to go first?" Koji said as he put out his arm and allowed someone to go through. Everyone made an uncomfortable laugh as they looked forward but they didn't know what to do who would go first and what they would do.

"Well then someone has to go first; I might as well go first." Rolando said as he passed through getting back through the dimension he just died in. Jackson smiled and he passed through, saluting Koji as he passed through and disappeared into the orange glow. Koji took slow and careful breaths he looked out at his three new friends.

"I'll go next, see you on the other side." Zander said as he walked through and disappeared into the glow. Koji took a breath, he was afraid. He realized he was afraid of what would happen. Benji walked over smiling at him and put his hand on Koji's shoulder.

"Be afraid, we're going where only a few else went, beyond this is unknown territory but hey we are already here." Benji said as he disappeared into the void and Koji walked in disappearing too.


Benji looked forward, so this was the Kagen dimension. This was something close to where Bright came from. Between the swirling purple clouds and lack of more than stable group; he suddenly understood why the shark went crazy. He looked forward, the tiny rock path grew out into a large platform and into a cell.

"Hey look a prison!" Benji said as he put his guns away and figure that he might be able to free his friends without having to kill any Kagens. Running forward, he saw red crimson splashed against the wall and he heard groaning. That wasn't good, he stood still, did he want to see who was inside, that it might be one of his friends or would he stand outside, ignoring and waiting, certainly a cat in a closed poisoned box.

And then Benji heard a voice and he knew who it was, he walked forward knowing that he couldn't ignore this. Alex was laid out against the wall, his body bloody and burned as he stood out in pain. Benji closed his eyes and held back tears as he realized the Kagen had stuck again. Another one of his close friends and just like Martin he pulled Alex into the mess.

Benji stood back but as heard Alex seemingly beg for his attention he knew he couldn't ignore the crocodile. He signaled for everyone else to stand back, knowing that he was the one who cared most about Alex. Ripping the bars open he walked into the prison and looked forward at Alex.

He kneeled down and matched the crocodile in height. His entire body felt hot and it was burned, his scales peeling and his under skin showing. Benji couldn't stand to look at the sight but he knew he had to remain brave, brave for Martin, brave for Alex. The crocodile painfully made a smile seeing someone had come to comfort him in his death.

"Oh god, Benji it hurts. This hurts more than before, and I don't know how long I can remain like this. I'm going to pass on soon." Alex said as he closed his eyes, he tried to move his tail seeing if he could stand up and maybe escape his faith but as it seemed, the crocodile wasn't going to make it.

"Oh Alex, please don't say that. I'm sorry for dragging you in this, maybe I should just stay alone, maybe I should leave everyone out of my adventures. Everyone I stay around seems to die." Benji said as he tried to keep his tears in check but as Alex moved his paw and comforted Benji, he couldn't hold in his tears.

"Listen, it might seem bad now. And it will hurt, all death should hurt. That only means you're human, but the Kagens they did this and they need to be stopped, and Koji trust me when I say that the few months that we've traveled together were some of my best." Alex said as he closed his eyes. Benji didn't stand up, he waited for Alex to stop. Martin remained so brave in death and he was going to stay with Alex and make sure he wasn't in pain.

"Hey Alex, if you can still hear me say hi to Martin to me." Benji bowed his head and feeling Alex's breath, it ended. Benji stood up and then he knew that everything was over. He stood up and grabbed Alex's body. He carried him out of the cell and tried to look brave as he held the crocodile in his arms. He had no one to cry on, he had no one to let his tears. And it was then that Benji realized that he was truly alone. He walked towards Koji and Zander, and the two flocked to him as he approached the rift.

Benji let the tears fall down as he placed Alex through the portal and made sure that his body would eventually be returned to his home and that he would get the hero's death that he deserved. Benji didn't know how Alex had died, or why he died, but he knew that it was an injustice and that injustice had to be dealt with.

