A Silent Soul- Chapter 6
#6 of A Silent Soul
Chapter 6! :D
Hey you furs! We're back for the first part of the double upload scheduled for today! I ran into some issues yesterday which prevented me from getting the chapter up, so today there will be not one, but TWO chapters of only the finest quality writing I can offer. :) This is a continuation of chapter 5, so it is a bit of a shorter chapter as I just wanted to wrap up the night. Lots of emotion this chapter, so get your tissues ready! Or not! That's it, I'm rambling, I'll see you at the bottom of the page!
I walked up to the door, putting my hand on the handle before hesitantly entering the room. It was dark, but my sharp ears caught the light sniffles of Elijah. He was sitting on his bed with his back against the far end of the wall where his pillows would be.
He glanced towards me, and for the first time I noticed the odd coloration as his light silvery eyes met my own emerald ones. I shut the door quietly behind me before sitting on the edge of the bed. He didn't say anything, so I spoke first.
"Are you okay?" I asked gently. He shook his head no, and my ears fell back in dismay. I noticed him clutching a small silver locket shaped like a heart.
"Did your mom give that to you?" I asked, trying to get a response from him. He nodded his head before taking a shaky breath.
"When she passed... I found the note that she hid for when the day came, this locket was in the box with the letter." He popped the locket open. Inside was a small picture of what looked like he and his mother. He closed it shortly after.
"I miss her so much... and the news of her funeral just kind of... pushed me over the edge I guess." He said quietly. I nodded in response before it grew quiet again. After a minutes of silence, another thought entered my head.
"What about your-" He seemingly was anticipating my question as he cut me off.
"Father? He left before I was born. I never had the chance to meet him... not that I would want to at this point." He spoke bitterly, as if the thought left a bad taste in his mouth. My heart went out for him.
So that's why he didn't have any help moving... both of his parents are gone.
"I was worried, I thought I had done something wrong. Rachel and I went and had something to eat, and she explained the situation..." His ears seemed to perk up at that.
"She did?" He asked.
I nodded, "Was she not supposed to? It wasn't her fault, I was asking her about it and freaking out that it was me and..." I trailed off staring towards the ground.
"No, I'm not mad at her. I'm glad actually. I don't know if I would have had the heart to tell you. She was always the stronger one between us, emotionally speaking. I just crack under pressure so easily and I hate it so much but I can't help it." He said.
"You seemed to be doing pretty well earlier." I pointed out.
"I was distracted, so when my grandma called to tell me about the funeral everything rushed back all at once. It took every part of me to not break down right after I got off the phone. I just didn't want to look so... weak in front of my roommate. Although I guess this isn't helping my case much." He chuckled out wryly. I shook my head at his statement.
"This doesn't change anything between us. If anything, I have more respect for you. The fact that you can sit here and talk to me about something of this magnitude amazes me. I'd be a mess right about now." It was my turn to laugh thinking of what a mess I would be. He turned to me and smiled shyly, but I missed the faint blush on his face due to the darkness.
I offered a gentle smile back to him before standing up. I reached my hand out to help him up off the bed, and he stared dumbfounded at it for a few moments before taking it. He stood up and taking me by surprise, wrapped his arms around me.
I stood shocked for a few moments before returning the hug. I wasn't much taller than him, maybe an inch or two, as his head rested on my shoulder. He pulled away from the hug, and I involuntarily let out a disappointed whine.
He gave me a funny look, obviously wondering about the sound.
I rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah sorry, I was kind of enjoying that." He chuckled at me before punching my arm.
"I didn't know you were such a softy Jasper. I've got a bit of blackmail to use now it looks like." I let out a slight growl at the statement, letting him know my displeasure.
"Only joking of course hehe..." He said nervously.
I rubbed his head mockingly, "Just messing with you. I couldn't bring myself to hurt a fly let alone my new roommate." We stood awkwardly for a few moments before the sound of Elijah's growling stomach ripped through the quiet room. He blushed furiously, hiding his face in his hands.
I let out a hardy laugh, "nothing to be ashamed of, as far as I know you haven't eaten yet. You can have a bag of chips to hold you over, or we can go down to the dining hall." He shook his head.
"I don't feel like going out right now, but I'd love something to snack on... if you don't mind of course." He said.
"Of course not, I brought plenty and I can always go buy more later. Eat all you want!" I offered. Reaching into my food container under the bed I grabbed the big party style bag from the bottom, tossing it to him. "Pick your favorite. And throw me a bag of barbeque while you've got the bag please." I instructed.
P.O.V. Change: Elijah
I searched for a few seconds before grabbing a bag of plain chips, throwing Jasper his barbeque ones as well. He put the bag back in the container, sliding it under the bed once again.
I reached over and turned on the light, tired of the darkness. He shielded my eyes from the light from having sat in the dark room for a while.
"Ahhh! Bright light! Bright light! It buuuuuurns!" He shouted jokingly. I only shook my head amusedly at him. We ate quickly, with me finishing first being the hungry one. He'd just eaten so he took his time.
Licking the salt from my muzzle and paw tips, I stretched letting out a cute whine in the process. My shirt and jacket pulled up with the stretch, unintentionally exposing my white furry midriff.
