Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 12: November Rains

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#12 of Season of the Black Rose Series

Okay this is the final chapter of my first volume until the start of next year and you are probably gonna hate me for the cliffhanger ending!

November 7th, The Hentzel Cottage, outskirts of Grants pass, Heavy rains hailed its fury on the countryside, the storm running rampant as waves of water cascaded down the nearby mountains until the sun broke through the clouded veil. Kenashi was assisting Mr. Hentzel in his monthly deep cleaning of the entire house, polishing the cathedral ceiling window the best he could as he stood atop a ladder. Rhyne looked up with sun gleaming through the glass pane, "It looks good enough, don't want you to fall now... Though, I'd catch ya anyways." he said.

Mr. O slowly stepped down, turning around then glancing at the compact stepladder staircase that lead into a small bedroom above the master bedroom. It looked like someone had recently just moved into it, "Hey has that room always been there?" he asked, since he thought it was more of storage space despite it had its own window. Rhyne briefly looked at it, "Oh yeah, when I had this place first put together from a kit, I kind of meant it as a second bedroom either for Rociel or Cell but its been empty for a while until now. Granted its cause Celestine isn't having trouble sleeping for a while." he said, glad his daughter was sleeping better.

A number of objects reflected light off the smooth shiny surfaces, "Thank my buddy Caesar for that, he does more in his sleep than most people do in a lifetime, and whoever he drags in with him pass out. It's kind of cool!" Ken said, hoping to steer the conversation towards a subject he was curious about. The Waterwolf yawned for a minute, copastetic about his spawn's beau, "As long as it makes her happy, I don't care because life's too short to be miserable." he stated. The teenaged vulpine took the time strike while the iron was hot, "Is it okay if I ask you a question?" he probed. "Sure, I don't mind." The Good doctor answered, feeling rather sociable at the moment while his partners were out shopping for winter clothes.

Kenashi took a deep breath, praying for an answer, "What can you do as an esper? Erika saw you fix Iraimei's hip after you whammed into him and just was curious." he asked in an effort sate the curiosity clawing in the back of his mind. Rhyne chuckled, wondering if Rociel coerced him to ask that question, "If you knew the kind of power I wielded, you'd be curious why I don't use it. Well, Having power and choosing to use it are two different things, and I choose to use my power wisely unlike a counterpart of mine out there in the grand scheme of things. She likes use it for her own flights of fancy but I can't blame her, but her kids are good boys, though one of them might be a bit of troublemaker." he explained, essentially downplaying the importance of his psychokinetic strength.

Suspicion took a hold of the youth's senses, "Seriously, what can you do that is so awesome that not even Rociel can't know about?" Ken asked, pondering what kind of power could Rociel from from learning about it. Mr. Hentzel contemplated his response, "Let's just say I take my time and go where I please, though I don't care much for travelling." he explained, subvertly referencing to space and time. The fox's mind immediately recognized the power he quietly wielded, "I see. Ever try to kill Hitler?" he humored rhetorically, not expecting an answer. The striped elder's nostrils flared, "When I had to go on an unplanned vacation, tried to several times and I should've aimed higher the first time! After 7th try I gave up and let a few other boys take a crack at Colonel Bogey. Paranoid sonuvabitch!" he replied, a little disappointed that he failed at it. Mr. O paused and deadpanned at him, trying to figure out if he was trying to pull his leg or telling the truth, "Wait, what?" he said, severely confused at the moment.

Rhyne suddenly reminded himself that one of his daughters wasn't around to enjoy the early quiet sunday morning, "Speaking of Paranoid, Where in the hell's bells Rociel's been? She keeps vanishing and not just with that little cloaking gizmo because I would've seen her running around. She's been really secretive about it too!" he said, only baffling the poor boy further. Ken couldn't make heads or tails of how someone could see an invisible individual, "Wait wha-? Hold up old man! First off how could someone be invisible and you could see them? Secondly, she's been hanging with this guy I kind of know... Well, technically speaking He has something Rociel wants and she has something wants so it's kind of hard to explain." he professed, accidentally spoiling the surprise. The tables turned on the Striped Hyena, "Did I just hear what I just hear or did the bowels of hell froze and lucifer is sipping hot chocolate to stay warm? Because she's been keeping her texts short and calls shorter like she's avoiding me, and if you what said is true, go find her!" he commanded, sending the Fox see what his daughter was up to, mainly out of worry.

