Emily's Last Journey
Many years after the adventures of the main story. The last of the DMA, Emily full fills the dying promise that Nova asked of Ellen, and her. Now nearing her own end she made the long journey back to their club house they use to play in as kids. As she finally made the last few feet to go the light became soft around her, and tears filled her eyes as she looked over her two friends capes. Tears streamed down as she remembered the fun they use to have.
She stumbled a little as her legs were getting weaker as her hour glass rain out of sand. She made her final climb to the club house. She was the one to tie her friends capes to the club house. Ellen passed away before she could tie her own cape as she made the climb. As she stood in the door way looking into the club house tears streamed down her face.
As the pain from losing her friends and the great memories they had washed over her. Tears clouding her eyes she tied her Cape to the club house and laid down. Now to weak to go any farther. She looked around at club house with a smile as tears still fell. She looked the longest at the picture of her friends that they took when they had gotten their marks.
With the last of her strength she finished the carved words at the foot of the door. Draceed Mark Angels Together Forever. With a warm smile she looked over the words. She laid her head down with a smile and as a single tear fell Emily passed away.