Chapter 5: Identity Revealed

Story by XenorosthXMD on SoFurry

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#6 of Pursed Series

Character descriptions are all in previous chapters. Don't forget to check them out! Please comment too. Thanks.

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"What happened?" Xenorosth groaned. He was still in pain. He just woke up on a bright scarlet cushion. The room was dimly illuminated from a center fire. It set an orange glow on the rocky walls of the cavern. The room was about 40 feet tall and 60 feet wide. The room was small compared to his mother's room. Overall, it had a comfortable, cozy feeling to it. He took it all in from the cushion he lay on.

Taking in the details meant that Xenorosth's eyes were working once more. Xenorosth then heard someone enter the room. A red dragon approached him. "You are finally awake? Good. We have much to talk of midnight dragon. What is your name?" The red dragon asked. Her voice made it obvious that she was a female. She was about 35 feet tall. She had no horns or spikes going down her spine. Instead, she had an orange mane. It looked soft to touch. Her claws and teeth where pearly white. Her scales glowed nicely next to the fire. Her bright red- orange eyes had the glow of an ember, giving her an intimidating air.

"Xenorosth is my name. Who are you? What are you going to do?" Xenorosth asked nervously, avoiding her eyes. The dragon was taken aback. She hissed.

"You may call me Ashira. Xenorosth look me in the eye. I must know something." She demanded. She seemed shaken hearing the little hatchling's name. Xenorosth looked into her eyes. She lowered her head to Xenorosth level. She must have noticed something, for she hissed and stumbled back a few paces.

"Ariel's son!" Xenorosth was shocked. How'd she know? He's never seen this dragon before.


"Why are you here! You should be at home with Ariel! Even if you decided to go away from your mother, it should have been south towards the blue moon! Or at least the purple moon! But no! You endangered everyone and go right into the black dragons' territory!"

Xenorosth was lost for words. He was completely lost. When was he not at this point, though? He shook his head. After a moment of getting his nerve he finally spoke "What are you talking about? Endanger everyone? Yamizephyr is the one after me. Just me. No one else! Please! Explain. No one seems to want to tell me anything! How do you know who I am? Nothing makes sense!" Xenorosth ranted frustrated. He laid his head on the soft cushion trying to make some sort of answer with this mess.

"You don't know?" Ashira asked, "Ariel didn't tell you?" Xenorosth shook his head. He recalled when his mother wanted him to tell him something. He was now getting the feeling that his heritage wasn't the only thing that his mother wanted to tell him. He also was getting the vibe that he was about to find out exactly what Ariel was about to tell him before he left. He regretted leaving her now more then ever.

Both remained silent. After the awkward silent Ashira finally told him, "You are the Dark Guardian. Your mother is the leader of the midnight dragons and your father is leader of the black dragons. It was agreed that the leader of the midnight dragon's child would become the next guardian. We were all shocked when we heard that it was the son of both Yamizephyr and Ariel. We will certainly have to take you to our leader. You leaving your homeland so urgently is a very, very bad sign. He must know," She sounded upset. Xenorosth was now upset too. He felt completely irresponsible.

"This is overwhelming... It seems everyone knows more then me at the moment. It's hard to believe you right now. Its hard to believe anyone right now." Xenorosth laughed half-heartedly. Inside, though, he was in pain. Could he be blamed? He didn't want to trust Ashira right away, but she seemed to know every aspect of his past.

Ashira smiled a little as well. "We should go. The sooner we see our leader, the sooner we can make a decision. Also you can talk with your with your mother there mind to mind. And..."

"But I don't know how." Xenorosth interrupted.

Ashira laughed " Its easy. One mind will enter the other. Its as if they are talking face to face. She will enter your mind after you meet with our leader."

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Ariel was so relieved. Xenorosth was found. But of all the places he could have gone to, he had to go to the fire dragon's realms. He went through the heart of the black dragon's realms. He followed the red moon. . Just as she hoped not. How ironic that he took the worst choice when she thought he would have gone towards the purple moon. Soon she would be able to tell exactly who he was.