Luckily, Paranoia worked in his favor since Rociel made it a recent habit to send a text of her location to Ken and Akira whenever she went out with Barrette. He made his way to the Railside Hotel, one of the better Inns to stay at as opposed to Shagslab motels that often or not had enough of a dark history to warrant steering clear of them all cost, biking across town for about a couple hours until he crossed the bridge overhead the recently upgraded rail line designed to accommodate Aerotek's Apollo series freight trains. He pulled into next to the lobby entrance, parking his bike in plain view of the security cameras then approaching the counter, ringing the bell.

A fairly short black and white furred maiden, a panda bear no less. appeared from the break room and very familiar one to Kenashi at that, "Oh hey there Kenny! Long time since I've seen you around sweetie!" she said, thankfully one of the ones that didn't want to castrate him. His cheeks turned bright red, a little embarrassed that he ran into one of his conquests like this, "Umm hey what's up Meridia? Good to see you out of that Wheelchair, looks like your physical therapy worked out. How've you been?" he said, sailing through the awkwardness of meeting her once again. She was comfortable with him around, especially at this hour when no one was around, "I've been sunshine and roses ever since I started doing online schooling, not much of social life but I certainly do get the grades to make up. How've you and your little lady friend Akira been doing? Her other half still wanna cut your manbits into pieces?" she asked, somewhat bored waiting around for noontime to come around.

The awkwardness for him fortunately subsided, charmed by her friendly demeanor, "Oh me and Erika get along now, anyway, I'm actually looking for a friend or two of mine at the moment." he said, his ears joyfully perked. Meridia bit her lower lip, trying to think of anybody that she's seen recently that likely be his friends, "Are you looking for a flirty crazy gal a bit taller than you who likes trains and a big blonde haired hawaiian boy with a big brain and brown eyes?" she said, describing the couple to the exact letter. Ken beamed from ear to ear, "Yeah yeah yeah! What room are they staying in?" he asked, jubilated that he ran into her.

Meridia sighed, snapping her fingers in disappointment, "I know they haven't checked out yet but I can't tell you that 'cause of company policy... Unless you wanna do me a favor?" she said, reaching underneath her shirt to pull out a small parcel with the label "Wild Rose Prophylactics" on it. One facet of this encounter fascinated Ken was how such a shy girl turned into such a socialite, "So you want to do that kind of "Physical Therapy" again?" he asked, wondering if he actually had time. She playfully grinned, knowing what kind of Boy he was, "Anything to keep these two legs walking, and if I happen to blurt out their room number while I'm at it, don't hesitate to finish pulling the trigger." she teased, before they headed into the cameraless breakroom....

...An hour later, Kenashi quietly slipped out as Meridia redressed herself, "Thanks Meri." he said as she followed behind him. She took her post at the counter, prim and proper, "Next time you're on my side of town don't hesitate to bring your lady friend down for some fun, I'm bored as hell with these online classes." she said before he left. The 17 year old old ursine felt a jolt of energy from her spine, "A gentleman caller and cup of coffee sure gets the blood flowing!" she thought to herself, recharged for the day.

Kenashi made his way to the 2nd floor to room #135, detecting the overpowering, though faded, scent of Mint oil and made the entire level reek to the high heavens of it. He heard giggling and laughter from behind the entrance, "Well, guess Hell did freeze over." he thought, knocking on the door. It ominously opened, he walked in to find Rociel and Barrette under the covers curled up together, "Hey Kenashi, what's up?" she asked in an oddly calm tone.

