The Smell of Freedom: Chapter 1

Story by VulpineNerdRiley on SoFurry

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#2 of The Smell of Freedom

Riley and Cody have finally arrived at the university! (Can you spot the game reference?)

The old trailer park was a less-than-welcome sight for Riley as she returned from a forced job interview; it was the birthplace of nearly all of her problems. This was where her father, a black and silver fox with the same blue eyes, had dropped her off after a lengthy custody battle. This park was a sort of prison for her in the sense of her freedoms being instantly ripped from her reddish-brown paws. Riley had lived here for almost twenty years of her life. She stifled a shudder as she opened the door to their trailer. Inside, luggage lined the east wall. Her mother had been packing things for Riley's trip to college. The vixen felt a sense of dread when her eyes landed on a clothing bag.

Please don't be dresses. She took a peek inside. Lo and behold, her mother had packed various dresses for her to wear; most of which were disgustingly frilly and drab,

"Goddamn it, mom!" Riley's ears were pressed firmly against her skull as she tore her gaze from the bag, "I told you that I'm not wearing dresses anymore!" Since a certain incident at a friend's wedding, she vowed to never don a dress; even if it invoked her mother's wrath. The elder vixen's ear shot up, and her golden eyes darted to the younger one,

"Don't you dare use the Lord's name in vain, young lady, and watch your tone!" Delores, much to Riley's anguish, had taken up the mantle of family matriarch; she was never accustomed to being defied. She had been the one to try and turn Riley into a 'proper lady', but her daughter had outright refused, and wore pants.

"Sorry, ma," Riley responded begrudgingly as she zipped up her back pack. Her last day as a self-proclaimed prisoner was at hand, and she was reveling in the very thought of freedom. The sensation of the wind combing through her hair, the sight of the open road, and leaving the trailer park behind her; all of it was making her very being tremble in anticipation.

Riley was jostled from her thoughts when there was a knock at the door. The larger vixen waddled over and opened it. A brief flash of disgust flickered in her eyes as she forced a warm smile for the husky before her,

"Hello, Cody! I s'ppose you're here to take Riley to the university,"

The modestly-dressed ruby husky nodded, "Yes, ma'am! Is she packed yet?"

"Yes she is. Could you help with the bags?" Delores stepped aside and allowed him to enter as she muttered a few prayers under her breath. Cody held his ears stiffly in place while he gathered up two bags. Riley had the other two; both of which had her games and laptops inside.

"Bye, ma!" She called as she rushed out of the trailer.


The road stretched out before them as they drove down the highway in Cody's red hatchback. The trailer park was fifty miles away now, and their destination lay just beyond the tunnels; which were about another hour away at most. Riley had been busy playing games on her 3DS for the past hour. Cody nudged her,

"When we get there, we'll need to grab a bite to eat before we do anything else." He sighed when Riley didn't respond; she was too deep into the game to really notice him. Then, the car went dark. The vixen jumped in her seat and looked up to see the light-lined interior of the I-55 tunnel. The little, orange lights looked like artificial stars; it reminded Riley of a cyberpunk fantasy game she had played not too long ago.

"Did you say something?" Riley's bright eyes drifted to Cody, her ears perked at him.

"I said we'll get food when we get there." He pat her stomach with a pearly white paw, "You're stomach's been growling since this morning, ya know."

Riley wiggled away from his paw, "It has no-" She was cut off by her own stomach, "Okay you win." She sighed.

Cody laughed, "I swear, Riley, you'd be totally lost without me." Riley put away her games and watched the sunlight grow closer and closer,

"Nah. More like I'd be starved to death." The light engulfed the duo. As their eyes adapted, they could see the tall buildings of their new home; Walker Agustine University.

I'm finally free!