Chapter Three (Angie)
#3 of First Steps 2: Happy Trails
I put down my book. I was reading The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau. It's a pretty interesting read. Todd and Wendell went out to go on some special date to celebrate their engagement. So I'm left in the apartment with Janelle. She's in the living room watching TV.
Someone knocks on the door. "Janelle! Can you get it?" I yell.
"Why? You're sitting right there in front of it?" she says.
"Ugh... fine!" I walk around the counter to the door. When I open it, there's a black dog standing there. Wait a minute, I recognize that dog!
"Bruno?" I ask.
"Yep. That'd be me." he says.
"What're you doing here?"
"Long story short: dad got transferred, we live outside of town, and I broke up with Sarah due to her gained alcoholism."
"Oh. So, not to be rude, but what're you doing here?"
"Todd and Wendell said I should come here. Said that you were feeling down a bit lately."
"I was. Why?"
"Because I kind of am too. You know. Since the breakup."
"Well, come on in."
"Ok." Bruno steps inside, takes off his shoes and sits at the counter with me. I push aside my book, just for now. I'm not done with it yet. I'm at the part where Cia is starting the fourth phase of The Testing.
"So, what's going on with you?" I ask.
"Well, I wanted to come over because I thought I could cheer you up." he says.
"How so?"
"I am going to take you on a date tomorrow morning." I blush at that. The thought of going out with Bruno. I'll admit he's cute, but I'm not sure.
"Gee, Bruno, I don't know..." I scratch the back of my head. A too obvious sign of nervousness.
"C'mon Angie. Just give me a chance. Please?" He gives me those puppy dog eyes. He even brings his paws up like a sad puppy.
"Ok. What did you have in mind?" I'm curious as for what he'd want to do.
"Well, I was thinking that we could just watch a DVD here, then go out to a nice restaurant in the middle of town, and to finish it off, take a romantic stroll through the park."
"Well... I guess that sounds nice." I admit.
"Great." He smiles and wags his tail. It's cute.
"Hey Bruno. Can I tell you something?"
"Sure. What's up?" He puts an arm around me, like he's about to try to kiss me or something. Oh crap! Would I like that?
I smile and say, "Do you want to... maybe... stay over for a little while?"
"Sure." He keeps wagging his tail. The fact that I might've made him happy makes me happy.
"You wanna maybe... go to my room. Talk a little bit?" I ask.
"Sure. Want me to make you something while we're in here?"
"Oh no. I'm good. I ate before you came. But you can help yourself if you want." I get off the seat and head into my room. When I close the door, I immediately grab my phone. I consider calling Wendell and asking for help or advice. But I remember that Bruno's already bothered them once. I probably shouldn't do it again.
Someone knocks on my bedroom door. I open it and let Bruno in. Deja vu anyone? My room looks exactly like Todd and Wendells. Except it's mirrored and instead of a king sized bed, there are bunk beds. Janelle's is on the bottom, mine's on top. I sit on Janelle's bed and Bruno sits on the floor in front of me.
"So, Angie, what's on your mind?" he asks.
"Um..." I rub my arm. What is it about Bruno that makes me nervous? He's kind, sweet, friendly. After all, he offered to hang out with me tomorrow. Was I scared that he called it a "date"? Maybe. Perhaps it was an accident. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course." he says.
"Do you have a crush on me?" I ask without thinking.
"What makes you think that?" Bruno blushes. You can clearly tell.
"Because I thought that maybe... you were serious when you said the word "date" to me in the kitchen."
"Well..." he starts out. He gets too nervous that he stops mid-sentence. He looks down on the ground and looks like he's trying to avoid eye contact with me. I place a paw under his muzzle and bring it up so his eyes meet mine.
"Bruno, you can tell me. You don't have to be nervous." I say soothingly.
"Well... I might have a little crush on you. I mean, you've been pretty nice to me before and honestly, I think you're cute."
"Oh..." I have no idea what to do. Do I run? Do I push him away? Do I embrace the fact that he likes me? Does he truly like me? He must, if he was scared to tell me. Right? "Bruno, to be honest..."
"Yeah?" he sounds like he's scared I'm gonna reject him. But, I don't think I want to.
"I... think I like you too."