He felt an unusual stillness to the air, bearing a charge like if only one individual was present despite evidence to the contrary, "Seems like you hit it off." he said, silently appreciating their auric resonance. The one object out of place was the koru charm that found its home on the brutishly large hyena's collarbone instead of the crossbreed's, "To the moon alice!" she humored. Kenashi snickered at the joke from the ancient 20th century TV show, "Anyway, your dad's freaking out about you at the moment. Give him a call, or drag Atlas here with you..." he said, sitting on the bed parallel to them.

Barrette couldn't resist to introduce his own sense of wit into the equation, "But what if I shrug, who's to hold up the world? I'm sure you can't do it." he teased, sending Rociel into a fit of laughter. Her giggling was incessant for a Joke that she only found funny to the point it annoyed Kenashi, "What the fuck is so hilarious about that?" he said, slightly jaded that she never laughed at his jokes. She picked up a paperback copy of "Atlas Shrugged" then threw at his head, "Read a book numbskull, or at least watch the bloody movie!" she remarked.

The underwhelming force the paper projectile that impacted against the fox's skull prompted him to question, "Okay where the fuck is the real Rociel because that was just weak! She'd be beating me to death with a book just to prove her point." he said, wondering what happened to aggressive psycho that'd maim in a heartbeat. Brett's hand gently caressed the side of the crossbreed's skull before he nibbled on her ear, then locked lips together, rolling around on the sheets until Rociel threw him off the bed in her sadistic playfulness. Kenashi's ears twitched and perked realizing that the powerhouse maiden found her tesla coil, "Ohhhh!" he thought to himself.

The Earthwolf grabbed her the by the ankle, dragging her as they began wrestling one another in a mad frenzy, "Let's see how clever you think you are!" he boasted, thrashing around and tearing up the covers. Rociel fought to pin him down until they came to a stalemate in a stranglehold, both panting for breath in an adrenaline fueled high, "Draw?" she queried, actually compromising with her competitor. Kenashi's jaw dropped to the floor, "Heh?!? Am I getting punked? Is there secret cameras or some shit?" he said, immediately searching the room to only found Rociel's bag of 'fun stuff' and some empty food containers.

A roaring growl echoed in the hotel room from the adolescent technopath's stomach, hungry for breakfast, "Phew... You guys want breakfast? I'll run and grab something while you two have a little fun together, kay?" she said, getting dressed for the day. She left the room with her wallet, wondering what would happen if she left the two alone, before finally closing the door. The sound of door click meant for Brett to take an opportunity that would be hard to find, taking out the battery from his phone, "Hand me your phone..." he dictated, taking the appropriate measures to ensure their privacy.

Kenashi was hesitant to do so but he knew better, "Alright..." he said, pulling out his own smartphone battery, since Rociel often tapped into such devices to eavesdrop. Barrette stretched his neck and rotated his head around then looked directly into the Vulpine's eyes, "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?... Doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting results to change... And the results have changed." he stated in a cordial tone, rather pleased with the final product. Mr. O raised a brow at butchering of a famous quote, "Heh? I got to ask how, what, where, and who? Where's the satanic symbols to summon a giant octopus from the underworld?" he said, still pondering how he managed to control the blazing inferno and turn it into an olympic pyre.

Brett snickered at the pun, considering he was a fan of lovecraftian horror and made him no stranger to his courtier's behavior, "To simply put it: You... You did good you!" he teased, trying to compliment him. Bewilderment befell Kenashi amongst the simple praise, his brain trying to figure out what he did, "Okay, did someone put an Orange parka on me with a bull's eye on my back? What did I do!" he asked. The Hyena's smiling grin was disarming at best, "That was sly of you pawning Rociel off on me with my Grandfather's necklace, and you knew she'd put me through hell so I could get it. You are a sick evil sonuvabitch!" he said, though reading too much into what happened that lead to this moment.