"Everyone, I'm sorry I dragged you all in to this. This was never my intention but know that I'm sorry for bringing you into this, today is not the day to morn but today is the day to fight, today is the day to solve this issue and today is the day we will end this." Benji said as he tried to convince himself that today would be the day that he got his revenge, that today he would get vengeance for Alex.

"Dawn what you've done is enough! Come out and face us instead of hiding like a coward." Jackson said yelling out like a thunderclap, as fire engulfed their body and gyrated around them. And then they were engulfed in a white light. Benji closed his eyes as he realized that he felt horrible, he never knew that he would feel bad.

And then he was standing on a white platform. Thousands of Kagens stood before him, all far more powerful than him and possibly waiting to tear him apart in what could be thousands of times. He stood still and looked at Dawn in front of him and saw the Kagen shark with his wings spread and ready to seemingly kill them all.

"Jackson!" Eric screamed out as he saw the orca standing in front of him. He pushed forward and tried to transform but all his energy was taken out of his hands through the handcuffs. Dawn smiled and knew that he had gotten them in a place where they were desperate, they were using the last of their tactics.

Benji stood right in front of Dawn, he could easily form his duel blades and plunge them in to the dragon's body. Yet he stood afraid, all the Kagens were looking at him and they could all attacking. He backed up, he was afraid. But he needed to do his mission, he formed his katanas. He tried to run forward but he cowered, he saw what happened to Alex and he realized that he cared for Isen, Elliot and Blake, even Koji, Zander and their friends.

Dawn turned towards him and raised his hands; chains attached themselves to his hand and pulled himself into the ground. He dropped his swords and realized all of them would die; all of them would be go to hell except for him. He would respawn back in hell for eternity and he could be tortured forever.

"So now then you've gone so far and you come so far but in the end it doesn't even matter, this is how it all ends and the Kagens will have won." Dawn said as he looked over and saw the group before him. Twilight and Koji, all of his enemies in front of him, and with a snap of his fingers he could end their lives.

"You are a monster, learn the Kagens place within the lock and deal with what you want, we don't want all of this to end." Koji said as he tried to escape from his chains but he was stuck in front of Dawn and couldn't move. He tried to keep himself in control.

Jackson jumped out of the way as the chains flew for him and he jumped again, using his powers to avoid the chains. Koji looked in amazement as he walked towards Eric. His body moved amazing quickly as he used his powers to avoid the chains rising up with him. He looked at Eric and jumped up into the air.

Pulling his two guns out, he pointed them at Eric and fired. He walked in front of the bullets and adjusted them, barely touching them as he tried to free his boyfriend and then the bullets hit the chain. They ripped the metal apart and freed Eric from his containments. Eric stood up and looked at Dawn.

Putting his hands together Eric's body started to twitch. Koji began to realize that something was happen. Jackson ran forward and pointed his guns towards Twilight and Koji. Eric grew up and his fur turned into green scales. Muscles bulged out of his body and his entire body grew up.

The handcuffs on his body popped off his wrist. Eric smiled as he ran forward and looked at Dawn. He head butted the Kagen God and knocked him up, up into the air. Dawn quickly put out his wings out and he adjusted himself in the air, he looked at the group and put his fingers forward. Who to kill next, maybe that would get them in order. Behind him he looked at the portal and in front of him the Kagen Parthenon.

"Keep yourselves at bay my Kagens, don't worry this situation is more than under my control; this is under my finger and slowly I will crush them in the place if they get out of hand." Dawn said as he stood up and looking at the thousands of Kagens that surrounded him, all cheering for him and all encouraging him.

Koji looked at Jackson freed him and he stood freed of the chains, he looked at Dawn flying up in the air and knew that he had to do something. He walked backwards and Dawn put out his hand, fire surrounded them and he stood at the will of Dawn. He took a breath and calmed down.

"Well then look at all of you running around, scampering on the ground trying to escape me but you still haven't learned your place have you, but still you try. Why do you do so, I don't understand, just give up you tiny idiots!" Dawn said as he let a layer of fire over the battlefield, no one was burned and it seemed mostly for show. Koji looked and he needed a plan, he needed to give the Kagens what they wanted.

