The Lead Crown, Ch 9.6, Noriene

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#125 of The Lead Crown

Welcome to the second of three final posts for the royal siblings.

Things are really coming to a head and the last chapter of The Lead Crown is about to begin.

No votes this time but keep an eye out for a VERY important journal regarding the upcoming Chapter 10 and be ready to submit final contributions!

As always, thank you for reading.

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 9.6, Noriene

It was strange for Kesst to enter the dining room and see people who he had encountered when he had thought himself normal, and even stranger to see the Wolf who had saved him from a band of Church Hunters... especially when that Wolf HAD been dressed like a Tribal Savage but was suddenly adorned in the kind of finery he'd expect to see of... well... of a PRINCE. He had to repeatedly remind himself that Malcom WAS a Prince rather than the warrior he had first encountered on his way into Lehsunia. Or, perhaps he was both.

The Dragon sat through much of the breakfast discussion awash in his own thoughts. Malcom was both a Prince and a Tribal Warrior; was it possible for Kesst himself was able to be who he thought he was and who he had since found himself to be? He had dozens of such philosophical questions but didn't know if he was equipped to answer them. Thankfully, he reminded himself, he would eventually find Wiesen, his creator and then he could find a resolution to his identity issue.

Aside from occasional banter on behalf of Sanmer and some occasional grumpy sounds from the large wolf that sat at the foot of Malcom's chair there was little of interest in the way of discussion. Both parties compared notes about what they knew of the mysterious group known as the Mechanists. They all agreed that the clandestine organization must have been behind the failure of the University's experiment as well as the attack on the Yew Tribe. Sanmer even went so far as to suggest that the 'confusion' at the dock the day of all the chaos may likewise have been something other than a coincidental accident.

It was when the conspiracy theories started bouncing around that Kesst really began to lose interest in the breakfast; he wasn't eating and he wasn't really taking part in the discussion so there wasn't much at the table. Standing, the Dragon excused himself quietly and exited back out into the main hall. Gift-of-the-Earth followed after him but only so he could provide the Dragon a key to a room. The Bear apparently knew him well enough when he added "So you can spend some time quietly alone with your thoughts."

Kesst offered a weak smile to the bear. "Thank you."

Gift-of-the-Earth reached out and rested a paw on his shoulder. "Ti mali hokuu, Kesst-Hama."

The Dragon nodded, accepting the Bear's Tribal-Tongue well-wishes and responded in Lehsunian. "I know, Enarork. I will."

Kesst took the key with him as he ascended the stairs, mind ajumble with his thoughts as he found it difficult to focus on any one thing. It was true that he could have just taken the mechanical elevator but he felt as if he needed to ascend the steps for himself. "Does exercise even matter?"

It was just another question he couldn't exactly have answered. The Dragon turned the corner once he arrived at the landing and proceeded down the hall. He had one more turn to get to his room but his mind wasn't willing to wait. He mumbled to himself as he wandered to his destination. "So many questions but no answers. I can't even talk to anyone about it."

He sighed, twirling the ring on his index talon. "Where are you, Wiesen? When will you find me? Everything is on hold until--

Kesst's voice stopped working and his mouth froze when he turned the corner and practically ran into a large, white-scaled Dragon. No introduction was necessary since the recognition was immediate; to Kesst it was like looking into a mirror where the reflection didn't matter-- he could see his own soul staring back at him. Wiesen smiled and took a step back to allow Kesst access to the door. "Until now."

* * * * * *

Despite how much Theo already found himself missing his sister he realized that was he was doing was important. Sitting in the same room as the Prince and Princess of Lehsunia was alone mind-blowing but discovering that he would have a part to play in things to come was nigh unbelievable. Eating breakfast with Brother Rhys and Runs-on-Air, whom he hadn't seen since they left Dr. Brownell's was surreal, but it hardly matched their story of the Wyranese raid on the Grass Tribe or the fact that Brother Rhys had the chance to meet a Bishop.

He likewise had quite the story to tell along with those of his group about their return trip to Newport. Neither Brother Rhys nor Runs-on-Air understood the significance of what he had to say about the changes at the University but the Priest was shocked when he learned about the attack on the Princess' manor and the possible involvement of the Church in the atrocities that were taking place in Newport... but that was when the Rat became the most open about his discussion with Bishop Fulgaré. "The Bishop said that there was a fissure growing in the Church and it was one of the reasons why he ended up coming to Lehsunia."

Gift-of-the-Earth was just finding his way back to the table once he returned from following Kesst out into the main entryway and the Bear took a seat next to Roaring-Flood. He looked to Brother Rhys. "This man. This Bishop. He sounds important."

The Rat nodded. "He is... and it sounds like he's worried things aren't going well here in Lehsunia... so he's here to understand what's going on."

The Bear flicked an ear. "But he came with men who were going to hurt the Grass Tribe?"

Brother Rhys tended the fingers on both paws in front of himself on the table. "It's hard to explain, but yes."

Roaring-Flood snorted. "If he came with them he wanted to hurt Grass Tribe."

Runs-on-Air spoke up, resting a hand on both of the Rat's wrists; it was a gesture of familiarity that the Ermine didn't miss. The Buck addressed Roaring-Flood and Gift-of-the-Earth in the Tribal tongue so Theo wasn't able to catch everything but it must have been an eloquent enough argument because the Black Bear's sour expression eventually disappeared and he went back to doting over and goofing off with the Fox at his side. Samner also seemed to prefer the lighter attitude as well.

The rest of breakfast was spent in idle chat ranging from political discussions (over the heads of the Tribals) or conversations of the natural world (over the heads of the city dwellers). Theo was content enough to sit in on it and absorb what of each discussion he could handle/understand/stomach, but eventually everything rolled to its inevitable conclusion as both Prince Malcom and Princess Noriene stood and shared a simple embrace. The Prince offered a parting farewell with a rather confusing promise. "I will see you tomorrow, Sister."

The Princess's response was equally questionable. "I look forward to it, Brother."

The separate parties made very prompt goodbyes and summarily exited with their respective sibling. Theo realized Kesst had left early but he wasn't sure where the Dragon had gone off to. He addressed the issue. "Princess... Kesst is missing."

Gift-of-the-Earth provided some clarity. "He was tired. He went back to the rooms."

Princess Noriene motioned to the Bear. "Very good. I think spending some time getting ready will be good for everyone."

One of Sanmer's ears raised, the other sliding sideways in confusion. "Ready for what, pray tell?"

The Wolf smiled. "Tomorrow."

Theo was willing to play the question game. "What is special about tomorrow?"

He wasn't actually ready for the answer he received. "My brothers and I are getting together to determine once and for all who will sit on the throne."

Sanmer was the one who phrased the group's stunned reaction the best. "Oh. Neat."