Glancing towards Jasper mid-stretch, I caught him staring. _Interesting_I thought. I extended the stretch longer than I normally would, then all at once dropped it and stared him dead in the eye, grinning mischievously.
He looked away quickly, pretending to be eating another chip. I only giggled at his response.He quickly finished his bag of chips and I grabbed both bags throwing them away. I laid down on the bed, grabbing my phone to check the time.
8:30... think it might be time for a shower. Oh god, when was the last time I even had a shower? Oh wait never mind, I had one at Rachel's the other day. Still should go take one I guess. The showers were down the hall in the community bathroom. Every dorm had its own toilet and sink of course, but showers were different.
Sighing, I stood back up and grabbed towel as well as my shower caddy with all of my various shampoos and conditioners. Gotta love having fur I thought.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, be back in a bit." I turned to the door ready to leave when I heard Jasper getting up off his bed.
"I was about to head down there myself, I can show you where they're at." He responded grabbing his stuff as well. Good, cause I have no idea where it's at. We walked down the hall, chatting idly about classes.
I stopped at the door labeled Community Showers. Well I feel dumb. We stepped in and I was met by the strong smell of soap, and something else I couldn't quiet put my paw on. Each stall had a shower inside, so Jasper and I both grabbed one.
I stepped out of my clothes and hung them up on the provided hooks on the other side of the door, before stepping into the shower itself, closing the curtain behind me. I turned on the hot water and let it soak into my fur before shampooing.
I hummed the light tune of Pawprints by SayWeCanFly as the soap rinsed off. I was shocked when I heard Jasper in the stall next to me humming along with me. _Didn't take him for a light music kind of guy._I smiled giddily, increasing my volume.
He increased his as well until we were both singing word for word. I was enjoying the moment until another voice came from a few stalls down.
"Shut up you fags, I can't even hear myself think over here!" We both stopped singing and I blushed furiously. I finished washing off as I heard Jasper's water turn off, mine following shortly behind him.
I grabbed my towel and starting drying off when Jasper's voice echoed through the room.
"You got something to say to me? Come say it to my face then, come on!" He called the other voice out.
"I ain't got nothing to say to you fag, just be quiet and take your boy toy in there back to your room." I don't like where this is going, not at all. I quickly pulled my pants back on, ignoring my still dripping fur soaking through them.
I stepped out of my stall to see a horse standing on the other side of the room with Jasper still standing by his stall, tail thrashing and teeth bared. Not wanting him to get in trouble, I became the peacemaker.
"Listen, we're not looking to cause trouble. I'm sorry we were loud but you didn't have to be so rude about it." I stated. The horse only huffed in response.
I sighed, "Come on Jasper, let's go." I grabbed my stuff as did Jasper. He turned to growl again at the horse but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away before he said something he would regret later.
Once the door shut however Jasper let the growl he'd been holding back run rampant, the sound ripping through the quiet hallway. It was menacing and threatening and frankly scared me quite a bit. I shrank back and tucked my tail beneath my legs.
Upon noticing my frightened state he immediately stopped, the guild in his eyes evident.
"Sorry, people like that really agitate me. I'm sorry for scaring you." He apologized. I nodded and stayed quiet, still a little shocked from his little outburst. I followed him back to the room where we finished drying off and getting dressed.
I was in the middle of brushing the knots out of my fur when Jasper spoke again.
"Elijah?" He asked. I acknowledged him in the mirror, still brushing my hair, but didn't speak. The amount of sorrow that was pooled in his eyes was alarming, and I quickly turned to face him.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked quickly.
He shook his head before responding, "I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I've got really bad anger management problems that I've been trying to work on but obviously it got way out of hand earlier. I feel awful for scaring you so bad, I'm really not a bad person." His voice shook with emotion.
Why does it bother him so much that he scared me?
"Listen, it's really not that big of-" He cut me off. "It is a big deal! After all that you've been through the last few days the last thing I need to be doing is letting my emotions take over and-"
It was my turn to cut him off as I turned around and hugged him for the second time that night. He quickly returned the hug, almost as if he was afraid I'd... leave.
My eyes widened as I continued the hug, tightening my grip knowing that he was afraid I'd leave him because of the incident.
"Jasper I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I told him gently. His body finally stopped trembling as he finally calmed down.
"Promise?" He asked quietly.
I nodded my head, "Promise." He released me from his grip upon retrieving my answer. We both sat down on our respective beds, and I watched him for any more signs of shaking.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him. He pondered the thought for a few moments before shaking his head.
"Now isn't the right time. I'll tell you eventually, just not now." He responded. I was somewhat hurt, but nodded my head anyways.
"Goodnight then." I told him, crawling under the covers.
"Goodnight." He replied. I reached to the end of my bed to turn off the light before my head hit the pillow, falling asleep quickly.
Hmmmm some interesting developments! Looks like everyone has a secret to hide around here, Jasper included. Maybe we'll investigate it further later on, or maybe I'll just completely forget and make myself look bad! You'll just have to wait and see! The next chapter will be up later tonight, expect it to be a bit longer than this one. I mean the first day of classes is pretty important, right? Right? :D That's all from me though, see you guys in the next chapter! Byeeee! :3