A Silent Soul- Chapter 4

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#4 of A Silent Soul

Chapter 4! :3

Hey there all you furs! ElijahHusky back with the next chapter of A Silent Soul. A bit later than I would have preferred, but to compensate I've prepared a longer chapter than all of the others! Enjoy it, cause it won't happen often! Well, maybe. We'll see! Anyways, that's enough rambling from me. See you at the bottom of the page!

P.O.V. Change: Rachel

_Well, I'm bored._I'd already been awake for a couple hours now to do a little bit of packing to move in tomorrow. I packed almost 3 boxes worth of items that I wanted to bring with me, knowing the dorms on campus were somewhat large. But after the third box I got tired of packing stuff up and needed something else to do.

I think it might be time to wake a certain somebody up. Grinning mischievously, I walked out of my room and slowly opened the door of my new roommate across the hall.

The lump under the covers didn't stir, so I crept my way across the room to the bed. I prepared a tickle attack as I threw off the covers. My blood froze however when I realized the lump under the covers was merely a pillow, and that our houseguest was nowhere to be seen.

"Elijah? Elijah!" I searched the room, checking all of the hiding places in case he was playing a trick on me. Checking under the bed one last time, I failed to notice another presence enter the room.

P.O.V. Change: Elijah

Stepping out of the shower I grabbed a towel hanging up on the rack to start the tedious process of drying my fur out. I'm going to need a trim sometime either today or tomorrow.

I thought back to the night before, remembering that warmth I felt before I fell asleep. Best I've slept in a long time. Pulling on the boxers and khaki shorts I packed with me, I walked out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam following behind me.

I noticed the door of the room I stayed in last night was now open, remembering that I'd closed it behind me before getting in the shower. Weird I thought. Poking my head in, I observed Rachel crouched down looking under the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously. She seemed to jump at my words, hitting her head.

"Ouch! Elijah? Is that you?" She asked crawling out from under the bed. I chucked at her before responding. "The one and only, in the flesh. Might I ask what you were doing?" Rubbing the spot on her head where she bumped it, she responded.

"I came in here to wake you up because I was bored, but when I pulled the covers off the bed there was only a pillow! I thought you'd snuck out or were playing a prank on me." I grinned at her response.

"Nope, I was just taking a shower. You wouldn't happen to have a brush I could borrow would you?" She nodded, leading me to her room. "Not sure if you want to use it, all my red fox hairs have consumed it."

Looking over the brush, I decided that it might not be the best idea to brush my white fur with a fox's brush. Noticing my response, she seemed to ponder something before asking.

"We could head back to your place and grab your brush? I mean if you think you could handle going back..." She faltered seeing my reaction.

My tail drooped slightly and my ears laid back against my head. Feeling the emotion threaten to spill over once again, I shook my head vigorously.

It didn't work as well as I thought it would, as the tears flowed from my eyes as if the flood gates had been opened, drenching my muzzle immediately. I moved to sit on the bed, leaning against the wall.

I curled into the fetal position and buried my face into my knees, my arms and tail wrapping around the rest of my body.

"I miss her -sniff- so much..." I sobbed out quietly. My condition seemed to affect Rachel in quite the same way as her own tears began to fall, crying for my grief. She sat down next to me and twined her tail with my own, lightly stroking my back.

I continued to let the tears flow for quite a while, fresh ones sliding through the stains of the ones from the nights before. The sound of the door opening interrupted our crying session and I poked my eyes out from over my knees to see Rachel's mom standing in the doorway.

"Lunch is almost ready if- oh..." she trailed off noticing my condition. The tears finally ebbed away as I unclenched my muscles, exhausted from holding them for so long.

My growling stomach ripped through the silence and betrayed my current mood, causing everyone in the room to laugh quietly, including myself. I sighed, uncurling from the position I was in.

"Alright, enough of that. You said lunch was almost ready? 'Cause I'm starved!" I jumped up from the bed, trying to help lighten the atmosphere. My enthusiasm seemed to catch on as Rachel too got off the bed, jumping on to my back.

