Order of Pengu #2
#2 of Order of Pengu
Zzyzx and Aohd recruit for their R&D department. It also seems there might be an infestation...
Thanks to IB: Blackraven2 for proof reading and for use of his character Ajana.
Zzyzx and Aohd walked along the buildings of the local college campus. The phoenix had a small messenger bag with him.
"Did you bring everything we need?" Asked Zzyzx as they turned a corner.
"Yep. Got literature, business cards, nunchaku, a couple baggies of snacks and my flashlight."
"Do you really think we need that many snacks?" Asked Zzyzx as Aohd practiced twirling the nunchaku before putting them back into the bag.
"Hey, you never know when you'll get hungry. Here we are."
They entered a scientific research lab and approached the reception desk. Aohd spoke with the male dormouse who sat at the computer.
"Hi, we are here to see Ajana."
"Okay, do you have a last name?" Asked the mouse.
"No sir, I do not." Aohd replied with a grin
"Okay... Let me see if I can find her." Said the mouse with a confused look. The birds were lucky the doe they were looking for had a rather unique name as the mouse directed them to the chemistry lab she was working in. Zzyzx thanked the mouse as they left. They walked down the hall to a rather heavy looking steel door with rubber seals running along the door frame. Zzyzx pushed the door open.
"We are looking for Ajana! Is there an Ajana in the lab?!" Yelled Aohd. All of the lab workers looked up confused as Zzyzx shook his head. "I'm over here." Called out a young doe as she waved. The two birds walked over as the rest of the lab went back to work.
"Hello Ajana, I'm Zzyzx and this is Aohd. He is the one that got in contact with you... I assume."
The penguin looked at Aohd who was nodding at his statements. Ajana was taking down a note on a chemical reaction she was monitoring in a row of test tubes.
"Well, it was more along the lines of an online ad. There was no specifics beyond 'Wide opportunity in various fields of research.' Who do you represent exactly?"
Aohd handed the doe a business card. She looked it over before showing Zzyzx the Order of Pengu insignia with nothing else on the card. Zzyzx blinked before asking Aohd: "Same guy who gave you the deal on the banner?" to which Aohd nodded.
"Well this certainly leaves many things open for the imagination. But it still doesn't explain what your organization is about."
"Yeah, it's sort of a work in progress at the moment. If you are free though, Aohd and I can show you where you would be working with us and get an idea of our lab equipment."
"That sounds lovely. I just need a minute to dispose of my chemicals before we go." Said Ajana as she finished her notes.
"May I do something before we head out?" asked Aohd. Before anyone could say anything, he reached into the messenger bag and produced the flashlight and shined the light into Ajana's eyes. Typical of most deer, she froze as her pupils contracted.
"Hmm just as I thought, frozen in pla..."
Before Aohd could complete his sentence, Ajana screamed and kicked the phoenix across the room, into a chemical storage case. The sound of breaking glass drew the attention of the other lab workers. Zzyzx looked in Aohd's direction, unfazed. Ajana was breathing rapidly with an angry expression on her face. She started to calm down after a few seconds.
"I'm sorry about that. I never understood why deer freeze when they see bright lights. It makes no sense and for some reason I over react and get violent when people shine lights into my eyes like that."
Ajana and Zzyzx both look at Aohd as they hear the chemicals burst into flames. The lab workers rushed over with extinguishers and antacid powers to soak up the chemicals. Ajana winced as Aohd was now being sprayed down by water.
"I'm sorry about your friend. I didn't mean for that to happen."
"Don't be sorry, I'm not. I'm sure Aohd will be fine once they stop hosing him down."
"I'm sorry but I regret nothing!" called Aohd with a gurgle as the lab workers continued to wash the phoenix off.
** ** ** ** **
"Are you sure you are okay? You were smoldering for some time after we left." Ajana asked Aohd as they made their way down the stairs to the inner workings of the Order's base of operation.
"I'm ninety percent sure that was steam from the water when they washed me down. Besides, it's been about an hour and I'm fine. Not itchy, passed out, or potentially about to burst into flames." Replied Aohd.
"Yeah, the jury is still out on that one. Here we are." Said Zzyzx as he opened a door marked "Research and Development". Several penguins were moving about doing construction as they moved about wearing hard hats.
"You seem to be busy here." Said Ajana as she took in her surrounds. Aohd shook his head as they continued walking.
"It's just for show. For some reason they think we won't pay them if they don't act like they are working but we know they are really just moving things from one spot to the other, then back the next day. I've told them they don't need to but for some reason they insist on doing it. I think they just like wearing the hard hats." Said Aohd. Zzyzx pointed out various features of the R&D wing as they continued.
"Like any good R&D department we have reinforced walls and storage units in the event anything catastrophic were to happen. We have several wash stations for eyes and body, waste storage for regular and toxic, and medical kits for injury."
"What are these for?" Ajana asked as she pointed to a glass case with a double barrel shotgun and gasoline powered chainsaw. The two replied in unison, "Demonic and or mutation outbreak." "Demonic?" Asked the doe, more intrigued than shocked.
"Yep. Our current research team have determined high brass double odd buck shot dispatch the forces of the underworld and biological mutations with extreme prejudice. Of course, if the idea of using a double barrel is intimidating we also have pistol grip short barrels." Said Aohd as he loaded one.
"Okay, but why the chainsaw?" Asked Ajana, as she still seemed unfazed. Again the birds replied in unison, "really close encounters." The doe nodded as she said "Oh." She turned and noticed a door labeled "Daughter".
"What's behind there?"
The pair of fowl immediately blocked the door with their bodies upon hearing the question. They were in a panic as they pressed their backs against the metal door.
"We don't open this door, ever." said Zzyzx with an overt aura of fear. Even Aohd, with his usual upbeat attitude seemed distressed at what might be behind the door. The phoenix added, "If something ever happens and this door is opened, we'll let you know. For now, it's best to keep it shut."
"Fair enough." said Ajana as they continued. Eventually they made their way to a lab with viewing windows as several penguins were working. The tour stopped there as Zzyzx spoke.
"I won't beat around the bush Ajana. You are talented, show interest in both natural science and the occult, and you are the only person that answered our online ad. And you basically drop kicked Aohd into a wall. I don't know a single doe that has ever done that." Aohd held up up his wing, as if he was congratulating her and said, "Yeah you did." before Zzyzx continued.
"We would be most grateful if you would work for the Order of Pengu. You would basically run R&D and have access to all of our equipment and resources. You also will get a welcome package and.."
Before Zzyzx could finish they were startled by a monstrous starfish creature with tentacles as it pressed itself against the glass and hissed. The penguin lab workers ran out and sealed the door behind them. The creature pulled away from the glass revealing it had one giant eye in the center of its body before running off.
"Aohd, I thought you said that thing jumped through a portal and disappeared..."
"It did Zzyzx. Either it came back, or that's a different one."
Zzyzx looked annoyed as he sighed. He turned to Ajana and said. "Also, if you can somehow catch that thing, you can research it."
Ajana rubbed the underside of her chin as she looked into the lab, then her surroundings in general. After a moment, she said "When can I start?"