First Meeting

Story by SevenElevenMan on SoFurry

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Freddy is waiting for his fake-date Bonnie. When he finally shows up, he realises that despite him just dating Bonnie to vent his feeling to him, he can't keep his thoughts away from how perfect and beautiful Bonnie seems. Now, he knows that he wants a real relationship with him, and tells him the truth.

This was from a prompt that says, "** I'm fake dating you to have someone to vent to on family gatherings while also pissing off my conservative uncle that I never liked and wow... have your eyes always been this nice?"**

So... Yep. Have some good old Fronnie, one of my favorite ships. Just thought I'd throw this out, Freddy's uncle is conservative. Yep. I swear, this prompt reminded me of Arguing with a Trump Supporter, where your Uncle Martin is conservative and you end up having a liberal-to-conservative debate. Just saying, I'm not republican or democrat, or liberal or conservative. I just have different ideals for the world. Equal rights for everyone, fairness, you know the thing.

So, let's do this!

Freddy anxiously tapped his paw on the steering wheel of his car, glancing again and again at the message from his fake-date Bonnie, the one that read, I'll be there at three. He wondered if he'd somehow scared off his date, but he desperately needed him in these times.

He needed somebody who cared to listen to him rant about everything wrong with his life. He needed somebody to vent his feelings to, and maybe piss off his conservative uncle who never really liked him. That was fine, because he hated him as well.

He wished he knew what the person looked like. All he knew was that his fake-date's name was Bonnie, he was a male rabbit, and he had purple fur and red eyes. Freddy didn't know much about him, because that description was pretty small, but he just decided to wait a little longer.

After fifteen more minutes of waiting, he was wondering if he'd even show up. He hadn't mentioned he had a conservative uncle, who might just hate him a lot more since he'd came out gay, and he knew he definitely was not impressed.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice his uncle tapping on the window of his car, smirking. "Hey there," He sneered, as Freddy rolled down the window, rolling his blue eyes at him.

"Go away," Freddy said in a colorless voice. His uncle didn't leave. "So, you decided to show up to this family gathering or reunion, or whatever you call it," He went on. Freddy didn't reply.

"Who's Bonnie?" He smirked, before gasping, and chuckling. "You just wanted some attention didn't ya, my boy?" Freddy looked confused.

"So, you're straight. Ya could've told me!" Chuckling, his uncle strode away into the house. Freddy rolled up the window, wondering what the hell just happened.

After five more minutes, Bonnie finally showed up, but he was not a girl like his uncle suggested. He was a sleek, purple-furred rabbit with red eyes, and was wearing a red hoodie and had even put on a red bow-tie. Freddy, on the other hand, had tried to stay somewhat formal, wearing a white dress-shirt, with a black bow-tie on it, and a black three-piece. Somewhat formal.

"You're Bonnie?" Freddy asked, smirking slightly, "You don't look like a girl to me."

"It's short for Bonnible," The rabbit answered in a slightly flustered tone, "I'm sorry I was so late."

"My uncle's not gonna be happy," Freddy groaned, face-palming. The rabbit narrowed his eyes, a quizzical look crossing his face.

"He saw your name. Bonnie. He thought you were a girl," Freddy sighed, as comprehension settled onto Bonnie's face "So? He doesn't sound that bad of a guy."

"He's conservative, Bonnie. Con-serve-a-tive," The bear said, drawing out each syllable in the word, "Definition: a massive jerk who hates everybody."

The rabbit stifled a chuckle, which the bear still noticed, but the rabbit still kept a straight face. "So? Try not to go anywhere near him then."

Freddy nodded hesitantly, before thinking, Are we actually conversing? He's my fake-date_, for god's sake! I really don't know how we're talking like two great friends, when we've only chatted online for a few months. And we've already hit it off immediately?_

"Fred?" Bonnie asked, his paws in the pockets of his jacket. The brown bear snapped out of his thoughts, and stammered, "Y-yeah?"

"We should go inside now. Try to avoid your uncle if necessary," Bonnie replied. The bear nodded again, and followed the rabbit inside. Immediately being noticed by his uncle, Freddy mentally groaned. "Who's this?" His uncle asked, his expression changing from cheerful to annoyed in a split-second.

"It's just a friend. My date's late. Bonnie's late," Freddy added, immediately clearing up the argument. His uncle attempted to talk more, but Freddy shot him an annoyed look, and he shut up.

"So... A family reunion. I don't hear any intense swearing," Bonnie said, smirking when he added, "Yet."

"Please don't remind me of that song," Freddy replied, holding up one paw. Bonnie nodded agreeably. "I never want to hear it again. So, what's the point of me coming along with you? We're just... fake-dating, y'know?" Bonnie added on the last part after glancing around to see if his uncle was listening.

"I know... I'm just.." The bear trailed off, sighing. I'm really screwed, aren't I? He asked himself, hearing the voice in his head reply, Eh, maybe. Do what you want. I'm on vacation. Any questions, leave a message after the beep. Beep.

"What's up?" Bonnie asked, in a voice softer then before. _Oh god... His English accent is so perfect. Like every part of him- wait a sec... Am I falling for my fake-date? Oh my god, I think I am... He's got the soft, smooth accent, just like me. My voice is trademark deep, and his is softer then silk. _

"I..." Freddy uttered, before sitting down at a table and putting both his paws on his face, covering it. It was so true. He had fallen hopelessly in love. With somebody he'd never even met. Was this even a common occurrence?! Or was he just rushing in, or going absolutely crazy?

