Shapeshifter City: Alex's Stay

Story by Crola_the_Snake on SoFurry

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Shapeshifter City: Alex's Stay

By Crola_the_Snake

Like I said before, I'll be talking about Alex's stay in the city. l am.


Hannah, my parents, and I stood by that place in airports where joyous reunions happen. Hannah was a blue dragoness, my mom and dad were a female snake and a female wolf, respectively, while I was a black dragoness. We were greeted by Alex, who was a male anthro lion.

"Hey, Alex," Mom said waving her hand. If you spent some time with someone, you will be able to recognize their aura. Auras are something that everyone has, and is different for each person. Auras take time before memorized by your body, usually a week. If someone you spent time with for a week shifted, you will be able to recognize them via their aura.

"Hey, Mrs Hunt," Alex said hugging Mom.

"Don't you mean me?" Dad asked. If you are in an all-female marriage, both parties are addressed as "Mrs".

"Of course I meant you, too." Alex hugged Dad as well. After releasing the hugs, Alex looked at me, recognizing my aura.

"Oh my God," he said, "Is that really you, Kyle?"

"Yep, it's me," I replied.

"Wow, you are one hot dame. Can we go out for dinner before I returned to my duties?"

"Sorry, she has me," Hannah said, hugging my arm.

"And... Who you might be?"

"Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself," Hannah released my arm and raised her hand for a handshake, "I'm Hannah, who Kyle here just dated last night."

"Oh, sorry," Alex looked at me, "Never realised you're that hot."

Hannah shook her hand, "Oh, no, Kyle just shifted earlier today. Also, you're free to borrow her on weekdays except Friday." Alex laughed.

"Oh, I still can't believe it's you, Kyle. What happened?"

"Well, Hannah happened," I said looking at her, "She made me want to be a dragoness." Hannah smiled.

Mom clapped her hands, "Now that we have talked, let's get going." Then we went out and headed to a pizza parlor. There, we talked about our lives.

"So, Kyle, anything new?" Alex asked.

"Oh, you know, same old, same old," I said, "Finished some game a few days ago."

"Cool. What game?"

"That latest shooter game where you can now fight as an avian. It's really cool." Shapeshifting is taken advantage of in the military. Most soldiers fight as either anthro or feral, but there are troops dedicated to fighting as avians. They have an advantage on urban areas.

"Wow, they never released a game with avians before," Alex looked at Mom and Dad, "So how are you two, Mrs and Mrs Hunt?"

"Actually, I have an announcement to make," Dad said. Then she looked at Mom and smiled. Mom smiled back.

Mom looked at us, "Your dad's pregnant."

I stood up, "Really?"

Dad nodded, "You know how your mom and I made up that excuse of making a baby? That's not an excuse. We really are going to make your sibling."

"I cannot believe this."

"I know," Mom said, "I mean, I've always wanted a second child, but I never thought it will be this early." I approached Dad and placed my hand on her abdomen. I could feel the life growing in it.

"Oh my God, I'm going to be a sister." Hannah placed her hand on my other one, which was on the table. I looked at her who was smiling. I smiled back.

Alex smiled, "I'm happy for you, Mrs Hunt."

Dad smiled, "Thanks, Alex." Later, Mom and Dad went to the hospital for checkups, while the three of us went home.

The three of us sat at the couch, me and Alex playing Smash while Hannah is browsing her phone.

"You two should definitely go out tonight," Hannah said, looking up from her phone.

"Are you sure?" Alex asked, "you're the one she's dating."

"It's okay, really," I replied, "We are not really that deep yet. I'm sure both of us are fine with this."

"That's true," Hannah said, "I'm fine with this. Like how Kyle will be fine if you dated me."

"Then I guess we'll continue playing Smash."

"No, I meant going out to a restaurant, watch some movie."

"Can't we just hang out here and play Smash like bros?"

"No, you have to--"

"If this is what Alex wants, so be it," I interrupted, "I'm fine with just playing right now." Hannah looked at me disappointed and went back to her phone. We remained silent for a while.

"Okay, let's go out for dinner," Alex said as he lost to me for the fifth time, "Before I destroy your Wii U." He looks irritated. Given how Alex was in the army for years now, I was afraid that he was going to actually destroy my Wii U.

"Agreed. Let's go out for dinner," I quickly said as I stood up. Then I remembered something.

I looked at the blue dragoness, "Hannah?"

"Yeah?" she responded without looking away from her phone.