"Onwards my steed! My meal awaits me!" Rachel's mother led us out of the room and down the hall. I gently set Rachel down in her seat before sitting down next to her. Her mother brought out two plates and two bowls.

My tail wagged behind me as I was met with the aroma of grilled cheese and tomato soup. One of my personal favorites in fact! We ate quickly, hungry from the tear shedding session earlier.

Sitting back and licking the remaining traces of tomato soup from my muzzle, and basked in the afterglow of the meal. Rachel finished soon after, turning to me.

"Did you still want to go to the mall today to get your phone fixed?" I nodded my head, responding, "Yeah, almost forgot. If you can talk your mom into driving us back to my house we can take my truck." Just as I finished speaking her father poked his head around the corner.

"I can drop you over there, she's doing a bit of laundry right now." We all agreed to leave in a few minutes so I could finish getting ready. Rachel and I idly chatted as I put my shoes on, and we met her dad out by his truck. Getting an idea, I ran ahead of her walking out the front door.

"Shotgun! Hahaha, you get to ride in the back!" Rachel gave me a look before climbing into the back of the pickup truck, and I clambered into the passenger's side. As we motored through the neighborhood, Rachel's dad turned to me.

"You do have your license, right? I don't want my daughter riding with someone that has no driving experience." I shuttered slightly at the look he gave me, but I answered calmly.

"Of course Mr. Tanner, nothing to worry about." He grunted, satisfied with the response. We rounded to corner heading towards my house, when suddenly the memories started coming back. Not this time I thought. I inhaled deeply, dispersing the thoughts before exhaling. Her father gave me an odd look, but I simply grinned back at him. He shook his head bemusedly before bringing the truck to a stop.

"Here we are, out you go! Drive careful." I thanked him, climbing out of the truck and helping Rachel out from the bed of the truck. "Enjoy the ride?" I asked her. "Shut up." She answered, walking towards my truck.

"Aww don't be like that! You're no fun when you get mad! Hey, you can have shotgun this time okay?" I whined climbing into the driver's seat. The drive was quiet for the most part.

I let my mind wander, thinking of everything that had happened the past few days. I lost one of the most important people in my life, moved in with my best friend, and now I'm going to be moving out just to move back into my college dorm. What a week. _My_thoughts were interrupted but Rachel next to me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She asked. "College really, I'm kind of nervous to start, but at the same time I think it will do me some good to have some work to distract me." I answered, leaving out the thoughts that came before that.

"Do you know who your roommate is going to be?" I shook my head. She seemed to think for a moment, "We could check when we get back to my place. I think they release contact information a few days before classes start just in case you wanted to get an early start." I nodded my head.

"Yeah, could be interesting. I can't wait to meet whoever it is." My tail wiggled briefly below me as I thought of the prospect of having a cute roommate to look at every day.

"Hey, don't get any ideas now. I see that look in your eyes." Rachel grinned at me. I threw a mischievous look her way before turning my attention back to the road.

P.O.V. Change: Jasper

Taping up the last box, I sat down on the bed, admiring my work. Finally I thought. I left the day open so I could get everything packed up for moving in tomorrow. Moving all the boxes into a pile, I exited my bedroom and walked down the hall to the kitchen where my dad was making dinner.

My mom would be home from work soon, so I sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. Some police chase show was on, but it didn't hold my attention for very long. My mind drifted to other things, mostly college related stuff.

I was eager to move in tomorrow and meet my roommate. The dorms were same gender regulated, but that was all I knew about my roommate. I've been wanting to send him a message, but I've been nervous. I didn't know how he would feel about getting a message from a complete stranger.

'Hi, I'm Jasper! I'll be your new roommate! Hope we can be friends!' I hope he's nice at least I thought. My father calling from the kitchen interrupted that thought. "Would you mind coming to set the table Jasper? Your mother will be home any minute!"

