Nice Guy
So. One day I wrote two stories. The latter of which, Dork, was posted to here because it had porn in it. The former, Nice Guy, didn't, and thusly, was not.
I decided to change my mind. Here you go. <--- the link to the story that was here first.
Nice Guy
By pyrostinger for Ashley
The music pulsed, more drumbeat than song and lyrics. It kept the time while a mass of seething bodies writhed in its embrace, body parts jerking to the heartbeat. Fur and clothes stuck to the skin of many, wet due to the water being sprayed over the crowd in a fine mist.
Through it all, Mika danced her heart out, the bunny barely aware of the many eyes on her exquisite form, silently undressing her and gobbling her up like so much meat. She couldn't care. She was incapable of doing so right now. It had been a bad night; she was so high as to be floating at least three feet over the crowd, the neon lights flashing in the darkness holding her attention more than any of the bodies pressed in, grinding themselves lewdly against her. Raising her arms and stomping her feet, she just let the tide overtake her. It never hurt before, so why should it now?
The morning began like so many others. Mika opened her eyes to find herself in a strange bed in a strange room, the sheets covering her naked form. As the pain from her excess hadn't kicked in yet, she allowed herself a moment to take stock of her situation.
The room she was in wasn't exactly clean, but neither could it really be called messy. Sure, there were a few stray clothes cast haphazardly onto the floor, but she just chalked that up to whatever transpired the night before, which definitely included sex and probably included more drugs. The room had an organization to it, though, she could see, but it was not quite completely organized. Or something... last night had begun to catch up with her, and she closed her eyes, groaning. Inwardly, she prayed that she had gone home with a nice one. A nice one would let her sleep off a bit of her indulgence before kicking her out.
There were footsteps, and then a door opened. Whoever's bed this was yawned, walking past Mika into the bathroom. A toilet flushed, water was run, and it sounded like the person was brushing his teeth. Didn't much matter. She just wanted to sleep, to sleep and perhaps never wake up. There had been too many day-afters.
A door opened again, and there were more footsteps. "You awake?" asked the male. And it was a male. Mika couldn't remember what species he was. It was probably better that way... if only she could just block it all out.
When the male left, Mika let her eyes open once again. The sheets were white, she observed. As white as her own fur. Somehow, it had been kept that way, despite her lifestyle. Dimly, she wondered if her soul could ever be as white as those sheets were ever again. Finally, she started to check her body for signs of abuse. With the males she ran into, there usually was. Sometimes it was just a tweaked nipple. Others, Mika thought herself lucky that she was actually able to wake again that next morning.
Strangely enough, there wasn't much in terms of abuse this night. It was almost as if she hadn't been touched at all. She even explored under her tail, and found that she hadn't been sodomized last night. That was usually another staple. What the hell?
Mika actually started to listen at this point. Instead of the morning (or afternoon, as was more likely) traffic, she heard birdsong. She wasn't somewhere in some dingy apartment, but in an actual house. It was a rare treat for her to wake up in suburbia. Still... as she evidently hadn't been violated in any way she could detect as of yet, what the hell happened last night? It was one of the rare times she actually wanted to know. How had this male used her? Mika tried to will the head pains and the muddled cloud inebriation had left away to remember.
Footsteps again. The door to the bedroom opened, and Mika closed her eyes again, weary. Her nose twitched, though, smelling something sweet. She heard the male setting something up by the bed, and then lay something down on it. There was a pause, and then he walked away. Again. Something had to be up. She opened her eyes and started.
Food. Breakfast. Breakfast in bed. This was an exceedingly rare treat for her. There was a cantaloupe or honeydew, one of the two, and some grapefruit. Mika had to smile a bit at the addition of raw carrots. It was typical, but... She did like carrots, so it wasn't so bad. On the tray that had been set up, there was also a glass of orange juice and what looked like two pills of aspirin. Even if they weren't, the gesture was welcome, if extremely unexpected.
Shifting, Mika placed her bunnyfeet on the floor and sat up slowly. She didn't feel so bad now, so she reached out and stuffed the aspirin into her mouth, drowning it in the orange juice. The juice tasted good; so good, she finished the glass. Either this particular male was trying to butter her up for something really extreme or... he was even nicer than the nice guys. In either case, she didn't want to look the gift horse in the mouth, and began eating.
When she finished, Mika stood and found her shirt and pants, throwing them on. They were black, and revealing, the jeans having strategic cuts in them. Her party clothes usually were. Stifling a yawn, she padded out of the bedroom and into the hallway, pushing her ears out of her face.
She found herself in a hallway, one that was open and kinda airy. She passed another bathroom on her way down it, shortly coming to a kitchen on one side, and then a living room. There was a couch, a TV, which was on, and a fireplace. She could see the back of the male's head, most of his attention centered on the TV that played some kinda sports channel. Suddenly, the canine (or feline, one of the two) ears shifted in her direction. Mika prepared himself to meet this male, wondering exactly who she had gone home with.
He got up and turned to meet her. She saw at once that he wasn't bad looking, and a wolf. The most curious things about him were his tattoo over the top of his muzzle, which looked like a pentacle, and his eyes. They were red. It wasn't often that Mika met anybody with such an unusual eye color. His left ear was pierced, too. He had a black rabbit whose head and arms appeared to be jumping into it.
"Good morning," he said, smiling warmly. His paws tucked into the pockets of his red, plaid pajama pants. He didn't wear anything else. "How are ya?"
