A Dream: Chp 16 Reunited

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#16 of A Dream

A Furry's Dream: Chp 16 Reunited.

Folvos's POV

I look over the guard in front of me once more making sure there is no other armour I can take from him. I'm missing; the helmet, which doesn't fit because of my mussel and ears; a section of the legs, due to the tail I have; and finally the right glove, because it just makes it harder to fire the gun. I turn back around to look at the brown furred Jackal that is behind me, "You've got everything?" I ask noticing that she has only grabbed a few clothes and a watch. "Yeah, this is all I have. You are going to save Polybius as well aren't you?" she starts to plea a little towards the end, "Relax. We'll get your boyfriend then we'll go save my girl, then we'll leave, sound good to you?" I ask knowing what the response will be. She gets a determined look in her eyes, "Do you have something I can defend myself with?" I hand her the small pistol the guard had. Suddenly there is shouting outside the door and I turn to face it raising the gun. "I don't know how well you can fight with a gun, but at the very least please stay behind cover and keep your head down. Polybius wouldn't be happy if you got killed while I was looking after you." At that last statement she laughs, "These guys would be the least of your worries." Mina flips her bed and hides behind it before I grab her bedside table and steady my gun on it, aiming down towards the door that is bending in slowly. The metal starts to groan as it bends further and further inwards. Suddenly it stops and everyone goes quiet, there is a slight ticking sound that I can hear. "Bomb!" I say and crouch down behind the small bedside table I have, I couldn't see Mina but last I saw she was behind the bed. The world slows slightly as I feel the adrenaline flood through my system, 'This is it, I could die here' is my last thought before the bomb goes off.

Poybius's POV

'Well, if he's got Mina safely then I guess I better keep up my end of the deal.' I think to myself as I stop looking through the goggles. I walk over to the door of the facility and knock on it; a slight panel opens to the right of it. "What do you need?" an angry sounding voice states, clearly not happy about something. "I require some metal, your guns should suffice." I state wanting to get the job done fast. "We don't have any." The guard states as he goes to shut the sliding panel. "Surely your guns are made of metal..." I reply "And don't tell me you don't carry another side arm or you won't hand me a loaded gun, you can unload it." "We are not giving you one of our guns." The guard roars clearly agitated that he is being ordered around and outsmarted by 'a talking animal.' "Pretty sure your boss said you had to get me everything I require, and now right I require your gun, just one will do. I honestly don't want to see what will happen to you if you refuse to give me the gun." I state calmly smirking slightly at him. Upon me reminding me of his commanders... strict punishments should my demands not be met he grumbles lightly, takes the bullets out of his gun and hands me his unloaded weapon. "Thank you." I reply to the guard before walking off to my small workshop. It's nothing sassy, and the gun is much less than I'd normally have to work with, but I like a challenge. Pulling wires from the panel and using the gun as well as the poor tools I have around the place I manage to make the bottom half of a teleporter, I don't know how long it would last or how stable it is but I know I've got long enough to make it to subject 04's cell. Slowly I place the device to the floor and plug in what I believe to be the co-ordinates. There is a loud explosion and the entire structure shakes. "I guess that was Folvos making an entrance." I say unknowing of what was going on. I run the calculations through my head one last time before I smile smugly and press the button. A blue glow emits and stretches up until it is 2 meters tall and 1 meter wide from the centre. I take one last look at my work bench before I walk through the portal.

I look around the room and instantly am overcome with the smell it smells like roses but with a hint of lavender. I glance around and see a snow leopard sitting straight up in its bed, still clothed but covering her privates as if I were an intruder. "Subject 04, Rose, snow leopard and kept in cell block J12. Formerly from the town of Machi and from the family of..." I'm interrupted as she starts to speak. "WHO ARE YOU AND HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT ME?!" she all but shouts, instantly I run to her side and cover her mussel before she can react. "I am Polybius the cyber cat, I read your file and inferred your town based upon that, If you want to ever go back to your town or see your boyfriend again then I suggest you stay quiet and listen to me. They don't know I'm here yet, unless your stunt alerted them and I'd prefer to keep it that way until we're able to leave." I state deadly serious and staring into her scared eyes, slowly I let go of her mussel and she doesn't react aside from when I mention her boyfriend, at that point she flinched slightly. "Wait, Folvos is alive?" she asks quietly this time, looking up into my eyes. "Very much so, in fact we are going to see him soon, but for now I need to work on getting us out of here." I look at the bare room before me, and swear under my breath. "Thought I'd have more to work with..." I say to no one in particular, "Looks like we're doing this the old way, how good are you at hand to hand combat?" I ask Rose, "I can kick but that's about it." She replies looking down at her bed. "That's something I guess, can you get the guards to open the door somehow?" I ask her. She looks at me for a second before the door and nods her head. I walk over beside the door so I'll most likely be out of the guards line of sight before crouching low, ready to pounce upon the guard that enters.

