Chapter 2: On Vacation
#2 of Of Prey and Predator: A Zootopia Fanfiction
Chapter Two of my Zootopia Fanfic! Twinkle Twinkle Hoi, i think my chapters may be getting longer and complex! Anyways, continue to follow Nick to see if he can catch his prey! Enjoy! <3
Chief Bogo stood on the podium in the Zootopia Police Department meeting room; he had new assignments in his hoof. The guy was tough and very strong, I bet he could snap me like a twig if I ever confronted him, kinda made me feel sorry for the sucker who had to face his wrath while on duty. I don't recall ever seeing him in action but as the Chief of the ZPD, he probably has a ton of paper work to get done. Makes me wonder why he doesn't hire an assistant, I'm sure if he assigned Clawhauser to it and not just to reception duties, he'd keep his mouth shut about my feelings.
"And you, we received an emergency call in the Rainforest district about a feline scared to death by the rain; they got themselves stuck in a tree. We need you to get them out of there, ASAP!" He told one of the newest members of the ZPD, a Rottweiler, I don't know his name but they say he graduated second in his class. I got a negative vibe from him, but I usually do get it from those who are taller and stronger than me. He got up and nodded without saying a word and walked out of the room to perform his duties.
"And me, sir?" I asked, the meeting room was completely empty except for me and Chief Bogo who gave me a weird look. Not even Judy was here, but I guess she was just sick, though I felt bad for not giving her a call in the morning to see what's up. Bogo got down from the podium and collected some extra papers on the podium, it wasn't case files, just paperwork.
"After that Night-Howler case, I thought you and Judy deserved a break from work for a little while. I thought you received that notice." He told me as he walked into his office, he looked back at me and down at me, I got out of my chair and followed. "You earned it Nick, Judy too. Now get out of here before I assign you Meter maid duties."
Before I had a chance to say 'Thank you, sir,' he had shut the door and locked it. A bit of a jerk move but I understand, he's a hardened veteran of the force and he was giving me some time to rest, which is generous on its own. I decided to go down to my office cubicle and grab some items, a standard combat knife, some extra ammo I kept on the counter, and I turned off my computer. After that, I made my way to the lobby, calling Finnic to pick me up.
I stood at the ZPD lobby after Fennic agreed to pick me up, I leaned on the Reception desk with boredom talking its effect on me. I pulled out my phone again and scrolled through the contacts, I eventually scrolled past Judy, then stopped and scrolled back up to her. As I was about to tap the call icon on my phone, Clawhauser popped out from underneath the reception desk and sat on his chair.
"Ah, finally gotcha little rascal!" He exclaimed, referring to the doughnut he was probably looking for under the desk. I was a bit startled at the sudden appearance of giant mass of fluffiness. The doughnut was dirty and dust stuck to the glaze but Clawhauser didn't seem to care much, it took a special kind of love to eat something that's been on the floor for what seemed hours. He ate the entire glazed doughnut in one whole bite, which he then noticed me and smiled at me*
"Nick, OMG!" He exclaimed. "Totally didn't see you there! Hi, how have things been, you and Judy official yet?" He asked with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in his voice as he gave me a big large smile. I couldn't help it, as much as I found him annoying, he was just a nice guy trying to make friends and become accepted... It reminded me of myself for some reason. I gave him a smile back and leaned on the reception desk with confidence this time.
"I've been alright, just glad to have such great animals to work with." I smiled and then chuckled. "And no, Judy and I are still just friends." I couldn't help but give an awkward look to hint that I really didn't wanna talk about it, but I suppose he didn't get it and just gave his big warm smile.
"Don't give up the hunt, Nick! She'll be yours eventually; you just have to wait for the right moment to strike! You know, catch your prey." He gave me a sassier look as his voice became more attractive on that last part for some reason. It sent shivers down my spine to be honest.