Ken felt flattered about the compliment, biting his lip, "I have really little to do with you guys getting together, I just gave her your necklace because she wanted it. It's just coincidence that you two have chemistry together..." he explained, trying to reel him back into reality. A long extended exhale boomed from his sinuses, "Yeah... Man, what a trip Rociel is! You have no idea all the cool stuff she threw at me, she pushed me out of shuttle from Low-earth orbit, sent me to ride the wave of a crashing satellite in Baja, and not to mention the astronaut training. Don't even get me started on what we talked about, much less what we did in her hideout. The only one word I could describe her with... Brilliant!" he said, awestruck by her spirit and tenacity, not to mention the Runner's high.

Kenashi was apathetic towards his new acquaintance, providing him the cold shoulder with a side of envy, "Yeah, she's nuts but I never imagine her changing so quickly..." he said, disappointed on his view of her supposedly new behavior. Barrette rolled her eyes, due to him being privileged to witness Rociel in a way that most others didn't, "Oh please, like you barely knew her in the first place, sure you're her friend but the time she has shown me told me what's beyond the surface. Do you realize how intricate her mind is? What her goals are? What does she dream of when she sleeps at night? Do you understand how immature that sounds when say you never imagine someone you know changing? People change over time and it's only to be expected, sometimes people change for better or worse, it's up to you how you perceive that change. " he lectured, knowing firsthand how someone could change in time.

He felt guilty about the truth, he only knew so little when it came to his own friends, "Well, at least she's isn't as tense from what I see... It's kind of weird that you aren't... You know... About.." he said, wondering if she told him about his encounters. Brett pressed his palm against the side of his own face, giggling while unphased what he thought was a minor detailing, "Oh, her taking you to 'church'? I'm not bothered by it, unless you're into that sort of thing but to let you know, I'm cool with it." he said, his laidback attitude showing itself to the vulpine adolescent. It wasn't certainly Kenashi's day, his comprehension completely stunted from earlier, "Wait what? Explain because people haven't been making sense so far today." he said, his mind attempting to catch up with all the information thrown at him

The same could be said with Brett, "Man, you're slow to catch on, do I need to design a neon sign to spell it out? If she's up for a 'party' with you and I in mind, let's oblige the hedonist and do as the Greeks did." he explained, caught in the wave of Rociel's vibrant sensuality and eagerly following her lead in their elaborate tango. Kenashi was now more disturbed than ever, leading him to presume the worst, "Let me guess, she's pushing the boyfriend agenda hard on you?" he said, accidentally hitting the truth on the head. The Brutish Hyena couldn't lie any further in his effort to impress his lover's comrades, "... To be honest, Yes, I mean the potential for a relationship is great, though I feel overwhelmed by her and she's the sweetest person I'll probably ever meet. It's not everyday you meet a techno-powered badass but I'm kind of uncomfortable with the fact I came out here on bender to get my grandfather's necklace in the first place. It makes me feel kind of stupid to begin with, it was well worth it regardless, but I'm secretly freaking out that I haven't anything to show for it" he explained, slightly panicking that he went off a mere impulse in the first place

The verbal ball was now in play for Kenashi, "Chill man, you have Rociel to show for it, and trust me. You are doing a favor to men and women everywhere by keeping her happy, and just go with the flow because she likes to be the boss. All you have to do is sit back then enjoy the ride, even if it is a motherfucking roller coaster that shoots you spiraling in air." he said, recalling the horrid nightmare of a short-lived extreme theme park in Japan that was closed for safety concerns. Brett worried slightly about that statement, though secretly disappointed he was too tall to ride roller coasters anymore, " Quote "All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride" unquote, were her exact same words, and that idea of letting her have all the control both frightens and arouses me at the same time." he admitted, his cheeks flushed with fresh blood while his thighs fortunately covered by a blanket. The fox's mind wandered through his own memories, trying to find the word to describe his newfound associate's position in his current relationship, "It begins with an M and means someone who enjoys suffering?..." he thought.

