Chapter 5- The Sister(s)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#6 of Soul


Kayden's ears dimmed down as he sees Emma, who appears shocked. "What in the world?" she asks. Don quickly gets up, picks her up and closes the door. He sets her down on the bed and Kayden stands.

"Look, Em, you can't tell anyone about what you just saw," Don says. Kayden's chest is heavy, his tail limp, his ears down and his eyes watery. He was fine with Don knowing about his powers, but this is a little kid. What if she spills it?

"What was it?" Emma demands. She turns her attention to Kayden, confusion and anger on her face. "Why were your ears glowing? And why blue?" Kayden's breathing increased. His mind going a million thoughts per second. He decides to stay silent. Don rubs Kayden's back and leans close to him.

"Should we tell her?" he whispers. They look towards Em. If she had shown any signs of anger, they seem to be gone by now. Don speaks up for his friend.

"Tell no one."

"Absolutely not. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not one to just give anyway someone's secret," Emma says. Kayden looks down at her paws. No fingers crossed, and she does seem serious. He kneels down in front of her, making up his mind as he goes.

"I think it's best if I just showed you," Kayden says. Emma tilts her head. Kayden reaches out and calmly takes her paws into his. He slows his breathing down and starts focusing his energy on her.

"What are you-?" Emma starts.

"Just let it happen, sis," Don says. He kneels down next to Kayden, who's already deep into Emma's Aura. It's a whole bunch of purple. The dark bedroom slowly gets brighter with the color purple. Emma looks in amazement as Kayden's ears fill the room with its bright, beautiful light. It was quite a sight that she seemed to start tearing up.

"Wow," she whispers. "What does it mean?" Kayden smiles. He feels like he can trust her with this now.

"It means you're nervous," he says softly. "But don't worry, I can fix that." Before she can ask, Kayden closes his eyes and, keeping a hold on Emma's Aura, he searches within his own energy to find the several mood colors. He finds green quickly. He wipes away the purple and sends the green over to her. The light in the room fades from dark purple to light green in several seconds.

Kayden slowly let's go of her Aura. Emma's ears perk up and her tails wags a little. "Woah! That's pretty cool!" she says, a little excited. "What does green mean?" Kayden smiles, giggles, and pets her head.

"It means you're happy," he says, pretty happy himself for making her that way. But then a thought returns to mind. "Please don't tell anyone about this."

"I won't." She holds her paw up. "I swear I won't."


The next morning, Emma and Kayden sit on Don's bed as he had gone downstairs to make them some breakfast. She cuddles up to him and he ruffles the fur on her head, careful not to mess with the emerald bow. "What's it like?" Em asks. Kayden's rainbow ears perk up at the question.

"What's what like?" he asks.

"When you do what you did last night."

"Oh." He hasn't really discussed his powers much. Mostly with Don, though. He lies down on the bed and flicks his tail around a bit. "Well, imagine this," Emma sits up and looks Kayden in the eyes, "there's you, and another you all in the same body. This goes for everyone. It's like reaching out for someone with your Second-Self. When I read someone, it appears to me as the outline of someone full of colors of all kind, depending on the mood. Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, etc., there's pretty much a color for any mood."

"What about your ears?" Emma asks.

"Hmm..." Kayden didn't know how to answer this one. He still isn't sure about that one himself. He just found out his ears could glow yesterday. "All I know is that whoever's Aura I read, the color appears on my ears. It's fascinating me since I never knew."

"You think your power is going to keep growing?"

"Yes." Kayden doesn't feel it shrinking anytime soon. In fact, the more he reads, the more he feels his powers stronger. It's mostly changing Auras that he hasn't had too much practice in.

"What do the colors mean?" Emma asks. She reaches out and pets Kayden's ears, making him smile and giggle and grow all cuddly inside.

"You already know purple and green," Kayden says. He sits up, letting Emma have a better angle at his ears. "When people think of red, they think hot, boiling as in rage. Anger. Orange means hate, probably because it's another shade of red."

"Huh. Does red and yellow in the same person make them full of hate?"

"No. It wouldn't make sense because yellow means silliness or teasing. If you had my power, you'd rarely ever see red and yellow together." Kayden feels Emma skim her finger over the colors of his ears as he explains them. It kind of tickles but he manages to keep a straight face. "Blue means sadness. I like to think of it as someone is 'in the blues'."

"Or maybe it's because tears are mostly the color blue..." Emma suggests. Good point, Kayden thinks.

"I guess. What else..." He thinks for a minute. He went through the six colors of the rainbow. There's really only a couple left.

"What's pink mean?" Kayden can feel Emma trace the strip of pink at the base of his left ear and smiles at what it means.

"Love," Kayden says, letting out a small giggle. "And trust me, I love seeing that color, especially on Valentine's Day. That and the color green. It makes me feel happy knowing that those around me are happy too."

"How can you see those around you all at once?" Emma asks. She seems a bit confused.

"I can see everyone's Aura, but just little glimpses of it." How was Kayden going to explain this? He knows what it looks like and what it feels like but it's hard to put it in words. "For example, anytime I look at someone, I see a small dot of their Aura. The only way to truthfully see the entire thing, I have to focus all my energy on it. And even more if want to change it."

"What does it feel like to change someone?"

