A Silent Soul- Chapter 1

Story by ElijahHusky on SoFurry

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#1 of A Silent Soul

First story! :D Hope you enjoy! ^-^

Hey everyfur ElijahHusky here, welcoming you to my first ever story here! Now I've never done anything like this before, but I've always had a weird passion for writing although I'm not really that great at it. When it comes to criticism, be gentle, it's my first time. :3 But anyways, leave a comment on anything I should/could change to make my writing better, as it helps a lot. On with the show! See you at the bottom of the page! :D

A Silent Soul- Chapter 1

I sat in my chair behind my desk busily scribbling away at the homework in front of me. I was just your typical 18 year old nerd preparing a paper that was due the first day of my college English class. I didn't want to disappoint my professor by being one of the delinquents that never did their work, but I was regretting my decision to wait so long to start, not that I had long to go really.

Oh, where are my manners? My name is Elijah, your standard white husky with some blue markings here and there, blue tipped ears yada yada yada I'll let you decide what I look like. I wore my favorite gray hoodie over a black band t-shirt with my nice dark blue jeans. Just the usual, not much special about me.

Only two things really set me apart; first, I'm gay. Yeah I know shocker. I'm the only one (as far as I know) that is aware of my sexual orientation, not even my mother. And honestly I'd prefer to keep it that way. It wasn't really a decision for me so to say, but I realized that I'd never really had any romantic attraction or feelings towards the opposite gender. Not that they weren't nice to look at from time to time, but I'd always found myself staring at cute guys in the halls during high school. It got me into trouble more times than I would have liked, but I wasn't really worried about it. I enjoyed being different.

The second thing is my eyes; the oddest shade of silver you ever did see, almost white in fact. Mom says I got them from my grandpa, but I'd never seen a picture of him so I wouldn't know. Thinking of my mom I wondered if she was on her way home from work yet.

My mom is a very beautiful husky just like me, we always get comments about how similar we look. We usually go everywhere together since it's just her and I. Shopping, running errands, it really doesn't matter, I'm always happy to go. She promised to make me her fabulous meat loaf if I managed to finish my paper today, and there was no way I was missing that.

Turning back to the report in front of me, I decided some music would be a nice touch to help me concentrate. Reaching behind me to grab my iPhone from my bed, I noticed a text message from my mom that read: "On my way, be there in about 20 minutes". Okay I thought, plenty of time to wrap up this paper before she gets here. I put my earbuds in and just clicked shuffle, not wanting to waste time picking a song. The tune of Say You Like Me by We the Kings began to play, and I went back to work on my report.

It had only been 10 minutes when my phone began vibrating on the desk. It was my grandma calling. I paused the music before answering, wondering what she would be calling me about. The last time she called she was asking me if I wanted to attend church with her that Sunday. I politely responded no, and thanked her for the offer. I'd never been one for studying the bible. Shrugging it off I slid one of my paw toes across the glass and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered. "Elijah? You have to get down to the hospital immediately your mother has been in a terrible accident!" my grandma relayed to me in her old nasally voice. My heart stopped for a second as I dropped my phone and jumped up from my chair, grabbing my keys and wallet as I bolted out of my room. I didn't even bother to put on my shoes before running out the door. The neighbors gave me a few odd looks but I ignored them as I raced out of the house.

I jumped into my pickup truck, whipping my seatbelt on and pulling out of the driveway. My heart was racing as I drove out of the neighborhood, trying to stay calm and tell myself it would be fine. It took me almost 30 minutes to get to the hospital, silently praying the entire time that my mother was okay. I drove up the emergency ramp to the parking lot and stopped my truck, jumping out and slamming the door behind me.

I ran across the hot cement regretting my decision to not bring shoes and burst through the doors of the ER. I saw my grandma sitting in the waiting area. She was an old, frail shepherd mix who used to babysit me when I was younger.

