Zen's Beginning Story

Story by Zenion Infinitium on SoFurry

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#16 of Zenion (Phox)

This is a remaster story for my fursona Zen. I'd previously written several but they made no sense in terms of the story line so I hope this is a bit better. Hope you all enjoy.

A three tailed fox stirred in his sleep. He lay on his back, subconsciously seeing nothing in the silence of the room. The fox moaned and slowly sat up atop his pedestal, stretching while his tails spread apart to get the blood flowing. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times before realizing he couldn't see his hand in front of his face. The room was dark as night and the silence made the fox uncomfortable as he could hear the stiffness of his bones when he move his head side to side and his shoulders up and down.

The fox looked around but even with the ability of night vision, there was nothing for him to make out. He turned his body to the side to stand up and his feet touched the floor. He fell to his knees, his legs still asleep as well as his tails. He stumbled but regained his balanced.

Wish I could see something, he thought.

The sound of flicking flames broke the silence of the room and caused the young fox to jump with a startle. He flicked his ears and behind him, a small light began to glow. From that one light two more lit up on each side, following a circular pattern. The fox could see more of the room which filled him with a slight sigh of relief. He stood on a stone floor and his hand was on a stone bed where he slept. He was on an upper platform and in 8 directions were stairs leading to the ground. The fires stopped going off after lighting the entire room.

The ground had grass and the walls behind the flames had 13 doors with strange carvings in them. The fox looked up but couldn't see the ceiling. He was happy that he could see parts of himself though. He tilted his head in wonder as he looked at his hands. The palms and fingers had pink pads on them but it didn't hurt when he balled his hands into a fist or stretched them out. His hands and arms were covered in a lot of hair and when he looked more over his body, he was covered in it all around.

"Well that's strange. Why do I have all this hair?" he whispered to himself, the room echoing his voice. He was covered with orange fur all over except for his chest and from his lower knees to his toes which was yellow. He lifted a foot up and saw his toe pads and sole pad were pink as well. He put it back down and felt something on his lower back moving. He turned his head and three fluffy tails slowly moved around. He took one of the tails in his hand and tilted his head, flicking his ears. The base was orange but the tip of these tails were white with a little black before it.

He looked around again "Hello?" his voice echoed, causing one of his ears to flick up and listen. "Is anyone here?" The fox walked towards the stairs and traveled down. The stones were cold under his feetpaws but when he touched the grass, the new feeling made him shiver. He took a moment to curl his toes to feel the new texture then he walked over to the pedestal where the first flame started.

"I guess I'm alone here but... why?" he asked himself. The fire was bright and big, drawing the fox closer with the warm glow and faint crackling sound. The flames had small specks coming from it and a small puff of smoke going up into the darkness. The fox stood in front of it and flicked his ears fascinated. He reached a hand up to touch it and it felt warm and comforting. He reached into the flames and the flames wrapped around his hand. It was a tingling feeling and made one of his tails wag. The other two stood up as if curious to the flames as well. The fox rotated his hand back and forth while in the fire, enthralled by the warmth in his hand and the warm light in his eyes. He took his hand away and placed his other hand inside.

It was then that he noticed some blue in his fur. His wrists were blue fur and each of his arms had strange blue markings going up towards his shoulders. From what he could count, he had three S shapes and in the curves of each S were two dots on the bottom and top. Overall he counted six dots and three S shapes on each arm.

"This feels wonderful," he said as a faint smile grew on his face. After observing the fire for a little longer he took his hand from it. Strangely the entire room was at a warm temperature but the silence was only accompanied by the cracking of the fire only when the fox got close. He walked to the wall between two sticks of fire and touched the door.

The door was closed and cold. The fox put an ear to it but heard nothing, he flicked his ears when he knocked on the door but there was no echo passed it. He looked up and above the door, the word_Zenith_ was inscribed. The markings on the door depicted space and stars but the rest of the pictures were incomprehensible to the young fox.

"Zenith..." the fox said to himself. He looked to his left and noticed another name inscribed at the top of another door.

The fox walked over it. The pictures on that door showed many things: The bottom showed something that looked like sand or water. The middle section showed random objects like circles, squares and triangles slowly transforming into each other or other objects. Above it was a straight line and as the fox read from left to right, it got bigger and longer. Above that seemed to be a human figure. From left to right the man began to change in his appearance: his body became taller, his hands had claws, his smooth outer edges got rough, his back grew wings, and his legs spread apart more showing he stood on his toes instead of his being flat footed. The fox looked up for another inscription.

"Zenny," he said to himself as he read the name above the door. "What is all this? Where am I?" he questioned.