"Hmmm..." Kayden didn't know how to explain this one but tries to put it in words. "Well... it's like taking your Second-Self, tearing a piece off that quickly regenerates and spreading it all over the other person. They'll feel no pain, just the change in emotion. It takes a couple seconds but the end result is usually beautiful. I've never changed anyone into anything other than green."

"Cool. Your powers are pretty interesting, Kayden," Em says. He blushes and thanks her for the compliment.

"Hey guys! Breakfast is ready!" Don shouts from downstairs.


The scent of cinnamon and icing hit Kayden's nose as he opens the door and heads downstairs with Emma. The other sisters come tumbling down the stairs, sounding excited for breakfast. "What's everyone so excited about?" Kayden asks. Not that he has a problem with it; he loves seeing overs happy, even if it's over food. He's just curious.

"It's a family tradition," Emma explains, "every Sunday, Don makes everyone cinnamon rolls for breakfast." The sisters sit at the table while Kayden goes into the kitchen. Don stands over the counter pouring small glasses of milk for everyone.

"Hi," Kayden says. Don turns around and smiles. "Is there any for me?"

"Of course," Don says, "I wouldn't leave my bf out of a family tradition." He nods over to another table next to the oven. Nine small plates with cinnamon rolls double the size of Kayden's fist sit. "Do you mind helping me, buddy?"

"Sure." Kayden takes a couple plates and walks back into the dining room, setting them down on the table. The girls already argue a bit as for who's getting which one before Sky points out they can't yet. Mom and Dad aren't awake.

"I'll wake them up," Morgan gleefully says. She gets up and walks down the hall. Kayden helps Don set up the table. It takes a few minutes but soon, everyone is able to be about deep in cinnamon and skim milk.

"Do I smell cinnamon?" Vanessa asks when Morgan brings her and Andrew back.

"There's two more in the kitchen for you guys," Don says.

"Thanks, son." Andrew ruffles the fur on Don's head and, with Vanessa, heads into the kitchen, leaving the seven of them at the table. As Kayden enjoys the sweet, sweet taste of cinnamon, he listens in as Sky and Brittany whisper to each other. He hears them mention his bright ears and then remembers something.

He left his hat upstairs.

It's ok, he says to himself, just don't read anyone and no one will notice. He wills his energy to remain neutral, silent. Kayden focuses on his breakfast and the conversation happening at the table.

"You saw it too, what do you think it was?" Brittany whispers.

"I'm not sure," Sky says. "You think it was a light bulb in his head? See it on TV all the time." Kayden looked at Don, nervous. He seems to be thinking of something but isn't saying.

"Guys, I can explain why you saw what you saw," Don says. Kayden slowly shakes his head. Don wouldn't tell his secret like he doesn't care anymore, would he? The quints look at him, Kayden covers his ears as he hears his boyfriend say, "you guys must've been seeing things. His ears weren't glowing."

"Then what was it?" Theresa asks. This time, Emma steps in.

"Kayden's hat," she says. "It's able to light up but he told me earlier he didn't want to blind anyone so he turned it inside-out." She looks over at Kayden and winks. He can clearly trust her with his secret. The others look at him, probably to confirm it.

"Yeah, it's true," Kayden says. He finishes his cinnamon roll and goes to the kitchen to wash his paws. When he comes back, Don and Morgan are missing. He tilts his head and asks, "Where'd they go?"

"Morgan went to find your hat," Brittany says. "For some reason Don went after her." She gets up and goes to the kitchen, coming back with a refill of milk. However, Kayden could only focus on what she said. If Morgan went to find his hat, then there's only one explanation as for why she wants to find it: she wants to see for herself.

"Em, can I borrow you for a second?" Kayden asks, trying to keep his nerves under control. Emma gets up and the two of them go down the hallway to the living room. Kayden can barely keep down his nervousness. "Why does your sister want my hat?!"

"She did believe me," she says. "So she went to find it. Don went after to stop her, but when it comes to Morgan, she's the determined one of the five." Kayden's ears perk when he hears someone thinking down the stairs. He hears Don and Morgan as they approach.

"I told you, that's not yours, give it back," Don says, trying to grab the hat out of his sister's paws. She manages to dodge him easily, like she can calculate every move he's about to make.

"I want to see if what Em was saying is true," Morgan says. The other three sisters get out of their chair and make their way into the room. Morgan hands the hat over to Kayden. "If that hat can glow, I wanna see it." Kayden looks down at his hat, unsure of what to do. He looks up at Don, who shrugged his shoulders and his eyes widening. It's obvious he doesn't have a clue either.

"Kayden, just show us," Emma says. She sits on the couch and grabs his paw. Her eyes seem to be trying to communicate a message.

Kayden looks up at Don. He seems to catch onto what Em's trying to say as he mouths, "read her" and points towards his sister. Kayden catches on. Without looking at her and keeping his eyes on the other girls, he uses his energy to creep up into Emma. Using his other paw, he puts on the hat and straightens it out.

"You wanna see it glow?" Kayden asks. As the sisters nods, he focuses all his energy on Emma, reaching within her and caressing her Aura. It reveals before him and he looks at her. Purple. Not the color he wants to see but he can fix that later.

He reaches up to the rim of his hat and pinches it with his fingers like he's pressing a button. "Here," Kayden says. He carefully and slowly lifts up his hat, keeping it on his head.

Kayden closes his eyes as the purple light fills the room and the sister's eyes.