Dons Nation 3 - Week 4

Story by Randall Ranger on SoFurry

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#4 of United Furry Football League

Okay, so I said I wasn't going to do this for away games but I am having too much fun doing this. So they will be here every week! This is pretty much a quick writing session for me; mistakes are bound to happen. x3 So enjoy!

Welcome to Don's Nation; the #1 fan podcast of the California Dons! I'm Marco Garner and... Myron Woods is nowhere to be found at the moment. Since he isn't here right now, I can actually talk about the best team in the UFFL, the California Dons. And I can't believe four weeks have already passed by this season. Man, does time fly.

For week four, the mighty Dons went over to Fargo, North Dakota, to take on the Axemen which was led by Christina Carson. If I recall, she didn't get any play time last season up until their team reached the postseason. And at the postseason, she pretty much blew up, taking up the majority of the wins but was unable to go all the way as they lost against the Downriver Waves in the Furbowl. Believe it or not, those two teams are now struggling this season with Fargo getting a win last week.

We head to the game to see what Carson would come up with this week and... she wasn't around for long. Near the end of the first quarter she got injured after a running play and had to leave the game, bringing in Flip Penguinator for the first time in a while. Aside from that, the defense on both teams worked hard to not have any good scoring drives happen, leaving Howard Blevins and Emmett Smith to kick for two field goals each. The only touchdown made in the game was in the fourth quarter, when Darnell Paige worked on a 74 yard drive; ending it with him running it in for six points with the extra point. When it was all said and done, the Dons came out on top; beating the Axemen 13-7.

While Charlotte Vorce continued to run the field down, it seemed that most of the offense had a hand on the ball during the whole game; 162 rushing yards from five different people and 176 passing yards shared through ten receivers. Now don't get me wrong; I'm all for letting everyone have the ball at least once but we need some more points to go with that.

Woods: Yo, dawg; what's up! Let's get this party started!

Garner: Myron! You're late!

Woods: I can't help it; I had to run an errand... for my mom...

Garner: Dude, that is quite a trip there.

Woods: I know and the traffic didn't help much either. But now that I am here, we can get this podcast going!

Garner: Um... I have already started on it. I just got through talking about this week's game.

Woods: No! You can't do that! We have to start over, Marco; I need my commentary in here.

Garner: You can add your commentary in here now. It's not like I skipped to the next segment yet.

Woods: But I need my flare in the beginning. It's what gets me going in this podcast.

Garner: Are you serious? Fine; we can start over from the beginning.

Woods: YES! Let's rock this $#*!!

Garner: Dude? Really?

Woods: It's not like we're limited on it. Sometimes the excitement just gets to me; I can't help it.

Garner: Sometimes; don't you mean all the time? Besides, we're trying not to do that. We're not Broward Stone.

Woods: Oh, I love that dude! I watch his streams when I can. My favorite segments is when he has the female guests do the interviews naked.

Garner: Do we have to... -groans- Let's just get this going. This is Dons Nation; the #1 fan podcast of the California Dons. I'm Marco Garner and with me is Myron Woods.

Woods: Dons Nation! We're the best team in the UFFL! WOOO! How about that week four action though, Marco? The Dons proved themselves again when they went out on the road and beat the Fargo Axemen.

Garner: That they did, Myron. And quarterback Darnell Paige had a 50% completion rate; going 22 of 44 with 176 yards and he made the only touchdown of the game in the fourth quarter. The final score of that game is Dons, 13, and the Axemen, 6.

Woods: I wanted to see how Christina Carson played against the Dons but she left early with a finger injury.

Garner: She is a tough girl. I'm sure she will be back in action for their team after the break.

Woods: Wait; we have a break next week?

Garner: No; I'm saying that she might miss next week's game and the break is after that.

Woods: Oh, I thought so. Does that mean that we have to do a show during the break?

Garner: We don't have to but I was thinking that we could do a player overview and grading during that time.

Woods: I don't know... I mean I know we're the best team out there but I would wait till the middle of the season to do that kind of thing.

Garner: Hmm... you are right. It does seem a bit early. But five weeks in, I assume that all the kinks are worked out and everyone is getting the hang of things.

Woods: We'll see. Can we take a break? I really need something to drink.

Garner: Really? It seems that all you do when you come to my place is eat all my food. We should do a podcast at your house one day.

Woods: Dude, I don't even want to be there for long with my sisters roaming all over the place. I am getting my own place soon.

Garner: Myron, you have been saying that for the past three years now. When is it going to happen?

Woods: It's happening! I just need a bit more time... and find a decent roommate. Hey, I should move in with you. You need a roommate, right?

Garner: This is a one bedroom apartment. There is no way that you would even live in here.

Woods: I can sleep on the couch! You know me well enough; you should give me a chance.

Garner: I've been to your house. I know how you live. I am fine living the way I am. Wait; why are we talking about this now? We need to focus back on this show!

Woods: You're right; we can talk about this later. But I still need that drink. After that we can talk about the new bobble dolls coming out for the next home game.

Garner: All right, let's do that. We will take a break and come back shortly with more of Dons Nation.

Woods: Number one team in the UFFL! WOOO!

Dons Nation 4 - Week 5

Hello and welcome to another installment of Don's Nation, the number one fan podcast show of the number one team in the UFFL, the California Dons! I am Macro Garner and with me is my good friend Myron Woods. Woods: That's right! We are the number one...

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Dons Nation 2 - Week 3

Welcome to Don's Nation; the #1 fan podcast of the California Dons! I'm Marco Garner and in the background... \*Woods wooing in the background\* is Myron Woods. And we are here to talk about the best team in the UFFL, the California Dons. Woods -...

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Dons Nation 1

Welcome to Don's Nation; the #1 fan podcast of the California Dons! I'm Myron Woods and with me is Marco Garner. We are here to talk about the best team in the UFFL, the California Dons. WOO! Garner: The best team all right. In fact, they even said it...

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