"Ariel? Are you ok? You seemed zone out." Isabella had been watching Ariel worriedly.

"Yeah... I am okay. Relieved." She responded. She was happy Xenorosth was safe. Ariel couldn't pull off what he had done. He had to stay there for now. She had business here anyway. When would things finally settle? She missed her son.

Ariel had not received any details from anyone about his son either. She didn't know if he was hurt, or what had happened during Xenorosth's journey. He could have been crippled for all she knew.

"Are you sure?" Isabella asked. :"You don't seem it. You seem happy and worried at the same time."

"Xenorosth is in the fire dragons' realms. I'm just worried that he was injured on his way to there." Ariel explained

Isabella blinked. "Fire dragons? He followed the red moon. That hatchling has a weird thinking process."

Ariel stood there. She knew why he went there. She had told him about that area, and not of the other areas.

"It's not as ridiculous as you think."

Isabella shook her head. She never did understand her plans. But somehow they would always work to solve the problem. It was as if she could see the future. That's why she was the leader. It seems that Xenorosth took like her mother in his decisions. Isabella would never figure out those two.

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Xenorosth was in a massive cave. It had to be at least had to be at least 2 or 3 times larger then his lair back at home. The entrance was about the same size at home. The room was 5000 feet long and 1000 feet wide. There were fires at all the corners of the room. At the edge of the room on a cushion, a dragon that Xenorosth assumed was the leader of the fire dragons. He was watching his every move he made. He was about 45 feet tall, and had fur identical to Isabella body configuration. He had that same intimidating flame in his eye. Unlike Isabella, though, he had horns on his head. They made jagged, pointed Vs on his head.

"You are Xenorosth, son of Ariel?" he asked. He spoke quietly as if he didn't want to be eavesdropped on.

Xenorosth followed suit and responded at almost a whisper. "Yes. And you must be the leader of the fire dragons. What may I call you by?"

"Drago. I have heard much of you. Come here. May I see your injury? You have what looked to be a burn mark."

"I was hit with a lightning spell" Xenorosth padded over to the leaders cushion, not daring to go on it without promotion, showing his side where he was hit. He looked over with it. He took a breath in and breathed fire on exactly where the injury was. Xenorosth yelped expecting to be burned. Instead, it felt like the flames were relaxing his muscles. He felt the pain in the side from that spell melt away. He laid down on the stone floor closing his eyes purring pleasantly.

"Everyone but Xenorosth please leave this room immediately. And no one is allowed to be at the door. If I catch anyone there will be trouble!" As everyone left, Drago chuckled at Xenorosth. He picked up the hatchling with his teeth and placed him on his giant pillow, curling up protectively around him.

"You're a cute little dragon. You have your mother's charm," He teased. Xenorosth chuckled.

"Thank you. You know my mother? Why doesn't that surprise me?" Xenorosth asked.

"Aye. I know your mother well. We fought along side each other before. She is admirable in all arts, including fire. You should see her some time about it. She's incredible." Drago complimented. Both dragons were utterly relaxed. They both sat there, enjoying their silence. Then the question that Xenorosth had anticipated had finally came.

"I must know. What happened on your journey here? I want to know everything from when you had decided to leave, until you had arrived here with Ashira. I want your personal opinion in it. Not just your emotions. I want everything explained. Please. Your information could indicate something. Don't be shy."

Drago said, trying to coax him into telling him his past. Xenorosth stayed silent for a while, deep in his thoughts, recalling the living nightmare that he had to endure.

Xenorosth started slowly, a little shy. Drago listened patiently. It got easier as Xenorosth went as he recalled and explained his past few days in the black dragon's territory. It got very hard to speak when Xenorosth reached the part of when he had been captured and token in by Yamizephyr, barely managing to escape. This part made Drago grind his teeth and growl in anger. How dare that excuse of a leader try to take the Dark Guardian! When Xenorosth finished at fainting and being flown here by Ashira, Drago sat in silence stroking Xenorosth's neck softly. He must have been pondering about Yamizephyr. He wasn't the only one at all.

