Part 25

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#25 of Scout's Honor

Finally had time to do this and a little note is that I skipped some fluff parts that are going to be included, but aren't too too major for the plot

Hope you guys enjoy and I also hope you stay tuned for another project that I've been working on for a little bit now!! =)

Part 25

It has been at least a month and a half since Grad-Bash and not one word from Kit. Well, I shouldn't say that. After pre-calc I walked up to him and he said he had, and I quote, "I have nothing to say to you". Like I'm the one who screwed things up. Maybe if I wasn't so damn likeable...

I laugh inwardly to myself. I don't count four guys, one just wanting a lay, so much as likeable.

But whatever. His shit is his shit to deal with. I have enough to worry about between school, work and Brent. Oh, right, I got a job as a busser at this country club restaurant. It's fairly big; seating around two to three hundred people at a time. Plush chairs, a well-stocked bar that's centered in the large carpeted room. Windows pretty much cover the entire room, giving the people in the restaurant a view of the tennis courts and part of the golf course.

I've already worked there two weeks and got promoted to barback. It may sound vain, but I think my boss likes me. Even the bartender, a muscular black wolf who I think is gay but not really sure, said it was the fastest he's seen anyone get moved. I'm still a busser though, as there's only me, and a lanky pine marten. The wait staff is pretty cool too, except for this one women. Her names Janet, she's an average black bear except no matter what you say she replies with "Ok, thanks". Every time she says it I want to drive a stake through my skull. She also does this conspiracy crap. "Oh everyone hates me" or "Oh I'm the only heavy one here". Honestly, you're a bear, what do you expect. Besides her, everyone's cool.

"Hey, Rabbit," Marq, the bartender, calls to me as I walk up in my black vest, plain button down shirt, and bow tie. Rabbit's a nickname he gave me because I always get jumpy when someone comes up behind me. It makes it kind of difficult when most of us are working and Marci, a rabbit, is close by when Marq talks to me.

I grab my tail and fluff it out. "I don't see any rabbits."

He put his paw pads out towards me and said, "Just don't give yourself a heart attack."

"You value me that much?"

"No. I just wouldn't want to be sued for that."

Joking aside -I know, shocker- the only downside to this place is that people who aren't apart of the club can come in and eat, they just have to pay a bit more and can't get into the whole club. And some of the kids from school, well, most of the kids that I know come in. The worst part of it is, is Brent comes in, bringing his new toy with him. If you guessed a slut tiger who he now decided to make his boyfriend even though they've only been dating two weeks than you'd be right. Sam.

I didn't think it would piss me off as much as it has. I mean, he's a dick right? Cheated on me and acted like an asshole throughout our entire "relationship". Plus, it's only high school. Not like any of this matters...right?

It matters from the standpoint of experience.

Hmm? No quick witted response as to what a child I am?

What? This could be as simple as a lesson in getting over people. Just because its high school doesn't mean you can't learn from it and use what you've learned here in life.

"Hey, Rabbit, stop day dreaming. We have people coming in."

I flick my ears and focus on the wolf couple walking in. Mr. and Mrs. Fetger, two regulars who are really nice and quite fond of me. "Finally."

"You say that now," Marq said as he got some drinks ready. "But wait until they start pouring in from up North. It's not as crazy up here as it is a little farther South, but it can get to be a lot to handle with all the events."

"How much longer till they show up. It's boring as hell."

Marq chuckled. "Just take the drinks to them."

Some of the tables are hidden by pillars, so I don't exactly see the big wolf and tiger sitting in a secluded part of the room. That is, until, one of the girls on the wait staff comes over with two arms full of dirty dishes and tells me to go pick up their plates. I saw them, it just never clicked in my mind as to who they were. That is, until I noticed they were two guys, and heard the tiger say something offhandedly to the wolf, who gave a half-hearted response.

"Could I get a lemonade when you have a chance?" the tiger asked me.

"Right away, sir," is the automatic response that came out. I wanted to walk away like I didn't hear it, but Marq would probably call me out again.

Sam's ears swiveled towards me, drooping when his eyes met mine. I turned quickly, mostly because the plates were getting heavy and also because I didn't want to get into conversation with them. Marq was, of course, watching me out of the corner of his eye. Usually he says something by now but he remained quiet. When I dropped the plates off and retrieved the lemonade, Sam spoke up when I placed the drink in front of him.

"Thanks. Um, I didn't know you worked here," he said, putting on a really bad fake smile and forcing his ears to perk. Brent had his muzzle in his phone.

"Well, we don't exactly talk much anymore."

His ears fell back again. Damnit, fox, don't get fired over something as stupid as this.

"Yeah, I guess so," he replied.

There was a brief moment of silence before I spoke up again. "Anything else I can get for you?"

"Just our check when you can."

I nodded to him before walking into the small bus station and calling to their waitress to give them the check ASAP.

Marq, of course, had a comment when I went behind the bar.

"'Sup, Rabbit?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Well, that tiger looked like you spit in his drink-"

I gave a sharp bark.

"-and because it looked like you wanted to. Who's he?"

Oh, by the way, I haven't told anyone at work I was gay. I just don't want to have to go through another round of questions, especially since I know most of them would ask a lot of them. Marq would probably comment on me liking it up the ass (because, let's be honest, I don't look like a top). Well, that's the reason I gave myself. I, honestly, didn't feel comfortable with people knowing I was without having someone who was open about it as well.

" asshole."

"Well, don't let it get to you. Especially at work. Wouldn't want to see you scrounging for carrots on the street."

I snorted. "Asshole."

They left a few minutes after they got their check and the rest of the day went off without a hitch. Carson picked me up and asked how my day went. When I said something about Brent, his ears perked. Actually, his body tensed too.

"What'd he have to say?"

"He was too busy texting."

His body seemed to relax. "Good. Least he wasn't an ass."

"Yeah." Weird. I was kind of in the mood to fight, so I went on. "What did you think he would say?"

"Does it matter?"

"A little."

He seemed like he wanted to argue as well. "You don't have to argue about everything."

"Sorry you just looked a little nervous there."

Something I noticed about Carson is when you called him out he had two stances. One was joking it off as nothing. The other, usually when he came off of practice where he did shit, is when he became defensive. The latter is easier to get a read on.

"Am I allowed to be nervous?"

"I'm not controlling you."

"Then it doesn't matter"

"Kind of does."

He sighed and regained his posture. "No, it doesn't."

This wasn't getting me anywhere and his foot was slowly accelerating the car to way above the speed limit. I decided to stop and press on later. Hopefully he'll come clean and I don't have to ask. But...that probably wouldn't be the case. Every time I ask about him and his fear of being in public, I quickly get shot down and we never talk about it until it comes up again.

I just want to get home and relax. Watch the high school game tomorrow and laugh at Brent when he loses.