out of this world ch 2.
sorry its kinda short but the next one will be longer i promise. hope you like it.
ch. 2 : rude awakening.
After living his worst fears day in and day out Matt would give anything to be free of this vitual hell. Little did he know what such a thought would mean. His eyes suddenly shot open as he was freed from his pod. He droped to his knees sputtering and caughing untill his stomach rentched and he vomited on the matalic floor. as his body calmed down and he was able to stand he was met by a small zin. "greetings mister miller my name is zinji, now if youll please follow me" zinji motioned to the two large zin gaurds. "there will be no trouble now please follow me." Matt noded as he was too scared to speak. "the queen Zinyak has personaly asked for you mr. miller" hearing this matt's eyes widened with fear. On the way to the throne room most of the female zin giggled and snickered as they passed by. This confuzed mat till he realized he was completely naked, save for the pod goo he was coverd in. Matt still being a teen and a virgin wasn't very confidant in himself so to speak as he blushed bright red and covered himself with his hands. As they reached the throne room Matt was greeted by the sight of the queen herself sitting on her throne.
-end chapter.