"Remind me that we are going to shop for clothes tomorrow, okay?"

"We are? Sweet," she looked at me, "Okay, I'll remember that."

"Thanks," I looked at Alex who stood up and went through his luggage, "I still have male clothing, Alex. You can borrow some."

"Thanks," Alex said as he stood up and went upstairs. I looked at Hannah as the door to my room closed.

"Are you really okay with this?" I asked her.

"Of course I'm okay. Alex gets to spend only two weeks with us before he goes back to risking his life for the country," she looked at me, "Better spend that time wisely."

Hannah looked back at her phone, "Back when I was in the prestigious dragon school, I met one of the guards assigned in our school. He was a young guard, recently graduated from the academy. He was one of my few friends in that cold, scholarly world. Anyways, he got reassigned to fight abroad and returned home in a body bag.

"I was at the funeral with his family. The mother, blaming the dragons for what happened, threw her anger at me, saying that it was our fault for not letting their son take a vacation. Ever since he got assigned at the school, he never spent any time with his family. It was not our fault. The guard chose to stay at the academy and work. What I'm saying is, a soldier at the field could die anytime, with no warning. That's why Alex should spend his vacation on making good memories. He then will have more things to fight for."

I shrugged, "I got nothing to say. That was something, Hannah."

"Yeah, despite the fact that I spent my life as a student on a prestigious school, I had some good memories with my few friends," she smiled, "I miss them." I approached Hannah and hugged her. She hugged back.

"Damn, I thought I will be the one you will date for tonight." I looked behind me and Alex was wearing a shirt I bought a few months ago, although he kept his camouflage pants and combat boots.

I stood up, "Oh no, Hannah was just feeling a little down," I looked back at her, "Mom and Dad haven't returned yet. Will you be fine on your own?"

Hannah nodded, "I needed some time alone, anyway." I looked at her for a few seconds.

"Okay, then," I looked at Alex, "Shall we go now?"

Alex nodded, "Okay. Where do we eat?"

"A diner would do. Or maybe KFC."

"Sure. Anyways, " Alex looked at Hannah, "See you."

"See you," Hannah greeted back. Alex and I went out of the house and went to the nearest KFC.

"Let me go to the restroom," I said after we ate a bucket of Original Recipe.

"Take your time," Alex replied. Since everyone could have any genitalia of their choice, only one type of restroom exist, although shower rooms are still two in number. The restroom has a row of urinals at one side of the restroom. Near the door, a sandbox is available for ferals to pee and poop on. They have to bury it, though.

When I neared one of the urinals and positioned my hands near my genitalia, i only found flatness. Then I realized that I can't pee in a urinal. I'm a girl, I can't shoot my urine, it will just flow down. I groaned as I went to one of the stalls.

I sat down and peed, which was one of the most awkward things I felt for the first time as a girl. I felt the urine go down my... thing before trickling into the toilet. When I was done, I looked at the toilet roll. No toilet paper.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself as I stood up, my bottom wet after peeing. I haven't brought anything with me except my wallet, which was currently held by Alex.

I opened the door of my stall to see if there were other people in the restroom. There were none. I quickly ran to the roll of toilet paper by the sink and took three sheets. I never bothered to return to the stall and wiped my bottom on the spot. The restroom door opened and a feral goat came in.

He stood in place as he stared at a black dragoness wiping her bottom, which was me. I removed the sheets of toilet paper, threw them in the bin, and went out of the restroom without saying a word, the goat never said anything.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked as I returned to the table, "You're blushing."

"Shut up and don't say a word," I said as I covered my face in embarrassment. Later, we went to the theater and we're on a crossroads on what to choose to watch. Alex said we should watch some soldier action, but I insisted for a cop romance.

"Must be them female hormones," Alex remarked, "All right, you win. Cop romance it is, then." Then we watched it, me and other fangirls fangirling whenever the leading man, which was a fox, is on the scene. The theater was loud with screams whenever he was all romantic with his leading lady, who was a bunny cop.

"That was fun," I said as we exited the theater.

"Yeah, it was," Alex said, "Except for the fact that I never understood the story because a certain someone aas screaming a lot." Alex eyed at me.

"What? If you were a girl, you would totally fangirl for that fox."

"Wow, never thought that female hormones would change you this much."

"It's still me, Alex," I touched his face, "I would always be the bro you were buddies with in high school."

Alex looked away, "Well, times have changed, Kyle. You are dating someone else now. I will return abroad in two weeks. We will lose contact of each other again. It's... it's too much."

