Sonic X. The Wealth of Friends Chapture 2: The Feast
#3 of Sonic X. The Wealth of Friends.
Please tell me what you think. and stuff. Sorry about the short wait. hope you like it.....oh and sonic and sega joke again....
- * * Chris' sprained ankle, gashed n head, and bruised ribs were almost healed. He was following his doctor's orders to the letter. He wanted to get back in the lab again, and for that he needed to get better. Chris found out that Tails did manage to send his stuff over. The problem was that Tails made a mistake and mangled Chris' things on transfer. Chris' parents said that it was to mangled and burnt to wear, never the less get past Ella and her eye for dirt. But Chris' grandfather, Chuck, did save his things and this event gave Chris a boost to help him remake his Chaos Control. Tails did manage to send a letter, along with Chris' things, to Chris and Chuck that was mostly legible due to some burns. The letter contained mostly research from Tails, as one colleague connected to another. But even so, Chris was still in a wheel chair and was trying to most fun of it. He and Helen started doing wheel chair races around the house and city with Chuck, Danny or Frances as a referee. They both loved the races, but they both knew this had to end soon. Chris was already asking if the others wanted to come with him this time. Chuck order Chris that he was coming with him on the next adventure and Chris gladly accepted that. Danny accepted Chris' offer almost right away. Helen and Frances took some convincing but they came around to the idea to go to Sonic world. Chris thought about asking his parents if they wanted to come along as well. But they were so worried last time that he was even sketchy of even letting them know. The more he thought about it, the more he thought that they should at least know of the plan. He was an adult now and it was his choice. They recognized this and gave their blessing for the journey when he told them, though they did not like it. Chris asked Mr. Tanaka and Ella if they wanted to go as well. They two declined stating it was their duty, to his parents, to make sure the house was clean and in order. However, Ella did give Chris some books titled "Ella's Best recipes! Volume 2" and "Volume 3". Her first book was the same she gave to Amy and it was published. Chris did manage to track down Topaz with the help of Mr. Tanaka. She was the head of G.U.N. now. When Chris made the offer, she was thinking about it. She had been updated of what had happened from Mr. Tanaka and though about it even more. "Let me see what I can do." she said, "I just might take you up on that offer.". * * * Mean while, back on Mobius, Fara and Ral-Rak finally reach the settlement with Sonic, Tails, and some others waiting for them. The 2 foxes jumped out of the truck and walked over. "Hey guys, These are the 2 that me and Tails were talking about earlier. Their names are Fara and Ral-Rak." said Sonic. Fara waved and Ral-Rak bowed his head. Sonic then said "Well let me introduce our friends. This is Amy." A pink hedgehog stepped forward, waved and bowed . A small rabbit took a step and said " I'm Cream and he is Cheese." a Chao then flew around them, cheeping. "And this is my mother." said Cream. A tall rabbit stepped up to them and said "Hello dearies. My name is Vanilla.", before stepping back. "And this is Knuckles"said Sonic. A red echidna walk up and put his hand out. Ral-Rak shook his hand and then Knuckles stepped back. "There will be more meeting us later but until then, let us show you around." suggested Tails. "Actually, I was wondering if we could use your bathroom to ... freshen up a bit?" asked Ral-Rak pointing to his chest that was wounded from the robot. He did not want to let the wound fester or to frighten his new friends. "Sure, there one in that house there in the back right" Said Amy pointing to her house. " And there is one in there up stairs" Sonic said pointing to his house. The two foxes split up and went the road into the houses and into the bathrooms. Ral-Rak opened his cloak and looked at his wound again. The wound had scabbed up from the makeshift healing he preformed earlier but still required proper treatment. He opened up a small satchel and pulled out some gauze to which he dressed the would with. He washed his cloak, hands and face and looked at the mirror into his eyes. He was looking for something but he did not know what. He had been for years. He did not understand why he did this, he just dose. Fara was checking her looks for Tails. Making sure her hair was in place. She took a rag and got most of the dirt out of her yellow tank top and brown cargo shorts. She used some mouthwash by the sink while she was in there for a fresh breath