Isolation-Excerpt 21-Loss
#21 of Isolation
I went into this job thinking it was just another bug hunt, some Scientist dude who got careless with his vials and spawned nothing more than some blood thirsty flesh craving fruit fly or a huge snake. I thought it would be in, kill the monster, get paid and then go be my normal lazy self while I waited for the next job to come up. I assumed it was nothing to twist myself over. I was wrong.
Dead. Wrong
I woke up in a lump in the corner of a prison cell. My entire body was wracked with a stiff, sharp pain that seemed to reside in every cell in my possession. My vision was blurry and my head was pounding like someone was hitting me with a sledgehammer. I had been stripped of my equipment and had been put in a white suit that from my guess was what Synthetics wore while they were being developed, but wasn't entirely sure. My sleeves were rolled up and there were fresh needle pricks on my wrists and arms. There was also a rubber band that had been tied uncomfortably tight just above my elbow, Martin must have left it there, maybe hoping my arm would fall off or something.
With a little bit of effort, I managed to regain control of my right arm and untie the rubber band, tossing it aside. I pulled myself up off the floor and leaned back against the wall. The cell was about 12 feet long and 12 feet wide. It was completely bare, cobalt steel and there was zero light in the cell, what little their was came in through a thick, bullet proof window . There was a heavy steel door near where I was laying. It was held shut by two enormous piston locks and the light on top was flashing red, telling me that there no way I was getting it open unless Martin unlocked it from the outside. I was trapped.
I sighed and with a little more effort, I managed to get feeling back into my feet and stand up. I tried to walk forward, but my legs numbed out and I fell flat on my face, feeling my visor split all the way up to the top of my head.
I groaned as I began to hear clapping.
"Baby steps little boy", Martian laughed, "walking is hard for everyone at first."
"Fuck you", I growled as I managed to pull myself back up.
"Little boy has a mouth on him", Martin laughed, "your Mommy didn't raise you right. I'd be willing to bet that your Daddy ran off on ya too."
I balled my hands in to fists as I turned to face the glass. Martin was standing just on the other side of the glass with a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. He was still dressed in a combat load like he was earlier, but something was slightly off. Something was different about him, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what.
"Don't you dare speak about my parents you god forsaken sociopath", I snarled, "they were better than you, your an evil, worthless shell of a man, they were royalty."
"Awww", Martin sneered, "boohoo little baby boy lost his mommy, daddy and throne."
I walked up to the glass and looked him right in his cold, soulless eyes. He glared back.
"Go get a 50 cal and maybe you have a chance", Martin sneered again, "this glass is four feet diamond temper composite compressed into two inches."
I just stared at him.
"Oh and before I forget", Martin said, "I'd bet you'd like to know what that band was doing on your arm no?"
"What did you do to me you crazy fucker?", I growled.
"Oh nothing much", Martin said, "just modified your gene code. I would have destabilized your DNA so your body would eat itself and I'd have a movie to watch with my last bag of popcorn, but that stupid security program CHDISK denied me the systems I needed, so you got lucky."
I felt like I had been violated, and in a way, I guess that I had been.
"What did you do to my DNA?", I asked.
"You sound rather scared", Martin laughed, "don't worry, it won't hurt, help or hinder you in any way, I was just curious about something and it turned out I was right."
"If you don't tell me what you did to me in two seconds Im gonna come through that glass and rip you to pieces", I snarled.
"Okay you win", Martin said mockingly, "I wanted to know of human based Gene Mods could be installed into pure blooded Xenomorphs, so I rewrote your DNA code and installed a very basic human based Gene Mod to change eye color to silver, and voila, it worked."
I just stared at him and then brought my hand up to my visor, who did this man think he was to start screwing with the code that held me together? If he would go as far as to do this to me, I was terrified of what he'd do to Sarah or Matt if he caught them.
"Where are your friends now?", Martin asked darkly, "after all you've done for them, including sticking your neck on the verbal chopping block and facing monsters that even I wouldn't go near, their no where to be found now that you need them. Guess their not your friends after all."
"Your right", I sighed, "I don't have any friends."
Martin smiled and turned to walk out, "I'm glad we understand each other."
"I got family."
He stopped and turned around, looking curious, "little Xenomorph says what?"
"You heard me", I smiled, "I ain't got friends. I got family."
