Chapter Four (Todd)
#4 of First Steps 2: Happy Trails
"That was a great movie." I say. Me and Wendell hold paws as we walk out of the theater and towards the apartment.
"I know." he says, "Hey, what do you think Bruno is doing with Angie?"
"I don't know. Cuddling, making out." I tease. He give me an evil glare. "I was just joking. Why are you so bothered if Bruno is with Angie? Bruno is one of your best friends."
"Well, I'm just worried that Bruno might do something stupid to break her heart. And when that happens..."
"Wendell, don't get worked up over nothing. She'll probably reject him anyways." At least, that's an assumption. I don't know Angie well enough to know whether she would like Bruno or not. And let's face it, I'm not a love expert.
As we're walking home, I get a memory flash. It's Allan stabbing my palms with his friend's knives. Oh shit, he's gonna use the third knife to kill me!
"No!" I unknowingly yell. I drop to my knees, disoriented.
"Todd! What's wrong?!" Wendell says.
"Get me home." I whimper. He picks me up in his arms and carries me home. When he get there, Jani is in the living room. She comes up to us after she sees us.
"What happened?" she asks.
"Todd had some sort of breakdown." Wendell says. "Todd! What happened?"
"I saw him again." I say.
"Allan," I whisper.
"Another memory flash," Jani says, "It's been happening ever since Allan almost killed him."
"I'd rather not relive that." Wendell says. He picks me up in his arms again and carries me to our room. Before he opens the door, Angie comes out of her bedroom door with Bruno.
"Hey Wendell. What's wrong with Todd?" Angie says.
"He had another memory of Allan."
"Yep. I'll take care of it." He takes me into our room and closes the door. He sets me on the bed, sitting up. He pulls up a chair and sits down in front of me.
"Am I in trouble?" I ask nervously.
"No. But, I'm worried about you." Wendell answers.
"I'm sorry. I can't help this stuff happens."
"I don't blame you. I blame that fucking cat that caused this. Too bad you can't kill enemies a second time. Anyways, this is almost the twentieth time this happened in nine months."
"So what do I do?"
"I'm going to set up a therapy session with you."
"What? Wendell, I'm scared of that."
"Why? They're just going to help you with your memory flashes. Control them somehow so they don't happen again."
"You think that would work?"
"I hope so. Because it frightens me whenever this happens."
"I'm sorry."
Wendell hugs me. "Don't be sorry. We're going to help you. Ok?"
"Alright. But I'm not sure how I feel with talking about my problems to a complete stranger."
"I'll be right there with you. You'll be ok."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Will you cuddle with me?"
"Of course." Wendell climbs into bed with me and wraps his arms around me. I wrap us both in a blanket and I nuzzle Wendell's chest. I feel so safe in his arms. He pets my head while I start to doze off on him.
I feel much better when I wake up. I look out the window and see that it's getting dark out. How long have I been asleep? I'm not sure. Wendell had his arms around me and he looks like he's asleep too. I kiss his nose. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I wish I knew what he's dreaming about. This was one of those occasions where me sleep was dreamless. I'm happy because of it because I don't want another nightmare.
Wendell opens his eyes and I get lost in a sea of blue. "Mornin' cutie." I say.
"Hey. How long have we been out?" he asks.
"I don't know, but it's dark out."
"Oh. So, what now?"
"I'm not sure." I start to caress him. Wendell does the same for me. I look into his beautiful eyes and smile. I feel so happy with him. I wonder what he thinks all the time? He pulls me in closer so I feel his hot breath on my face. We start kissing.
I let my thoughts fade away as I lock muzzles with my fiancé. We start frenching, our tongues just gently rubbing each other. I mur into the kiss so much. I climb on top of Wendell, our lips not leaving each other. He slowly rubs my back as we make out. My tail wags a bit as Wendell deepens the kiss.
"I love you, Todd." he says.
"I love you too, Wendell." I give him another kiss. "So, tell me, what do you what to do for our wedding?"
"Well, I want it to be in August. As for anything else, I haven't really thought about it."
"Who do you want to come?"
"Obviously I want Angie and Bruno to come. And Janelle."
"What about Dexter?" I ask. Dexter is a tiger. He's a friend of Angie who met her through the Big Brother Big Sister program. He also helped me and Wendell make it to L.A. nine months ago after we hitchhiked.
"I guess. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't even be here right now." Wendell says.