since she had not brushed her teeth since yesterday morning. She also groomed her tail and pick though it making sure it was clean. She check her pocket and made sure her gift was safe. When she got out, Ral-Rak was already out there for a few minuets. She notice that the blood stain had faded a bit in his cloak but was still visible from a distance. "Ready?" Tails asked. "Ready." Fara said with a smile. "See you guys in a bit then, I got cleaning to do." Said Vanilla waving them goodbye. "Did you set the timers?" asked Fara to Ral-Rak to which he replied "Yeah, everything should be done when we get back.". The group walked though the fields to the end of a mountain chain that Fara and Ral-Rak had been following along. The same one that they had been saved by. They got to a cliff over an ocean where a giant land mass was hovering. "This is Angle Island" Said Knuckles proudly, "This is where I live and protect." "Protect what?" asked Fara. "I'll show ya" said Knuckles jumping up a tremendous hight. Sonic grabbed Amy and jumped up there with out a problem. Tails and Fara flew up there, racing each other. Cream flapped her ears and flew up with Cheese following. Ral-Rak look around, looked up, and looked down and then muttered under his breath "Wait a sec....." then yelled "Dammit!". He then grabbed his staff and the other emerald, took a deep breath, and teleported up there leaving a puff of smoke behind and on landing. When up on the floating island, Ral-Rak looked back and his eyes widen and the feeling of fear struck over him. He quickly took a few steps forward and wrapped his arm around a tree, hyperventilating a little. Sonic noticed and asked "Are you okay Ral-Rak?". "Yeah.... I'm fine... I just.... I just don't do well with heights." Ral-Rak said loosing his grip on the tree. Knuckles looked and noticed the chaos emeralds in Ral-Rak's hand and the one in his staff and said "You have two emeralds?". "Yeah. I call them magic jewels but I like the name chaos emeralds, and well technically I have one since Sonic asked for one as a reward for saving us. Why?" replied Ral-Rak with a confused look. "Because of that." said Amy pointing to some runes. The group walked up the rune steps and saw the sight of the broken Master Emerald. "Is this what I think it is?" ask an amazed Ral-Rak. "Yes. This is called The Master Emerald." Said Knuckles. "This is what you protect? How did it get broken?" asked Fara. "We kind of had to use it to save the universe." said Tails scratching the back of is head with a half smile. Ral-Rak walked on a ledge, crouched down and examined the shards of the once great emerald. He stroke his beard a few times while in deep thought and stood up. He then notice a small shack. "Whats in there?" Ral-Rak asked pointing with his staff. "Thats my artifact shack. I'm a treasure hunter." said Knuckles proudly, "One day I just might let you look at it." he then said with a smug smile. "Don't be so pompous!" said Amy. "Okay you two. Lets just continue the tour." suggested Tails taking off with Fara and everybody leaving like they arrived except Ral-Rak who looked around him again and noticed the same situation had just happen as before. He then rubbed both his eyes with his hand, pinching the brim of his nose, saying "Well.... dammit.". He then walked to the edge and his fear struck him again. He took a deep breath and used the same spell as before, leaving the puffs of smoke. The group was starting to walk to the base of a small mountain chain. Tails pressed on a rock and opened a hidden door embedded on the wall of the rocky outcrop. "Next stop my lab" Tails said seating him self in head of a large tram. Fara rushed to Tails side and sat her self while smiling at Tails. Amy sat next to Sonic and Ral-Rak to Cream, leaving Knuckles alone in the back. Tails started slow but built up speed, almost making the tram like a roller coaster, causing Fara hold Tails hand for comfort. Amy noticed this and gestured to Sonic this. Sonic looked at Amy, smiled and nodded in approval and acknowledgement. With in minuets, Tails ride had stopped and everybody got out. Knuckles was a little disoriented and Ral-Rak noticed. "Are you okay?" Ral-Rak asked to which Knuckles replied "I'm fine, just not used to speed.". "Well here, let me help" Ral-Rak said steading him to the wall. "Here, use this to help" Ral-Rak offered, presenting his staff. Knuckles grabbed the staff saying "Hey thanks.". Ral-Rak watched making sure his staff and Knuckles was okay, but he did have a weird feeling about not holding the staff. He ignored the feeling and moved on. By the time they got to they door, Knuckles was better and the group was waiting for them as Tails wanted to show off his lab to Fara and