The Warm Hearts of Night

Story by EmperorDeusMaster on SoFurry


I rarely see the light of day anymore. All I know is the realm of night. Everything is closed, and everyone is asleep while I wander around the streets, or sit at home and ponder. My life is happy, and bitter sweet, I am alone in a crowded room, others call my name, but I will never see nor reach them for it is not meant to be for I walk this earth alone and shoulder my burdens on my own,

I like, and care for all who cross my path in the dark for all I see is a smile in the moonlight which fades away at dawns first light like an ever shifting illusion yet these illusions bring me joy, and that is more than I can ever hope to ask for as anything more would be asking to much, I am hardest on myself before the dawn, and moon's first light and into the moon's highest

peak for only I know the sorrow that I share with the moonlight, and the shadows and stars I never allow myself to forget my past, and punish myself for it is I, and I alone who has the might and right to punish myself so unforgiving, that I hide behind the illusions of day so those who see me in the light, and shadow worry not for me, for I ask them not to. A simple smile,

and company is all a shadow of night can ever hope for, but when gifted with so much more then the shadows of night become a wonderful and peaceful place, but the shadows all they can give in return is a smile, and hoping that a smile in the moonlight back at them is what they see for in their dark hearts of night they love and care for all at their own damnation but they do not

mind for those who really need their smile, and company will find them in the darkness, and will smile, and play and when dawn's first light crests over the horizon all they want is to send them on their way with a smile, and cheer into the warmth of daylight, for even the shadows, and moonlight will comfort all those who really need them all you have to do is but listen, and look

around with your heart, and they will find you just never give up for the shadows that you think are haunting you are but mere illusions of day that melt away as night falls and the real shadows are their to greet you with a smile, and warm hearts.