A Nightmare: Chapter 4
#4 of A Nightmare
A Furry's Nightmare: Chapter 4
The creature gazed up into Folvos's eyes expectantly. He smiles happily and cuddles the hand that was put around his back before wincing and looking at his leg. Although Folvos had seen many different types of legs in his life, this one in particular didn't look like the other. Slowly Folvos picked up the creature that winced when he put too much pressure on his leg. The realization slowly came to Folvos that his leg must be hurt in some way and an almost motherly instinct came over him. He had to protect and look after this little creature. "Hello... What's your name?" Folvos asks the small blue creature who is looking up at him happily. "Chirp!" Comes its reply and Folvos looks up slightly thinking... "Hmm, I guess we can't call you 'Chirp'..." Folvos looks back down at the blue creature. "How about Aqua? Yeah, that sounds nice." Folvos states happily as he looks over the newly named creature, Aqua. "Chirp" replies Aqua giving a happy expression to Folvos before rolling over in his arms to reveal a small pair of wings on his back. This caused Folvos to blink for a few seconds in surprise. Until that point he hadn't truly looked over the creature which had two small furred wings that were clearly too small to be able to let it fly. It had more animalistic looking legs. It had a shorter, rounded muzzle, colored black with a half ring of cream colored fur around the end of his muzzle. He also had some small horn looking things on his head which were all colored, except one black one, a bright green against his blue fur. His ears were also the same, darker shade of blue with the exception being the black tips on his ears. He was a bit chubby and despite not wearing clothes did not appear to have a gender... or any sexual identification at all. The creature was furred indicating that it wasn't a bird of any kind that Folvos knew. Aqua, ignorant to the prying eyes, made himself comfortable while not moving his leg too much. Folvos knew he wanted to protect this little critter and promptly held him closer while also starting to walk in the general direction of Mina and Polybius's house. He didn't know how he was going to convince them to allow him to keep another Ninjin in the house but he knew that Aqua wouldn't be quiet forever. 'This will have to be dealt with later...' he thought as he gave up trying to figure the rest of his problems.
"Folvos, Dinner is ready!" Mina calls out from the kitchen to Folvos who had been in his room since before Mina got back. "I'll be down in a minute!" He replies and looks over the draw he had partially pulled out and turned into a temporary bed for Aqua. He pulled a spare top he had over Aqua and smiled softly at the now sleeping creature. He had been acting like an excited pup when Folvos had brought him in, almost like he had never been in a house before. It had taken an hour for Folvos to calm him down enough to convince him to sleep in the drawer that Folvos prepared for him. Folvos was worn out and hoped that his fur was in a decent shape as he walked through the house towards the kitchen table. As he grew closer to the kitchen he could start to smell spaghetti, a personal favorite that he could never seem to completely finish whenever he had it. "Something smells good!" Folvos exclaimed gleefully when he entered the kitchen. "Finally, we were about to start without you." Polybius grumbles quietly along with his stomach. "You guys didn't have to wait up for me. You know I'm not the overly formal type of guy." "Well we didn't want to be rude and leave our guest out." Mina smiles in her motherly sort of fashion. "Either way, I'm here now, Let's Eat!" Folvos exclaims happily as he picks up his knife and for with his friends. His first meal as a 'family' in ages. He smiled softly as a memory flowed into his mind as he idly ate his spaghetti. The memory consisted of his entire family, Mum included, sitting around at the table eating spaghetti much the same as this one in front of him now. His mind loved these memories, the happy Mum he had once known. Sadly though he couldn't seem to escape his sadness as the memory he was viewing changed... "YOU DID THIS TOO ME! YOU'RE THE REASON I'M DEAD!!!" His mind screeched her harsh words reminding him of them, the pain she had been in, the state of dread and misery she had appeared to be in. "Folvos... You ok?" Mina asks shaking him in to reality. He had apparently began shaking and dropped his fork onto the table. "Y-Yeah... I'm all good... Just had a bad dream last night that was all..." "Huh, Polybius has had a few bad dreams lately haven't you?" Mina questions Polybius before chuckling and adding; "Pretty soon I'll start having my own ones..." Polybius just nods when his nightmares are mentioned but continues eating.
Folvos yawns and pushes his spaghetti away feeling full. "That was great! Thank you so much both of you. It may have only been one day but it's been the best day I've had in ages!" "We didn't even do anything though?" Mina questions and looks at Folvos curiously. "Maybe, but I wasn't hit or told to 'Fuck off' at all." Folvos states deadly serious looking Mina in the eyes. His usually thankful and playful manor gone in a split second of thinking about his memories. "We would never do such stuff and also you're full? You barely touched your food?" Polybius pointed out Folvos's still half full dish of his dinner. "Yeah, I'm full, Spaghetti always fills me up. Actually I may go to bed soon, the walk from before tired me out as nice as it was." Folvos manages to lie convincingly enough. "Are you sure you don't want some ice-cream or something?" Mina asks starting to stand up and going to grab her dish. "Yeah, I'm fine, and I'll take the dishes into the kitchen if you like Mina." Folvos offers and also starts to stand up while picking up his dish. "No, No, its fine." She tries to protest but Folvos Continues anyway and picks up their dishes and moves them into the kitchen before placing them into the sink. "Fine, I'm washing them though." "No, I'll do it, its fine." Folvos says before Mina can reject Folvos turns on the tap and Mina rushes in. "I am doing the dishes, you should go to bed if you're tired." Polybius just chuckles from the kitchen table and Mina turns to him, "That includes you considering your nightmares." "Ok Mum, I'll go to bed." Folvos jokingly says as he walks off towards his bed, "Night you two, don't stay up too late." Folvos says with a smirk causing Polybius to start having a coughing in a fit. Folvos quickly dashes the rest of the way to his bedroom before shutting on the door. Folvos smiles as he turns on the light and walks over to Aqua who had thrown off the top he was using as a blanket and had managed to get a sock over his nose. "Naww" Folvos quietly looked over his little companion and pulled his top back up over him. "Good night Aqua..." Folvos changed into his sleeping gear and half combed his pale orange fur before lying down and quickly falling asleep.