Ral-Rak. Knuckles gave back the staff and they all continued. "This is my home and lab! Home of several jets, 2 space ships and plenty of weapons and gadgets. This part is my home and museum of gadgets I built. The hanger and lab is just down stairs. Go ahead and look around." boasted Tails, holding his arms out as he was presenting a piece of art. Fara, Ral-Rak, and the others looked a the many displays of gadgets ranging from grappling hooks and tracking devices to blueprints of the ships and houses. Ral-Rak looked outside and noticed the robot which had attacked them earlier, to which he huffed at. He then looked though another window and saw a house that was warped. "Whats that place? I did not notice it when we were riding here," asked Ral-Rak. Cream walked over and said "That's Team Chaotix. Knuckles works there. We will be meeting them at sunset." then bouncing off to look at the other inventions that Tails had made. Ral-Rak looked around a bit more then ask "I like this museum a lot but you mentioned something about jets?". "Oh those are down stairs. Follow me guys!" Tails said leading the group to his lab and hanger. The two foxes looked at it at awe at the hanger as Tails went into details of the jets. Ral-Rak took interest in what Tails was saying while Fara just took interest in Tails. Amy had to snap Tails out of his ramble and show them the other ships and lab. Fara saw a plant there and thought it was a weird place to put it but other wise thought nothing of it. Tails led the group outside and showed them his pool and hot tub which were empty due to the water problem that Tails was in charge of fixing and maintaining. "We should get home soon" Amy suggested, " Its going to be sunset any minute.". The group agreed and left for the tram. Everybody sat in the same seats on the way back. When the tram stopped, everybody disembarked and Knuckles did not need help this time freeing up Ral-Rak. "Could I Talk to you for a second Fara?" ask Ral-Rak. Fara stopped and let the group walk a head. "We will just meet you at the houses" said Amy and the group walk away. Ral-Rak walked up and said " Hey, I just want to apologize about earlier." . "What do you mean?" Fara said cocking her head to the side. "I mean when we were in the truck and being chased by the robot. I was giving you a very hard time at a very bad time and that was not right of me so I apologize for it." Fara looked at Ral-Rak, smiled and hugged him, saying "Its okay. I forgive you.". She then loosed her grip and said "It was a long day, you were angry and stressed at something stupid I did and you needed a release, which understandably and unfortunately was me but I deserved it. And no I will not kick you in the balls. But that is a I.O.U.". "No... cause you destroyed our home. We're a little lopsided in my favor, don't you think? And you really never deserve that treatment from me." Ral- Rak said grinning. He then gesturing to the door that was on the other side than the first one saying "Lets go now. I bet we are holding up dinner for a food shortage community.". "That's odd. I could have sworn that we came in on our right." said Fara. "Your right. We did come from the other side. But where are we now?" replied Ral-Rak. The two foxes moved cautiously to the door. Remembering they were with strangers When they opened up the door, they were surprised by a long banquet table filled with plates of food. They ran down the hill to the table where everybody was standing. "Surprise!" yelled Sonic and company. "Whats all this?" asked Fara. "It's a surprise party." said Sonic, "We thought we surprise you with a feast after a long day of being chased by a giant robot.". "So thats why you wanted me to make you guys food, and to find out what we don't like. Pretty sneaky." said Ral-Rak. "We have the food ready in the truck, let us go grab it." said Fara. The two went into the truck and came back out again holding 2 sheet pan filled with potatoes and 3 loaves of bread. "This is one of my specialty, Pumpkin Bread, and a experiment I made up, Potatoes that are thinly chopped but not all the way though, then some oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. I call them, Crispy Gill Potatoes since its looks like gills on a fish." said Ral-Rak with a smile. Amy looked up and said "You can cook?". "Well, yeah. I say its my number one favorite hobby." replied Ral-Rak. She ran up to him, put her hands together and asked "Can you teach me to cook?" almost as she was begging. "I suppose I could give you a lesson or two." he said placing down the food. Amy smiled and said "Thank you!". Fara looked around and commented "I thought their was going to be more people here.", then walking to the table placing down the bread along side