The Hotel door came unlocked and Rociel carrying a pair of bags from the local grocer loaded with some quick breakfast items, "I heard you two had a decent conversation, it's kind of cute how you two forgot to unplug the landline phone." she said, teasing their combined lack of attention. Ken and Brett froze with embarrassment, looking at the antiquated Telephone then turning to one another in disgust, "...Umm, you heard what we talked about?" Barrette innocuously asked, afraid she'd be upset. The crossbreed giggled, setting down the bio-plastic bags then climbed on the bed, draping herself on her consort's back, "You don't have to be secretive Dearie, if you want me to slow down, I will but if you have problems. Please tell me..." she said, before rolling on her back to his right side.

Ms. Hentzel seized a hold of her lover's middle and ring finger then inserted them into her mouth, forcing down her gullet akin to a sword-swallower, fiercely suckling on them. Kenashi stared at them, watching Brett's mind hop aboard the earliest train out of the station so speak, "That answers that question." the Fox said, witnessing the blonde haired brute turned into complacent submissive. She pulled off his digits, his weakest spot of all time, and kissed him on the cheek, "Now how about we eat breakfast then I introduce you to my father for lunch?" she asked, nibbling on Earthwolf's neck. He couldn't resist being overwhelmed by her passionate advances sending him to the cusp of subspace, "Yes Ma'am..." he answered with chills crawling vertically on his spine.

They ate their first meal of the day, albeit a small snack of Greek Yogurt and Granola bars, as they set off with the exception of Kenashi who had fulfill his own chores at his home. Rociel and Brett made their way to the Hentzel Family home, shortly arriving after pulling into the driveway as she led him to the doorstep. They knocked on the aquamarine painted door, greeted by a father in disbelief, "Okay... Hell just iced over with a forecast of intense blizzards. Well, come on in I suppose..." he said.

Jacklyn, who recently returned with a bag full of maternity clothes, was relaxing on the couch until she noticed her Daughter's catch, "Hey do you want me to take over on this one?" she said, looking at her spouse. Rhyne nodded yes then announced his absence in the matter, "Good night everybody!" he said, despite it was only noon before entering the master bedroom. The Hyena matron repositioned herself to the dining table as her spawn and her beau sat down across from her, "Alright, Introduce your 'Friend' here and start explaining where on god's green earth did you find him along with what's going on?" she queried.

Barrette decided to speak first, "Hello Ma'am, My name is Barette Arsenault..." he said, extending his hand out. Jacklyn didn't feel the need to respond to the gesture since she was familiar with someone he knew, "Let me guess, You're Emile's boy? Black haired guy, tattoos, really tall, loves turtles, has a Lady friend that likes to roughhouse and is a really decent baker." she answered, recalling the last time she worked with another OASIS agent. His jaw dropped at the almost precise description of his progenitor, "You know my father? How?" he asked, though not entirely surprised.

Rociel was smiling on the inside when she heard that her mother knew his parents, but her glee was evident in the usual signs, "I like where this was going!" she thought. The former contractor started counting the years when she first remembered the good news, "He was my supervisor at first, and he wouldn't shut up about you while Luann, i think that was her name, wanted to slug him after you were born. It was about when I was 20 around mid-june, and that would make you 19 years old as of this year so making you about 4 years older than my little Brainiac." she said, replaying the memory of Brett's father bragging about a 10 pound baby. He worried that she still had his parents' contact information after all this time, fearing that she'd tell them, "To be honest, I came out to oregon for my grandfather's necklace that Rociel had and it kind of just ended up this way between us. Please don't my father I did this or else if he doesn't get upset, my mother will, they'll think i wasted two grand for nothing." he explained, fearing how furious his parents would be.

The proverbial ball of power now made its way into Jacklyn's palms, giggling like a madwoman, "Oh really now? Because I think your trip wasn't for nothing in this case... But I think it would be only fair to punish you on their behalf, and yes Rociel, you can ask what you wanna ask." she said, envisioning how her Good doctor would handle the situation. Rociel grinned like a Cheshire cat, beaming from ear to ear with the burning question, "Can I keep him?" she asked. Her mother smiled a sadistic smile, "Yes you can." he said, finding it suitable for a punishment.

