Sorry, I’m awkward: Ch 1 - A Date?

Story by SarcasticIceBear on SoFurry

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Part 1 of "Sorry I'm Awkward". Mark is a Freshman at his new college, he starts to fall in love with Wyatt, a brown bear.

"School is boring" I think to myself. "I don't think I'll ever use this" I try to think of something else, anything other than listening to this Calculus lecture. I've always been terrible at math, but for some reason I'm required to take more than the norm. I regret going into Computer Science. I was under the false impression that it didn't require you to be that good at math. I drift in and out of daydreaming. I will myself not to sleep. I feel my eyes get heavy as I drift off.

"Hey! Mark! Wake up buddy" I hear, a paw resting on me, gently shaking me awake. He's the cute brown bear from my chemistry lectures, I didn't know he took this class. I'm still a bit dazed, so I try to keep cool.

He smiles, his muscles clearly visible in his polo and his legs clearly defined in his boot cut jeans. _Oh god, he's hot. _I panic internally. His voice snaps me out of my daze

"You okay man? You don't look so good, we should get you something to eat" He hefts me up from my desk, clutching me against his chest. I lean into him, feeling soft fur.

"You okay? You look hungry. I'll get you something" he says, smiling brightly blushing slightly. Oh god he thinks I'm cute, or something.

"I'll just have a sandwich, fries too" I weakly sputter. "Maybe some tea?"

"Sure thing" he ruffles my fur, going off to pay for the order.

My face feels on fire, I've wanted to be on a date with him, does this count? I don't know, not how I've seen dates on TV.

He comes back, with my sandwich and mug of tea. "I was worried about you. What's a cutie like you doing in Calc 101? You're smart enough for 204 at least?" he chuckles, I blush hard. "I'm actually just taking the minimum requirements, it's my freshman year and I'm in computer science" I try not to stare. I try to keep eye contact with his brown eyes, like almonds. "I think you're cute too. Do you want to go on a date some time?" I force out, weakly.

The words sting like fire. Why am I saying this? What if he has a girlfriend? What if he isn't into me like I think he is? I'm probably ruining my first chance at getting an actual boyfriend at this school. He doesn't say anything, and time feels like it froze. I feel my blood run cold.

"Could this be a date? I mean, I've wanted this too. You're pretty cute" he says through his mouthful of his burger. He got a double bacon cheeseburger.

"I guess, I don't want to be too forward. I don't want to assume anything either."

"You're fine. I think we're both nervous. Don't be too hard on yourself." he says warmly

"You think so?" I stammer, my nerves taking hold

"Of course, you done with class for the day? I can walk you back to your dorm, or you can chill with me for a bit" He offers, munching into the last of his burger

"I think I better get back, my roommate is probably worried. He probably heard I passed out in class." I sigh.

"I don't want to keep you from anything" He says, slightly dissapointed

"I haven't told you my name yet, how dumb of me. I'm Wyatt." he chuckles, slightly nervous.

"This should be it." I point to the door.

"You sure you don't want to stay with me?" he offers, raising an eyebrow. "I'd be more than happy too, my roommate is away for the semester, so it's just me"

"No, I should be here. Besides you're a junior, I'm a freshman." I say, trying to mask my sadness.

He bites his lip, "well, okay, if you're sure"

We stand awkwardly, there's a great deal of tension. I want to kiss him, but I don't know if he does. I break the tension, and go inside. I see him walk off, I get the feeling he was expecting something.