Runaway: A Divergent Parody
#6 of Short Stories
We run as far into the woods as we can. We only stop to catch our breath.
"Is she on our trail?" I look behind me.
"No," I say, "No one's following us." I sit and rest my back against an oak tree. Robby takes a seat next to me. He's this German Shepherd/Dalmatian hybrid. He basically has the ear of a shepherd and light brown fur all over his body, but he does have a couple black spots on him.
"That's good," he says, "When do you think we should head back?"
"I have no idea. But, until then, we're gonna have to hide out here."
"Ok, Leah. But, we can't hide forever. Eventually we're gonna have to venture our way back into the city and take care of her." Rob says.
"Alright. Fine. Whatever." I say. I don't blame him. We literally just ran away from a civil war that's happening inside our city. We're outlaws if you can't tell. All because we're... different from others.
"Hey, Leah?" Robby interrupts my thoughts.
"I didn't ask for any of this."
"Neither did I."
"You know she was behind all of this destruction that's happening."
"I know." I never did like Judy. That bitch of a cat always irritated me. And now, she's trying to take control of the town, despite efforts of furs like me to take her down. she got her own army on her side. What do we have? Not much. I don't even know where the rest of my friends are, let alone anyone who would help us.
"What do we do now?" Robby asks.
"I'm not sure. But, we'll have to sleep out here tonight. We'll figure this out by tomorrow morning. I'm sure of it." I lay down to try to close my eyes, but a Vixen like me shouldn't have to be sleeping out here in the middle of nowhere. My back is being poked by a branch and no matter how much I change position, I can't seem to get comfortable.
I roll over to face my best friend. He just smiles at me. I smile back. I've always known he had a crush on me. But, I don't know if I'm ready to take it that far yet with him. Yet, I find myself cuddling up to him. His paws wrapped around me makes me feel safe.
Just when the sun is out of sight and I'm about to get to get some shut eye, I look into the distance and see the JumboScreen turn on. It's hard to see it from this far, but it doesn't take long for me to know that that is Judy.
"Robby, wake up." I shake him awake. He quickly turns around to the Screen back in the city.
"Hello. My name is Judy Everett." She can barely be heard from here, but I can make out what she's saying, "Over the last few years, there's been peace in our society. However, this has been disrupted lately. Two days ago, a rogue group of furs broke into a facility here in downtown Nashville and stole valuable property owned by the government. The supposed reason for this is that somehow I was using this property as a use of mind control to achieve a goal of killing off furs here in an effort to get them to give up the locations of specific furs. This is however, just a rumor." She's lying. "These furs who are accused of this crime are wanted. Not only for their crimes they've committed, but also for the fact that they cannot be allowed to remain free. As these individuals are different, and will destroy our society if something is not taken care of soon. We, as a united city will not stand for this act of treason. And we will band together to take these furs down. Peace will be once again restored."
Robby stands up with me and he holds my paw. "What now?" I turn my attention back to Judy.
"But with restoration, comes a price. Because the only way to achieve this, of course, is to remove the only thing standing in the way between us and that goal..." Robby squeezes my paw as we hear the last word that makes me shudder. Because it's who we both are.