"Thanks, Clawhauser." I said, not sure if he was trying to give me advice or reassure me that I would eventually 'Catch my prey,' I took it as both. Clawhauser then patted my back with his huge paws, I gave a grunted "Oof!" as I felt the mass of floof smack against my back, it was soft but sudden. I looked back at him for a moment and then back outside as I saw a red large van, it was my ride home. I waved at the van knowing it was Finnic and then dismissed myself from Clawhauser, "See ya, pal!"
Finnic rolled up in his old red van outside, I approached it from the side and then knocked on the door. I could hear the clicking of the doors unlocking as I then opened the door and jumped into the driver side passenger seat, simply known as 'Shotgun,' The scent of year old Cheetahs puffs invaded my nostrils. I sniffed it up and then relaxed in the car seat.
"Guessing you never cleaned out your car like you promised, huh?" I asked
"Psht, I don't tell you how to live your life, Nick." He scoffed. "Plus, you should be thankful I'm picking up a copper. Honestly, I never thought I'd ever see you in anything else but your Hawaiian shirt, makes me regret wishing you wore something different." He started up the car and pulled out of the parking spot and into the road where there was heavy traffic.
"Hey, be careful what you wish for." I chuckled.
"And now, I have to get a real job. It's a pain in my tail Nick, remember when we could make two hundred dollars in less than thirty minutes?" He reminded me. I began to remember the days of when I scammed people just to make a living, living off people's inconveniences and such.
"I'm not like that anymore, Finnic... I'm on the right path now, I'm helping the world become a better place, just like Judy..." My voice trailed off when I mentioned her, I slightly blushed and looked over at Finnic who was too focused on driving to look back at me.
"Oh yeah, the bunny rabbit, how's that working out for you? Tell me, Nick, is all of this worth trying to become mates with a bunny?" He had a large wide grin on his face as if he was about to burst into laughter. The sun began to lower as he pulled into the darker and ghetto like area of Savannah Central, I've been calling this place home for quite some time now.
"You honestly think that's what this is about? No! there's so much more to it, Finnic!" I exclaimed.
"Just messing with you, Nick, no need to go on an emotional rant." He chuckled quietly to himself as he kept driving, I knew he was just playing with me.
I sighed, and thought about Judy, just the thought of her made me feel warm and comfy inside. She was a bunny after all, the softest, smallest, and most adorable things to cuddle with, er at least I assumed. I thought about how I hadn't seen her all day and felt like talking to her, face to face that is.
"Hey, Finnic, on second thought, do you mind driving me to the apartment complex where Judy lives? Its just a few more blocks ahead." I asked
"Uh... Sure." Instead of stopping at the apartment complex where I lived, he instead continued forward and then stopped at a much smaller and much cheap looking apartment complex. I then opened the door and got out, closing it behind me once I was out. I gave Finnic five dollars as a 'thank you' for taking me here and then waved him off.
"Thanks pal!" I told him
"No problem, Nick, If you need a ride, I'm your fox." He then rolled up the window to his car and left, blending in with the rest of the traffic till I lost sight of him in the chaos of cars.
I then turned to see the apartment complex where Judy lived. It seemed like the cheapest place to stay around and that usually meant less than desirable living quarters. I opened the oak wooden doors to the complex and approached the reception desk. There, a female lamb awaited with a cruddy looking expression on her face.
"Um, excuse me, I'm looking for a bunny named Judy Hopps of the ZPD. Do you know where I could find her in your... Fine establishment?" I asked.
"And you are..?" She asked
"Oh, I'm Nick Wilde of the ZPD, I'm her partner." I replied, I felt stupid for not saying that the first time.
"Oh yes! You're the fox that helped the bunny solve that savage animal case! Yes, I'll lead you right to her, please follow me." She then got up and began walking towards the elevator that seemed built for smaller animals.