of the potatoes. "Oh, thats right. Chaotix called and said they had a assignment they had to do and gave Knuckles the night off." said Vanilla. "Well I guess you just have to meet them tomorrow." said Knuckles who was sitting himself down. "Let me get your seat for you Fara" said Tails who pulled one of the two seats at the head of the table. Fara sat down and Tails walked around the corner of the table and sat himself by Fara. Ral-Rak took a seat at the head of the table, next to Fara and Sonic. Everybody sat them selfs then and started eating. The first course was just a salad with shredded carrots, sliced radishes and noodled parsnips. The main course was a roast with Ral-Rak's potatoes and some broccoli. Ral-Rak ate some of the broccoli but out of politeness. In truth he despised broccoli due to the fact that the bitter taste was horrible to him. Eating it then almost made him gag but he covered it up while drinking some juice and pretended that it went down the wrong pipe. Fara still had to find a way to give Tails his cookies in private. At the main course she presented to check her pockets and acted worried until she got Tails to ask "Something wrong?". She then replied " I think I lost my bracelet. I had it when I landed from Angle Island but I don't have it now. Could you take me back to your place and let me have a look around?". "Sure. After desert we can take the X-Tornado back and we will look for it then." said Tails. When desert did roll around, there was cake and tea made with the leaves of Ral-Rak's mint, along with the Pumpkin Bread. There was a mixed vote on which was better, Ral-Rak's Pumpkin bread or Amy's White Cake. Both said the other's desert was better but no one could agree. A small discussion followed. When the discussion climaxed, Ral-Rak said "This is the most polite argument ever and it should stop now." earning a chuckle out of everybody. By now it was dark and everybody started around a fire pit. After a few minuets, Tails got up and tapped Fara on the shoulder. Fara got up and said to Ral-Rak "I'll be back a bit, I think I left something at Tails' place when we visited earlier." "Okay, I might be asleep when you get back so try to be quiet." replied Ral-Rak who then added "Oh and Tails, I did not see you mint plant when I was there. Get that thing in a pot and dirt soon and water it a little. That kind of mint plant tends to dry out fast." in a bit of a stern voice. "Don't worry, I will. See you guys in a bit." Tails said waving goodbye. "See you soon." Followed Fara. They soon got into the X-Tornado and left for Tails place. "What did she lose?" asked Amy. "I don't know. She made Tails a present before we got here. I think she just wanted to give it to him in private. But I think we should not mention it till they do.". The other agreed and then Cream asked "What did she make him?". "If I remember correctly it was Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies." said Ral-Rak stroking his beard with a slight smile. A few moment passed with the fire cracking and burning before Sonic asked "So what do you think of this place? You guys want to live here?". "Well...I would like to actually. I'm sure that Fara would too. I'm thinking of looking for a place tomorrow since we really can't live in a truck." answered Ral-Rak still stroking his beard. "Thats great! Where would you like to live?" asked Amy. "I saw a beach when we were at Angle Island. I would like living by the water. I plan on having a small farm if that is okay also. I'm also planing to make Fara her own house if she pleases." replied Ral-Rak who was now standing up to stretch and to check on his wound with a quick peek. He grabbed a tin from his satchel, opened the tin to reveal a salve and put some on his wound before returning his tin back. Knuckles, who remained largely quiet the whole time, asked "How is your shoulder and chest? It looks pretty bad.". "It's not several to cause alarm. It should fully heal, it just being a bullet and gunpowder burn wound. The bullets went straight thou so no surgery will be needed. Only one scratched the heart.". Everybody just looked at Ral-Rak as if he was a ghost. "Why are you not dead!" asked Amy. Ral-Rak looked into the fire with his mouth open as if he was about to speak but he did not. He just starred into the moon, watching the embers fly up at it for several seconds before finally saying " I don't know." with a smile. * * *
