The Prince and the Dragon 7- Sparks

Story by Mallow the Dragon on SoFurry

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#7 of The Prince and the Dragon

I should really wright more often for this but I've been so busy and uncreative lately that's it's been hard, so that said leave suggestions for something you want to happen in the comments! I might not use it directly but it might give me an idea for something to do and I'll credit you when I use it!


I had been wandering around the large ship for quite a while when I stumbled upon a room that appeared to be at the center of the craft. This room held a large glass sphere with swirling gasses of all colors imaginable inside.

"What is that." I ask myself, thinking the voice in my head would answer me, but it didn't.

"What is the big sphere with the colorful gasses in it voice?" I ask specifically to the voice in my head.

"Unknown, object is not classified as technology, please upgrade your personal informational unit."

I move to the panel on the wall that Quentin had recently taught me and Elizabeth to use and pressed the purple button to reach him.

"Quentin, are you there?" I ask into the metal grate on the panel.

"Yeah, what's up?" the laid back dragon answered.

"I'm in this room with a huge glass ball with colorful gas in it, what is it? The voice in my head won't tell me." I say with curiosity.

"Ah, stay there, I'll be down in a second." He said with a bit of a jovial voice, as if he was going to show me something he thought was awesome.

"Alright, see you soon." I say with a bit of curiosity fueled excitement.


"Hey" I say as I walk into the central room.

"Hi, so, what's this?" Vincent says with a bit of wonder.

"This, is the Central Mana Circuit, or CMC. This is what helps us move through space without many problems and also live on the ship while it's in space." I say to the snake who is listening intently.

"Mana Circuit?" Vincent says confused.

"Do you have the concept of magic on your planet Vincent?" I ask

"Yeah, but it's all just fairytales and legends" he replies

"Well, some beings have evolved to manipulate the energy around them. The only way I can try and explain it to you is with the example of magic, and in some ways it is magic." I explain to the snake who begins to look at me with a bit of skepticism.

"Can you do magic then ya' big old dragon?" he says, trying to be a bit fiery and sassy, not really rude but skeptical.

"Oh you just watch you little trouble maker." I say with a grin as thin, glowing, purple tendrils begin to slide seamlessly from my fingertips. I move the tendrils slowly towards the gaping snake-man and go in for the kill.

"Wow, that's amazing Quentin! Do you think I'll ever be able to d... Bahahahahaha! Sto- stop it! Hahaha!" he starts but ends with boisterous laughter as my tendrils shot for his ticklish spots and began to writhe mercilessly.

"Hahaha! Don't you question my magic powers mortal! This is your eternal punishment for your insubordination to my will! Muhahahahaha!" I said manically as I slowly crept closer to the ticklish snake.

"Haha!" I laughed as I grabbed him in my arms in a big bear hug and stopped tickling him.

"Now you're mine!" I say as I pull back slightly to look at him and his huge cute smile. In that moment we both felt the attraction to each other and began to lean in and close our eyes. Once our lips touched a purple spark flashed between our foreheads and slowly turned to a vibrant shade of magenta with smaller purple and pink sparks shooting out of the center. We finally pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Want to go get lunch?" I ask

"Y-yeah, that would be nice" Vincent says shakily but with a definite joyful tone.


"Ehehehehehe" I babbled like an idiot as me and Quentin shared a table at lunch and talked about whatever came to mind. I think I'm in love with this big purple dork. This is going to be spectacular!