"You have my sympathy. In all the situations I have been in and stories that I heard, you are the first to tell me one that had so much... brutality. Being driven here to keep your mother safe and your enemy's turf is honorable, but didn't you think about Yamizephyr trying to lure you back to him by trying to hurt your mother?" Drago inquired. To be honest Xenorosth had not thought of that. He shook his head. Drago sighed.

"Well anyway, we can teach you how to talk with your mind, but it will take a while. First you have to know how to get out of your own mind. Then you have to learn how to actually enter someone else's mind. For now, just stay with Ashira. Okay? I don't want you running off. She will be your guardian for you stay here. Oh, and by the way, expect people to want to meet you. The story will spread throughout the land, undoubtedly, and people will hear of your presence here. Now have a good rest Xenorosth. You deserve it. We shall be seeing each other again. Let everyone know that they can enter here once more on your way out."

As Drago finished speaking, Xenorosth stretched out and got up, leaving the cavern. He announced that everyone was allowed back into the fire dragons' leader's cave. He flew off in the distance heading for Ashira's lair. He was ready for some relaxation. He just hoped other dragons wouldn't swarm him. He felt that he wasn't good with publicity. In fact, he hated publicity. He didn't like random strangers coming up to him.

Despite Xenorosth's wishes, he had many people try to introduce themselves. Someone even offered and invitation stay with him and his family to dine, Xenorosth rejected as kindly as he could, explaining that he had a rough trip and just wanted to rest.

"Finally! I'm here Ashira!" Xenorosth announced as he came into the cavern.

"What took you? I expected you back a while ago." Ashira asked. She didn't sound upset at least.

"Publicity happened." Xenorosth grumbled. Both laughed heartily.

Xenorosth decided to go out for a while. He found a nice spot not too far by that had a nice view of the red moon. It did not take long for Xenorosth to get there. He arrived at a cliff. The red moon seemed to greet him with its pale shine. Xenorosth just stared at it. It was great to loosen up here. No one approached him while he was here either. It gave him a chance to think about what he chose to. He first thought about exploring his temporary home. It was temporary. Xenorosth didn't like the word. But he had to acknowledge it. Eventually, he would have to return to his homeland with Ariel eventually. Even though Xenorosth had been here for only a few hours, he found that this place was a home away from home.

"May I stay here with you?" someone asked. He was hopeful, but he wasn't jittery like everyone else. Xenorosth respected that.

Xenorosth looked over his shoulder. A fire dragon, male due to his voice, had approached him. He was the first one who had asked permission to see him. It made feel weird.

"I have no more authority over you then you. Stay if you wish." Xenorosth replied. The stranger nodded and looked at the night sky. It was a peaceful scene.

"So you are the Dark Guardian. My name is Flare by the way. Must be difficult being you learning who you are." Flare observed. Indeed it was hard being him. He chuckled to hide his pain.

"Indeed, I am the Dark Guardian. At this point, though, I'd rather not be. It seems so troublesome." Xenorosth said quietly.

"That's what all of them said. Oh well. It's not much of a big deal to me who you are, just how you do the job. Ironic that all of the ones who thought they couldn't do so much always did the best jobs and lead the best." Flare mentioned.

He yawned widely and curled up. He seemed to be confident of Xenorosth's abilities. Xenorosth's wondered about the things he was going to have to do in the future. He asked this to Flare. "What exactly would I have to do?"

