SWAT Kats: Take A Chance On Me Too (Chapter.1)

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Take A Chance On Me Too

Take A Chance On Me Too

Chapter 1: To Be Continued

"He should have been here by now."

"Calm down Jackie, he called us an hour ago and we just got here ourselves. Just relax and be patient"

"Ian, if what he thinks is true...then what are we going to do about this? Do we go to mom or talk directly to him?" Jackie paced back and forth in front of her elder brother. Ian simply leaned against the passenger door of his black Mazda, his arms folded as he watched his sister ponder to herself. The white southern style mansion behind them and candle lit lanterns indicated they were at the Clawson Mansion where Jake and Daisey's lives were spent growing up, and now where Kyle resides. The low cut grass, recently given the shower treatment by the sprinkler system glistened in the full moon's light. Ian's ears popped up, he could hear the revving of Kyle's motorcycle coming closer, soon enough Kyle drove up to the driveway and parked along side of Ian's car; turning off the engine and putting the kick stand down Kyle dismounted his ride and removed his helmet.

"What took you so long?" Jackie placed her hands at her side, more relaxed now that Kyle had finally arrived.

"Jackie" Ian snorted; he stood up straight stretching his arms in the air, the cool crisp air kept the kats comfortable while they waited outside the car.

"I'm sorry; there was a traffic jam on the highway" Kyle started to walk towards the entrance, the others followed close behind. There were more lights at the front of the mansion. "You guys said to call if we heard or saw anything suspicious, and I witnessed both earlier today when we were at the junkyard."

"So, do you believe he's still on the antidepressants then?" Ian questioned.

"He didn't take anything at Chance's as far as I know of, but that shouldn't excuse his attitude and the fact he keeps to himself a lot. He use to be full of life before but now he's like a bump off a log. I've talked to Daisey about it but didn't tell her about our little secret; all she knows is that he's working a lot more at the gym and coming home real late. Even Daisey finds it hard to see him from time to time." Kyle unzipped his leather coat in the front.

"We've been trying for the longest to find the cause of him continuing to take those things." Jackie explained rubbing her arm, the chill night made her fur stick up.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, but he's really taken some recent events hard. I'm sure you understand, but it seems like his biggest fear is you Ian" Kyle nodded towards Ian's direction; Jackie looked puzzled as she too viewed over to her brother who didn't seem surprised at the news.

"Ian...but why? Are you certain?"

"When the topic came up, he remembered back to the cook-out accident, but quickly changed the subject when he comes to the part about being struck down by Ian when he was drugged. It seems like that's the most haunting event that happened to him, he cringes at the thought and gets defensive about it." Kyle explained.

"I thought I might have been the cause of it, I talked with him before and he could hardly make eye contact with me. I almost made slight body contact when reaching across the table for something and the poor kitten just closed his eyes and froze; it was like he actually thought I was going to him on purpose. So...I'm what he fears the most, yet he won't tell anyone or admit his fears. Instead he turns to his work and those damn pills for some slight relief." Ian sighed, he knew deep down this was his fault; he struck his brother when he was drugged by that blasted tiger, and now it pained his youngest brother. Jackie took off her glasses and began to clean them with her shirt with huffs of her breath.

"So, what's our move now? We know the cause, how do we go about helping Adam?" Jackie placed her glasses on her face once again.

"We confront him about the issue, head on. Think about it, if we tell mom she'll baby him and probably get Adam upset. No, I think its best that we deal with this without her knowing." Ian stated. "Thanks Kyle, we'll keep in touch" With that Ian walked down the steps and into the darkness towards his car, Jackie followed suit. Kyle only nodded and went inside the mansion. Ian got inside his car and buckled himself in before starting the engine; Jackie got inside the passenger side and did the same before the car pulled out of the driveway and on to the empty streets.

"So, you're just going to go head on with him? You do know he owns a gym, the kat lifts and body builds every day Ian. You may have been trained in different martial arts styles, but he's not a little kitten like we all believe; he can handle himself just fine. So can Chance, Anna and myself Ian." Jackie broke the silence in the car.

"I know, but it seems like after I was attacked, everyone just started to fall apart. Look how Chance and Jake ended up" Ian stopped at a red light, Jackie lowered her ears remembering his bruised and beaten body at the hospital. "I just don't want him to be the next one, the same goes for Anna and yourself, we have to remain strong and together like when we were little. We can handle ourselves yes, but there are those we know who can't do that..." The light turned green and the car sped down the empty street once again, Ian was a little startled when his sister gasped loud taking in a deep breath. "Jackie, whats wrong?"

"What about Daisey?" She questioned, Ian's eyes shot open, he didn't calculate her into the equation for the plan. On another note she was left alone with Adam, who knows what could happen id he had an episode and she was near. There was also the possibility that she would try to stop Ian and the other from harming her boyfriend if things got physical.

"We'll have to wait until Chance is better before we make our move; otherwise everything is hush-hush for now, even from Anna unless we need her. She's close with Daisey, if it a distraction we need then we'll call upon her, kind of like when we would sneak cookie out from the kitchen. She would fake a fall and start crying long enough for us to get enough for everyone" Ian smiled at the memory, Jackie giggled softly. "I know Daisey and Adam are in love, but we need Adam completely caught off guard for this to work out right." Ian pulled into the driveway of a gray-stoned house and parked in the front yard.

