A Life in High School, Ch. 6

Story by MLGDraconCraft on SoFurry

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#2 of A Life in High School

A story.

IDK feeling weird right now.

Hey guys, MLGDraconCraft back, and this will have to be short cause for some reason I'm in a hurry so yeah. Welcome to Ch. 6!

Roll the film.

P.O.V. Reese

I watched as Rend preformed his last song and applauded with everyone else. If nothing else, I had been worried about him preforming last, with the possibility of the person who attacked him hanging around in disguise as well. However, all of his friends and teammates--from football and swimming--had been interviewed, and none of them had turned out to be the protagonist--on the contrary, they had all been more than concerned about Rend's health.

That was when the lights went out. Jesus, please no. I ran up to where the stage was and just jumped up--likely a bad decision because of my weight--and fumbled around for a few seconds until I found the mic.

When I found it, I shouted into it: "Everyone calm down!" The pandemonium quieted a little. "Calm down?" Everyone shut up. "Better." And then, completely calm, I said, "Connely? I think he might be here."

P.O.V. Rend

"Arrrgh, Red, you idiot!" I growled. "You had to do the most stupid thing possible at the worst possible time!"

My lithe muscles bunched and coiled beneath my flowing fur, the wind running across it with a relaxing breeze. But those did nothing to calm me now, aggravated as I was. The exhilarating feeling of running did nothing to drain the anger pumping through my veins.

P.O.V. Red

Tears streamed from my face as I ran out of the grassy clearing and into the forest. Rend just had to make me feel terrible, I thought. Of course, he was entitled to a little bit of a grudge; I had broken up with him a few weeks before. The emotion displayed in his singing, however, was a little bit over the edge for me.

I held up as I stumbled into another clearing now, smaller than the one that hosted the Halloween Festival, but still of a moderate sizing.

A rustle in the bushes downwind of me. That was all it took to spark an evasive maneuver. Let me explain: a rustle anywhere usually means that there's a person there. Downwind means they don't want to be scented, which means hunting. I leapt back, twisting my body as a blur of fur rushed past me.

"Pretty quick," my attacker panted, "for a killer in the dark."

"What do you mean?" I asked bluntly.

"You know exactly what I mean." The fur snarled and lunged at me again.

I grunted as I jerked out of the way. "No, I honestly don't, you sonuffabitch. What do you mean?"

"_You_were the one who attacked Rend last month!"

"What? No!" I said as I dodged another attack. I realized my attacker was Trevor.

Trevor skidded to a stop. "You think. I am daft enough. To believe your lies!?" He lunged at me again.

I pulled my arm back and slapped him with colossal force. "No. I did not."

He struggled to stand and pulled a sword out of a hidden sheath on his hip. "You did, and I won't stop until you're dead."

The grim gravity of the situation descended upon me then. Trevor was actually serious: he was trying to kill me. He tossed me a sword--thankfully he gave me a fair fight, not one to break the code of honor--then lunged at me. I parried. Sparks flew off of our swords. The edges were sharpened; one strike could kill either of us. I stepped on his sword, trapping it, and swung down with my own, aiming for the hilt. He jumped back at the last second, and my blade slammed into the ground. I grabbed the hilt and threw both of the swords into the brush behind us, tracking them with my ability until they fell into the underbrush far behind me.

"Now it's just good old hand-to-hand combat," I said, grinning malevolently. Trevor had roused my fighting spirit, and I wasn't going to give up until either he or I were unconscious or dead. However, I was not going to kill him; that went against my own morals.

"Good," he said. Then he once again lunged at me and attacked me. Unprepared, I had no defense as he tackled me to the ground and flipped me onto my stomach. His weight pressed down on me, restricted my breathing. "Ready to submit?" he said.

"Never," I replied, instantly regretting the decision. Air raced out of my lungs, and my vision began to flicker. I could not attempt to suck air in, for that would require him to get off of me, and I did not have the strength to push him up and let air in.

So, what I did instead of rolling over was I reached up and put my hands between us, but palms-up in a particular place: between my anus and his crotch. "What--" he began to ask, and then his breath huffed out as I squeezed. He began to roll to the left, and I mimicked his action. After a split second, I was able to slip out from under him, and I did so.

"You damned tease!" he snarled at me. "I can see why Rend hates you!"

I laughed. "You really think four weeks was enough time for him to be _that_comfortable around me? Also, do I have the stature of the man shown on the recording?"

He paused, his logical mind winning over his feral mind for a brief moment. "You're right--" He was interrupted by a blur. Suddenly, his head snapped to the side and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Terrified, I glanced around the clearing but couldn't see anything. I didn't want to be anywhere near anything that could do that, so I did the only logical thing.

I ran.

I don't know where to or how long I ran, but I did. Unfortunately, I ran into a cliff. I skidded to a stop and looked down. It was a long drop, to say the least.

"Thought you could run, eh?" A deep, suave voice emanated from behind me.

I spun around. "You!"

"Yes, me," Mace said as he stepped out of the shadows. "You thought you were so smart, figuring out that it wasn't any of the students. But then...who was the man who attempted the murder? If it wasn't anyone at the school...

"But it was someone at the school, someone who would never be expected to be the suspect. Me. But no one suspected me, did they? I was the one person they would not expect. And by killing you now, I erase all evidence that it was me."

"You'll never kill me," Red said.

"Really?" His eyebrows lifted. "Because I'd expect," he said, looking at his nails as he did that roll-the-quarter motion, "that you would be quite easy to beat." Then he lunged at me, racing towards me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the slash of claws.

It didn't come. I slowly opened my eyes, and there he was, face to face. (For whatever reason, the song Face To Face just popped into my head). "Be a shame to see you fall," he said, then grinned evilly. "Unfortunately, that will be the easiest way to kill you. And look at that," he added, "a sharp rock directly beneath. At least it won't be a...shall we say, a painful death."

And quite suddenly, he pushed me. And I don't mean 'baby tap'; I mean full-force shove. I gasped and screamed as the ground below got closer and closer. I had just enough time to think: I'm sorry, Rend. Then...

Everything went dark.

P.O.V. Rend


The short-cut cry echoed back to my sensitive ears several times. Horror took control of me as I recognized the source of the cry: Red.

"He's this way!" I cried to Connely, who was loping along behind me, along with the three paramedics who tended to me a few months ago, Jon, Alan and Ron.

I stopped at a small clearing, where, to my dismay, I found Trevor lying in the dirt. His eyes were closed and his entire body was limp. The terrified feral part of my mind said that he was dead; the lucid part of my mind said he could only be unconscious, because people will stiffen when they die, not go limp.

"It's Trevor!" I said to Jon, who had stopped by Trevor.

He nodded and waved us on. "Okay, okay! Go find Red!"

We continued to run through the trees, my acute sense of smell and hearing guiding us towards the scene. Suddenly, we arrived at a cliff. I--and I laugh now when I think of it--I was going so fast that I had no time to stop. The only thing that kept me from falling off was Ron's strong, sturdy hand latched on to my back--remember, I wasn't wearing a shirt.

Unfortunately, I happened to look down--beneath us was a mangled and twisted body that, despite all of the blood and dirt caked over it, I could recognize anywhere.

Well, gonna leave that one as a cliffhanger, as I don't have much more time to write! In an attempt to wrap this up quickly, I will be as concise as possible (Although I guess I've already wandered way off topic).

So, thank you guys for reading! Let's aim for twenty favorites! Can we make it happen?

Anyways, make sure to watch for more! See you guys next time!