"Good morning," she returned softly, tilting her head a bit. Why was this guy so nice? "I'm okay... thanks for the pills, my headache's going away."
He smiled a bit wider. "Good, good... you kinda looked like you might be having one last night, with the amount that you were drinking, heh."
"I party hard," she replied, frowning a bit. How much drinking had she done last night?
Silence fell between them, Mika shifting her weight onto one foot. She was still trying to figure this particular male out. What did he want out of her?
"So, uh," he started again, his smile fading some, "do you need anything, more food or whatever?"
"No, no... thank you for that, too. It's not often that I get served breakfast in bed."
The smile gained strength again. She could see that he had a lot of sharp teeth, though they weren't threatening for some reason. "I'm glad that you liked it. I, uh... wasn't quite sure what to serve you, not sure what you liked. So, I figured, a nice little fruit set up probably wouldn't go amiss, so..." He trailed off, shrugging.
She looked around again. The walls were a nice cream color. "You have a nice place," she said noncommittally.
"Thank you. You said as much last night."
"What else did I say last night?" Might as well cut to the chase.
He chuckled, throwing her off a bit. She looked at him, and he grinned. "You actually told me I was cute, several times, heh. You really think so?"
He was serious, she realized. He was actually asking her if she thought he was cute. Now she really didn't get this guy. Shaking her head a bit and smirking, she said, "...You're a dork."
"So I'm not cute?"
"No, you're cute," Mika replied, looking at him again. "But you're also a dork."
"I think I can live with that," he replied, taking his paws out of his pockets and walking past her into the kitchen and smirking. "I'm gonna make some tea. You want some?"
This was unreal. "Um... yeah, I guess so," she said, closing her eyes again. Mika couldn't take much more of this. "Okay, so, what happened last night? And why are you cute?"
"Huh?" She looked at him as he turned halfway, still annoyingly shirtless. Gods, he had a hot body. So why, why, why was he being nice to her? The hot ones were always jerks, this was a given. "What did you ask me?"
"What happened last night?" she repeated.
"No, no... I got that question. What was the other one?"
She sighed, exasperated. "'Why are you cute', I asked. You're not supposed to be so nice. The nice ones are ugly, and the hot ones are assholes." Stopping, she began again with the question that really bothered her. "Did we even fuck last night?"
"Nope," the wolf said, shaking his head and leaning with his back against the far counter. He wasn't smiling, but something was amusing him, she could tell by his eyes. The teapot began to whistle.
He had to be telling the truth. Mika didn't want to believe it... or, maybe she did. Still. "Why not?"
"I never intended to," answered the male.
"Bullshit," she said immediately, folding her arms. Now she was back in familiar territory.
"Truth," he told her, smirking. "Well, mostly. I'll give you that my body certainly wanted to, that's for sure. But I couldn't, for two reasons. One," he started to say, taking the screaming teapot off its holder, getting down two mugs and pouring them full of the steaming water, "you were so incredibly messed up last night."
Mika snorted. "Tell me something I don't know."
"Secondly," the wolf carried on regardless, pulling down some sugar, honey, and lemon from the cabinets, "you threw up on me."
"Oh, believe me, that hasn't stopped most guys," she informed him, then moved closer to him, into the kitchen. The tea smelled good. It started to mix with his own scent, something she seemed to come aware of just now. "They clean themselves off and fuck me anyway, no matter how messed up I am. Besides," she went on, leaning on the counter top that separated the kitchen from the living room, "they probably got me like that."
The wolf dropped a few teabags into the hot water as the TV blared on in the background. "Guess you don't hang out in nice crowds."
"Not really, no," Mika conceded. "So you're supposed to be the exception?"
"I'd like to think so," he replied. "Milk, sugar, honey?"
An ear fell into her line of vision as she studied this male. Hell, maybe he was right. Maybe he was the exception. "Honey," she told him while she stared, then closed her eyes, shaking her head. "So when do I wake up?"
"You already have," he said, preparing his drink how he liked it and walking out of the kitchen. Mika opened her eyes, expecting to see herself in a bed, in a crappy apartment or hotel, the smell of piss rank in the sheets. She expected to see herself alone in the room, or maybe get one of the heavy sleepers who drooled and had an arm slung around her body, the lazy kind that treated her like some kind of large plushie when she moved, pulling her in closer. She opened her eyes and saw the nice, clean kitchen, in the nice, clean house owned by the nice, clean, undoubtedly attractive and damnably shirtless wolf sitting down in his nice, clean living room on his nice, clean couch. The mug steamed at her, the spoon staring, daring her to contradict reality.
Part of her wanted to cry. Most of her sighed in relief.
Getting her mug, she paused and inhaled, taking in the scent of the tea. Satisfied, she stirred the spoon, taking a sip as she walked over to the couch. She sat down without a word, placed her mug down on the coffee table, and lay her head down on the wolf's lap, developing a sudden interest in sports. The wolf smiled, and gently stroked over her side and stomach.
"You know," he began, "you can stay here for a while if you want. I'll even promise not to sleep with you while you're here."
"Don't make that promise."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm going to try to sleep with you while I'm here," she said matter-of-factly. The wolf began laughing, and Mika closed her eyes, nuzzling into his lap a bit, finally relaxing.
Mostly because she knew the owner of the laugh wasn't going to kick her out, and because it wasn't going to feel her up for at least the next five minutes. He may be a nice guy, but he was still a guy.