Flare hesitated for a moment. Then he listed a few examples. "Well, first off, the Dark Guardian must be independent of all leaders. He must not have influence when making decisions for the land. Also, wherever he goes, he will be asked for wisdom and advice by anyone who needs it. He or she would have to get used to it. If he didn't like it, tough! Once you get into a populated area in this realm, then you will be asked many things, whether for advice or just to give a story; the Dark Guardian would do it all! Also, if any of the dragons got into a war or something, normally if the Dark Guardian would put a stop to the fighting. Dragons killing each other would result in the extinction of the race of dragons."

As Flare fell silent, Xenorosth became worried. Stop wars? How would he stop wars? He couldn't that that much power. After all, he was just a hatchling. He didn't like the thought of a larger dragon ever asking him advice. It would feel awkward.

Flare noticed Xenorosth's distress and nuzzled him comfortingly. "You will do fine" Xenorosth gulped and nodded. Xenorosth came up with a quick excuse to leave. He told Flare he had to get his rest. Flare nodded and bid Xenorosth farewell. Xenorosth teleported back to Ashira's lair. He said not a word to her. He only went to his cushion, curled up, and went to sleep.

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Xenorosth looked around. He was in right in front of Yamizephyr. Xenorosth yipped. The large black dragon didn't even seem to notice Xenorosth was even there. Yamizephyr seemed to be enveloped in his own thoughts. He was muttering to himself quietly. Xenorosth crept closer to him. He faintly heard his father speaking.

"That hatchling never fails to amaze me. He escaped me again." Xenorosth heard. He assumed that he Yamizephyr was talking about him. "Yet what do I feel? Is it anger? Is it rage? Hate, perhaps? No... I feel pride! My fatherly instincts for him must be getting to me. To think I am happy that my son has the skill to evade me. I want him to be my pet, yet I am happy he has outsmarted me!"

Xenorosth dared to speak up. "Uh... hello?" Xenorosth asked. Yamizephyr didn't even acknowledge that he was there. It almost irritated him. Then it occurred to him that Yamizephyr couldn't see or hear him. He tired to touch him but his claw went right through Yamizephyr's arm. Xenorosth jerked it back. What was going on? Did he not exist?

Yamizephyr continued. " Well next time I won't let my instincts get to me. Next time we meet I will have him pinned under my claws the entire time. I should also cast spells around my lair again if he tries to teleport again. If he does, he'd just wind up right back to me. If he tried, he'd teleport me as well because I'd be holding him. Also, if he is awake, I will immediately complete what I was going to do before: place enough of my soul in Xenorosth to have complete control over him."

Xenorosth listened to all of Yamizephyr's oaths. Xenorosth could tell that the next time he would be captured there would be very little chance of escape. He was planning every way he could to keep Xenorosth in check once he had been recaptured. Xenorosth felt sympathetic towards Yamizephyr. He was going through all this trouble just to capture him. And here he was. But Yamizephyr couldn't see how close he was.

Suddenly, the images around him all faded away. It turned into blackness. Then Xenorosth opened his eyes. He was in Ashira's lair once more. It was all a dream. Xenorosth let out a small pleading whimper of discontent. Now more then ever, he wanted to be with Yamizephyr. Despite what Yamizephyr had tried to do to him, he wanted to comfort his father. He hated to see his father in pain.

Xenorosth then wondered if Yamizephyr was tampering with his emotions. He knew that the small amount of Yamizephyr's essence was flowing through him and would remain there until he died or Yamizephyr removed it. The emptiness in his heart was

Xenorosth then realized. He had the same feeling before he had found his mother. An emptiness that wouldn't go away. He was happy to find her. And she was happy to see him. But he was discontent knowing that his father couldn't share that happiness. There was no way that Yamizephyr would know that emotion. If he had felt it once, he was sure that he would have forgotten all about it.

"Father... one day we will be together happily. I promise." Xenorosth pledged. Xenorosth knew however, as long as his father had the intentions of keeping him a pet and as long as he was the Dark Guardian that would never happen. The thought scared Xenorosth. For the first time, he almost thought that he wouldn't mind being his pet. And he knew this emotion was his own. Not one that was given to him.... What was he getting into?