The fox started to walk in a complete circle, keeping close to the doors and looking at the pictures. His tails swayed slowly as he walked and his eyes fixated on the pictures. The third door depicted a planet and various states of earth along with flowers and plants. He looked up "Zeno," he said.

The forth door only had wind-like carvings. A person was moving his hands and body in various forms and small curves followed his hands and surrounded his body. Above the door, the name Zenji was inscribed. The fox noticed that so far the majority of these names had 'zen' in them and wondered if there was a connection.

The fifth door showed a person growing from her regular size to a giant. It also showed the figured sitting with his head down, drinking water from a pond, and getting into a fighting stance. The name inscribed above the door was named Zenatha. The sixth door had pictures of a figure going through another figure through the chest. It also had objects going through that person and a transition of the person slowly fading away. The name above the door was Zendria.

On the other side of the room where the light continued, the fox followed.

"Is there a reason why all these doors are here? How do I open them..." he stooped to think. "Should I know about this place? I don't remember any of it. All these door have pictures and names on it but they don't help tell me where I am... or who I am."

The fox looked around the room again. The fire helped but he still could not see the ceiling. He came down the stairs from what looked like a temple that was in the middle of the room. "How did I end up here anyways?" he scratched the back of his head but when he flicked his ears again he felt something with a different texture then his fur. He touched around his ears and on the inside he felt fluff and a feather. He pressed his thumb and index finger into the feather and felt how soft it was. He tried to tug at it but marfed and whined as it hurt. He left it alone but now his curiosity grew about wanting to learn who he was.

The fox continued his tour, counting the doors and the names inscribed above each one. As he walked, he saw: the seventh door showed clouds with lightning and above it the name Zenora, the eighth door showed snow flakes and water and above it the name Zenium, the ninth door had the symbol of fire and above it the name Zenaku.

The last three doors were taller and didn't have any pictures on them. Zen looked up, trying to find if there were any inscriptions above them.

"What do they say..." he looked harder. "Zenayin...Zenkura... and..." at the last door he struggled to see the most. The name was smeared a bit and was almost out of the light's reach. To see it better, the fox took the stand with the fire on it and lifted it up as best he could to see. "Zenon," he said as he stood on his tip toes.

A small rumbling filled the room and the wall next to the door feel with a loud bang. The fox jumped in fright as the wall came down but it remained perfectly solid on the grass. The fox walked over to it and in between the Zenon door and Zenith door appeared another behind the fallen wall.

The fox stood walked on top of it, his tails went up with curiosity as he stared at the new door in front of him. The carvings on the door depicted a planet and a lot of hands that seem to be reaching for it from several directions in the center. Outside that planet were twelve wholes inside the door that looked as though an object could fit inside. The orange fox flicked his ears and touched the door and the pictures, feeling the carvings beautifully installed. He got curious and raised his head up to see if there was yet another name inscribed.

"Zen..." he read. "Funny how all the names before had some part to it but this one just has Zen on it." He half smiled and looked down. He blink and took a knee as he saw something that made him gasp.

The mirror at the bottom of the door showed pink eyes starring into it. He stared at it more and flicked it ears, the reflection doing the exact same thing. He turned his head from side to side and in a circular motion. The fox could see more blue markings on his face. On each cheek there was a blue dot and a C shaped around it pointing in the direction of his maw. His forehead had two curved C shapes back and back, almost like and X shape, with a blue dot just above that. He rubbed his head and rolled his cheeks around. His eyes opened wide as he realized he was looking at himself.

Another small rumbling filled the room and the doors around the room began to open slowly, the doors sinking into the ceiling. The fox turned around and a small ray of light came out of each room, illuminating the room. The fox could see how luscious the grass was, how stable and tall the altar was, and his fur more clearly.

"What's going on here?" He questioned. The curious fox walked to the Zenith door and looked inside. A spot light came down from the ceiling and in the middle of the room it shine on a pedestal with a circular object inside.

The fox went inside but in all directions the walls surrounded him. This small room contained one item and some words inscribed into the bottom. The fox took a knee and read.

"The world and the cosmos are filled with glorious things. May you find your way and focus on the journey, not the destination."

The fox didn't know what to think of that. He stood up and looked at the item in the bowl. The sphere was hand sized and was in a translucent color. The fox looked around and slowly poked the sphere with his finger. Nothing happened and the fox sighed in relief, hoping it wouldn't be another rumble. With enough courage, he lifted the sphere from it's resting spot and admired the item in his hands.

The fox didn't understand why but holding the sphere this close felt as though he was holding hands with someone close to him. He felt safe and warm inside and his fears from being inside this room slowly faded, making him smile. The sphere soon began to float on it's on and in a small flash of light it vanished. The fox looked around in panic before his ears flicked at hearing something going on outside.