I turned the TV off, "Sure thing. Don't want mom to be angry." I chuckled grabbing plates from the cabinet. He laughed with me, "You've got that right."

Just as I started putting the plates down, my mother walked in the door. "Hey mom, how was work?" I asked politely.

She smiled answering, "Good, thanks for asking. Thank you for setting the table." I nodded, getting silverware and setting that out as well while my dad piled the plates. Pork chops, yes!

We all gathered at the table and ate, discussing how our days went. My mom works in real estate so she deals with odd customers all the time, and she'd just got done telling us a story about a customer who tried to sweet talk her into bringing the price of the house down. Let's say it didn't turn out well for him.

I helped clean off the table before heading back to my room for the night. Logging onto my computer, I pulled up the residency page on my college's website. I logged in and went to the 'MyHousing' page, determined to at least get the name of my roommate.

The page loaded and I saw my name. I was staying in room 112 of the Beta complex. Scrolling down, I found my roommate. Elijah Moore, a husky. He looks nice enough...

Noting down his phone number, I sent him a text message, and although I was nervous if he would respond or not, I secretly hoped he would.

P.O.V. Change: Elijah

The trip to the mall was uneventful for the most part, I dropped my phone off and they told us to come back in a couple hours. We wandered the mall, browsing the stores even though I had no money to spend.

That didn't stop Rachel from trying to buy me stuff however. Try as I did to get her to stop, she wasn't having any of it. Finally I caved when she walked me into Hot Topic, essentially my second home.

Most shoppers liked to stay away from the store because of its style, but at the same time that's what I was always drawn in by. The wicked music, dark atmosphere, and carefree employees just gave off good vibes.

We purchased a few t-shirts that had just come in before leaving. We stopped by the phone store to get my phone, which looked good as new by the way. I fiddled with it again as if it were new, not being able to use it for the last few days. By the time we got back to Rachel's house it was beginning to get dark.

We walked in laughing about the couple we'd seen arguing outside of one of the stores at the mall, the woman was trying to convince the man to come in with her to the jewelry store. He had no intention of following.

"Oh good you're back, dinner will be ready in about 5 minutes to go drop that stuff in your room and get out here!" Her mother informed us as we walked by. " 'Kay mom, be out in a few minutes." Rachel called. We dropped the bags in my room before sitting on the bed.

"Thanks again for taking me shopping, it's been awhile." She giggled responding, "Don't worry about it, I've been wanting to go out somewhere with you anyways so I thought a shopping spree would be perfect considering the circumstances." I turned and looked at her thoughtfully.

"You... you wanted to take me out somewhere?" I asked curiously. Nobody had really ever done that for me. She nodded, "Yeah, I mean I consider you to be a really good friend, and that's what friends do right? Go out to the mall, hang out... y'know?" I considered her response before nodding, tail wagging slightly behind me.

"Yeah... you're right!" I jumped around giddily, giggling like kid in a candy store. She shook her head amusedly. "Come on silly, let's go eat." We proceeded from my room to join her parents at the dinner table.

After dinner we retreated back to my room, sitting on my bed and talking like any two friends having a sleepover would. It was then that my phone dinged from across the room where it was charging.

I cocked my head and wondered who could be texting me, as I never gave my number to anybody. I read the message aloud so Rachel could get the message as well.

"'Hey, this is your roommate Jasper. I got your contact info off the housing website, wasn't sure if you wanted to chat or something? If not I'll see you Sunday hopefully!'"

Rachel and I exchanged glances, coming to a quick decision. I typed out a message and pressed send.

P.O.V. Change: Jasper

My phone buzzed noisily almost immediately after I sent the message, and I was anxious to read the response. 'Sure I'd love to chat! Do you wanna Skype or something?' He wants to talk to me! Yes! Okay Jasper, stay calm. He seems nice enough.

