The Devil Dog

Story by the somber wolf on SoFurry

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This is for the fallen remember them with honor.

I pulled up to the rifle range "I don't know if ill be able to do this" I thought as I got out of my jeep and grabbed the long stainless steel case and opened it

"There you are old girl" I said with a sigh

I pulled the M07 50 cal rifle out of the case and assembled it then grabbing five standard rounds out of the box and loaded the clip. There was five sunder blocks that someone had left behind I rested the heavy rifle on a large rock and look down range that when the flash back came to him. It had been the very same rifle scope he was looking through when he killed him.

(One year ago to date) "Target sighted" his spotter said

"It's been a long Waite for this guy "he said

"Three days just sitting here" he said

"Price" I said to him

"Ya" price said

"Shut the hell up we have a job to do" I said in a whisper it was a camp were the target was hiding

"Yes sir" then the cougar fell silent

"Wind velocity and distance?"I asked

"Five kilometers wind speed from the east and 4789 yard to target"

"Not to bad of a shot in my opinion" I thought to myself.

The target was a tersest leader who's name is classified all we know is that he was responsible for thousands of deaths and one of those was personal my brother was killed in the attacks "now for some revenge" I thought as I looked through my scope.

There he was evil mother fucker I took aim and was about to take the dingoes head off when he bent over and was out of sight and I thought damn he saw use until I saw him again with a kid in his arms and I said "holding fire theirs a kid" the dingo put his hand on the pups head and ruffled his fur with a smile on his face then set the pup down and it went into a tent "good he wont see this " I thought.

"OK taking the shot" I said my voice cold as ice.

Then I aimed an pulled the trigger with a loud crack the bullet soared Thru the air and found its target he was put down "cleanly" a instant death then I saw the little pup run out of the tent and he saw him on the ground a look of terror washed over his face and I saw him scream "DADDY" my heart sank with guilt as the pup ran to his dads side.

"Ha nice shot sir great work "price said because he did see the kids face when he saw his dad with his brains spread out ten yards.

"Were done call our in extraction" I said trying to keep it together.


Then I rejoined the present day and started to cry then I heard a car pull up and I dried my eyes and pulled it together

"You're a marine suck it up's said to my self

That when I saw her she was beautiful a fellow wolf with clean white fur and silver eyes.

"Hey how ya doing" she was clearly a civilian because of the way she walked and the way she way dressed in a wife beater (you can not were one if your in the marines its part of the dress coed) and shorts.

"Good" I lied

"Wow is that a 50 cal I have only seen pictures of them were did you get that" she said surprised.

"I am a retired marine sniper this is the rifle I used in the war" I said nonchalantly.

"Wow may I hold it?" she asked.

"Ya" I said then removed the clip and opened the action.

"here" I said picking up with one paw and handed it to her.

"Wow its heavy how do you pick it up with one paw"

"I don't know I'm just strong I guess" I said

"Do you want to shoot it?" I asked

"Relay ya but can you teach me how? She said with a look of pear joy

"Ya here lye down and put the clip in then pull the action back" I said lying next to her

"OK "she said and did as I instructed

"OK now this thing packs a punch and so use the scope and then just pull the trigger"

she took aim and then she genitally pulled the trigger then with a familiar loud crack the bullet soured and shattered one of the sunder blocks. Then she turned and smiled at me then for the first time in a year I was happy.

"That was powerful I don't think I can shoot it again here you finish the clip "she said handing the rifle back.

"OK here it goes I'm a Little rusty though said

then four shots rang out in quick succession all of them landing on their intended targets

"Wow that was amassing how did you do that "? She said in amazement.

"Its part of my body now's said proudly.

"Let's just say I wouldn't won't to be your target "she said with a smile

"Ya I guess "I said looking away

"Owe I'm sorry I didn't know "she said sadly

"being a sniper is the most personal job in the military you get to know your enemy like a acquaints the you have to kill him they say every time you kill some one as a sniper you kill a little bit of your self" I said not looking her in the eyes

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you relive thought moments I didn't know"

"Its OK I didn't get your name I'm Tomas" I said reaching out my paw.

"Kate umm do you want to get a drink "she asked shaking my paw.

"Ya why not I have to pack my gear one second" I said getting up

"Here ill help you" she said grabbing the now empty rifle and putting it in the case.

"Thanks here ill follow you'd said getting into my jeep

"OK threes a good restaurant up the road "she said with a smile

I followed her and when we got to the restaurant I got use a table and I had some chicken and she had pork chops then we started to talk about are families she has a sister her parents are still together then I told her about my serves and how I made it to the rank of lieutenant.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"She asked

"I had a brother till he way killed in the attacks" I said quietly with a hint of sadness

"Own I'm sorry to here that my older sister was killed in the attacks too"

"To are fallen" I said raising my glass.

"To the fallen" I heard every one in the room said somberly raising there glasses.

I was unaware that everyone in the room was listening to my story and I looked around to see that some were crying. Then a lion walked up and said "thank you for your sacrifice"

"Thank you" I said

I turned back to Kate and saw that she was crying and I put my large arm around Kate and she stopped when I gave her a soft kiss on the cheek then she smiled and kissed.

And when are evening came to an end I walked her to her car and gave Kate one last kiss good night.

"Good night Tomas here is my number call me some time "she said with a smile and drove away

"maybe it won't be so bad after all" I thought as I walked to my car and drove home.

The end


authors notes

this story is a work of fiction but dedicated to all who served fought and died for are freedom

about the title it is German for devil dog a term use by the Nazis when they saw how fiercely the Marines fought for our country.