"What do you want! After all of this, after all we've faced and after all we fought and all who we've lost, what are your fighting for, why are you not throwing away your shot at us, why have you not given up!" Koji said maybe he get a request, maybe there was a war they were fighting or maybe there was a resource on their planet, that the Kagens could have used, that they couldn't have.

Koji just wanted this war to end, he saw Molly die, he saw Benji die and he heard of Martin and so many others, innocent bystanders and citizens, all falling due to the Kagens. He took a breath and prepared himself to hear whatever Dawn wanted for the Kagens.

"Isn't it simple, we were once gods to the animals and the microbes of the Earth but now we are stuck in this dimension, we want freedom. We want to be the highest forms of life and we want no one to be in our way." Dawn said as he smiled and looked around. "The Energywalkers, and you the humans have all got in the way and we want no one to challenge our power."

Koji smiled as he wondered if there was something he could do, something he could do. Something that could change everything so that Kagens could feel their need for superiority accomplished. Benji looked back, if he made a ran for it, Dawn would surely go after them and leave the others alone, maybe, just maybe.

"Jackson, Eric; you two follow me!" Koji as he ran away from the Dawn, trying to dodge any fire that Dawn would surely send after them. He didn't want to be horrible burned and he ran forward at full speed as he traced a path, up the rock wall. Koji looked as Dawn tracked him and he ran forward at full speed, he needed to do this, he needed to end the war.

He found a rock wall and looked up it, Koji let Jackson and Eric follow him as he ran to the side of rock wall, running behind the portal and hoping that it's massive white body would obstruct Dawn enough that he couldn't a clear enough shot on them. He looked away and found himself on an inclined ramp.

"This plan seems stupid and unplanned but we'll go along with it, so then what is your plan?" Jackson asked, as Eric quickly detransformed and started to run with them up the ramp, keeping their back covered. He ran up the steps and looked at Dawn who stood in the center of the portal, his wings flapping and fire in his hands.

"Well then, I think that if we give the Kagens what they want they might be able to accept their situation, well then they might just finally come to peace, but I think that we can do this if we try enough." Koji said as he turned a corner and started up the second half of the rock wall. Koji looked at Dawn and his hands glowed he was observing the situation; he was seeing what they were doing but was prepared to kill him.

Koji reached the top of the hill and looked at the Kagen Parthenon and it was blocked off. Multiple panels were built up on the wall and Koji looked at it, Eric and Jackson turned back and stood face to face with Dawn. And suddenly he felt his back burn. He heard screaming and he realized what Dawn had done.

He didn't want to turn back, it was horrifying and he didn't want to see such horrifying images. They fell for him, for his plan and for him to do what he needed. He didn't turn towards Dawn, but he knew that his time was quickly running out. Angered he raised his fist and knocked his fist through the wooden panels, he walked through and saw the two bodies burning; their hands touching.

Koji took a breath, he felt angered but this would continue to happen if he didn't fix this situation. The Kagens wanted to break free and now it was time for their wish to be granted. He could only wish that he had the opportunity for revenge, but he took a breath and told himself that he wouldn't grant himself that pleasure.

The shark forgave the Kagens and turned back towards the Parthenon, multiple rows of seats all lined around one place and a statue of a Kagen with his hand rose. And in front of that it was still there, the Final Solution, the Kagen's original plan to destroy the energy walkers.

Koji remembered all the times that he traveled back in time and knew every time that he changed the final solution and maybe he could change everything. He could stop this all from changing, maybe he committed universal suicide or maybe he changed it so that the universes. And then he remembered this was this entire situation was his fault.

He made the universes with Benji and Zander; and if he had not traveled back in time and changed them; well them maybe they wouldn't have existed and thus they couldn't have come to his own universe and then all of this wouldn't happened. Maybe the universe would go on its own path and he didn't know what to do.

