Bound by Destiny 28

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#33 of Bound by Destiny

Alexander, Janch, Jigo, Sasha and Vana are almost done with training Tenchi, and now Sasha is about to teach Tenchi the final lesson she needs. A lesson that will put all her training to the fullest use as she must learn to harness the combined powers of Alexander, Azula, Azura and Sasha in one go. Will it be too much for her or will determination cement the greatest weapon against the evil queen that is after her. The clock is ticking down by every second.

This story IS connected to actual lore.

Ainohi and Hikarinoai (Kari) © Me and

Alexander, Azula, Azura, Izae/Xixexa, Janch the Bladetail, Jigo, Jokeress, Maria, Neo, Ridgecore Vana the Prime, Sasha, Yang, Yin and Story © Me

Peridot © Me and Sedrinthestar on FA

Sapphire © Me and Turbomcgogo on FA

Sedrin © Sedrinthestar on FA

Tarja © Me and Clockwerk on FA

Tenchi © (Co-author)

Length: 1,545 words. 8,406 characters.

Time used to type: 45 minutes (with corrections and cleaning)

Bound by Destiny 28 - The Last Lesson

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

A week of hard training has gone by since Sasha's sudden collapse that left many worried. Tenchi had been training so hard that her body was aching from the exhaustion, but with a drink from Sasha's own blood, she was up and going every time. Even with the additional energy boost, Tenchi was slowing down a bit from the training, "Sasha, please. I cannot take much more now." Sasha growled at Tenchi, "Listen! Your mom can attack at any moment and I do not want you to do a bad job. Either you push yourself further or I will deal with her myself."

Tenchi knew all those facts already, but it didn't help much when your muscles felt like lifeless body tissue hanging from you, "Can we at least rest a bit?" Sasha growled and looked at Peridot, "Heal her up." Peridot groaned, "Mom, you are pushing it too hard. Seriously, calm down." Peridot nearly had her bladder surrender when Sasha turned to look at her, "You dare to speak to your mother in such a tone, young lady?" She felt a hand on her shoulder before Alex sighed, "Listen, you know better than anyone how it is to carry a burden on your shoulder. You are the queen over the dead. Tenchi is going to be equal to a queen of the wyverns and her own realm. Additionally she must protect the whole planet too. Not even you can deny it is a heavy pile." Alex made his point clear when he took his final form and grabbed Sasha hard to keep her in place, "Try to move now." Sasha began to move as Alex quickly looked at her, "Hantei! Taiho! Saibansho! Kokuhatsu! Hyoketsu!" It was then that Sasha noticed her body was harder to move, even to the point of nearly solidifying her in place, "What? What did you do?" Alex looked at her, "By holding at certain points of your body, I created a small blockade that slows down the signals from your brain down to the body with roughly a hundred times. You can move, but the signal to do it will take longer to transport."

Sasha noticed this and soon felt it go away before looking at Tenchi who stood ready, "Seems like I went too hard on you after all." Tenchi smirked, "I got no idea what you are talking about." Sasha turned to look her in the eyes before nodding, "You are ready for the absolute final lesson now. You gonna fuse my energy, Alex's energy, Azula's energy and Azura's energy into your own body. It will be dealing a great amount of pressure and pain at you, but you are ready for it." Tenchi got a flashback to what happened the first time and began to shiver, "Is there no other way?" Sasha just gave her head a shake before looking at Azula, "You first."

Azula nodded and walked over to Tenchi, placing her hand against her chest, "Tenchi, imagine our energies fighting over dominance and instead of fighting it, allow them to merge together and become synchronized." Tenchi nodded before closing her eyes to visualize in her head the energy, feeling Azula's being rather weaker than her own. Soon enough she felt Azula slowly sink into her body, the pain being just a light sting, but nothing more than that as once Azula was inside her, she felt another energy touching her as Azura was next. Focusing harder, she found Azura's energy to match Azula's which was making the fusion of their energies easier, her body already adapting to the energy. Suddenly inside of her, both the sisters' energies began to expand when they assumed their demonic forms, the power making Tenchi scream in pain, but soon fighting it back, "This... hurts..." Peridot moved over and began to heal Tenchi as Alex walked over and put his hand on Tenchi's chest, "I believe in you, my former student."

