Chapter 14 (Todd)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#14 of First Steps

Right now, it's about 9 at night. Normally, I'd be resting in bed, getting ready for whatever it is that the world has to throw at me next. Instead, I'm in a convenience store with a list, a set of instructions from Wendell, and $200, while he's doing the same thing on the other end of town (Wendell said we'd save time by splitting up).

Before I go inside the store, I take a look at what I have to buy:

  1. Paper
  2. Marker (Sharpie will work)
  3. Orange Spray Paint
  4. Crowbar
  5. An old luggage
  6. Rope
  7. Stink Bomb
  8. Masking Tape
  9. Tranquilizer Darts

At first, the stuff on the list looks like something Wendell did to his parents. But, after the crowbar, it's a bunch of random stuff. Rope? Tape? Darts that knock someone out? Is this revenge or is he planning a weird orgy?

I manage to find some of that stuff at the store. The guy ringing me up looks at me like I'm crazy, and in a way, I kind of do. I take my stuff then head out. When I get to a private alley, I take a look at the instructions. I know I should be reading all of it before I do anything, but I usually do stuff as I'm reading them. I look at number one.


  • If you managed to find a luggage, put the rest of the stuff in it. That'll make it easier to carry them around all night. You're probably wondering why I spent an hour writing this down while I made you look away, that's because it's easier this way because like you, I have stuff I need to do tonight.

I do what the paper says. Next thing I know, I've got a backpack full of the most random junk in Knoxville. What is this guy planning? I skim to number two.

  • Go to your parent's house where you were just kicked out of an hour ago. Take a piece of paper and write a message that'll stick in your parent's brain that you are not to be messed with. Take the crowbar and use it to open the window in your bedroom.

I quickly run back to my house, the weight of the bag on my shoulders slowing me down a bit. When I get there, I'm a little hesitant, but I'm about to leave soon. I sneak around to the side of my house that my window is at. How am I supposed to get up there? I look around for anything I can use to climb up the side of my house, yet can't. I go to another side of the house and see the trash can is there, but the lid is open. I look inside and see that it's empty, but there's something in it. I reach in, pull it out and see that it's a grappling hook with a note on it.


When was that put here? I go back to where my window it. It takes me a few tries, but I manage to get the hook to stay where it's at on the window ledge. Now comes the hard part: pulling myself up. I put my feet on the wall and carefully pull myself up the side of the house. When I reach my window. I reach in my bag, pull out the crowbar, stick it underneath the window and lift it upwards.

I pull myself in the house and quietly get on the floor. I'm standing in what was my room an hour and a half ago. The room still smells like 69. I take out a piece of paper and the sharpie and scribble out a message.

Actions speak louder than words. T.

I think that's good enough. I fold it in half and look at step three.

  • Take the tape, go to your parent's bedroom door and cover the whole outside with tape, like a web. Make sure none of it sticks to the door, just the frame. Also, make sure both of your parents are in the room. Put the note on the floor in front of the door, knock on the door, then get the hell out of there!

Yikes! Wendell! Is that guy crazy? Although, now that I think about it, this might be kind of funny. Thankfully I got the kind of tape that barely makes noise when you get a piece. I take the tape and sneak over to my parent's room. I look through the keyhole. Both of them are in bed. Carefully, I slowly make a web of tape in front of their door. This kind is the one inch, super sticky kind. Good luck getting this off.

It takes me about ten or eleven minutes to finish and half the roll was used up. I put the note on the floor. I put the bag back over my shoulder and prepare for my next move. I knock on the door frame three times as hard as I can and run back to my room. When I get to the window and about to jump out, I hear dad open the door.

"What the-" he says, then falls to the ground before he can finish his sentence. The sound of him struggling and tape bunching up fills the hall. Before I'm tempted to go out and see the look on his face, I climb out of the window, push the grappling hook off the ledge, shut the window and I jump out to the ground.