I quickly walked up to her, "How is she?" I huffed out, nearly out of breath. "Not good. Witnesses said that she was t-boned driver's side first going through a light, they said she was unconscious but breathing when they got to her car. She was losing a lot of blood however, so that's their main concern right now. All we can do is wait while she's in surgery."

I glanced towards the doors of the emergency rooms before I sat down next to her, ears pinned to my head and curly tail twitching nervously. Hours passed while people filtered in and out of the waiting room, but I didn't pay any attention to them. I grew used to the sharp sanitary scent that stung my nose when I first came inside.

The cold tile floor did nothing to help my bare feet, so I moved to sit criss-cross in the chair, bringing my tail around to help cover my feet. My senses were racing as I thought of every possible scenario. I can't lose her too, dad walking out on us was bad enough, but this?

My dad was a hefty german shepherd who struggled with drug and alcohol addiction all his life. I was an accident, never meant to be here, and upon finding out that my mom was pregnant, he disappeared. I've never met him, and frankly I don't think I want to. I showed little to no resemblance of my father, with the exception of his somewhat tall stature.

Moving my feet back out from under me, I tapped my paw impatiently on the ground as we waited for the doctor to come give us the news. It wasn't soon before long that my grandmother and I were the only two remaining in the waiting room. I eventually stood up and began pacing, ignoring my growling stomach, not that I would be able to eat right now anyway.

As nighttime began to approach, I sat back down next to my grandmother who hadn't said a word since I'd gotten there. She had her head bowed slightly, likely praying being the bible studier she is. Just as I tilted my head back to close my eyes for a few minutes, the light creaking of the emergency room doors caused my head and ears to shoot up in anticipation.

The doctor, a light brown coyote, emerged from the hall with clipboard in hand. Upon meeting the doctor's gaze, my heart stopped for the second time that day. No. The coyote closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, and I jumped out of the chair in a blind attempt to get back there. He grabbed me and tried to tell me something, but I wouldn't listen. I heard the muffled shouts of nurses who came to help hold me back, and I could hear my grandmother lightly crying in the back.

I felt my world fall apart around me as I crumpled to the ground, letting the fresh tears stain the fur on my muzzle. I could only sit and cry as the one person I had left in life was torn away from me. The doctor and nurses offered their condolences before turning to leave.

I stayed laying there for a solid 30 minutes simply crying as much as I could. My grandmother asked if I wanted to stay with her that night, but I stated that I just wanted to be alone. She nodded and slowly turned towards the door, taking her time to leave the resting place of her daughter.

I eventually forced myself up off the floor and followed the way she had left, walking out across the now cold cement as the dead of night was completely upon us. My tail was tucked in between my legs as I climbed into the truck and started the ignition. I took one last look at the hospital doors as I drove away, still not believing what had just happened.

I drove slowly down the interstate, not keeping speed as a few cars flew by me. I had to pull over once to cry again, not being able to see through the tears building in my eyes. It took a few minutes for the waterworks to stop, but I eventually fought through my haze to start the truck once again.

I reached for my phone to check the time but realized I'd left it at home. Silently swearing under my breath I checked the mirror before pulling back on to the now desolate highway. The drive home seemed to last forever, not a car in sight with the exception of the occasional big rig truck. Eventually I pulled into the drive way and got out of the truck.

I slowly walked to the front door and went inside, taking care to lock the door behind me. I made my way through the dark, empty home towards my bedroom, locking the back door on my way just as I always did every night. Upon entering my bedroom, I grabbed my phone off the ground, taking note of the new spider-web like crack crawling across my screen.Just my luck I thought. Not bothering to place the phone on the charger, I crawled into bed where I once again broke down for the third time that night. Exhausted from the day's events, I quietly cried myself to sleep.

Whelp, that's all for now! I'm sorry if it was a bit depressing, but I promise it gets better! I have some more stuff planned for this story depending on how much free time I have the next few weeks, as well as how much feedback I get on this chapter. Feel free to leave a comment with constructive criticism, or just say if you liked it! Or not! Totally up to you! Other than that, I think it's time to go! Bye! ^_^