Remember =^-^=
Fate at my door, the bell strongly chiming
I'm at a stand still, hypnotized by it's timing
Not all's as it could be, but better than the worst possibility all the same
Times tough for now, but in struggle, there's never been shame
Argued reasons, changing by seasons, show no doubt in what's good in any shape or form
A wedding dress still brings a smile, even in the strongest storm
The setting isn't meant for others to look upon beyond what you feel
Emotions, like people are temporary, so enjoy what you can, while it's real
Times may be tough, but happiness is something always at the ready
Even if you buckle, break, & have to begin again, the good times will help you steady
I've seen alot in my days, I count myself lucky to live the life I have so far
I try my best to not forget, the friends I've had, the loved ones who've moved on, with their memories that remain, I know what I know, always thankful to them, wherever they are...
Hope all is well with whoever takes a moment to read, I may not be in touch like I'd like to be
Jus remember, you'll always have a friend in me =^-^=
---Thanks for reading---