Chapter 11 (Wendell)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#11 of First Steps

I managed to get Todd and I cleaned up last night and into bed. He's still asleep when the sun finally comes up. I couldn't get back to sleep, not after what happened last night. So, I just let him lay on my lap while he slept. When I start to rub his head, he smiles.

After a few more hours, I hear a car door slam shut outside. It must be Todd's parents coming home.

"Hey, sleepyhead." I whisper in Todd's ear. I get a muffled moan in response. "It's time to get up."

"What?" he says in a morning voice.

"You're parents are home." His ears perk up, then he yawns.

"Really?" Todd looks at me and I nod. He starts to wag his tail, but quickly stops. "How do I explain to my parents about my rainbow tail and stomach?"

"Well, I got you into a shirt that covers your stomach fur, and just let me explain about your tail." I had already thought of an excuse for that the day after Todd and I dyed it. And about the clothes, I got Todd into clothes that actually fit him: a plain white shirt and a pair of jeans (I think he like them too much). I just threw on an orange shirt with a black outline of a fox on the back.

Todd gets out of the bed and runs down the stairs, I quickly follow. When I'm down the stairs, I see him at the window, looking to find his mom and dad. His tail is going crazy with happiness.

He hurries up and unlocks the door, then opens it. In seconds, he's running out to his mom, who's car is parked right in front of the house. I can't hear what they're exactly saying, but I can when they head in the house. During all of this, I can't see Todd's father.

"Where's dad?" Todd asks, as if he knew what I was thinking.

"He'll be right in, he just needed to get something from his car." Maggie says. And yes, I know her first name. Just like I know that her husband's name is Joe. "What's Wendell doing here, and why's he wearing your clothes?"

"Wendell stayed here while you were gone." Todd says.

"Oh. Ok." she says. "But, why is he wearing your shirt?"

"Because I needed a change of clothes and I didn't bring any with me." I say.

"Why didn't you two just go to Michelle's house?" she says. Michelle is my mom. Richard is my dad. I look at Todd, panicked. The key to a conversation like this is to lie, lie, lie completely, but at a hint of truth to make it somewhat believable and hope for the best.

"Well," I start out, "I was going to get clothes there, but I couldn't."

"Why not?" Then, as if on cue, the phone rings. Maggie walks over to the phone and answers it.

"Hello?... Yes?... Yes, he is here... Ok. It's for you." she hands the phone to me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Wendell?" it's my mom. Again.

"Mom? What is it now?"

"I just want you to know that me and your father both know that it was you who pulled that stunt."

"Don't you think you and dad kinda deserve it?"

"Wendell! Don't you talk to your mother like that!"

"Mother?! What kind of a mom lets her husband kick out their own son for no goddamn reason?!" I let all my rage out.


"Goodbye." I hang up and hand the phone back to Maggie.

"Everything ok, Wendell?" she asks.

"No. Everything's not ok."

"What's wrong? Did your parents kick you out?"

"Yes." I start to tear up.


"Should we tell her?" I whisper to Todd. He just stands there by the couch, not making a sound. I walk up to him and embrace him.

"If you want to, we can." Todd whispers in my ear.

"Alright," I turn to Maggie, "Mrs. McCarthy?"

"What is it?" I kiss Todd briefly on the lips.

"I'm in love with your son. And he's in love with me." I grab his paw into mine.

"It's true. I've been in love with him for a long time and I... I mean, we came out to each other and we've been dating ever since." Todd says.

"How long ago was this?" That's all Todd's mother can say.

"About a week ago," my voice sounds weak. The three of us stand there, none of us daring to say a word. That's when Joe walks in the door, a suitcase in each paw.

"Hey honey, I finally got the cases out of the back-" Joe cuts off his sentence and notices what's going on the in the living room: I'm holding Todd's paw while Maggie just stands in front of us, looking like she's been told the worst news ever.

"Joe, can I talk to you for a second?" she says.

"What's going on?"

