Alaskan Bobsled
#18 of The Amazing Race 2
On the last leg of the Amazing Race, the teams got a little glimpse of Japan. They got to pick flowers, eat fresh-made sushi, and got to see the inside of the Tokyo Tower. Should anyone even mention how evil Tammy got? She sabotaged the second task to make it harder for Zoe. But in the end, Miles & Joey came in last. Thankfully for them, it was non-elimination so, they got to stay another day. 8 teams are still left in the world-wide race. Who will get left behind? Find out right here on... the Amazing Race.
"Welcome back to Tokyo, Japan." Toner says. "Yesterday's winners are the first ones up." Jasper steps up to the clue box and he takes a clue.
"Route Info: get to Girdwood immediately." Alaska; the biggest state in the US. It's also the coldest one. Teams will tea ale here to find their next clue.
"C'mon dude!" Mitch says. The rest of the teams get on Toner's private jet and they start flying to Alaska.
"Hey, Rachel, I think that we should form a solid alliance with the frat bros." Tammy says.
"And why would I do that?" Rachel asks.
"Because we trust them and vice versa. Plus, once I get rid of the publishers, we'll have extra numbers on our side and if there's one thing we need, it's more allies."
"Oh boy." Rachel leans on her elbow and looks out the window.
"Oh man, how much longer is the flight?" Kitty asks. "I'm so bored!"
"We've been in the air for 10 minutes." Kit says. "Besides, once we get to Alaska, it's only going to get a lot harder."
"You think a little freezing cold is a bit hard, wait until Toner makes us cross the tundra." DeeDee says. "Or something like that. Know him, we all know that he's definitely gonna take advantage of the cold."
"Yep. That sounds alike him." Kit says.
"I don't know about the rest of you but I'm really nervous." Diesel says. "Now that the race is almost over, the games are bound to get really harder."
"He's right." DeeDee says. "We need to prepare for the worst in this race." The flight attendant comes out of the back with a bunch of winter coats and she starts handing them to everybody.
"Sorry everyone," she says, "but Toner said once we land, you're gonna need these." When she gives one to Zoe, she surprisingly doesn't respond. Patricia managed to convince her partner to take a nap since it was going to be a long flight and there was no point glaring at Jasper & Mitch again. "I'll never understand why she can be so arrogant sometimes." Eddy says.
"She gets stressful easily." Patricia says. "So sometimes I make her sleep."
"How do you do that?" Barbara asks.
"Easy. Like this." Patricia reaches over, putting a paw on Barbara's shoulder, searching for the right spot, and squeezes. Suddenly, she becomes sleepy and passes out.
"Nerve pinch?" Eddy asks. Patricia nods.
"I though we were supposed to have an alliance with Tammy & Rachel." KiKi says. "But lately, they've been distancing themselves from us."
"It's because Tammy is starting to pull in Jasper & Mitch." Becky says. "I do, however, agree with you. But if you ask me, if we join them, we can be an unstoppable 3-way alliance. Next thing you know, we're on the final three."
"I sure hope that you're right."
Once the plane lands around noon, the teams put on the winter coats they were given and race to the clue box. "Route Info: travel to Alyskea Resort." Becky reads. Everyone starts racing to get in cabs and drive to the resort.
"Wait!" Tammy says. Jasper & Mitch stop and turn to her. "Come with us!" She beckons.
"What have we got to lose?" Mitch asks. Him and Jasper share a cab with the Olympians and everyone starts going to the Resort.
Tammy & Rachel and Jasper & Mitch make it to the resort first. "One-Way: let's all steam up." Jasper reads the clue. Teams must sit in a sauna for 10 minutes before they can move on. 4 teams in the sauna at a time. Once they're finished, a local (white husky) will give them the next clue.
Becky & KiKi soon arrive. "I have to sit in a sauna with 7 other people?" Becky asks.
"No time!" KiKi says, pulling her inside. The Uptown Crew eventually arrives.
"I am not going to enjoy this challenge." DeeDee says.
"Is anybody?" Kitty asks. The four of them head inside. The sauna already holds the Olympians, frat bros, and mountain climbers. Once the Policefurs step inside, the door shuts, forcing the twins to wait.
"Oh great." Kit says.
"At least we aren't in last place." Kitty says
"No..." Miles & Joey, Barbara & Eddy, and Zoe & Patricia show up and wait with the twins. "We're tied for last."
