Bakora -- Chapter One
Just a note: Escalina Bakora, Hototama Bakora © Katherine Martin, Keleana Watashi © Tamora Carr. Use of these characters without permission is prohibited by copyright law. Please do not redistribute or change without permission. This work is not your own, therefore respect the work the author put into it.
- * * Chapter One Escalina Bakora stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her ice-kissed eyes to greet the sunshine pouring atop her curvaceous body. The femme yawned widely, opening a slender maw to expose large, deadly ivory teeth. Once her jaw snapped shut she rolled over on her back and stretched, groaning softly. Keleana Watashi was laying beside Escalina. The two were awakening from the nap they had been taking under a big, shady oak tree. She looked over to her sister and shook her head, laughing softly. "Jesus, Escalina, how do you sleep so damned much? You are so dang lazy." Escalina sat up slowly, enjoying waking up. She arched her back and stretched her arms up above her head, exposing a bare, rounded stomach. "Oh, I'm sorry, sis, but I just can't keep up anymore with this energy-sucker," the kitsune replied, giggling. Kitsune? Yes. These two were very interesting creatures. Both sisters had very voluptuous forms. They both had vulpine characteristics save for their body structure, which was built like a human's. Escalina had long, slender legs. The absence of lather boots left her foot paws exposed to the elements. They looked much like a fox's paws but were much larger with claws two inches high, three inches long, and an inch thick. The claws were naturally sharp. She had a very curvy waist that held a black leather skirt and a childbearing stomach. The skirt hung low on her hips and came down in front, resembling a "v", while making sure her crotch area was still tucked away. It hugged her ass in the back like any everyday skirt. It ended about six inches down her thigh and left the rest for roaming eyes. Her belly was left bare. Escalina's top was an interesting piece that came around her neck with a two inch wide strap and met it's other end low on her chest. Just low enough to expose enough fine cleavage to attract attention but still support her. This is where it hooked to the shirt that hugged her bust and tied behind her back. Escalina's hands looked like any humans' besides the paw-pads on the underside of her palm and fingers, and the clawed fingernails. The paw-pads were missing where the knuckle bent. Her shoulders and back were left bare besides the waist length indigo tinted hair that cascaded down her form. Her face was a mirror image of perfection, for she obviously took care of her features. She had a maw just like any other fox, and deep icy colored eyes that often pulled attention into their depths without even trying. Bangs covered her forehead and large black fox ears perfected her look. Her entire body was covered in short, well-kept, silken fur. But what surprised most creatures was the fact she had nine fox tails, all black as well. Physically, Keleana looked a lot like her sister. But she had a much different attire then her sister and she only had five of these gorgeous fox tails. On her feet she wore black tennis shoes with thick soles so her claws wouldn't completely tear up the bottoms when she walked. She had baggy pants that were adorned with straps and chains criss-crossing the fabric, hooking at hips and down the pant legs. It had many big pockets running down the outside of the legs and the lining on these black pants was deep purple; bondage pants, they were called. A baggy sweatshirt then was present, one big pocket on the front. Along each opening side of the pocket were five studs, short and dull, obviously for look. About 20 of the same studs were placed along the hood of this jacket. She had many necklaces including a small choke chain and black choker. Keleana Watashi had blood red hair but only one of her eyes were of the same alluring color because the other was a deep and mesmerizing blue. The tips of her ears and hair were also blood red. But unlike the seductive shivers Escalina sent down any creature's spine by capturing them with her gaze, Keleana had the eyes of a predator; watching every movement around her. The tips of her ears and hair also look soaked in blood by the color. "Come on, Escalina, let's get back to the ship," Keleana told her sister as she stood. "Get your boots back on." Escalina nodded and reached for her boots before trying her best to slide them on her feet. She had trouble reaching because of her stomach. The zippers running down the sides of the boots were then zipped up and it fit perfectly to her legs, not at all loose. The boots reached just about four