"Ok. Who else?"
"I'm not sure."
"Well, we have two months to think about it."
"True. I'm just really excited to get to marry you."
"Me too." I say. I kiss him again. "What do you want to do after?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean after we get married."
"Slow down there, eager fox. Let's take it one at a time. We've taken our First Steps, now let's take our Second before our Third."
"Alright. I was just wondering." Guess I'm just excited for the greatest time of my life here in a few months. But, sadly I have to wait for it to happen. I let out a big sigh. "It's gonna be the longest two months of my life."
"I know, but, it's going to be worth it." Wendell says. I smile and kiss him again, murring a bit into it.
"What do you want to do now?"
"Not sure. I wonder how things are going with Dexter. I haven't seen him in forever."
"I know. Where'd he go?"
"Who knows?" He rolls his eyes.
"So... Are you really setting me up with a therapy session?" I ask.
"Yes. We need to figure out how to stop these bad memories from resurfacing."
"What's going to happen?"
"They're just going to sit down and talk to you. Kind of like you and I do. It's not as scary as you might think."
"You're going to be with me, right?"
"Of course. I'll always be with you," Wendell holds my left paw, "Always."
"Thank you." I kiss him once again on the lips. "How about we go into the kitchen. I'm starving."
"Alright." he says. We get up from bed, hold each others paws and we walk into the kitchen. Angie is there reading more of her book, with her back turned. Apparently, she's reading The Testing. Not sure if I've heard of it. Wendell stops and motions for me to be quiet. He slowly walks up behind her cousin. He shakes her and she screams.
"What the hell, Wendell?!" she yells. Wendell cracks up laughing.
"Sorry," he says, "But it was too good of an opportunity to pass up."
"You idiot! You could've woken up Jani!"
"Well then," Wendell puts his arm around her, "It's a damn good thing that she's the heaviest sleeper in all of California."
"Still. That was uncalled for."
"Whatever. Todd said he was hungry. What're you in the mood for foxy?"
"I don't know." I say and blush. It happens every time he calls me that. "How about we just all order pizza or something?"
"Sure. Sounds great. Is that all right Angie?"
"Fine. Whatever. Just never scare me again." she says.
"No promises." Wendell takes the phone and goes into the other room. I take a seat next to Angie.
"That's going to be my new life." I say, "But, I love him."
"I know you do," Angie says, "I do too. But sometimes he just gets crazy."
"He's always been a goofball." I say, "I don't blame him. Whenever he dragged me into one of his crazy schemes, it was like he was doing it because he was trying to have fun. Not only just to get revenge."
"Really? What makes you think that?"
"Because, he's 17. So am I. 17-year-olds usually try to have as much fun as possible. And maybe Wendell's version of fun is all that stuff he did in Tennessee."
"I guess that makes sense. But, still, that gives him an excuse to scare me?"
"He looks at you like a sister."
"Really? I didn't know that."
"You mean you never saw him as a brother?" I ask.
"No. I always saw him as a good friend. But, I guess it would've been great if I really was his sister. I mean, we've bonded a lot. I wonder how I never saw it."
"I wouldn't know since I'm an only child. But, I think you should talk to him. I should tell you something."
"When Bruno saw us and met us up at the restaurant, he asked if he could come over. Wendell wasn't really happy about it. I'm guessing he was worried about you and Bruno dating. Maybe... he was worried like an older brother looking out for his little sister."
"Wow. That was... great. I should talk to him later."
"Good." I say.
"Ok. Pizza's on the way and Todd, I took the time to set up your therapy session." Wendell says, coming back into the room.
"Really?" Oh great and yes, I'm being sarcastic. "When is it?"
"Tomorrow afternoon." I look at Angie and motion for her to talk to him.
"Um... Wendell?" she says.
"Yeah?" he asks.
"Can I talk to you for a moment? In private?"
"Of course." she walks over into the hall and into her room. After a minute, she comes out with Janelle.
"Why?" Jani asks. I don't know what Angie said to her.
"Because I need a moment." Angie says.
"And what am I supposed to do?"
"I don't know. Go talk to Todd or watch TV I don't know. Wendell?" My fiancé goes into Angie's room with her. Janelle takes a seat next to me.
"Do you deal with this all the time?" I ask.
"It seems like every other day. She's dragging me out of bed for some stupid reason."
"I actually convinced her to talk to Wendell, alone."
"What for?"
"It's a long story."