"I think I am in love"
I was in bed, I just could not sleep, it just turned 12:00, i wonder if my friend (Rod) is awake, so i text him and quickly get a text back saying "I am going to the park for a walk, want to come?" i text to him "sure, i will c u at ur house in a bit" I got up, grabbed a scarf and went out the door being as silent as possible to try not to wake any one up. 'scarf, what a odd word, scarf?' i thought as i closed the door and tied the scarf up giggling at how odd the word was, and than at me for thinking how odd of a word scarf was.
I got to Rods house and rang the door bell, just seconds later the door flies open making me jump "hey fox!" he said (he always calls me fox because I am a fox, but my name is Tim) I replied with "F you you jerk!" trying to hide how i really feel about him, the coyote grins as he shuts the door, I see that he has a little... well big backpack on, i think its black but in this lighting I cant be sure, I say "whats in the pack?" he turns to me and smiles "its a surprise!" he says and starts walking, I try to smell the air around the pack but all i can smell is the fabric of the pack, i sigh and think of how nice of a guy he is and how i feel about him... no how much I LOVE him.
we just enter the park when he breaks the silence and says "I know where to go, there is a couple of benches they built a roof over" I nod at him, knowing him he probably means 6 or 7... when we get there yes 6 benches, not a flake of snow on them, we take a seat and i ask "what you got for me?" he opens the pack and pulls out a blanket and a thermos, we cover up as he passes me a cup and poured something out of the thermos i realize what it is when the smell hits mt nose. "hot chocolate!, thanks man!" he looks at me and says careful, its hot.".
After we finish a cup each i think 'this is as good of a time as any' I get up, my heart beating out of my chest, turn to him and say "I think i am in love, you have always bean such a nice guy, even when i just met you, you where nice to me, and I cant help but love you." I look him in the eyes as he folds-up the blanket and puts it in his pack, gets up and starts walking away, "HEY!, were you going?" i say while catching up with him, he spins to face me bearing his teeth and shouts "GET LOST, TIM... I AM NOT GAY YOU IDIOT... and i want you to stay away from me"
I walk back to the bench, tears coming up, I sit down and cry for some time, *sniff* "why did i have to ruin our friendship" i think aloud "I'm such an idiot" and cry some more, after a while i see he let his thermos here, I pick it up and start running the way Rod went, hoping to see him, no such luck tho and run home I walk in sniffing quietly trying not to wake any one, I am about to open my room door when my brother says " So, where where you?" and that is enough to make me start crying again, my brother says " hey, whats the matter?" in a gentle voice then sees the thermos and says "that's your friend's... Rod's, right?" I nod to him and try to stop crying. "so, what happened?" he asked sniffing and crying I said " well Rod has always bean a nice guy to me and i started having feelings for him, and, an, a-" I started crying to hard to continue, so my brother picked up " and tonight you told him, only to find he does not feel the same for you right?" i nod, he starts hugging me and says "shh... its okay, its okay, he just knows your to good for him, is all" trying to make me laugh and cheer me up, and my crying slows down as i giggle a little. he says " not trying to say that there is plenty of fish in the sea but there is a guy out there for you and you will never find him crying like this" "I cant help but asking, but wheres mom & dad?" i ask, he says "ah, they got called out for a meeting and wont be back for a week, you know what that miens!" yes i know what it miens "party!?" i question he says"TOMORROW!" than "come on lets get you to bed" i pull him close and give him a hug after he lets me go and says "Thank you, man"
the end ~Nitro