Koji ran up to the Final Solution, he looked at it and ran his hands along it, he walked to the back of it and knew that it was what it about. He looked at the plugs, it was set to the default setting what the Kagens thought would destroy all the Energywalkers and make them the high leaders of the Earth stood before them.

He needed a solution, this it was it. If he could connect the system into the Kagen energy system, using Benji's genetic powers and a universal energy wave produced by him. Not just dimension, but breaching the thinning walls of the universes and maybe then it would be able to do something.

"Please tell me what you are doing, just allow us to control the entire Earth and maybe we can find a place of you." Dawn said as he flied over the rock wall and entered the Kagen Parthenon. He landed and closed his wings. He stood in front of the machine, as Koji rerouted its wires and tried to make it so that his best plan would work.

"The Kagens and the Energywalkers have been fighting for millions of years in millions of different dimensions and in multiple universes and if my plan works, well then maybe you will just get what you wanted." Koji said as he pulled out two wires out and attached them to himself. Cracking his fingers he found all the energy he never released.

"Good on you, your finally taking a little confidence, but can you really deal with all the power we have. All the Kagens in this dimension, all the enemies you have built up and all the people you have lost." Dawn said as he smiled and raised his hands, releasing fire. Koji smiled and put out his arms as well.

Dawn put his hands forward and intended to strike Koji, quickly the shark put his hands forward and started to absorb energy. All the energy he needed would be provided by him, his friends and the Kagens in the dimension. He started to drain energy and the machine started.

Bright started to glow and all the other Kagens in the dimension except for Twilight started to glow. Koji smiled, everything was at its final point. He fell down and ducked under the fire, he started to laugh. And then the machine glowed, it was amazing.

The top of the machine started to twist and as before, it released a massive blue glowing energy wave. Koji laughed, if this was it, well it would truly be a final solution, a final solution not just for his universe and not just for Benji's and Zander's universes but for the entirety of the universes.

Koji smiled as he laid back, he felt Dawn's fire stop and the purple clouds of the universe were seemingly blow away and they were left alone. The wall traveled through all the dimensions. And then it passed through the wall of the universe, a massive wave of energy expanding out quicker than the speed of light as it passed through the walls of time and space itself.

If this was a legacy for him to have for himself to have well then he felt happy that he would do something that changed that the whole universe. He backed up and looked away as he thought of all the Kagen dimensions, all the Earth dimensions where surely the Kagens were attacking the Earth and then suddenly they started to glow.

Koji stood up and looked at Dawn, he was phasing in and out of existence, he wasn't killing all of the Kagens, after all this time he wasn't going to resort to genocide; instead he was changing the fundamental laws of the universe. If everything built up to this, well then this would be an amazing trick.

Running forward he looked out of the rock wall and saw all of the Kagens start to phase in and out, everyone except for Twilight. Maybe it would be unfair to keep Twilight but it was better to keep one normal and one good Kagen in the end. Koji took a breath and knew that everything would start in a few seconds.

Giving his respect to Eric and Jackson, at least they were together in death. He looked out of the Rockwall and realized that Bright too was glowing. The chains disappeared and everyone stood up looking at him for guidance on what was happening, he had to say that this was lead up to.

"Kagens today, I say to you no more. For thousands of years of peace between people and countries have been taken and threatened and destroyed because of you but today, this all ends. Right now in every single universe you can count a wave of energy is traveling and every single Kagen will be identified and then they shall be changed." Koji said as he spoke to the phasing Kagens, Twilight looked up to Koji and wondered why he wasn't changing.

"This Kagen here, he can travel through universes and you shall gain his ability; you will be gods not over one Earth but over a trillion Earths and I hope that when you arrive you will finally learn the responsibility that comes with that." Koji said to the Kagens as the wave's path across the universe had ended. Every Kagen had been found and now was the process's final step.

