Chapter 1- Pilot
Hey everybody. I finally decided to be a part of this writing thing. This is my first story so far, and I hope you all enjoy it! Please, feel free to comment after reading to make any suggestions for my next piece or to tell me how I can make it better for you. This first chapter may be a bit boring, but I promise it will get better as I go along. Thank you so much for choosing to read my story! I hope you like it.
Chapter One-
Hello, my name is Morgan. Yeah, yeah, I know that sounds like a girl's name, but let me assure you that I am a guy. I'm sixteen years old, and I am a red /brown husky with white-ish/blue eyes and a relatively short stature (5'7.) I live in a small town in California, and if you're thinking that I probably live in the suburbs in some beach-side city like most people think, let me tell you, I wish. No, instead, I live in an agricultural community in which the air smells of the heavenly scent of manure, occasional dust clouds fill our lungs, and gossip spreads like wildfire. It's really not all that bad, but we citizens of Lemas like to complain every once in a while.
I come from a good sized family, I being the oldest of four brothers. My mom is a husky like myself, and a lawyer who has a good sense of sass and sarcasm, which I have inherited. My dad is a german shepherd and truck driver with a "country" style, a big sense of humor, and a lot of ambition, the latter two being traits I inherited. My parents are divorced though, it's been that way for a long time, (since I was 4) so it isn't that bad. My dad lives out in Wyoming, and my oldest younger brother and I go out to visit him over vacations. Other than that, we're a pretty normal family, put aside our crazy antics sometimes. But there is one thing that sets me apart from them...I'm gay. Nobody knows that except for you and I now, so let's keep it that way, shall we?
I wouldn't say that it's a big part of my life, but it's just the truth. I mean, seeing a pretty girl was always entertaining once in a while but I always found myself looking at cute boys for longer than I should have and I seemed to have more feelings toward them than girls anyway. I don't exactly know for how long I've been that way, but I don't let it bother me. I don't really come across people as being gay, and I'm sure if I told my friends or something, they'd probably laugh and think I was joking. Still, I'm not taking my chances, at least not yet.
Now that we've got that out of the way, I'd like to begin my story. It was the last full week of February, Monday the twenty-second. People were still getting over Valentine's Day, and many students in my little high school still were acting all lovey dovey with one another and having all kinds of thoughts of crushes and sweethearts fluttering about in their heads, but I had a lot of other things on my mind. You see, I had my school work and things on my mind of course, but mostly it was the field trip I would be going on later that week.
I was sitting in my third period class, Men's Choir, at the time thinking it over and wondering how it was going to go. Before I go on, allow me to explain. Choir and music are a big part of my high school life, as well as my life in general. I love it. In truth, I've been singing since I was old enough to hold a microphone. I actually went to Catholic School throughout my elementary years and they kinda drilled music into us. (Among other ideas, but another time.) Ever since then music was always something I loved to learn about and listen to. I currently have three choir classes: A zero period, which is my Show Choir class, third period which of course is Men's, and my fifth period class being Chamber Singers (The more advanced group.)
The field trip was set to go on Wednesday. It was this big Honor Choir thing, put together of five states. They called it "Western Division Honor Choir." The colossal group of music nerds, such as myself, would meet down in Pasadena and would stay until Saturday, which was our performance. I auditioned to do this along with another guy in my Chamber Singers class by the name of Jarred, and we both made it. I was stoked. So here I sat, front row next to the piano, thinking about how it would all go.
My thoughts were interrupted by my conductor, Mrs. Talob, a middle-aged but beautiful black cat with a passion for her job, when she told us to begin warm ups. After we were finished, she said, "Alright gentlemen, good morning!" The small class replied in unison with the same greeting. she continued, "Now that Dinner Show is out of the way, I would like you to begin writing your review essays today. As you all know, I will be going to Pasadena with Jarred and Morgan for most of the week, and I expect you to be finished with them before my return!" she stated, almost singing. We all grabbed a laptop from the school cart and began typing away. She told me that mine would be due the next week, but I wanted to get a head start.
I was already a couple of sentences in when the door swung open and in came one of my best friends, Esther, a hyena who is a senior with a sarcastic sense of humor and a salty side. Just like me, no wonder we get along so well. Anyway, she marched in and asked Mrs. Talob if she could stay with us until the period was over. Mrs. T finally agreed after some persuasion, and Esther pulled up a seat right next to me. "How's my favorite husky doing?" she asks, teasing. "Fine, in here to cause some trouble as always?" I chuckle, teasing with her. "Why, of course! Why else would I be here?" we laughed and continued to talk.
"So I hear you're going to have to ride in the car with Mrs. T for three hours. She's a crazy driver. I would be scared if I were you." she says. "Nope, I've ridden with you plenty of times and I've survived. I think I'll be fine." She laughs before she continues, "Ha-ha, very funny. I also heard that you're gonna have to share a room with Jarred. Do you even know him that well?" "No," I reply, "But he seems cool. I'm not too worried about it." "That's good," she says, "I hope you two get along. You guys kinda seem to compete with each other sometimes."
In a way, she was right. Jarred and I were somewhat acquaintances. He was a tall, fit grey wolf with dark blue eyes, and as far as I could tell, was a pretty social person. I won't lie, he was pretty cute to me but I didn't think about it too much. We've done a few songs together, but we never really talked or hung out. He is a tenor, always singing high notes that I couldn't even imagine to sing, and I am a baritone, comfortable singing in the middle, but I don't mind dropping to the low notes when I need to. Jarred though has really good range, and I'm sure he could reach the low notes if he wanted to. He and I were at the same skill level pretty much, and we are both very good. We did compete with each other a lot because of that. Whether it be trying to get a solo, or trying to audition for something, it seemed like we were always quietly wishing the other would fail. Other than that, we got along with each other.
After class, the day went by as usual up until Chambers. I figured it would go the same as Men's, but instead Mrs. T told Jarred and I to go study our music for Western Division. Jarred and I went to the back table and sat down with our music sheets in front of us, quietly humming our own sections while our conductor got the rest of the students situated on the big steps we usually sing on, called risers. After a few minutes of studying, Jarred broke the silence between us and asked, "Are you ready for this?" I couldn't help but stare into his eyes for a second before replying, "Yeah, I'm actually pretty excited." "Me too," he says, "I've been part of a couple honor choirs before and I heard this one is pretty fun." We continued to chat back and forth, even though we knew we needed to study. We talked until the bell rang and then it was off to the rest of my classes that day. After school, I did my everyday routine. I changed, ate, watched some TV, and soon enough I was out cold.
That leads us up to today. Tuesday. School let out just a couple of hours ago, and I'm already getting packed for tomorrow morning. Esther and my friend Reese, a little chinchilla who is so innocent and sweet, you'd think is a saint, have me in a group chat wishing me the best of luck tomorrow. I thank the both of them, who are still trying to smother me in friendliness before putting my phone on the charger and finishing up packing. I've still got quite a bit to do, so I'm going to leave you here. Tomorrow, we're going on the trip, and who knows how it's going to go?