inches from her knees. These boots were also thick soled because of Escalina's own clawed foot-paws. Escalina looked to the side and noticed a few leaves hitting the ground. But it was the middle of summer and the bright green of the leaves reflected that thought. Instinctively, her ears twitched a few times before she looked up at the source of the noise. Her glance was just in time to see Keleana disappearing up in the tree. The fox seemed genuinely interested as she tilted her head and left her ears perked. "What exactly are you doing, Keleana?" "Purna ahgin," came the reply. Escalina and Keleana both spoke a language no man really understood. Escalina understood and she nodded, sitting back and using her hands for support, waiting for the music that soon followed. The music was from a flute-like instrument and the melodic sounds washed over the valley and the notes brought a sense of life to the creatures within distance. Flowers begun to sprout and grow as well as the grass which grew rich green in color. "Keleana, concentrate on the tree and fruit more then growing in general." Escalina knew her sister wasn't the best as this magical instrument. The life around soon stopped growing and Escalina nodded in approval, "Good job." The tree didn't stop though for the leaves continued to grow and flourish. Keleana soon jumped down a branch to smile at Escalina. "Sorry, 'bout that. I'm tryin--" but Keleana soon stopped and giggled, watching Escalina. Escalina blinked, unaware of the male creeping up behind her. "Kel--?" The word never did get finished for a metallic ring was heard behind her and a shadow soon crept up. She tried to jump up and grab the large sword leaning against the tree. She left it there when she fell asleep. But of course, she was pregnant, and slower then she was at one point in time. As soon as she got up the male's arms came around her and made her jump, afraid of what just grabbed hold of her. She turned her head to try and see who was behind her but was caught by surprise when his lips pressed to her's. Instantly she relaxed as she recognized who the male was but she had to pull back to catch her breath. "You scared the shit out of me.." It was only Hototama was Escalina's husband. Hototama Baroka wore a small cross on a necklace around his neck; that's what Escalina heard. His ebony hair rolled softly down from his head, falling just to his shoulders, thin bangs rested before his eyes. He wore a white dress shirt, long sleeved, and opened up to the middle of his chest. Over this sat a black dress shirt, completly unbuttoned and folded over where it would on each side. His pants were soft, rolling from his waist at a black leather belt, buckled by a simplistic silver clasp. His deep blue pants ended, rolling up just slowly as they met a pair of black shoes, pointed only a bit as they wrapped around his feet. Hototama pulled back when she did with a smile, watching her through happy violet eyes. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to. I only got worried when you didn't show up at the ship for so long. I had to come find you and my little one." His human hands moved down to her belly as he said that and she begun to murr. Keleana laughed some, watching the two, "Hey, Hototama-san, don't you let them bruise when they hit the ground!" He looked form his wife to his sister-in-law and rose an eyebrow, "Wha?" Before he knew it Keleana was tossing down her fruit. They were an odd looking fruit; white with purple veins and leaves. Escalina just watched as Hototama caught on to what Keleana wanted him to do for her. Hototama's eyes flashed and the area inverted for a split second before the fruit, one by one, stopped in midair and came to the ground softly. Psionics, Escalina knew them as. Hototama was damned deadly with small objects and this ability. As Keleana came down from the tree she smiled to the human male hugging her sister close to his chest still, "Good job, Hototama-san!" She picked the fruit up, handing an armful to Escalina and forcing Hototama to let go of Escalina by handing him an armful as well. The rest was then picked up by her and she walked between the two, heading in the direction Hototama came from. Escalina simply grinned. "He came up behind me on purpose.. Other way, Keleana." Without a word Keleana turned on one heel and started the other direction, obviously blushing some. Hototama laughed softly, watching her walk back through them before looking back up to his wife. "Let's go back home, shall we? It was fun here while it lasted." Escalina simply frowned and nodded. She hated being on the ship and the crew hated her being on the ship. She turned and headed in the same direction as Keleana, Hototama following behind her.