"What? We're in last?" Zoe asks.
"It would appear so." Kitty says.
"What the heck are we supposed to do until then?" Joey asks.
"How much longer is this thing?" Rachel complains. The heat starting to hit everybody inside.
"We've only been in here for 15 seconds." Tammy says. "And stop complaining! It only makes time go slower!"
"I hate to admit it, but she's right." DeeDee says. She takes off her cap and waves it in her face. "I've been towards the equator before, but I don't think I've ever experienced this kind of heat."
"Not even during that heatwave in 2006?" Diesel asks.
"Nope. Not even during then. At least we don't have to wear the jackets in here. That would've made this unbearable."
"Id rather be facing the cold outside." Becky says. "It's easier to warm up than to cool down."
"Yep." KiKi says. "When we were on Everest, we experienced frost even colder than that."
"I just want this thing to end already." Rachel says.
"Hey boys," Tammy says, "you're awfully silent."
"What?" Jasper asks. "We don't really have much to add into the conversation."
"But remember that summer a few years back when the power went out for several days?" Mitch asks. "I think the heat in everyone's dorms was easier to handle than this. Then again, I've never been in a sauna before."
"Me neither."
"I don't think any of us have before." Tammy says. She looks up at the timer on the door. Only 2 more minutes until they can leave for the next task.
"Be prepared to leave." Rachel says. As the timer ticks the seconds away, the teams prepare to make a quick exit. 30 seconds left.
15 seconds.
When it hits zero, the 8 of them burst out of the sauna, and Kit & Kitty, Miles & Joey, Barbara & Eddy, and Patricia & Zoe go in. Tammy makes it outside and to the next clue box first. "Roadblock: how about you give each other a hand." She reads. Whoever didn't climb up the steps of the Tokyo Tower must pull their partner in a bobsled three miles northeast into the mountains until they find the checkpoint. Last team there could be eliminated form the whole race.
"Help me with this." Rachel says. Tammy helps get the harness on her. Mitch also helps Jasper.
"This will be a piece of cake." DeeDee says. Diesel helps get her strapped in. Tammy looks at the other bobsleds.
"Are you going to get in or not?" Rachel asks. Tammy looks at some of the other bobsleds that the other teams are going to get in. She gets out her pocketknife with a crazy idea.
"In a minute." Tammy says. Becky starts pulling KiKi and they take the lead. Tammy goes over to some of the other bobsleds and she cuts two of the harnesses, just enough to make them break when pulled. She quickly goes back into her sled and Rachel starts pulling her. Jasper & Mitch and Diesel & DeeDee right behind them.
"Oh my! This is the hottest place I've ever been." Kitty says.
"I know." Kit says. "Even hotter than that cruise around the carribean."
"I agree. That was, like, 90 degree whether."
"I think it's 100 degrees in here." Miles says.
"What's it matter, either way, one of the four of us is definitely going to come in last." Joey says. "Unless it's another non-elimination leg."
"I doubt it. I don't think there's such thing as two non-eliminations in a row."
"Then explain the Philippines and Vietnam." Patricia says. "Not only that, but the next leg was a double elimination."
"I doubt that's gonna happen again." Kit says. "Someone's going home today, I know it."
"It's mostly because of Tammy that were in this position." Zoe says. "Did you know that she made the stairs slippery in Tokyo?"
"I had a feeling that's who did that with the oil."
"She's cheating her way to the million dollars." Barbara says.
"Not only that," Eddy says, "but she's got another team to back her up. If nothing is done about those few, she's gonna win the game."
"Hold on, are you talking about Jasper & Mitch?" Patricia asks. "I had a sneaking suspicion that she was behind us being U-Turned in China."
"Look, can we all agree that Tammy has got to go?" Kit asks.
"I'm with you 100%." Zoe says. "And I've been focusing all this time on the frat boys." That's when her priorities change. Forget Jasper, she thinks, Tammy is going down!
Their 10 minutes finish and they quickly get back outside and to the clue box. "I have to play you in a sled!" Kitty asks.
"I guess so." Kit says. She helps her sister get strapped inside.
"Looks like you're doing the heavy work." Zoe says, handing a harness to Patricia. What she didn't know is that that's one of the ones Tammy sabotaged.
"I can't believe I have to carry you!" Eddy says. Barbara helps hook on his harness.