"Hold on, are you...? Oh."

"Let's not talk about this again. Let's go home." Alex called a taxi. We spent fifteen minutes inside the taxi without speaking to each other.

When we got home, Alex merely jumped on the couch and lied there. Hannah and my parents, whi are talking behind the bar counter by the kitchen, stared at him before looking at me.

"What's wrong with him?" Mom asked.

I sighed, "I think he has feelings for me."

"What made you think that?"

"He was ranting on how much I've changed, then he mentioned how it was too much for him that I'm dating somebody else and that he only gets to spend two weeks with us. Sure, we've been close to each other since sophomore year, but I never thought he wanted us to be that close."

"I think he wanted to get it to the next level when he saw you as a dragoness," Mom said. Despite the ability to switch genders, people still have gender preferences.

"Must be," I replied. I looked at the lion sleeping in the couch.

"I'm tired," I said, "I'm gonna go sleep." I went upstairs, into my room, and on my bed, and slept.

It was 9 when Hannah woke me up. She was on the bed with me.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I asked sitting up.

"I got nowhere to sleep," Hannah replied, "Your parents got their room, Alex is sleeping on the couch, and your bed is a twin bed."

"Dear Lord, you should have at least told me." I got off the bed and headed for the door.

Hannah sat up, "You went to bed early. Speaking of which, how do you plan on settling things with Alex?"

I stopped and looked at her, "I don't know," I continued walking, "We'll talk about it over breakfast."

The breakfast was silent and awkward. The pancakes tasted blander than they were supposed to be.

"I'll go to work," Mom said as she stood up.

"I'll go play Mario Maker," Dad said.

"I'll join you," Hannah said. Alex and I were left on the counter with awkward silence.

Alex stood up, "I'll go--"

"We will talk about last night," I interrupted, "And you are going nowhere." Slowly, Alex sat down.

"First of all, I changed too much?"

"I don't know," Alex said, "I do know that you are my best friend Kyle, IT expert and video game addict--"

"Woah, I'm not an expert, and certainly not an a..." Alex raised an eyebrow, "Continue."

He cleared his throat, "But seeing you like this, seeing you act girly... It scares me. I'm scared that you are no longer the Kyle that I knew."

"But you might not return for another six months. Of course by then, I'll definitely be not the me you used to know."

"But back then, you just stick to your generic male human. And now... I'm sorry, the changes overwhelmed me."

"It's okay," I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Anyone would've reacted that way." Alex smiled, "Do you have feelings for me?"

Alex removed my hand, "I don't know. Like I said, you're my bro. But seeing you as a female changed that. I started imagining... scenarios. Scenarios of you and I kissing, on bed. Hell, getting married. I don't know why this is happening. At the beginning of our dinner last night, I was excited that i'm doing this. But when we were in the theater, I got scared that I no longer know you, Kyle."

Alex sighed, "I don't know what is this, feeling, I have inside me. I starting to feel that I don't want to return to service, that I should just retire and stay with you. But I can't do that, can I? People have died to protect this country. As much as I don't want to be part of the death count, I can't be a coward and put everyone's death in vain. And you already have someone. How could I ruin that? I want you to be happy, Kyle. Even if it means being friends forever, I'll do it for you."

"Alex, I... You... We don't have to remain friends forever, you know? I won't be happy if I see you down while you're here. We could go out for dinner as bros. We could go watch movies as bros. We could sleep side-by-side as bros," I places my hand on Alex's, "It doesn't matter that I'll be dating you instead of Hannah for two weeks. If you leave the country happy, I'm sure that Hannah will be fine about it." Alex smiled.

I stood up, "Anyways, come with us shopping. We need someone strong and buff and meaty..." I bent over and ran my hand over Alex's muscular left arm.

"Yeah, I know Hannah will be fine with us dating, but don't force it. I don't want to leave the country with my mind and soul scarred for life."

I laughed, "Just kidding. But yeah, come with us. You could also find clothes for our dates."

"Hmm, fine I'll come with you. I got money anyway." Alex smiled.

And we went to the mall and shopped for clothes. Because of the limitless imagination of people, custom clothing makers are a popular job demand. Since Hannah and I pass as standard anthro dragons, we can just buy pre-made dragon clothing.