The sheer jubilation coursing throughout Rociel's body was enough to trigger parts of Alien Archive in her mind to unlock as several of the LED lights burnt themselves out and sent the dishwasher on the fritz, along with the radio playing "Shut me up". Jacklyn almost immediately regretted answering that question but empathasized with happiness, "Calm down!... And did she tell you about this Brett or is this the first time she's done this around you?" she probed, wondering if her daughter spilt the fact she was a technopath. Barrette couldn't resist worrying if that yes was a good or a bad thing, as he hid under the table, "Don't worry, I'm used to this already, we kind of had to leave several hotels because of the steel girders and the foundation cracking." he said, hoping no one linked her to the number of motels undergoing renovation.

Rociel was speechless, wrapping herself around her beau in her infectious joy, "So how about we say hi to my little sister?" she said, wanting to rub it in her sibling's face. Barrette shrugged and followed her up into the enclosed loft, seeing how much of the room was a complete mess. There was clothes all over the floor, snack cake wrappers littered in the corners and a strangely unruly stench in the air, along with a rabbit passed out in a hammock cuddled next to a body pillow, "Oh my god, you fucking slob..." the rabbit's eldest chastized before doing a usual greeting. The next thing celestine realized she was on the floor, and her reflexes never failed her, delivering a quick jab to not a groin but Barette's knee, "Fuck you!..." she said half asleep, until gazing upward in awe.

It was a poor choice of words on Cell's part before she slackjawed at Barrette's brutish stature, "You'd make Caesar self conscious if you did..." her eldest joked. Despite his pain, He aided in the humor of the situation, "...Plus you're a little too small for me!" he said, but only making the situation worse. It was a blow to the gut for Celestine's self esteem, "Just because she can crack a walnut with her fat ass or those huge fucking tits doesn't mean I'm not attractive." she jeered, with Rociel's feminine aspects proportionate to her body acting as evidence to the contrary.

Barrette didn't intend for the supposed youngest of the Hentzel sisters to take it that way, "Anyway, I just wanted to meet you Ms. Hentzel..." he said, extending his arm out. Celestine grabbed it to lift herself up off the ground then scanned over him, "Yeah.. Whatever, Good luck being Sissy's new bitch." she said, apathetic towards the two at the moment, wishing to be asleep. He didn't care much for the new nickname, especially since he found himself catering to Rociel's fancies, nor the disrespect, "Well, anyone else you'd like me to meet?" he asked, curious to how he'd be received.

Rociel was somewhat disappointed with her sister's poor reaction to his presence, "Well my father but he's busy at the moment with my other mother." she explained. He believed her without the slightest effort, considering his mind lay elsewhere, "Hey, is it okay if we talk about a few important things in private, maybe outside?" he asked. She shrugged her shoulders, "Sure why not!" she replied, considering she needed discuss a priority matter with him.

They headed out through the kitchen door, sitting down on the corner porch, though Barrette somewhat comfortable in the oversized chair, " I'm going to have to visit my parents sometime soon, and I need something to show I actually accomplished something. I hate to ask this but do you think you can loan me some cash?" he said, despising the idea of borrowing funds. Rociel laughed at her beau with a considerably better idea in mind, "No... But I do have a position for you to fill. You know how I told you I'm way deep in Aerotek and been kind of cheating the stock market, well, I kind of bought a lot of property that its in my name but since I'm not legally an adult, I've been having my girlfriend's dad act as my custodian for said property. I want you to hold onto it for me until them, and I'll let you crash at one of the places I bought nearby, it's a nice one story three bedroom with a big basement!" she cheerily explained, slaying a pair of swallows in one stone.

Brett's heart fluttered at the thought, happy that she listened to his speech from earlier, "So if I say yes, does that mean we're going steady?" he teased, smiling at her. Rociel pounced on his lap in her glee, draping her arms around his neck, "We can take it slow and steady as you like mi amour!... But first, Let's get all that legal mumbo jumbo out of the way before the real fun begins!" she said, taking him by the hand, leading him to the property next door. His mind wandered on about his new lover, "Of all the people in the world Grand-dad, you lead me to the Mastermind of all that I envy." he thought, debating the irony of his relationship.

