
Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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#6 of Struggle

Chapter 6-Struggle


Disclaimer: This document contains material legally considered to be inappropriate for juveniles and any under the age of 18. Whereof anyone with any discrepancy or complaint about the document is hereby advised to click the red "X" on top right corner of the window.

P.S: ‘ ‘ <-- are thoughts " " < --- dialogue

Zack stopped the car in front of the movie place with a light screech, flashing a quick smile at Prax in the passenger sit, who was blushing heavily at the prospect of watching a movie with his boyfriend.

‘I....hope we don't get caught by any of his friends....'

Prax was almost trembling as he stepped out, fidgeting as he walked next to Zack to the counter.

‘Don't draw attention, don't draw...'

Prax's mantra was interrupted when Zack's scaled paw grabbed his and squeezed, causing him to yelp and cause a few looks, which turned into looks of disgust.

Hushed whispers of "look.." "ewww" and others alike were quickly silenced when Zack huffed his chest and glared at them.

Blushing even more now, Prax was glad he had such a strong boyfriend as some looked angry enough to get physical.

The two walked up to the movies "menu" and Zack spoke up.

"So Hon... what do you want?? The Unborn or AVP2?"

".uh......uhm.... whi....which one is less....scary? " whispered Prax, trying not to cringe from the scary posters of the said movies.

"Uhhm... Unborn is more... mythical, AVP2 is more realistic and you can predict a lot of stuff"

"W...well let's go with that then."

"ok! Two AVP's please!" Zack walked up to the cashier and handed him the money, staring at the teen horse as if to challenge his paw holding the wolf's

"S..sure! here you go! Have a good day and thanks for using FurMov!"

Grabbing the tickets, Zack happily trotted to the designated part and walked in, dragging Prax to the top row, sighing as he sat down.


"Y.....yeah Zack?"

"oh stop being so nervous, you want anything ?"

"w....what do you mean?" Prax replied with a start, having never been asked for what he wanted in life.

"popcorn, pop...?"

"o.oh! uhhm.... Some drinks maybe....coke would do.."

"All right! Wait here my beautiful" Zack gave a quick kiss to his cheeks, ignoring Prax's cringe, then went to get the food.

‘sigh....he's so... affectionate. Maybe im too shy...'

Prax closed his eyes in the dim lighting, thinking of his pas, present and potential future.

An image of Zack and himself lying snuggling on a green field full of flowers and giant trees under a bright blue sky popped into his mind, then Zack reached for his maw....preparing for a......

*grunt* "well they sure do give you lots" Said Zack, handing Prax a soda held with his tail, balancing two huge bowls of Popcorn and a drink in his arms.

"whoa! Don't drop any!"

Prax hurriedly grabbed a bowl and his drink from him.

"you're good at that heheheh...."

Zack gave a rare blush and plopped down next to Prax, staring at the screen as it got dark and the movie started.

HISSSS............ SHUNK!

"Yip!" Prax had been trembling the whole movie, now gave a huge jump, attracting other furs to glare at him.


"shut up!"

Prax cringed and shot a look at Zack, who looked ready to leap at the person.

-whispering- "Hon just snuggle if you're scared, heh"

-whispering back- "o..ok hon... Thanks"

With that, the wolf snuggled to the brightly colored dragon's muscled pectorals, murring into it.

Zack chuckled to himself, not scared at all by the gory scenes of spraying blood, people's brains bashed through, or black things moving inhumanely fast in the night, began to scratch the wolf's ears.

"E..eeek! ooo...." Prax would say this every once in a while, and give a jump in the dragon's embrace every time an Alien killed a person, being a peace-loving wolf, the prospect of so much death within such a short time was sickening.

Prax finally started to tremble and burying his maw into the dragon's T-shirt when the final scenes began, with the town surrounded by Aliens and being death everywhere.

"h....hey Prax are you okay?"

" *Gasp* that was clo....*yip*"

Prax's eyes were glued to the screen, watching as the blood-spattered town gets nuked, purring softly at the scratching on his ears.

after the movie ended and credits start rolling, Prax had fallen asleep on the Dragon's chest, murring and trembling occasionally.

‘ cute...'

Zack thought to himself as he picked the inert wolf up, then carried him to his car, smiling to himself and at the cute wolf nestled in his strong arms, glaring back at those who dared stare at the two...

As if to let them see, Zack kissed the wolf's cheek, whispering :"I Love you Prax...."

To readers: well I gotta stop here for now :X

Sorry for short chapters (not really lol..) I just get tired quickly :P

Will post another within today

Thank you all!!!!!

Happy Saturday

So errrm :D Sorry to everyone who's been waiting for this chapter (which i doubt.. \*sob\*) Enjoy!! Disclaimer: All of you below age of 18, GTFO there will be unrestrained pornography between those of same sex. Don't like it? GTFO kk thx ...

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Friends? or more?

* * * Prax waves bye to the disappearing car, Happy because Zack didn't freak out, but worried that he would tell someone tomorrow. ‘god he's so His teal scales are so shiny......' Prax's fantasy is ruined immediately by...

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New Hope

* * * Jad and his friends, Cody and Mark chuckled stupidly as they saw a Wolf get on the bus. "Fresh meat. ehehehehe...." The trio walked to the back where the Wolf was sitting, listening to his MP3, eyes hazy and devoid of any spark. ...

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