As before every single Kagen in the universe was glowing, except for Twilight, his Twilight, all the other Twilights, every Bright and every Dawn was glowing. Every Afternoon, Noon, Daybreak and other day related pun was glowing with an energy they had never felt before. Every single Kagen, except for his Twilight, was now the same as their universal counterparts.

And then they started to fly off, turning into pure energy each Kagen went off at a time hoping to fly through the universe and find their universal counterpart. Everyone looked into the sky as millions and millions of Kagens, from every universe were all flying through each dimension in order to find each other.

Every good Kagen, every bad Kagen of the same base name would be combined, into one hopefully neutral being. One Kagen with the combined power of thousands of universes, Koji couldn't think it would be much better for the Kagens.

And then he felt a hand on his back, Dawn was glowing but based on his face he didn't like where he was going. Koji turned back and extended his hand, Dawn looked down and a tear ran down his eye, at this same time at every universe the entirety of every Kagen empire was falling and a new one would rise in its place.

"Dawn, you did this to yourself and I hope that you and very bad Kagen can find it in your heart to forgive me, this had to be done, this had to be the final solution and this had to be done, good luck, I hope you find peace and your superiority complex solved." Koji said as he shook Dawn's hand and when they were threw, Dawn flew off with his Kagen Gods into the sky going off to be true gods of the universe.


"Well then guys, look like this is it." Back on the ground, Bright spoke to Isen, Blake and Elliot as his body, glowed he guessed he would be joining his brothers in this new Heaven or this new hell. He took a breath but then suddenly a line above him became red and suddenly landed.

Koji looked down from the rock wall and realized that Dawn was trying to escape from his bonds. Koji started to run down, and hoped that he could get there in time. This wasn't supposed to happen no one else was supposed to die.

"If I can't get my empire, I might as well kill one last one of you!" Dawn shouted as he put his hand forward and intended to blast someone. As his hand glowed, he pointed at Isen and Blake, his face shifting into a cruel smile as quickly his blast expanded. Elliot ran in front of it and hugged Dawn.

"No this will not happen; all of this all ends here and now here you will fall with my death!" Elliot yelled as she took the blast. She was knocked off Dawn and the Kagen Overload was pulled back into a blue beam. She yelled as her entire body was burned and she decided to lie back against the ground, it felt nice. She was dying; there was a massive hole of energy in her chest.

"NO!" Benji ran up to her and knelled by her side, not another person, not another life taken because of his presence. Koji ran over and looked at Elliot, she looked at peace as she started to bleed out. And then the dimension started to shake.

"The dimension is falling apart; this is the last that we'll met say good-bye. The universe will save us and sort us back to our original dimensions." Isen said as he started to lean against Blake, he decided if he was going out, he was going to go out with a bang. He grabbed his lizard and started to kiss him Benji looking over and smiling as he saw the two find love.

"Well look at that, one of them would owe me money. But here we are one last time, do that mind thingy for me." Elliot said as Benji placed his hands on her heard and with tears in his mind he teleported her into his mind. Even his mind seemed chaotic, splashes of color appearing over the normally dark background.

"Well look at this, I am your little impossible girl. When we were on top of the Hancock Building you asked me if I was sorry and I say, with all that's happened I am most definitely sorry, but don't let my legacy go just yet. Legacy is a garden that you plant but never really see, and I hope now that you can truly forgive me for Martin's death." Elliot said smiling as Benji walked over to her and smiled at her, she was always so smart.

"Oh I can't say no to that face, the face of a dying person." Benji said as he grabbed her forehead again and kissed it. "Elliot, you are one of the greatest and one of the bravest person I have ever met and the world will weep for you tonight."

"Well then it's time to go."

"I don't want to, I don't want another person to die, I'm so tired off all the death, I don't get what you people like about dropping dead without warning." Benji said as a tear ran down his cheek and he closed his eyes wiping them away from his face.