They found a cabin-esque two story trailer with a fold up porch sitting quietly in its lot, with a truck consistently at the ready to leave at a moment's notice, before they knocked on glass panel sliding door. Siria was first to answer, opening the steel framed slider, "Okay, is it psychopath christmas or did you search the entire globe for this guy?" she said, still solemn and morose as ever. Rociel was fortunately in a pleasant thanks to his presence nonetheless, "Nah, that's the fun part! He found me! So you "Eheh" later?" she said, raising her eyebrows and nodding towards Brett. His cheeks turned crimson at her suggestion til he heard the nail in coffin, "You and your libido... But for my first guy, I could always do worse. I'll set up camp for you mistress..." she replied, grabbing a small backpack then heading out to their normal campsite.

The heat from Barette's breath left a puff of fog in the air, "Well... When in Greece, do as the Greeks do." he said, poking fun at Rociel's faith of Rational Hedonism. She cracked a fey grin, "Hell, if we had the time I could schedule an orgy but everyone's busy at this time of the year so meh." she said, parading her natural confidence and libidinous pride. He snickered a little, licking his lips at the idea, "As long as I get to parade you around, It'd be fun." he replied, teasing her sensual nature. She blushed at the compliment, infatuated by the fact he was proud to be with her, "Oh stop that! You and moi are gonna have a lot of fun together!" she teased, her ears perked at his sweet tongue.

An elderly mongrel came to see who was on his porch, wearing a scruffy shoddy black denim jacket, "Rociel, Why are you here and who is this?" Mr. Burrows probed, paranoid about visitors. Rociel waved her hand, her expression glowing with happiness, "This my special friend, Barrette, and I was hoping we can transfer custodianship of my assets over to him." she explained. A sense of relief dawned on the old hound, "Thank fucking god, finally I don't have to deal with all those tax forms ever again! I'll get the paperwork ready!" he answered, eager to be finally done and over with the nightmare of managing her property, not to mention the money she promised him for doing so.

In a matter of minutes, Mr. Burrows brought out a set of papers a brick thick along with several pens, setting it down on the patio table underneath the emerald canopy, "Once you sign everything, I'll have it notarized immediately then I hope you like all the nightmares that comes with it." he said. Barrette felt a strange sense of familiarity with the faustian contracts, pondering if demons would leap from hell and tear him apart, "Alright, Unto the breach." he said, signing his signature on the paperwork. It only took a moment for him to analyze over all the necessary legalese, while the schizophrenic elder was eager to jump at the moment to be free of Rociel's burden.

Rociel herself was busy playing with her smartphone, transferring the amount she owed Mr. Burrows for managing her assets, beaming as she watched Brett sign the final page. He couldn't shake the feeling he did something stupid but didn't pay any mind to it, "Just probably my nerves..." he said, slightly anxious about taking on such a huge responsibility. The old hound immediately took the custodian paperwork away inside, preparing to mail them to the local municipal court, "Alright, You two do whatever the hell you do." he yelled, essentially telling them to scram.

The duo set off on their little misadventure into the forest until Rociel fell behind Brett, pulling a heavy duty leather collar from her pocket then rattled it. He stopped and turned, realizing what it meant for him, "Oh hell, you're serious?" he said, remembering the time he first wore it for playtime. She snapped the leather with a quick stretch, fiercely staring him down with an impassioned desire in her eyes, "You already wear the collar of your family, why not wear mine? The question is, are you a slave or a man?" she asked, proposing a drastic query.

The sound of thunder echoed in the far distance, Barrette eyed the collar that she had made for him, slowly approaching her. He kneeled down, placing his hands on her cheeks then kissing her on the forehead, "I think you know the answer to that." he said. Rociel's beau bowed his head down, allowing her to place her mark on his neck, "I like that answer!" she said, before returning the gesture by locking lips with her pet.