Mean while at Tails' House. Tails and Fara were just getting out of the X-Tornado. Tails looked around on the hanger floor before asking "What dose your bracelet look like?". Fara looked down at her feet, and put her hands behind her back, wringing her tail and blushed a little bit. Then she said "I...uhhh.... did not lose a bracelet.". Tails gave a look of confusion and asked "What did you lose? Is there something wrong?". She look up and quickly said "No. There is nothing wrong. It just that..... I wanted to be alone with you when I gave you this.". Fara blushed when she pulled out The bag of cookies that were made on the way to the settlement, and handed the bag to Tails. Tails blushed a little when he grabbed the bag. He took one of the cookies out and inspected it. "These smell delicious! Are they chocolate chip?" Tails ask enthusiastically. Fara continued to look down with her arms behind her again when she said "Well kind of.". She tilted her head up a little to see the look on Tails' face, "They are mint chocolate chip. I noticed you said you really like mint when you saved us and...well...". She did not finish her sentence when she noticed that Tails took a bite. "They taste even better than they smell, and chewy also." Tails blurted out making Fara more happy from her plan. "Thank you." Tails then said. Fara then smiled, saying "It's my brothers recipe. I'm glad you like it and that I was not wrong with the mint.". "No, I love mint." Tails said a little embarrassed. Tails then smiled and invited Fara upstairs. The two foxes walk up the stairs and into Tails' living space. "Have a seat. Would you like some milk?" Tails asked. "I could go for some milk." said Fara who was taking a seat on a couch. Tails left for second and came back with a tray that held the cookies on a plate and two glasses of milk. He took a seat next to Fara and placed the cookies and milk on the coffee table in font of them. Tails grabbed a glass and took a sip of the milk leaving a milk mustache. This made Fara giggle a little bit before she took a sip of her glass of milk. "Whats so funny?" Tails ask Fara. She pointed to her upper lip making Tails touch his upper lip to figure out what wrong until he felt something wet and figured out he had a mustache. He used the back of his glove to clean off his mouth and smiled at Fara. She smiled back and continued to eat the cookies when she shrived. "Are you cold? I must have left the Hanger door opened." Tails asked. "Yeah. It's kind of drafty in here." she said. Tails put down his milk and said " I'll be right back.", and went down stairs. Fara herd a cranking noise from down stairs. She moved over a bit, closer to where Tails was seating. She grabbed another cookie and acted casually when Tails came back up stairs. Tails had remembered to grab the mint plant that Ral-Rak had given him and gave it some water. Tails sat back down next to Fara and said "Well that should take care of the draft. Would you like a blanket till it warms up in here again?". "No. I'll be fine now. Thank you." she said before noticing the moon though the window. "Wow! Thats really beautiful.". "Yeah I built that window a while ago so I can see the moon. I'm kind of planing to make a whole glass break in the walls and ceiling so I could watch the moon all night if I wanted to." said Tails. "That sounds like a wonderful plan. You should do that." said Fara. "Why don't we go on the roof and do that now?" suggested Tails. "I would love to." Fara replied. She got up and started walking to the door. "I will be right there. I'm just going to grab some blankets." said Tails walking back to his bed room. Fara flew up and landed. Tails soon followed and landed beside her with the blankets. He laid one down and they used the others as a pillow. They looked up at the moon and laid down together to what seemed hours to them. Fara started to shiver and Tails noticed. "Do you want both the blankets?" he offered. Her answer was "And leave you on a metal roof cold? I cant do that. We can share.". Her sudden suggestion made them both blush. "Okay Fara." Tails said. They unfolded the blanket they used as a pillow and covered themselves up. They both blushed a bit and peeked at each other while trying to look at the moon. Fara shivered again while under the blanket. Tails scooched by her more until he was right next to her and ask "Is that better?". She said to him "A little. Will you hold me? I'm still a little bit cold.". Tails, with out answer, put his arm under her head and on to her shoulder with his other hand on his stomach. Fara grabbed his hand and wrap her arm the same way. They then wrapped their tails around each other . They soon stopped looking at the moon and looked at each others eyes. They both were wearing gentle smiles and blushed cheeks but both were happy and relaxed now. Fara kissed kissed him on the cheek and said "I love you Tails.". He kissed her back on the lips and said "I love you too Fara.". They both gazed into each others eyes and drifted into sleep under the pale moon light.