"Todd and Wendell... apparently just came out of the closet to me."

"Oh..." Joe says, "Is that true."

"Yes dad," Todd says, "I'm gay."

"And I'm bisexual," I say, "And my parents kicked me out for that reason."

"And Wendell's my boyfriend. We've been going out for almost a week." Neither of them say a word to either of us. The worst case scenario is that they end up kicking Todd out their home, meaning neither of us will have a place to live. It must've been at least five or six minutes before Maggie says something. And of all the things she could say, she ends up saying:

"You two haven't... you know..."

"No." Todd says, a little too quickly, "We haven't yiffed or anything like that. We've only kissed and cuddled."

"Give us a minute..." Joe opens the front door and him and Maggie go outside for a minute. I look at Todd, I'm nervous as hell. His expression reads the same. I wrap my arms around him again.

"No matter what happens," I whisper in Todd's ear, "I will always love you. And I will be here for you."

"I love you too," he whispers back. After sitting there for another few minutes, Maggie and Joe come back into the house. They catch me trying to sneak in a last minute kiss, but I don't care.

"Boys, can I talk to you two alone?" Joe asks. Maggie heads upstairs, leaving the three of us. Joe takes a seat in the big chair across the room. At first, I think that he's about to say that Todd's no longer allowed to live here, but, those words don't come out. While we're sitting in silence (which I know Todd hates), I take notice on what Joe's expression. He doesn't narrow his eyes, which would suggest he's mad, but he does rub his eyes, which would imply that he could be frustrated with us.

"Dad?" Todd breaks the silence (I'm not surprised), "You're not mad at me? Are you?"

"No." Joe says. Thank god. Unless he's going to say something even worse. "It's just that, your mother and I have discussed this, but... We're not as harsh about the whole thing as Michelle and Richie might be about the whole thing." I like where this is going. "Wendell, we... will... allow you to stay here until we get this mess resolved. But, I better not wake up in the middle of the night hearing-"

"We've already discussed this." Todd interrupts because we all know where that sentence was heading, "We've both agreed not to have sex with each other." This part is true. "We have not had sex and we won't until we've both turn 18 and we've moved out." This part is somewhat false. We just had sex last night. But Joe and Maggie don't need to know that just yet.

"Ok. Just making sure. And also, don't be... too affectionate when Maggie or I are around." he says. This is can understand.

"I can deal with that." I say, "But I'm still going to be loving around Todd because I love him." This has always been who I am: I tell is like it is.

"That's fine, I'm not saying you can't. I'm just saying, don't take it too far with it."

"Ok." I hope that this finally clears the air. Maggie screams from upstairs, making us all jump in our seats. Joe hurries up and runs up the stairs to see what happened.

"Wendell?" Todd quietly asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Did you remember to clean up the mess we've made in the bathroom?" I nod. Todd and I get off the couch and get up the stairs. I notice that they aren't in the bathroom, they're in Todd's room, gazing in horror at the broken window, the shards of glass on the floor, and the brick I forgot to get rid of.

"What happened in here?" Maggie tries not to yell again.

"My ex-girlfriends came here to threaten me." I tell the truth, even if it sounds pretty crazy.


"Lisa Pender, Ashleigh Garcia, Lori Evans." I answer.

"I want this cleaned up!" she storms out of the room, Joe soon follows. Todd grabs a trash can and goes over to the broken window. I close the door, walk over and get on my knees to help pick up the broken glass.

"I've got questions for you." Todd says. Oh shit! I'm not ready for another interrogation.

"What is it?" I carefully place the broken glass in the trash can.

"When did you clean up the mess in the shower?"

"Well, after you fell asleep and my uh... 'knot' calmed down and I could get out of you, I placed you in bed, went back to the bathroom and cleaned it up. It helped that the water was running while we were 'making love'. It cleared most of the c*m aleady."

"What about the dirty clothes? What if my parents discover those?"