I sprain my ankle a bit on impact, but I'm ok. I just hope the rest of the night doesn't involve me having to jump off of ten foot heights. I manage to walk off the sprain after a few minutes. I sit down beside a tree and look at my phone. 10:15. I'm supposed to meet Wendell at his house at midnight so we can leave. I take out the instructions again and look at step four.

  • When you're sure that your parents are NOT on your trail, take your phone and call these three numbers. Make sure you block your number so they can't see who it is. Tell them to come to the alley at the back of the arcade immediately In case they don't answer, just keep calling them. As soon as one of them answers, walk straight to there.

Wendell somehow got Ray, Allan, and Steele's numbers. I'm a little scared over what's going to happen. But, I know that this is important to Wendell. I call Allan first. If I get his attention, I'm bound to get the others.

"Hello? Who is this?" he answers after the fourth time I call.

"Is this Allan?" I put on a French accent again, hoping to throw him off.

"Yes. Now who the fuck is this?"

"You, Ray, and Steele need to come to Zuma right now."

"Or else what?"

"Or else what?" I repeat, then I drop the French accent on purpose, "Or else I'll report your fucking ass to the cops for slicing up my boyfriend." I hang up, then take off full speed towards Zuma. When I get there, I'm all out of breath. But, no one has come... yet. I hurry up and look at step five.

  • Put three Tranq darts behind the loose brick at the corner of the Zuma building. After that, hide!

I walk over to the corner of the building and kick a brick at the bottom. Sure enough, it comes off. I get in my bag, put three darts in that space and then put the brick back. Step 5 is the last one, so hopefully, this whole thing is almost over.

I take the instruction's advice and go to find a place to hide. The dumpster at the end. I walk over to the end of the alley and open the lid. I climb inside and close the lid behind me. Nothing is in here, but is smells like shit. I calm myself down and slow down my heart rate a bit. My adrenaline is pumping and I just want to know what happens next.

I hear voices outside. The cat trio, no doubt. I wonder if they had figured out the whole trick yet.

"You sure this is where Todd asked you to go?" I think that's Ray talking.

"I'm sure." Allan says, "When I find that tail raising fag I'm gonna kill him."

"Where do you think he is?" Never heard that voice. Must be Steele. It's low, but a bit whiny.

"Not sure. But look out for that fox." Right after Allan says that, I get a funny sensation in my nose. No. Not now! I try to hold it back, but I can't. I sneeze. Loud. In seconds, Allan lifts up the lid and I'm caught. Ray and Steele lift me out of the dumpster and hold me by the arms in front of Allan.

Allan takes out a knife and points it at me. "You listen to me, gay boy. You better not EVER mess with us ever again. Furs like you need to rot in the ground like all the other homos in this world." He takes the knife and puts it to my throat.

"Uh... Allan?" Ray says.

"Understand?" Allan doesn't even pay attention to Ray.

"Allan?" Steele looks a little bit panicked. Even about ready to run.

"Not now!" Allan turns his attention back to me. "Now, you tell me if this hurts."

"No! You tell me!" I hear Wendell and then three gunshots. Next thing I know, the cat trio collapses, but still breathing. Wendell lowers his gun and runs up to me. "You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. What just happened?" I ask.

"The Tranq darts happened. They're knocked out. Now, get the rope." I get into my bag, and get the rope that he asked me to get. Wendell takes out three pairs of handcuffs. I want to ask why, but, this night is crazy enough.

Wendell and I lay the cats on their stomachs and handcuff their paws behind them. Then, he takes the rope and ties them together. Ray's left paw is tied to Allen's right. Allan's left is tied to Steele's right. And Steele's left is tied to Ray's right. They're sitting on their butts in a circle, all of them facing outwards, tied and handcuffed together.

"Good luck getting out of that." Wendell mutters. He then holds up a water gun and sprays the cat trio awake.

"What the?" Allan is the first to awake.

"Morning, bitch." Wendell says. Allen tries to move, but struggles. Ray wakes up next, then Steele. All three of them realize what's going on: that they've been taken down.