The fox returned outside the room and he saw the sphere was lodged into one of the holes under the Zen door. He went over there to touch it again and sighed in relief that he didn't do anything wrong. However, he couldn't pull it out again. He stood back from the door and realized that there were 12 doors he read and 12 holes in the giant door. He tilted his head then looked at the other rooms.

The second room had the same structure as the first: a spot light shining from the ceiling down to another pedestal. The fox came forward and read the inscription under the orange colored sphere in the bowl.

"May your mind be filed with wonders, creativity, and fascination. Never stop believing in yourself because you have to power to be what you want. Keep your mind open and don't fear what you don't understand," the fox read aloud. He stood up and picked up the orb, feeling that familiar atmosphere like the first. Like last time, the sphere vanished. When the fox came out the room to see the orange orb in the door, he knew that what he had to do. He went into each room and read the inscription. Each one performed the same trick as the last.

Room 3: Brown orb- Treasure the earth and it will treasure you. The world is a big place, you just have to move forward and find your place in it.

Room 4: Green orb- Everything has life, including the air you breathe. Appreciate everything that comes your way, good or bad, and remember even if you cant see it, you cant touch, or you cant taste it, doesn't mean life is not there.

Room 5: Pink orb- Your body, mind, and spirit are your own and no one can take them from you. Nourish these parts and love yourself, for you are who you are and nothing can change that. Be proud of who you are and hold your head high with no doubt.

Room 6: Purple orb- There is happiness found in life and death. Do not weep for those who stop breathing but know that they are watching you from beyond and are waiting to one day reunite with you.

Room 7: Yellow orb- Know that true friends are not easy to find and a family is even harder it form or be apart of. No matter the differences, no matter the disagreements, no matter the arguments, friends and family will always be there for you and at the end of the day, you can rest easy knowing they're behind you, always and forever in your heart and you in there's.

Room 8: Blue orb- Do not take things so serious. Take things slow, watch your surroundings, and plan for anything. Always use your head and you'll be ahead of the rest.

Room 9: Red orb- Do not let the presence of others influence or effect you. Stand up for yourself and know when there's a time to fight and a time to walk away. Those times will truly show how strong you really are.

Room 10: Gray orb- Time waits for no man and will always move forward. Do not live with regrets, learn from your mistakes, and treasure the good and bad you'll experience. They may happen only once in a lifetime and change will always happen.

Room 11: White orb- You have the power to overcome anything. Be wary of those who are above you. Admire them, respect them, and surpass them

Room 12: Black orb- They say knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss, life is precious, and death is certain. What is important to you may not be as important to others. The life you choose to live is how you make it. Listen but make your own choice and follow what you believe is worth it.

When the fox did so for the last door, a small humming sound came from outside.

When the fox left the room the large door containing all 12 sphere changed. In the center of the door the picture of the earth with hands reaching out to touch it was gone. Instead, a hand mark, perfect for his hand, was inscribed into the door with the name Zen above it.

The foxed looked at his hand then back at the hole. He lifted his paw and slowly placed it in the hole.

"So my name... is Zen? Is this my door?" He asked touching it. The entire door lit up in a number of different colors according to the sphere's Zen touched: translucent, orange, brown, green, pink, purple, yellow, blue, red, gray, white, and black.

When the door stopped glowing and opened the only thing Zen could see was a white light. His eyes had to adjust but he made out objects floating in front of him but there was light still blinding him from seeing the other side. When he could see better, Zen walked towards the items hovering in the air. One was a purple robe with gold linens in it. The pants and short sleeved shirt match and the texture was a mix of silk and polyester. Zen assumed they were for him and put them on since he was still technically naked.

The second item was a long red staff. At the end of each side were gold encrusted animals wrapped around the end points, useful for stronger blunt attacks. One side had a feral animal with sharp teeth and many tails around it, the other side had a majestic bird with its beak open so the end of the rod could go through. Zen touched it and it shrink, looking like a weight with a small red handle. He put that in his pocket then approached the last item.

The last item was a small marble bag, capable of being tied to something or stuffed in his other pocket.

"This is all amazing and strange but... what will I need all this for?" he questioned to himself. Just at that moment, the orbs began to circle around him and he span around, at first shaken by their ability to do so. They stopped however and one by one shrunk. They floated in unison and traveled into the small marble bag and the strings tied themselves together.

Zen didn't know what happened but he was a little relieved that it seemed his small friends were coming with him. He took the bag and looked at it. It was blue with his name in yellow stitched on. He placed it in his pocket then walked out of the temple.