"What do you need?" a gruff and annoyed sounding voice states when Rose even gets close to the door, clearly having heard some commotion earlier. "There's something on my bed and I need you to kill it for me." She states putting on a pouty face and obviously trying to charm the guard. The guard groans, "Why don't we get the exciting one, I bet it's just a spider or something." He says to someone else, that or he's gone mad, one of the two. The door opens and the guard steps through looking at rose, "Where is it?" he asks not impressed at being taken away from the door. Rose points to the bed but before the guard can take too many steps I grab him by the throat, holding it as tight as I can. "Oh... He moved." Rose states nonchalantly, even breaking a small smile. The guard starts to panic and drops his gun before he can realise his mistake and I grin as I manoeuvre him into a choke hold. He struggles for a few seconds, almost escaping twice, with his movements slowly becoming weaker. Eventually he just flops in my arms and I notice he's lost consciousness, I hold him for a few more seconds before releasing him and putting him to the ground. "Right, let's go before more guards come, and we need to find the others before they realise we're all gone and send soldiers." I state to Rose, she looks over the body before looking back at me and starts to speak. "Why should I trust you?" she asks and I groan a little, I walk to the body and start to go over his armour, it looks like he had a wrist guard with some display mounted in it. I take off the wrist guard and strap it to my arm, waiting for it to boot up I turn and look Rose straight in the eyes. "Because I could've just run away right then but instead I'm here still talking to you," I take some steps and get close to her visibly making her a little uncomfortable, "And I am your best chance for escape and survival, especially now there is a dead guard in your room." I walk back and go over the guard not finding anything interesting, I decide against grabbing a gun, too much noise and I was never really a fighter or a 'shoot everyone' sort of guy. A tone sounds signalling the start-up of the wrist display and I instantly look for a map. Upon pulling up the map I notice two red glowing dots inside a room about a kilometre to the east. 'That must be Fovos and Mina, looks like they've drawn a crowd.' I think as I see the 20 blue dots heading their way. "Well... shall we?" I ask, motioning towards the door, Rose looks at me a little sceptically before slowly walking through the open doors.

~~Written from my phone~~

We manage to make it about half way, me guiding us away from patrols and keeping an eye on where Folvos and Mina move to. Occasionally they move between rooms for some reason or another but they stay in the same general area. Suddenly i hear some heavy footsteps and look at the map quickly, there wasn't meant to be any troops nearby! I grab rose by the shoulder and look for somewhere to hide, the corridor is spotless almost shining in spite at us. The footsteps are loud, i can guarantee they'll turn the corner at any second when i notice a grate above us. I point to the grate and with strength i didn't know i had i lift Rose up to the grate, she looks at it for a second before taking out a claw and un-screwing the bolts. It swings open from one side and she climbs through, pulling herself up before returning and offering a paw down to me. I jump up and barely grab her arm, my other hand goes up to the grate to try helping myself up. She pulls my paw up to the metal and i clasp it dearly. I hear someone shouting below as i struggle to get my body up and into the ventilation shaft. Suddenly there is a sharp pain in my leg causing me to let out a massive scream before nothing... My leg had gone entirely numb and i couldn't move it. Not wanting to let my other leg succumb to the same fate i scrambled inside the vent.

We both back away from the opening and watch the hail of bullets that followed, i look over my leg and see the 'bullet' still attached to my leg. I look at it for a bit before i notice it's a little robot, i grab it between my paws and take it off. Instantly i can start to feel my leg again and i flinch a little at the immediate pain. "Aww, little baby was hurt by a little robot." Rose says teasingly. I spin around and grab her throat, not tight enough to choke her, but enough to worry her. "For your information its this damn collar, normally this robot would have flown straight through me without causing pain but since they've put this collar on thats no longer happened." I release her but glare at her angrily "Come on, we better start to move before they call in backup." I state, slowly losing my anger. I look at the map and start crawling forwards.

As we get near Folvos and Mina i hear the sounds of a fire fight going on below, guns firing, a pause and another gun returning fire in controlled bursts. "We're close," i tell Rose. "Why are there gunshots?" She asks slightly panicked. "Relax, keep your head down and stay behind cover." I reply calmly, silently preying inside that she keeps in one piece. 'I doubt Folvos would be happy if Rose was hurt anyway. I look down the grate and notice an orange haired person wearing most of the black armour of the soldier, it takes me a second before i notice that that soldier has a mussel and ears. I tap on the grate and put a finger over my mouth when Folvos looks up at me. He throws something off too the side, puts his finger to his mussel then points towards us. "Rose, unscrew the grate," I whisper too her, there's no point in letting them see us now, not when they need too.

Folvos's POV.

I smile softly when I notice Polybius in the air vent. I grab a spent shell casing and throw it over to Mina who'd managed to grab an assault riffle off a dead guard on one of our moves. She looks over to me and i put a finger over my mouth before pointing to Polybius. She looks up and i see her smile widely, she looks down to me and readies her gun. I pull the gun up by my side and try to steady my breathing as much as one can while they're being shot at. I peek over the table, ears flattened against me head, and see only 3 guards remaining. I duck again and this time i look to Mina and start to sign my message to her. 'Three guards,' i hold out three fingers, 'one on your side', i hold up one finger then point towards her, 'two ahead', i hold up two fingers then point towards the door. I hold up three fingers, two fingers, one finger. As if we had springs in our legs we jump up, our sudden appearance was unexpected apparently as the guards stare at us, a pale fulvous (pale orange) wolf Ninjin and brown furred jackal. We don't hesitate, i hear Mina's gun fire a few rounds, and my burst rounds fire shortly after. The guard on Mina's side collapses and the guard further from the door falls over shortly after. I aim my gun slightly to the left and let loose the final burst.

"Feel-ine like you wanna come down here anytime soon Polybius?" I ask turning around to see Polybius climbing out of the vent. "Polybius!" Mina shouts and runs over too hug him once he comes down, "I was wondering why you hadn't come to get me." She asks slightly muffled by his shoulder as she holds him closer. "I'm here now. And this damn collar blocks my powers some how, worst off if I attempt to remove it it could leave me paralysed from the neck down..." He launches into a conversation describing the mechanics behind it but i couldn't care less right now. "Rose need a hand?" I ask holding my arms out to catch her if she wanted. "I'm fine," she replies and leaps down next to me. I turn and give her a tight hug which she responds too after a few seconds and hugs me back. "I missed you." I state and hug her closer to me never wanting to let her go again.