A New Kind of Love (Maid Marian TF/TG)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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If I recall correctly this was the second request I had ever received over on DA, first anthro story I had I think. Could be wrong. ANYWHO! This is one of my personal favorites.

Ted was at home watching television. He lived alone in an apartment and was a bit love-lost. He recently ended a long relationship with his girlfriend. It seemed every channel he turned the TV to it had some kind of relationship in it, much to Ted's dismay. Ted became fed up with it. "Why can't I have someone you cares for me like that! I want a relationship where she actually cares." Ted said as he slumped back into the couch. His television went static as he heard a voice. "I can help you, come closer." it said. Ted didn't think about it and obeyed. As he sat in front of it, the tv started sucking him in. "No!" he yelled, trying to hold onto it. However, the force was too strong as Ted was pulled into it. The TV feel over as the screen broke, no evidence of Ted being in the apartment at all.

Ted looked around and saw nothing but static, like you saw on tv. With no signs of anyone, he began to panic. "Calm down will you!" a girly voice said. "You are helping you! You wished for this!" another female voice said. "Who's there?" Ted asked, not seeing anyone. "Right above you!" one voice said with a giggle. Ted looked up to see fairies flying above him. "Hello! My name is Tam," "And I'm Sam!" the two fairies informed Ted. "We are going to fix you up and get you what you wished for!" Tam said. "B-but what about the real world? Won't people know I'm gone?" Ted asked. "Not exactly, when you leave your 'world' people don't even know your gone. Where you are is the only reality you are really in, your old one, you never existed sweetie!" Sam explained. "Alright then...I guess, matchmake away?" Ted said, barely grasping the concept. Sam and Tam had a sidebar, "What should we do? I'm thinking Robin Hood...Yeah...That'd work...we can do that." the two said that was in Ted's earshot. "Girls like Robin Hood" Ted thought. "Alright, let's start." Tam said, "We are going to start with the face." "Alright..." Ted said, unsure what that meant.

Both fairies started flying around Ted's head, glowing particles forming around his face. Ted's ears felt strange as the moved to the top of his head and became pointy. Ted's hearing became much better, his sense of hearing much greater. Ted's eyebrows thinned greatly. Two circles of peach fur grew around his eyes. Mascara was applied to his eyelashes as they became longer. Ted's face pushed out, forming into a muzzle. His nose became smaller, until it was small, wet, and black. Orange fur grew in the area above Ted's new muzzle. White fur grew below his muzzle, and his hips lost their pink color. Ted's cheeks became bigger and his real hair left his body. Ted's voice took on higher octaves.

Two two fairies stopped and summoned a mirror to show Ted the work that they had done so far. "Here, what do you think?" Tam asked. "Why are you-" Ted stopped. "What's wrong with me voice! What did you do!" Ted yelled. "You see sweetie, we have the perfect partner for you, but requires you to change." Sam said. "Well I'd rather go back to normal!" Ted said. "Well it's too late for that." Tam said. "Besides, your looking better already!" Sam said. "You know I really would disagree, and like to be back!" Ted said, still not used to hearing his new high voice. "We are going to have to continue anyways, and maybe you'll appreciate it when we are done!' Sam said. The two fairies went back to their work while Ted tried to fight back. However, some kind of magic stopped him from being able to move. When he tried to yell he couldn't find a voice to form a sentence.

The orange fur on most of Ted's face grew over the rest of his body. Ted's arms became slender and his fingers turned dainty. Ted's nails transformed into claws that he could retract. Ted's hips widened and stomach caved in, giving him an hourglass figure. A bit of extra shape and mass was added to his rear as a tail burst from it. Ted's legs took on more feminine shape as his feet became more paw-like. Before Sam and Tam continued, they had a brief conversation. "Before we finish off, should we make him feel a bit better?" Tam asked. "I suppose, give him his clothes, and finish when he calms down." Sam replied. "Alright, here we go." they said as they began to form clothes on Ted. A green unitard formed on Ted as well as green sock like shoes. A hat with a feather formed on Ted's head.

'Alright, we're almost done. Take a look, we dressed you up so your not, well naked." Sam told Ted. Ted looked at his reflection to see an antrho fox looking back. "Robin Hood clothes, so I'm like him?" Ted asked, still cringing a bit at his voice, "But why is this figure so...feminine?" Ted asked. Both Sam and Tam stayed quiet. "And what's with the high voice..." Ted stopped upon realization. "Oh, no no no no no no; you are NOT turning me into a female version of Robin Hood, an animal one at that!" Ted yelled at the duo. "Alright...fine, we give in." Tam said, much to Sam's confusion. "We'll turn you back and send you home, none of this ever happening." she said. "Great, can't wait." Ted said with sarcasm. Tam went over to Sam and whispered in her ear; "We know the magic can't turn someone into a different gender or species more than once. He's going to have to cope with it." Sam nodded and the two continued on with the transformation.

Ted's clothes vanished from his body. This part of the change felt more painful than the rest. Ted assumed it was from the revert, but in reality his whole body was changing. Ted's male anatomy left him, as it was replaces by a woman's. All of his genetic code changed to match his, or rather her new vixen form. Two orbs of flesh pushed out to form B cup breasts. Lastly, the fairies formed proper clothes on Ted. A light purple hood formed on her head. A long purple dress form on Ted as well as a bra and panties underneath. A golden necklace with a pearl formed on Ted as well as purple flats. Ted had officially become a female vixen.

"Alright, time for the bad news, we couldn't change you back. Our magic works to where we can only change one's species and gender once, and can't go back. We are so-" Tam was cut off by Ted attacking her. "That's it! I'm done with your attitude!" Sam said as she shot a beam at Ted. Ted's mind slowly began to change. She forgot all about her former life as a man, and only remembered her new life as Maid Marian. She became a sweet innocent princes. She left the static and was sent to a world where she belonged. Sam looked over at Tam and helped her up. "Maybe we didn't think that one entirely though.

Maid Marian ended up in Sherwood Forest. She looked around a bit scared in an unfamiliar place. She heard horseshoes galloping near her. Scarred she tried to hide. While she was there another fox jumped in cover with her. "Who are you?" she whispered. "I'm Robin Hood, pleasure to meet you." he replied. Robin took Marian's hand and took her as they both fled from the upcoming mystery men. Something about Robin Hood just made Marian fall for him instantly. Whatever ended up happening, she knew that she would be protected by him.