"Relax." Barbara says. "I don't weigh that much. Plus, this should make it so much easier."
"I think that it's against the rules for me to help push, is it?" Joey asks. She helps Miles get strapped in.
"No. I have to do this all by myself." Miles says. "Otherwise, we might get a penalty and we can't afford that." As the last four teams start heading to the checkpoint, the four teams a full mile ahead keep fighting for first place.
"Do you mind going faster?" Tammy asks. "The mountain climbers are just ahead! We can win gold for the 6th time!"
"You think I'm not trying?" Rachel asks. She keeps running to maintain her and Tammy's lead but Jasper & Mitch slowly pass them.
"Hey Jasper!"
"What?!" He yells.
"I don't think you have to worry about Zoe anymore!"
"Why is that?" In response, Tammy just malevolently grins.
"You're doing great, Becky!" KiKi says. "We're still in first place."
"I know!" Becky says. "First to the checkpoint! First to the finale! And first to win the million!"
"Not on my watch!" Tammy says as Rachel passes them. Becky finds the inner strength to pull her partner faster. KiKi quickly grabs snow from the ground, balls it up and hurls it at Tammy. It hits her squarely in the back of the head. She does the same back to her and it hits KiKi in the face.
"Enough!" Rachel says. "I swear you people are such immature bastards!" Up ahead is Toner and the checkpoint rug. Becky fights to maintain her lead while Rachel slowly catches up.
"First place goes to the mountain climbers." Toner says.
"Alright!" KiKi says, quickly hugging Becky before they step off. That's when Rachel comes on.
"Tammy & Rachel, once again, you're in second."
"Good enough for me." Tammy says. She helps Rachel get her harness off and they get off the rug.
Meanwhile, Patricia keeps pulling Zoe until she hears a snap and she falls over. "What the?" She looks over and gasps. "The harness broke! What do I do now?"
"I'm not sure." Zoe says. She hands her the broken end of the rope. "You're gonna have to pull me." Patricia grabs the rope and starts pulling, but it's much harder.
"You too heavy!!"
"Wow. It would suck if that happened." Kitty says. She hears a snap too and falls over.
"Great, Kitty, you jinxed us and now our harness is broken." Kit says.
"What do we do now?" The twins turn around and see Patricia catching up.
"Pull me! Quickly!"
"Where did our allies go?" Barbara asks.
"They didn't pull ahead of us?" Eddy asks.
"No. The only other team I see is the vegetarians up ahead."
"Where could they have gone?"
"Keep going Miles, the checkpoint has to be coming up here soon!" Joey says.
"I know." Miles says. "I think I even heard the restaurant critics right behind us."
"Uh oh. That can't be good."
"Great job, you're in third place." Toner says.
"Dude! We did it!" Mitch says.
"I know." Jasper says. "Now would someone please get this thing off me? It's starting to cut into my chest."
Diesel & DeeDee- 4th place
Barbara & Eddy- 5th place
Miles sees the checkpoint but doesn't see any other teams coming. "Are we in last again?" Miles asks.
"I don't think we are." Joey says. Once they step on the rug, they look at Toner.
"Miles & Joey, you're in 6th. You're still in this." He confirms.
"Whew! That was close." Miles says. As Joey helps get the harness off of him, the twins and book publishers come into view.
"Hurry up, Kitty!" Kit says. Kitty starts speeding up and slowly inches past Patricia.
"No!" Zoe says. A bobsled and a pair of white feet make it to the rug.
"Twins, 7th place." Toner says.
"Yeah!" Kit cheers.
"That was too close of call." Kitty says. Her and Kit run off as Patricia gets her and Zoe on.
"Sorry ladies, you're in last." Toner says.
"We kinda figured that." Patricia says. "Is there any chance this is non-elimination?"
"Nope. You two are out." Tammy walks by, innocently whistling. When she passes by Zoe, she holds up her pocketknife.
"You little shit!" Zoe says. She starts to run after her, but Patricia grabs her and pulls her back.
"It's too late, Zoe. We lost." Patricia says. Zoe grumbles and walks away with her. "I had a fun time during this race, didn't you?"
"I did." Zoe admits. "But you know what would've been more fun? Ripping Tammy's head off."
"I understand you're mad, but I think that we did pretty good coming in 8th place."
"Whatever. When we get home, remind me to destroy Tammy once we get to the finale."
"Oh, Zoe." Patricia rolls her eyes.