"Wendy? What did you do?" Allan demands. Wendell just pulls out a mirror and holds it at an angle so that Allan can see that he's tied to his friends and cannot move.

"Now that you're all tied up, you can listen." Wendell gets a little cocky. "You are going to stop messing with me and Todd and are going to leave everyone else in this town alone."

"And what're going to do if I don't?"

Wendell holds up some keys. "Then these come with me to LA and I'll get rid of them." Judging by the snicker on his face, they're the keys to the cuffs. Allan's eyes widen as he puts the pieces of the puzzle together.

"No. No! You can't just leave us like this!"

"Yes I can. And I will."

"Fine! We'll stop messing with you guys! Just get us out of this!" Allan panics. Wendell goes over to them and drops the keys in the center of the circle behind the three cats.

"No. You can get out yourself." Wendell says. With that, we walk away from the three struggling cats. This night doesn't make any sense. I still have a lot of unanswered questions. We stroll through the town until we end up at the park where we went for a date. I smile as the memory comes back.

We walk around for a little bit more until we sit down on a park bench to rest a bit. I lay my head on Wendell's lap and he caresses me. He's so sweet, but sometimes sour when it comes to planning.

"Wendell?" I need to know what happened.

"What's up Todd?"

"What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like..." where do I start? "What was with the grappling hook in my trash can?"

"Oh, well I bought a few things myself on my part of the plan. Some of that stuff tied in with what you needed to do."

"Why didn't you just tell me to buy the stuff myself?"

"Because otherwise, it's not as fun."

I roll my eyes at him, but he doesn't see it. "So when did you do that?"

"Well, as soon as I bought some of the stuff, I took the grappling hook, took it to your house and put it in the trash bin, leaving the lid open, thinking that you'd notice and use it."

"What about the brick?" I ask.

"Well, I've always noticed that a certain brick on the side of Zuma was loose. So I asked you to put Tranq darts behind it so I can retrieve them. I knew you'd stay in the alley to hide, so that's why I did that. I followed the cats to the alley and waited for the cue to retrieve that darts and use them."

I tilt my head to the side. I'm confused. "What cue?"

"The sneeze." he says.

"Wait? You planned that?" This is too much for me to understand.

"Yep. I put sneezing powder in the dumpster after I went to your place, then I carried out my own revenge. Once I got back to the alley, I grabbed the darts, loaded them into my gun, and knocked them out."

"Did you originally plan to tie those cats up?" I'm curious.


"Then, what's with asking for the spray paint and a stink bomb?"

"Oh shit! I was going to have us spray paint our initials on the trio's shirts before they woke up but I forgot!"

"What about the stink bomb? What's with that?"

"Well, on our way out of town, we're gonna go to Lori's house and leave it there for her."

"Seriously?" I ask.


"You're crazy, you know that?" I smile.

"I know. And that's the best thing about me."

"It's an awesome part of you." I've got to admit, his crazy and insane personality is great. I sit up and pull Wendell into a kiss. I wrap my arms around him and he does the same for me. Our lips part and we start Frenching.

Wendell slowly pushes me down on the bench and gets on top of me, kissing me deeper and deeper. It kind of feels like deja vu in a way. I caress his back.

"You have no idea how much of a happy wolf you make me." Wendell says.

"You have no idea how happy you make me, Wendell." I say.

"I love you so much." he says.

"I love you more."

"You're the best boyfriend ever."

"No way, you are."

"I'm not. I come up with these crazy schemes. You're the better one."

"Your plan may be weird but you do them for a good reason. And to be honest, they're kind of fun." I kiss him again.

"Oh really? You love my plans?"

"Yes." I'm growing used to them.

"Well, in that case, I have another plan." He better not be serious.

"What's that?"

"It's called 'Make the Cute Foxy a Happy One'." he smiles and he's using his teasing voice.

"You want to make me happy?" I can be playful too Wendell!

"Yes I do."

"Then take me away from this awful place. I want to be with you forever. I want to be by your side. I want to move with you to LA." I know what I want now. I want to go to California and never come back, and hopefully leave the past behind us.