"I spent two hours in your laundry room washing all of that. It didn't take long to figure out how the machine worked because Bruno has similar ones at his house." I completely forgot about Bruno in the last few days. I'll have to see what he's doing later.

"Why didn't you clean this mess up?"

"Well, I was going to, but by the time our clothes were finished and I put them away, I was very tired and I just fell asleep next to you."

"What about the boxers you threw at Ashleigh?"

"She left a message me on my phone a few minutes after we fell asleep in the woods. From what I could decipher through the yelling about how mad she was about that, I think she said she took them and burned them. And something about how she needs to scrub her face with bleach to get the smell off."

"Oh. Alright." he seems satisfied.

"I need to ask you something." I decide to turn tables because I'm wondering a few things.

"What's up?"

"Why did you pretty much lie to your dad about us yiffing?"

"I was able to overhear what they were saying outside. Dad said that if we had sex while they were gone they were going to kill us. And, we told them we're boyfriends and I thought I'd get kicked out. If I told my dad that we fucked last night, he'd very pissed at me."

"Why didn't you explain your rainbow tail?"

"I just told them I'm gay. I think they get it." Ok, I admit that makes sense.

"But you told me the reason you dyed it rainbow is because you wanted a change. Why couldn't you say that?" Todd just shrugs his shoulders. We managed to get all of the mess cleaned up. Todd takes the trash can downstairs and I get the brick.

"Mom, where should we take this?" Todd asks.

"Just throw it away in the big trash can outside." Maggie is sitting on the couch, Joe right next to her. Todd and I head outside and go around to the back of the house. I open the lid to the big green trash can and he dumps the shards of glass inside.

"What should I do with this?" I hold up the brick.

"Just throw it in here." I toss the brick in the bin and close the lid. Neither of us move. I don't know what to expect when we walk back inside. Todd just stares at the ground, soon I'm doing the same. Eventually, he looks up and looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes. He opens his arms and I embrace him again.

"At least we still get to be together." I whisper.

"I know." he says.

"And I just want you to know, that no matter what happens, I'm here with you. Always."

"And I'm here for you." Todd looks at me again and kisses me again. After another minute, we head back inside. I hope we can get back into some sense of normality.

I take a seat in the big chair in the family room, Todd sits on my lap. "So, what now?" Todd speaks up.

"We don't know." Maggie says. "We'll have to get that window fixed soon. Other than that, nothing else. Until then, you'll have to cover that window somehow."

"I'm sure we'll find some way." Joe says. "So, Todd, let me ask you something."

"What is it dad?" he says.

"What's with your tail?" I just notice that Todd's been wagging his tail a bit, showing off the multiple colors in it.

"I thought it'd look nice on it."

"And that's not all of it." I say. I lift up Todd's shirt to his chest, revealing there's more rainbow on his belly. Surprisingly, Todd doesn't try to retaliate. But his parents looked shocked about it.

"Do you hate it?" Todd asks.

"No, it's just, I didn't expect you to do that." Maggie says. I put his shirt back down then hold him close.

"What's with the flower in your hair?" Joe asks.

"Todd got it for me at the park. I thought it'd be cute to do so." I say.

"It kinda is. Is that my hairpin?" Maggie says.

"Yes. It was the only way for it to stay in place."

"It's fine, really."

"Well, me and Wendell are going to go upstairs." Todd says. I didn't expect him to say that.

"You better not be-" Joe starts out.

"I told you, dad. We're not having sex!" Todd says. I lift him up in my arms and carry him upstairs. I take him to his room and I close the door.

"Is everything ok, Todd?" I ask.

"Of course. My parents don't hate either of us right now."

"Ok. just making sure."

"I just really needed to be with you alone again. Plus, I could really use a cuddle or some kisses right now." he smiles. He looks so cute when he does that. I smile back at him. Go get him, Tiger. my mind says to me. I walk until I'm a few inches from him. We quickly wrap our arms around each other again and soon enough, we kiss again, this time it's not brief. It lasts forever. I gently push Todd so he lays down on the bed and I get on top of him, kissing him, not wanting to let him go. Todd rubs my back and I moan into the kiss a bit. My tail wags like crazy.