Tenchi felt that Alex's energy was at least thirty times stronger than what Azula and Azura had produced combined. Her teeth began to grind as she worked his energy into her own, the pain growing stronger the more of him that went inside, Tenchi's screams of torment echoing as her body attempted to enter her second form to fight the pain, only for it to not be enough to dull it all, "If this is what I got to go through, then... I will do it for all of you!" Sasha nodded and walked over before quickly ascending to her third form, Tenchi feeling that Sasha was opening her eyes, "Get ready, you are about to go through years of pain that I endured in my path towards this." Sasha's energy grew to an almost breaking point when suddenly where an image of demonic power stood, was now a gigantic angel. Sasha held out her hand to Tenchi who took it and gasped, "By Janch's glorious polearm... this energy." If Alex had been the ant of the colony, Sasha's power would be equal to ten colonies of ants. It was then that Tenchi's body began to feel the pain and power as Sasha merged with her, the sudden growing lightning marks covering her body as a warning sign for her intense power, the bones cracking as two more arms formed below the others, two wings growing out on her back and Tenchi felt as if her head was about to explode when her forehead began to open to reveal the third eye. As Sasha got a look at her, she was smiling happily, "Now that is a power to be proud of." Soon diving completely into her body, Tenchi growled out in pain, to the extend that Sasha quickly teleported them both to the open sea and a cyclone formed from the water and around Tenchi as her body attempted to work the amount of energy within her.

Soon Tenchi landed in the middle of the cyclone, noticing the water around her freezing into ice mirrors. Noticing her reflection, Tenchi was smiling before she heard the voices within her, "Sweet gods! You are looking like a true queen now." Tenchi kept looking at herself and smiled before she flapped her wings and flew back to the homestead. Upon arriving back, Peridot and others stood amazed and just looked at Tenchi before she could hear Sasha and Alex speak up, "Guess you can feel all our knowledge inside you now." Tenchi nodded before she felt them coming out of her body and returning to their normal looks as Peridot suddenly felt her knees growing weak and so did others too. Sasha covered her maw and soon began to throw up as her eyes turned completely to fire, her body assuming its second form before she looked up at them and gave the words they had waited all this time for, "She is here."

The answer made Tenchi's maw turn into a wicked grin, "Well, lets go and kill ourselves a sorry excuse for a mother!" Sasha grabbed Tenchi, "No, you will arrive in style. Also, there are others who wants a piece of her too." Sasha looked over at Alex looking as if he knew where it came from and Peridot seemed rather angered and the chain whip began to extend from her arm. Yin seemed to wanna join in too, but soon Alex's voice rang out clear, "Yin! Take everyone who is not suited for battle and transport them to the sacred temple. I am sorry, but it is the safest area since she cannot go there. Do not question me, just do it!" Yin heard the sincere tone in his voice and nodded, "Be careful, dad." She was quickly gathering up the group and was transported away before Alex turned to Tenchi, "Me, Peridot and the rest will stall your dark mother until you arrive. But you got my word, the death blow will be yours. Do not delay it." Tenchi was about to object before Alex grabbed Peridot and quickly moved off to the battleground. Tenchi turned to Sasha and growled, "Then how will I get there?" Sasha gave a smirk before the sound of bones readjusting themselves was heard from her and in front of everyone was now a gigantic wyvern that spread out its wings, "Get on, now!"

The voice was enough to make Vana, Janch, Tenchi, Gane and Rywigo to climb onto her back, the sudden acceleration making them feel the wind as it was blowing, when suddenly on top of her head Tarja was appearing, "I am here to guide you to where she is. She is attacking the capital city." Sasha's eyes widened and the wings began to flap even faster, "The final battle is coming, better steel yourselves. May your inner darkness never consume you and let the destruction of our enemy paint the lines of history!" Tenchi growled at Sasha's words before calling out, "FOR RI'CO'VA!"

The End.