Martin went into hysterical laughter.
"It's funny you say you have family", he laughed, "you've been so focused on me, that you didn't bother to look around the cell did you?"
"What are you talking about?", I asked, "I'm in here by myself."
Martin looked like he was sitting front row for the funniest live comedy ever.
"Take a sniff of the air and say that again", Martin laughed.
I was almost scared to sniff the air, worried he might be pumping cyanide vapor into the air or some shit like that, but it was what he said, "you've been so focused on me, that you didn't bother to look around the cell did you?" and the way he said it that made me sniff the air, and catch a scent that about made me fall to my knees. It was so familiar, yet seemed so foreign. Unknown, yet known at the same time. The scent that every Xenomorph learns, male or female, from the day their born and the scent that they never forget for the course of their lives.
I turned around, peering into the corner. Curled with it's back against the rest of the cell, was a female Xenomorph. She was extremely skinny, looking like she hadn't been fed in months, years even. Her down pipes had been cut off her back and her tail had been despiked and I could see rough looking cut marks from where her head crest had been ground off, courtesy of Martin no doubt. I walked over to her and knelt down beside her, placing my hand on her shoulder.
I felt like I was about to size up, the scent made me feel like I was dreaming. There was no way this was possible. It had to be a sick joke Martin was playing on me, but at the same time, there was no way he could possibly have faked it. I tugged on her shoulder and she moved her head to look at me, smiling when she saw me.
"M....Mom?", I asked quietly.
"Skyline", My mother whispered, "you've grown up."
I pulled her tightly against me, starting to cry into her shoulder.
"What has he done to you?", I asked through my tears.
Mom didn't answer and hugged me back. I wished for so many years, through my tortures and through the countless, sleepless nights for her to hug me just one more time, for her to tell me that I'd be okay or for her to hold my hand while I tried to take the beatings and abuse without crying and the men handing me worse to "give me something to cry about".
"You've gotten strong son", Mom said weakly, "I'm proud of you. I wish your father and your brother could see who've you've become."
"I'm gonna get you out of here Mom", I said as I held her, "I'm gonna get you out of here."
"No your not!", Martin laughed.
I turned around just in time to see him pull out a detonator. I turned back to my mother, she had a look of sadness and regret. Rage began to boil up inside me.
"You fucker!", I screamed, feeling myself let her go and step back, "you put a bomb in my Mother! I'm gonna kill you for this!"
"And how are you gonna kill me when your too busy grieving?", Martin asked.
I took another look at my Mom, she looked back at me, summoning all her remaining strength, she shouted.
"I love you Skyline!"
"I lo..."
I was too slow. Martin pressed his button and my Mother's head burst open, showering the walls, the glass and me with bone fragments, chunks of brain and acidic blood. My knees gave out from under me as everything left me and my mind emptied out, the feeling left me, all of it replaced by this sense of complete void, like I was nothing more than a plastic statue that had been hollowed out so people could carry me easier. I tried to wipe the blood off my face, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, it felt wrong.
"Subject", Martin began, laughing as he did, "reacts poorly to detonation of mother."
Any sanity I had left was gone at the ending of that sentence I no longer cared how it happened, but Martin was going to die, if I had to follow him to the gates of hell. In a burst of pure rage and hate, I was on my feet and I took a swing at the wall, leaving an inch deep gash in the bullet proof glass.
"When I get through this wall!", I screamed, "your a fucking dead man!"
"No no", Martin laughed as he put his hand on a grate, "leave my wall alone."
Vents in the ceiling opened up and white, frosty air shot in like flames from a gas vent. The temperature sank so fast that I was on my back and close to passing out from the sudden temperature shift.
"I call it Flash Freeze", Martin sneered, "a little Gene Mod I cooked up in my free time before I set the creatures here lose on security and scientist's. It modifies your appendix to produce liquid nitrogen and grows an entire system of vein and artery type tubes to deliver them to the hands and fine tunes nerves and the coordination center of the brain so that when I hold my fist in a certain way, I've got liquid N literally at my fingertips. Sure it's a kick in the face from a 4000 pound bull, but nothing quite like a fist full of ice is there boyo? I hope you've learned your lesson. This is what happens when you cross me."
Martin turned around and left the lab, leaving me alone with Mom.