"Oh Benji, you act like you don't care but you are one of the most caring people I have met, you might have said you don't care in the beginning but I can say with the up most confidence you care about every life form and the thought of death makes you said, what do you think all these splotches of color are, that's Martin's legacy, and that is Alex's." Elliot said as she raised her hand and pointed to all the color that had appeared in Benji's mind. He tried to ignore it but he could see what she was talking about.

"Now, you will carry my legacy and you will do a wonderful job at doing so." Elliot said as she wiped the tears of Benji's eyes and he smiled at her. "Now then, you should care about death, everyone does in their own way and you are as mortal as everyone else is, don't forget that, now then time to die." Elliot said as Benji snapped his fingers and they appeared back out in the Kagen battle field.


Elliot closed her eyes and she stopped breathing, Benji held in his tears for her and stood up. The Kagen dimension was blowing away like tears in rain, Benji looked around and awaited for whatever came next to happen everyone looked afraid and everyone looked horrified wondering what would come next. And then he disappeared.


"Citizens of Las Vegas, the battle is over. This insurgency by the Gang once lead by criminal Nick Ruby is over, we are currently investigating where they got such supplies to run a fire bomb system through the sewers but fear no longer, no such mass scale attacks with happen any longer." Koji said to a crowd in front of him, he smiled at them and the people took his picture. He remembered to have perception filter on, the perception transmitting through every bit of printed ink, a bit of mind trick the government installed a bit of a psychic low wave.

He hoped that he could only do Jackson good as the new leader of the Las Vegas Outsiders, but the next few days, maybe the next month or so would be his test. Everyone one was counting on him, but already new teenagers with superpowers were being found and they were being adopted, maybe today a large scale Outsiders organization would begin.

Koji took his papers and quickly organized them before walking back stage. He made sure the curtain was closed and he was out of the way of any cameras before he started to walk up to Twilight and kissed the Kagen shark. Well not Kagen anymore.

"Benji, I think I might be as mortal as you, I feel a connect to you that I only felt to the Kagen regeneration center, so long as you live I live." Twilight said smiling as he pulled Koji into a kiss and the Energywalker and Kagen kissed ending what would be a million years of conflict.

Nikolai looked at them and laughed a bit, but still in the end he wanted to know who he was. The somewhat Kagen Dragon grabbed his phone and entered a number, it was someone who he hadn't seen in a while but he was ready to face.

"Mother I'm ready to talk, I'm sorry." Nikolai said as he smiled and knew that his mother still loved him.


Zander landed back at the Outsider's base, his energy beetle was giving him weird signals, it was kind of Kagen but he didn't know if it wanted to go or not. If wanted to he would let it go, he had his fair share of powers for now and maybe it would be time to take a break. He landed as Adriano was taping his pen, seemingly nervous and waiting for someone to open the door.

Zander laughed, and alerted Adriano to his presence; he walked up behind him human and gave his wavy haircut a spin. Adriano berated him and fixed his haircut, Zander placed his arms out around Adriano and the two hugged. Adriano pulled him close and then into a kiss as the two embraced.

Across the land piece reigned, the Dark Warriors would not rise and the RAF had been taken down. Zander stepped outside and looked into the sky, seeing blue streaks fly across the sky and somewhere up their or where ever Benji left, he knew that his father was looking down at him.

"Well then what now?" Adriano said as he walked outside and looked amazed at the Kagen souls traveling across the sky. He smiled and kissed Zander, the two passionately kissed as fire workers erupted behind them. And then pulling away in that moment for them everything was perfect for him, he looked into Adriano's eyes and knew that nothing would ever come between them.

"Adriano I love you."


"So what happens now?" Benji asked; his hands in his pocket as he walked down the streets of Boston. The Kagen God, Bright, a Kagen from a different universe walked next to him, now a god to the universe walked next to him and as it seemed that both of them had recovered from literally having multiple hells put on them. Benji held three bouquets of flowers in his hand and he intended on finally delivering them Martin and finally giving respect to Alex and Elliot.