I texted him back 'Sure let me set up,' as I grabbed my laptop and got comfortable on my bed. He texted back again with his skype name. EliMoore, simple enough I thought. I found him easily on the interface and hesitated slightly before pressing the call button. Oh quit worrying, it'll be fine!

The skype icon flashed for a few moments while it dialed, and very quickly my screen was consumed by a blue and white face, with a flash of red in the background.

"Hello? Is this thing working?" The husky asked from the other side of the screen. "Yep, I can see you crystal clear. Great quality actually."

A feminine voice filled my ears as a red fox popped up next to my roommate.

"Yup, it's my laptop actually. I'm Rachel by the way, husky boy here doesn't have his with him." She jabbed him teasingly. "Hey, it's not my fault!" the husky pouted. I chucked at the two of them.

"Are you two dating? Cause you two are really cute." Both of their face flushed bright red, more prominent on the white furred husky. "N-no, just really good friends!" He answered, stuttering a bit. I wanted to press more, but dropped the subject.

"Ah okay. So are you ready to start on Monday?" I asked. I didn't expect a response from both of them.

"Yup!" The two shared a look before laughing. "Yeah, we're both ready to start. What are you going to be studying?" The fox asked me. "Biomedical Physics, doesn't it just sound like barrels of fun?" I commented sarcastically.

"What about you two?" The fox responded first, "Pre-Law for me, mom always wanted a lawyer." She sighed as the husky responded as well.

"Looks like we might be sharing some classes, I'm studying Biomedical Science here!" I nodded, feeling my eyes begin to droop a bit. Rachel seemed to notice as she grinned at me.

"What's wrong, tired wolf boy?" To prove her point I let out a huge yawn, showing off my pride and joy being a wolf.

"Yeah, just a little bit. I packed up everything today so I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow. I noticed my roommate blushing slightly, prompting me to poke further.

"Something wrong?" I asked. He jolted slightly before answering.

"N-no nothing wrong. I just realized I uh- I haven't started packing yet... hehe." My ears perked at his predicament.

"You've got some work to do it looks like. I'll be getting there early tomorrow so I can help you unload if you want." I offered, being the nice thing to do. He nodded tiredly, "I'd appreciate the help, thanks."

I nodded back before leaning back to stretch, yawning again in the process.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed I think, get some rest for tomorrow. Big day for us!" I commented excitedly. My enthusiasm seemed to excite the other two as well, as both their tails wagged behind them.

The fox yawned as well, "Yeah, better get going here. It was really nice talking to ya wolfy." She winked slyly causing me to blush. I caught the eye of Elijah to see him staring down at seemingly nothing.

Wanting to go to bed I decided I'd ask him about it tomorrow when we settled in. He recovered from his spell as we said our goodbyes.

"Yeah, it was n-nice talking to you. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled shyly before waving farewell. I waved back before clicking the end call button.

Closing my laptop I set it on my desk to charge for the night before crashing back against the pillow. That wasn't so bad. Can't wait to meet them tomorrow for sure. I smiled before nodding off to dreamland.

P.O.V. Change: Elijah

I waved back shyly, almost hiding behind Rachel at that point. The screen went black before Rachel closed the laptop. We shared a look as she grinned madly at me.

"Dude, your roommate is super hot. You are so lucky!" She commented before standing up to bring her laptop back to her room where she'd gotten it.

The fact that my roommate might be one of the cutest boys I've ever seen in my life could either be very good or very bad for me. I'm going to hope for the former. Rachel poked her head back through the door, ears perked mischievously.

"I know what you're thinking about fur-boy. No naughty thoughts now. I'm going to bed, good night." I blushed madly at her comment, "Good night."

She closed the door behind her as I slipped underneath the covers. Tomorrow should be interesting for sure.

I fell asleep to the face of my new roommate, excitement and nervousness running rampant through my mind.

And so it has begun! The beginning of a beautiful friendship, I've got lots of stuff planned ahead. But for now, I'll leave you with this! I hope you enjoyed, and once again sorry for the late update. I'm likely off to bed, so night all you furs!