"Will you hit him? But this time mean it? Out of pure emotion and love...will you strike him down again? Will you use his greatest fear against him?" Ian stared forward still thinking hard about his options, but everything he thought of ended the same. Jackie nodded slightly and unbuckled herself opening the passenger door. "Goodnight Ian" With that the she-kat left the car before shutting the door and making her way to the front door. She reached into her pocket and found her keys, inserting them and turning the latch to the other side opening the door and entering. The interior light of the car finally dimmed down to nothing leaving Ian alone in the darkness of his car.

"Goodnight" The black Mazda drove out of the area and towards the highway to get into Megakat City and return to his own house for some rest. Jackie turned on the light to her bedroom, the yellow and green designs glowed when the light touched; her cd player turned on to some smooth jazz as Jackie kicked off her heels and dove on her bed. Feeling the crisp cool sheets touch her fur sent shivers down her spine, which reminded her to turn down the air conditioning when she had the chance to. Jackie opened one her eyes to see the pictures hanging off her wall: Her baby picture with her mother, Jackie and Anna in a picture as teenagers, her brothers Ian, Chance and Adam. Adam and Chance making goofy faces while Ian only gave a slight smirk, people wouldn't guess he's just not that social with people but he really is. Jackie's ear turned a bit when she heard a small ping sound coming from her laptop, she turned her head towards her working desk. The backlight of her monitor lit up as she could see someone was talking to her through instant messenger; Jackie got up and sat down at her desk chair. Jackie gazed at the small window, Anna left her a message:

FoxyFurlong5: Hey there Jackie, just wondering what up? I know it's early in the morning but I was bored and decided to message ya' .

Jackie smiled and began to type to her sister.

CrystalFurlong23: Hey girl, what's on your mind?

FoxyFurlong5: Nothing, Daisey was down so I've been talking to her for a while. Apparently she and Adam had a huge argument earlier today so I suggested we go out shopping tomorrow.

CrystalFurlong23: An argument, about what?

FoxyFurlong5: Just Adam being a big jerk, he wasn't like this before. Anyone else noticing this or am I going crazy?

CrystalFurlong23: No, we've noticed it too. When we have more time I need to talk to you in private. But until then I think I'm going to join you two tomorrow.'

FoxyFurlong5: Ok, why?

CrystalFurlong23: Because I can always use a new pair of shoes and pants.

FoxyFurlong5...GIRLS SHOPPING DAY!!!!

CrystalFurlong23: Exactly, I'll call you around noon sis. Take care.

FoxyFurlong5: Goodnight :D

FoxyFurlong5: User Signed Off at 4:45am

Jackie was about to sign off until another ping sound came from her screen, she looked at her friends list and saw one of her other siblings came online she read the name carefully because that user name hasn't been online in a long time. Jackie gasped as she opened a conversation window to that person.

CrystalFurlong23: Adam? Are you there sweetie?

MuscleFurlong: Hey Jackie

CrystalFurlong23: How are you Hun? We've been worried because out baby brother hasn't talked to anyone in a long time.

MuscleFurlong: Fine, tired but fine. I had a fight with Daisey at work, didn't feel so hot afterwards. Now I'm just alone and don't know what to say to her.

CrystalFurlong23: Whets wrong kitten?

MuscleFurlong: Just, stress...that it. Don't call me kitten, please.

CrystalFurlong23: But you use to like that name, you were the youngest of the boys and I always remember...

MuscleFurlong: I don't like to be called that, just drop it ok?

CrystalFurlong23: O.k Adam, sweetie are you sure you're o.k.? I can come down to you place and we can talk for a bit.

MuscleFurlong: That would be nice; yeah...could you come over please?

CrystalFurlong23: I'm on my way Adam, just give me some time.

MuscleFurlong: You know, just forget it, I'm tired...I want to sleep this off.

CrystalFurlong23: Adam, you should really talk to someone if you're having trouble with something

MuscleFurlong: I can handle it, but thanks.

CrystalFurlong23: Adam I insist.

MuscleFurlong: Just leave it be Jackie, jeez get off my back. I got enough to deal with at the moment.

CrystalFurlong23: O.k Adam...

MuscleFurlong: I don't need anyone's help with this; just stop being a bother...

CrystalFurlong23: Adam, I'm just trying to help out...

MuscleFurlong: God, shut up and leave me be! I don't want to talk about this right now.

CrystalFurlong23: Adam Furlong, watch your tone! And don't take the Lord's name in vein.

MuscleFurlong: Stop telling me what to do Jackie! I can handle this alright I just need some time to relax and think things through.

CrystalFurlong23: Adam I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, but lately you've been irritable towards everyone. We just want to know if there's any way we can help you, we're your family and your friends are trying to do the same. Please calm down.

MuscleFurlong: Just leave me alone....I don't need anyone. I've got the best girl, I own a fucking gym that's booming with patrons. I have a nice studio apartment and enough cash to buy out anything I want. I don't need the family to tell me how to act about my success.

CrystalFurlong23: Success is one thing, but greed is another. I don't even think you mean what you're saying right now.

MuscleFurlong: Why do you have to put me in a bad mood Jackie? Forget it I'm getting off...bye.

MuscleFurlong: User signed off at 5:23am

Jackie stared blankly at her computer screen, her brother had so much anger and hate towards everyone. Ian was right though, they needed to resolve this as soon as possible or else Adam actually might have an episode and hurt someone. Jackie clicked on the file and save command on her conversation window, once she saved it the she-kat printed the conversation to show to Ian next time they would meet up. Jackie noticed the time and decided to head to bed, turning of her computer and bedroom lights she once again fell on her bed and crawled under the sheets snuggling her body to get warmth.