I let my mind empty out, but yet it feels like it's running a million miles a minute. The fireworks in my chest are going off like crazy. I break the kiss and look into his eyes.

"You're the best boyfriend a fur could ask for." I say.

"Aww, thanks. But I think you're the best fur ever." he says.

"You're too sweet you know that." Kiss! "But I love you anyway."

"I love you more, Wendell."

"Oh no you don't Todd."

"Yes I do."


We must've dozed off because I wake up. I look over at the clock and see that it's 3 in the afternoon. Todd's still fast asleep in my arms. I wonder what he's dreaming about? I just had one of those days where I have no dreams, yet I'm sleeping.

I kiss the top of his head and he giggles. Is he sleeping? Or is he just keeping his eyes closed?

"Todd?" I whisper. I get no response. Not a noise, not a word, nothing.

"Hey, you awake?" I try again. Again, nothing in return. Well, I don't really see any reason to wake Todd up right now since there's nothing we have to do right now. Besides, he's cute when he's asleep.

When I go to caress him, I realise that we're both shirtless. We didn't... yiff last night, did we? I look under the blanket... nope. We're both still wearing pants. Thank goodness.

I gently shake my fox. "Hey, get up sleepy." Nope. Nothing happens. When I kiss his neck, he lets out a small laugh. I do it again, same reaction. Todd turns over so he's facing me, yet he's still sleeping. That's when I kiss him on the lips. This time, he kisses back, and I know he's awake.

We both hug each other, still kissing. I wonder where this is going to go. When I break the kiss, Todd's fully awake. "Mornin'" Is all I say.

"How long have we been out?" Todd yawns.

"Only a few hours. We missed lunch. Why?"

"I don't know, it's just that I don't remember going to sleep."

"Neither do I. Sorry if I did wake you up."

"It's fine." Todd sits up. Probably to keep from going back to sleep. I lay my head on his chest. "What're you doing?"

"I'm sorry. Sometimes, I just need to be cuddled too." I say.

"That's ok." Todd starts to pet me and I can't help but moan. "Are you enjoying this?" Oh now he's getting playful.

"Yes, I am." Two can play the game. "Is foxy feeling playful right now?"

"Yep." Oh? No he's asking for it. I left myself up so my eyes meet his. Kiss!

"And how does foxy want to play?" I ask. Todd pulls out that handkerchief that apparently is going to keep showing up. I take it from him and cover his pretty eyes with it. I get him up on his knees, being careful not to accidentally knock him over. I give him a couple kisses then I slowly inch my paws down his back and onto his ass. He doesn't resist.

"Lay down, face down." I say. Todd does just that. I get behind him and carefully rub his back, being careful not to go too rough on him. Even though I know he enjoys it alot.

"I'll try not to be too hard on you." I tell him.

"Oh, c'mon. You know you love it when you have me moaning and crying out." Todd says.

"True. But, I'd rather just have you happy."

"You sure you don't want to make me moan again?" Todd is such a teaser.

"Do you want me to make you moan?"

"Yes, I do." Alright, just for that, I give him a big spank. Just like he wanted, I hear him cry out a bit.

"Does foxy love spanks?" I say.

"Yes. Please spank me more." he cries out.

"Oh. I'll give you more. But first, you better beg for it first." I put a paw on his ass to mess with him.

"Please! Spank me!"

"And why is that?" I give his ass a gentle squeeze.

"Because I'm your little bitch!"

"Oh, yes you are." I spanks him hard three times. He moans very loud but he muffled it by burying his face in his arms.

"Oh, yes!!!" he says.

"Does foxy want more?"

"Yes! Please!" I smack him on the ass a few more times.

"What else does foxy want?"

"You. I just want you!" I bend down, lay on top of him and kiss his head. He's mine and I'm his.

"Well, you have me." I say.