"Do you need something? A drink maybe?" Bonnie asked, sounding concerned. Freddy nodded. "Anything," The bear muttered. The rabbit slipped off to grab drinks, leaving the bear lost in thought. What should I do...? He asked the voice in his head again.

He didn't have a lot of time to think, because somebody tapped him on the shoulder. "Freddy, is that you?" A voice asked. He knew the voice. English accent, deep like his. "Yeah, that's Freddy!" Another English accent, soft like Bonnie's.

He looked up and met the light-blue eyes of a light-brown bear, wearing a black bow-tie and long-sleeved tan-brown shirt. Next to him was a blue rabbit with green eyes, and wearing a green hoodie, was somebody he recognized almost immediately.

"Red! What are you doing here?" Freddy asked, slightly distracted. Red chuckled slightly, and said, "We heard you were going to a family reunion, and your date was coming along."

"Who told you that?" Freddy asked, face-palming again. The rabbit beside Red chuckled. "Me."

"God dammit, Clyde. How did you know in the first place?"

"Me and Bonnie are close friends. Don't worry, it's platonic," Clyde laughed at the expression on Freddy's face. "You must've texted Bonnie about the reunion, because he told me about it, and convinced me and Red to go along."

"Since you're here..." Freddy muttered, "I need your advice on love."

"Ooh, who's the lucky guy?" Clyde chuckled, before getting a slight punch on the shoulder from Red. Glancing back at him with an unamused expression, Clyde turned back to Freddy. "Who is it?"

"Bonnie," Freddy admitted. "Damn. Lucky you. Bonnie's a good guy," Red replied, patting the bear on the shoulder. "You two should definitely get together."

"I'd love to!" Freddy practically shouted, "But we're fake-dating, that's the problem."

Clyde's eyes narrowed confusedly. "Why were you fake-dating in the first place?"

"I needed someone to vent my feelings to... I've been really depressed lately. So, me and Bonnie agreed to fake-date. But, when I saw him, heard him talk... I knew we immediately we were a match made in heaven," Freddy sighed, groaning.

"Look, the best thing to do is just to admit your feelings right now. There's a good chance that he feels the same way. Is he overly romantic towards you?" Clyde asked, sighing as the bear shook his head. "We've only been together in real life for five minutes."

"Well, there's still hope. Just give it a go, Fred, I'm sure it'll work it. You tell me what happens," The blue rabbit replied, his ears perking a little. "We have to go. But, just trust me, Freddy. You've got this one. Trust me."

Freddy smiled a little, and nodded. They both left him alone, and he was soon joined by Bonnie.

"I got us some coffee. Hopefully this helps," The purple leporid said, setting the two mugs down in front of him on the table.

"Thanks..." Freddy said gratefully, thinking, Now's the time to confess. Try to keep it as casual as possible. Careful tone, slight flattery. Just take it easy...

"Bonnie?" Freddy asked tentatively. "Yeah?" The rabbit replied, sipping his drink before turning to look at him.

"There's something I have to tell you," The brown bear said, keeping his tone steady. The rabbit nodded. "Go for it."

Freddy began. "I... I've been depressed for a while, and despite how cheesy it really sounds, you're the only person I could really vent my feelings to, and even though we're only fake-dating right now, I can't stop thinking about us... As a couple. And I really want to be in a relationship with you... I know you probably don't feel the same way, but I just need to get it off my chest."

Freddy waited for the shocked noises that Bonnie was surely going to make, but he heard nothing from him. The rabbit was silent. Then, he smirked softly. "I was wondering if you'd say that. I feel the same way."

"Wait, really?" The bear asked, slightly taken aback by how casual the rabbit still was.

"Of course! You're a really nice person, you've got a great personality, you're really cute, and I think we're a perfect match," Bonnie replied, causing Freddy to chuckle softly.

"Red and Clyde thought that too," Freddy said.

"Red and Clyde are here? Huh... I told them about the reunion, and I guess they came," Bonnie said, sipping his drink again.

"So... We're a couple now?" Freddy asked hesitantly. "If you want us to be, which I'm pretty sure you do," The rabbit answered. The bear nodded, blushing slightly. "I think we'd be defying fate if we didn't."

At this, the rabbit leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. Freddy was a little surprised, but quickly relaxed, and slipped his arm around the rabbit, enjoying him even more.

Right after they broke away, they quickly abandoned their drinks, going back to Freddy's car. Sitting down in the driver's seat, Freddy sent a quick message to Red. _Went perfectly. _

So, you're a couple now? Red wrote back.


Did you kiss? Red replied.

_Yeah we did. It was nice. _

"That'll shut him up for now..." Freddy chuckled, turning off his phone, and slipping on his seatbelt. He started up the car, and headed for home. Checking the time, he smiled when he realized it was only nine in the morning. Plenty of time he could spend with his rabbit.

"I love ya Fred..." Bonnie sighed happily from the passenger's seat.

"I love you too, Bonnie."

Wow, this was almost 2,000 words. Just a one-shot, yet so perfect. I still write Fronnie like a boss. Obviously, because it's my favorite ship next to Toy Fronnie and Toy Spronny (TB x Springtrap) Dedicated to RSM because he loves Fronnie so much. Who wouldn't?! It's cute as hell!