"I'm not sure, maybe this continues or maybe we give up. Who knows what happens next, maybe we'll be forever frozen in time and never knows what happens next, all depends on what you want to do Benji?" The Kagen Shark said as he walked down the street; they arrived at an intersection. Koji looked both ways and continued across he was now ready to say goodbye and he was now ready to finally make his choice.

"The Kagen's are good, Dawn and everyone else are finally agreeing and there are no long term plans to invade Earth so that's good." Bright said as he walked down the street, seemingly in a new suit and with an ethereal glow around him. No one still took notice of their newest god.

"Well then looks like it's smooth sailing." Benji said putting his hand out and making the boat floating on the water. Bright laughed at him a bit and continued towards the grave yard, both of them walking down the street.

"Not really, they want us to wear these stupid pieces of armor, large solider pieces and red paint." Bright said as he laughed a bit and made a bit of a motion showing how big the shoulder pads were supposed to be. Benji laughed and they continued.

"Every single copy is good and I've been to so many Earths you wouldn't believe me but all is good, I can come to this universe as I need or please, but I am a real god now, so I do have many Earths to look over, but would like to come with me, we can travel the universes and it would be wonderful for you to come along with me." Bright said as he extended his hand and gave Benji the choice.

"No I have an job here, I'm going to be the head leader of the Outsiders and I need to make sure that the combination between us and BOO goes correctly, but maybe in a hundred years, well I'll see then." Benji said as he nodded to Bright who nodded back respecting his wishes and disappeared.


"Bright appeared now again and I've seen so much changed from now and then, even in the revolutionary era where in a hundred years they went from carriages to cars the difference that a hundred years made in the future was even more so greater. And yet all through the years, a young shark walked through the streets of Boston, sometimes happy and sometimes sad but I've learned a lot in a hundred years." Benji said to his assistant as he stood with his backpack packed, his assistant only nodded seemingly happy that he was finally free from his boss.

"I still visit Martin grave and make sure that its clean, and while Isen and Blake have long since pasted, I still carry their legacy and make sure their voices will be heard. Yet one day they will be story, there is no denying that fact, but it's just how it goes." Benji said, his assistant was writing down his words seemingly ready for the rift to open and Benji looked forward at the blank white tile wall.

"Yet one day I look forward to reliving Martin's story, living through the twists and turns but even today I can still see his effect, I can see him in the eyes of children and that is how it goes. Sometimes Bright still comes and I tell him that my time on Earth isn't over yet but he'll know when I'm ready." Benji said smiling as he backed up looking at his watch, making sure that it was still tuned to Bright's time.

"And today is my last day on Earth, maybe I'll have a party. I've handed in my resignation papers and they've been accepted, I've said goodbye to my friends that I've built up over the years and now it's time to go. I've seen hell on Earth but I've also seen heaven on Earth as well and now it's time to go." Benji said as he backed up and the rift opened in front of him, a white void forming glowing with energy.

"Bright says he'll arrive at a certain time and place and I wait from him with my friends, still my young sixteen year old self. And now I await, Martin, Elliot, Isen and Blake all standing by my side in my mind, my time on this Earth has ended and my new life has only just begun." Benji walked forward and grabbed onto the shark hand, smiling as he looked at Bright.

Chapter XVI: The Alliance Forms, Night Four

Night Four: The Alliance Forms, Part Four "Sir we're sorry but the Kagen God Twilight has successfully escaped from the Kagen Dimension only to be pulled back, even the Black Book cannot work at this point." Dawn's assistant said as she appeared in...

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Chapter XV: Consequences, Night Three

Night Three: Consequences, Part Three Zander and Adriano managed to escape from the press with a perception filter, and to celebrate their new found freedom from Cortex, they went to a little unknown noddle shop located in between an alley way. A bit...

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Chapter XIV: Truth, Night Two

Night Two: Truth, Part Two Benji smiled as he was locked in a room with his current arch nemesis, Koji the time traveling shark who created his universe. His mind palace was a place of complete peace and he could live thousands of years in his head...

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