We got in and I stood tall and straight, the lamb lady stared up at me, I could tell she ways 'Inspecting' me. I didn't think much of it as she pressed the button that took us to the fifth floor of the complex, the elevator then began to rise quietly, as I heard the squeeks and squaks of the old elevator.
"She's one lucky bunny..." I heard her say
"Um, Excuse me?" I asked and my ears rose.
"O-oh, I just meant she was lucky to have an animal such as yourself as her partner!" she quickly replied
"I think it's the other way around." I smiled.
She then chuckled as the elevator stopped, she then took me down a narrow hallway with no carpentry or rug on it, just concrete. Luckily the lights were working, or this place would be straight from a horror film, one of those cheap ones. She lead me to door 178, beside that was door 177 and all I could hear from that door was two animals arguing over who got to eat what first.
"If you need anything else, I'll be downstairs!" She said happily as she left to the elevator
I looked at Judy's door after the lamb left, I looked down at myself to make sure I didn't look stupid, well, more than what I already am. I smiled and knocked on the door gently, hoping she wouldn't be upset that I haven't talked to her all day. Lately, me and her have been talking a lot which isn't surprising since we both just saved Zootopia but I just never thought it would be me helping. If it weren't for Judy, I would have been a target for Bellweather, and none of this would have happened.
"Who is it..?" I heard a whiny drowsy voice from the other side of the door.
"It's the SWAT team." I replied casually, I could hear her giggling from behind the door.
The door then swung open revealing Judy in her pajamas, she looked so adorable and gentle, I just wanted to pick her up and cuddle her to sleep. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.
"Very funny, Nicky." She smiled and looked up at me as she hugged me, her head landing on my stomach and her arms wrapping around my torso, I hugged back for a moment and then let go of each other. Honestly, I wanted her to stay in my arms a bit more but I didn't wanna push my luck, I still don't know what her comfort zones are. "You gonna stand there or come in?" She asked.
I walked in and she closed the door behind me, jumping up to gram the handle and shut the door. Her room was small as small could be, I think I took up twenty percent of the room just by standing there. She didn't have much except for a few pictures of flowers on the left wall, a picture of her mother and father on a desk to the right, a radio on the desk, along with a desk lamp and paper and pencils. I took a seat on the small chair by her desk as Judy then plopped on her bed, not even trying to jump in or anything.
"Sorry I didn't talk to you earlier..." I felt guilty as I said it.
"Its okay, I mean, you're here now aren't you?" She smiled over at me.
I then got up and lifted her, tucking her into bed as I wrapped the blankets around her and fluffed up her pillow for her, then letting her head rest on the pillow, I smiled at her then sat back down on my chair and leaned on it. Judy smiled at me and just let me do all this as if there was nothing wrong, I honestly expected some retaliation.
"You're treating me as if I were some kid, Nicky." She smiled cutely at me
"You are a kid." I replied and chuckled deeply, she rolled her eyes at me with a small smile.
She then sighed with fatigue clear in her voice, a hard day of work, or maybe its because im at her apartment at midnight. I couldn't really tell, I'm used to doing all nighters and working late, thanks to when I was Consman. I used to stay up for days thinking if that's what I really wanted to do in my life, fit the stereotype of a fox. I looked down at Judy and smiled and a small and quiet "Thank you..." Slipped out of my mouth.
"So um, Judy, I was wondering about that offer you made me a few days back... You know, the one where you would take me to meet your family?" I asked with a hesitant tone
"You sure you wanna go? You aren't going to be all weird and awkward are you?" She asked as she lifted her head from the pillow
"Pfft, Nah, You'll see, you're parents will feel proud you brought a fox home!" I chuckled.
Judy nodded "Yeah yeah, its settled then. Come here at nine am so we can get to the Transit station." She then grabbed an extra pillow and threw it gently at my face. "Now get outta my house, I wanna sleep." She giggled cutely.
I laughed and tossed it back, getting up from my seat as I obliged. I approached the door and opened it.
"Goodnight Judy."