out of this world.
hope you like it.
/this is my first time writing so please dont hate it too badly/ (ok so i played saints row 4 and for some odd reasone had the idea of a fanfiction between Matt miller and a female Zinyak)
<chapter one- unexpected interest>
Zinyak was sitting in her throne quite pleased with herself as she watched the humans live out thier worst fears and nightmares over and over. The saints leader was amusing to watch as he struggled against the semulation of the pleasant little town that was his prison. This amused the alien queen to no end but something else caught her attention, and this something was a skinny, pale, and dare she say somewhat cute little human named Matt miller. Dispite the fact that the saints leader was currently fucking up her perfectly good simulation she found it hard to pull herself away from watching miller. She came to love watching Matt slowly adapte to it and at the same time still not overcoming his fears in the least. As she performed her day to day duties as empress she always had two small screans off to the side, one of matts simulation. and the other of matts real body. After some time she was worried as she knew the saints would come for mate. She would have none of it. matt was now her's and she would be damned if she let them take matt away from her. "oh Zinji" she called to her personal steward. "yes your excellence?" the smaller zin kneeled before his queen. "Zinji go and wake mr. miller and bring him here to me." "yes your excellence as you wish" and with that Zinji was off to retrieve matt for his queen..../to be continued/
(well that was chapter one hope you guys like it and i will continue if you guys want me to)