Avian (basically anything with wings, dragons included) clothing is pretty much limited to clothing that covers the chest on the front, but covers only up to the midriff in the back to give space for wings. Unless you ordered extra loose clothing, you have to button and/or tie the upper clothing in the back, since wings are really large. The pants have an extra hole in the back for the tail. Tailholes in avian clothing have buttons because of their large tails. As for dragons, it's because of their spike tails.

Anyways, Hannah and I went shopping for clothes, Alex carrying our stuff.

"What do you think?" I asked Hannah as I came out of the dressing room wearing a black top and black pants.

"Hmm... The clothes we're buying are for daily need, so I don't care," Hannah said, "Do you think this green top would work for me?" She raised a green top.

"Of course, it would," I said, "At least if it fits. Either way, throw it to our cart."

"Can you please stop calling me cart and treat me like a person?" Alex asked, struggling to carry six baskets at once, "That's like, the 30th article of clothing you each chose. Can we head over the counter right now?"

"But I haven't bought winter clothing," I teasingly said.

"Winter's six fucking months away!"

I laughed, "Love you, Alex." He merely groaned.

We spent some quality time for those two weeks. Then the day arrived.

We were standing at the airport, ready to bid farewell.

"Mrs and Mrs Hunt," Alex started, "I'm happy to know that you're having a second child on the way. I hope they may have a happy life." Mom and Dad smiled at each other and looked at Dad's abdomen.

Alex looked at the blue dragoness, "Hannah, it was nice to meet you. I hope you make Kyle happy and that you will love her." Hannah smiled and nodded.

Alex then turned to me, "Kyle... Come here," I hugged him, then he placed both of his hands on my shoulders, "You are my best friend and someone dear to me. Your life is about to change. You are going to be a sister, as well as a lover. I hope that you will be happy and I want you to remember me while you are happy. Take care of Hannah and your sibling, okay?"

"Okay," I replied. We waved goodbye as Alex returned to his services abroad. We never saw each other for six years.


Six years later...


"Wow, you're coming home? That's great!" I said to Alex over the phone.

"Yeah, I got a 3-month vacation," Alex replied, "Sorry I missed your wedding."

"It's okay, you're just in time for Tony's first day to school."

"Your brother Tony, huh? I can't believe he's starting grade school now."

"Yeah, time flies really fast."

"Kyle?" A voice called from the kitchen.

"Hold on a sec," I covered the mic of my phone, "Yes, dearie?" A blue dragoness looked at my direction.

"Is that Alex on the phone?" Hannah asked.


"Dad, can you help out over here?" An anthro snake approached.

"Sure, Hannah," she replied. Mom had Hannah call her Dad. Said that it would help Tony know who is his dad and who is his mom.

"Thanks," Hannah said as she left the kitchen. As I handed the phone to her, a six-year-old white anthro wolf came running inside the house bawling and hugged me in the legs.

"What's wrong, Tony?" I asked.

"The other kids called me a sissie because Mom and Dad and you and Hannah are girls!" Little Tony continued to cry. I ran my hand over his furry head.

"Shush. It's okay, Tony. In fact, I could teach you how to be an actual girl."

The wolf looked up to me with blue, watery eyes, "Really?"

I nodded, "Really. Do you want to be a female like Mom?" The little wolf nodded, "Good. Guess what? Uncle Alex's coming home."

"Uncle Alex? The hero?"

"Yep. And I want you to surprise him by showing him that you can shift."

Tony smiled, "Okay!"

"Now go join your mom at the living room, okay?"

"Okay!" Tony ran to the living room to join a female anthro wolf in the living room who was playing at the console.

"Ah, Tony," I looked at the female wolf, "Mom, you're going to be fine with Tony shifting this young, right?" Like Hannah, I was forced to call Dad "Mom" and vice versa.

Dad looked, "Yeah, it will be fine," she looked at Tony grinning, "Because little Tony here is wild. Wild and naughty," Dad started tickling Tony, "Wild and naughty and fluffy, always kicking Mom while he was inside her." Tony thrashed wildly as Dad tickled him.

Tony laughed, "Mom stop it!"

"Nuh uh. And you know why? Because you are one cute naughty puff ball." I smiled as I stared at the two. Time did flew fast. It seems like yesterday when I first held Tony for the first time. And now he's about to start school.


Yeah, I lied when I told you I will only be telling about Alex's stay. Anyways, this is the end of my story as Kyle, the black dragoness. Hannah and I got married. Tony was about to start school. Alex will come and stay with us for three months. It's a good time to have a conclusion.

In the last six years, there were challenges, but Mom, Dad, Hannah, and I got through them. Everything paid off well.