His brain flooded with adrenaline and endorphins, Brett's heart was pounding a mile a minute and loving every second of it, "So does this work vice versa? Because I have a few ideas." he teased. There was an obvious connection between the two since Rociel was ready blast off into outer space from her sheer rapture, "If you want to be a naughty pet, expect no mercy!" she replied, tantalized by what he was plotting. He could barely hold his own excitement, eager for the fray once more, "How about you introduce me to your other pet... Mistress?" he replied, grinning like a perverted fool as he stood up.

The second item to come from her pocket was a leash, "I prefer to be called "Momma" by my pets." Rociel said, brandishing her teeth while she swayed from side to side. One famous phrase came to Brett's mind, "They always say Necessity is the Mother of Invention." he replied, teasing her largest organ. She salivated at her Lover's wit, "Come on you!" she instructed, guiding him to her secret spot in the woods where prying eyes wouldn't find.

They discovered the site with the huge hammock at the ready for them with a tarp above it, before they piled in with Siria. She looked at Barrette to her left and Rociel to her right, sighing out of anxiety, "Please be gentle this time... Rociel." she whined, stuck between the pair of hyenas. She found herself entwined amongst them, with her master nibbling at the wolf's neck, "Just this time." the crossbreed answered...

... Five hours later, Barrette felt himself bundled with Rociel asleep atop him and Siria at his hip, "C'est la vie" he thought, inhaling the moist air through his nostrils. He thought about the future briefly, considering his current situation, "You know, most guys my age never get this far in life, Grandad you always had a sick sense of humor!" he said in his mind, looking at his Koru charm. A set of nails started scratching his skin, teasing his sense of touch, "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?" the Technopath probed, wriggling around ready to play.

While Rociel played with her 'pets', Her mother found her old supervisor's phone number via social media, making a long distance call to the islands. Mr. Emile Arsenault, in the middle of his lunch break of a Mango Salad, answered his phone "Hello, Arsenault residence, Emile speaking... And if this is another one of those virtual prank calls, I will track your IP down and smash your computer in because I am police officer and I have the resources to do so." he said, often the victim of a number of prank calls by bored locals. Jacklyn didn't hesitate to call him out on it, "If you smash my laptop, I'll smash your fucking prettyboy face in and make your wife Luanna watch!" she replied, knowing he'd recognize her voice.

Emile's pride immediately crawled up inside him, remembering the voice of the aggressive young lady that often snatched his major contracts, namely the Search and Destroy missi8ns, "Is this Jacklyn? If this is about that beer I owe you, I'm kind of strapped for cash at the moment." he said, failing to honor a bet that she couldn't take down an esper by hand. Jacklyn hated the fact he forgot to do it ages ago, along with the fact she couldn't drink whatsoever, "Uhh yeah dumbass, and that beer needs another year rain check because I am feeding for two at the moment." she explained.

The 43 year old Earthwolf gladly accepted the good news early in his day, "Sweet, when is the baby due?" he asked, curious about the subject. Jacklyn was already several months along but she focused on the task at hand, "Around Feburary, anyway, Apparently your son ran into my daughter and you can pretty much guess from that point." she said, hoping he'd comprehend her words. To Emile, this only made his day even better, "Oh you live out Oregon now? Cool! Did they hit it off or something?" he asked, wondering if there was more gospel to this call.

Ms. Amirr felted Jaded about how relaxed Emile received the information, "They kind of did and out of the park, but he found your dad's necklace." she stated, trying to provide the details. On the other end of the line, he beamed from ear to ear, "Well that's even awesomer! Two pigs in one stone!" he cheered. Now she felt guilty for considering mentioning anything negative to him, "...Uhh, I think my Daughter Rociel is helping him get his own place." she said, playing it by ear from what she heard from Tylar. He nodded his head, enjoying his morning so far from all the pleasant news, "Alright, Thanks for letting me, I have to get going for work." he said, ending the call.

Luanna was sitting on her husband's lap, "So what's going on with our son?" she probed, hoping Barrette was in decent shape. Emile pecked his wife on the cheek, "A lot of good news and great results!" he said, his morning setting him up for an excellent day. She snickered and cooed, "Like they say, You can't stop progress!" she answered.