"Yeah." Bruno gets off the floor and sits next to me on the bed. I think he's about to kiss me. My chest gets real heavy with anxiety. I haven't been kissed in a long time. I almost forgot the feeling. But, Bruno doesn't kiss me. Instead, he just pulls me in for a hug. This is fine. I think, I get hugged by Wendell, Todd, and Jani all the time. What if he tries to kiss me?
Bruno pulls away, but keeps me in his arms. After a second, he pulls me in slowly. But he isn't trying to hug me again, he's trying to kiss me! What do I do? What do I do? Before I can say anything, our lips lock. Bruno gently strokes my arm as we kiss. It lasts for a few seconds. When it ends, my heart is racing. The kiss was nice. Do I really like him? Yes. I do.
"Wow," he whispers, "That was... amazing."
"Yeah." I admit, "It was."
"Do you... maybe... want to... kiss again?"
"Yes." I don't want to think right now. He's a good kisser. He's got a great personality and I think he has genuine feelings for me. Bruno smiles, wags his tail and kisses me again. This time, we lay down on the bed together, wrapped in each others embrace. Bruno gently runs his paw up and down my arm.
After the kiss ends, I rest my head on Bruno's chest. He caresses my back. I can just faintly hear his steady heartbeat. It makes me smile.
"Angie?" he whispers.
"Will you please be my girlfriend?" I think about this. Being Bruno's girlfriend. The thought worries me at first, but he might actually make me happy. Plus, Bruno's definitely the kind of fur I'd want to be dating. He's cute. He's got a soft spot. He's very kind and considerate. And he always cares about other. Just ask Wendell and Todd. They would know. "Please?"
"Yes." I say.
"Oh. Thank you." he quickly hugs me tighter, "You just made me the happiest dog on the planet."
"And you make me a happy fox." I say. We cuddle for a few more moments. That's when Janelle walks in and sees us.
"Angie? What're you doing?" she asks.
"I'm cuddling with Bruno." I say.
"Can we talk in private?"
"I'll be right back." I tell Bruno. I sadly climb off the bed and out into the hall with Jani. She closes the door and turns her attention to me.
"What're you doing with him?" she whispers.
"What did it look like? I was cuddling with him."
"Did he kiss you?" she puts her paws on my shoulders.
"Want me to take care of it?" She cracks her knuckles.
"No!" I whisper heatedly, "I like him!"
Janelle giggles into her paw. "Yeah, right. Quit fooling around."
"I'm serious. I agreed to be his girlfriend."
"Wait. Really?" I nod, "Are you sure he ain't blackmailing you? Blink twice for 'yes'." I roll my eyes and give her the serious look. "Oh. You're serious?"
"Yes. I like Bruno. He's very nice and very sweet."
"Are you sure?"
"Ok. Fine. But, you better not do that on my bed. There's a reason you have your own bed."
"Alright." I open the door. Bruno's still on the bottom bed where I left him. Jani comes into the room too.
"Just so you know, Bruno. I'm ok with you and Angie dating. It's Wendell you should be worried about. And if you break her heart, I'll beat the shit out of you into next Tuesday. Understand?" Jani says.
"Ok. I won't break her heart though." Bruno says. With that, Janelle leaves the room. I tell him that we have to go to the top bunk because she's not happy with us making out on her bed. I climb up there first and then Bruno. When we get up there, we smile at each other. All of a sudden, I shiver.
"Are you getting cold?" Bruno says.
"A little." When I say that, Bruno takes off his shirt and wraps it around me. " Oh, so romantic."
"I can't get my little vixen get cold." he says. We lay back down on my bed. He covers us both with my blanket . Suddenly, I feel a bit warmer. Bruno wraps his arms around me and pulls me in close. I feel his shirtless stomach. He's got very soft black fur. It feels nice. Bruno looks into my eyes again and I'm lost in his.
He slowly kisses me again. I like Bruno's kisses. He goes slow, steady, and it's nicer that he rubs my upper back. I wrap my paws around him, making careful strokes up and down his back.
He pulls me up so I'm laying face down on top of him. When the kiss ends, I rest my head on his chest again. "I love you, Angie." he says.
"I love you too, Bruno." After that, I get sleepy and slowly doze off.