A Dream Chp: 4 Joseph and Kelvin

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#4 of A Dream

Chp: 4 Joseph and Kelvin.

Folvos's POV

Ugh, Eigo was so boring. It's actually quite funny how there can be so many parts to your native language that you'd never know about unless they paid someone to cram it into your brain and test you on it when you don't expect it. I suppose a plus side to that lesson was we didn't get any homework, YAY! I walk past Kat and RJ before going to my locker and I hear RJ say she wanted to show Kat something after school, probably nothing but I don't really care. I've unlocked my locker, put away my books and stuff while grabbing out my recess. I walk over to RJ, Kat and now Chay is there as well, 'More friends.' I think to myself smiling. "Hey Guys," I say walking over to them "Hey Folvos" Chay replies and RJ comes over to hug me as well as Kat. "Hello!" RJ says in her normal happy tone while her bushy tail was waving from side to side. "Hey." Said Kat. "How are you?" I ask them which gets some goods from two of them and a great from RJ, "That's good, what lessons did you have?" "Drama!" Exclaimed RJ Happily, "Maths." Said Chay and Kat. "Suck it." Said RJ and I as we high fived, "Although Eigo wasn't much better" I said shortly after. "Ayee' guess I win then, cooking Home-Ec" Flynn said to us. "Flynn!" said RJ while walking over to him and giving him a hug with her tail waving a little faster. I think I saw Joseph and Kelvin walking off towards the bridge, "Hey, I'm goanna go see if I can find Joseph and Kelvin, I think I saw them walking towards the bridge and knowing them they're probably hiding underneath it playing games." I say to my friends around me. "Ok, cya later." say RJ, holding out her arms for a hug. I walk over to her and hug her before walking off towards Joseph and Kelvin.

"I'm telling you Mudkip is the true overlord!" said Joseph, "No, Blaziken all the way!" Kelvin replied to Joseph. I walk under the bridge and spot Joseph and Kelvin playing Pokémon on their phones. "Hey you two, who's winning?" "Hey, Joseph has one Pokémon left and I have 3 left, He has a level 97 Mudkip, I've got an 80 Blaziken and some others I haven't told him about yet." Kelvin said while not looking up "GO BUBBLE!!!" Joseph shouted, "Blaziken NO!" cried Kelvin. I look over Kelvins shoulder and past his dark brown fur I see the text 'It was super effective' appear then 'Blaziken has fainted, choose a new Pokémon to send out' replaced it. I look around and see his party, he has a Golem and Shaymin. I point to his Shaymin "Use that, he won't expect it." I offer to him, "Na, I'm going to use my level 60... other Pokémon." Kelvin says a little agitated he is being beat by Josephs one Mudkip. "Ok," I walk over to Joseph and look over his shoulder to see his DS showing 'Sir Kipsalot' beating Kelvins Golem, 'It was super effective!' "YES!" cried Joseph, "NOOOO!" screamed Kelvin "Now you've asked for it! GO Shaymin!" "NO!" I kind of tune out now and wait for recess and the rest of the day for that matter to be over. I do that a lot but it passes the time.

I got home later and threw my bag into my room not caring if I broke my tablet in there, it was really bad. I just fell onto my bed and lay there for a while, eventually I grabbed my phone and started to read a bit. I felt really tired for some reason, I guess that last maths lesson took a lot out of me. I rolled over and grabbed my diary, flicked it open to today's date and saw that I didn't have any homework due tomorrow so I just flopped back onto my bed and kind of collapsed. I was so desperately hoping that I didn't have a nightmare but all I could see when I held my eyes closed was a certain purple furred leopard that I haven't seen for a week or so, not even in school. I know that it won't last when I fall asleep but it's good to see her while I can.

I open my eyes and for once I'm not in a nightmare, I'm standing in what looks like a normal bedroom, but it's not mine, its baby blue and smells weird. I get off the bed and notice I'm in my casual clothes, I look around and I see a bag over on the desk, I walk over to it, look in and almost start having a panic attack when I see those strange furless things. Before I do however I realise it's just an image and start to feel stupid because of it. I hear movement from down stairs and I see a map of sorts in the bag as well. I hear footsteps getting closer to the door so I grab the bag not caring about what else is in there and I run to the window I see.

I open it up fast and start to step through as I hear the door handle start moving. I jump through the window and land perfectly on my hind paws, being part wolf has its perks. I take off running and I see a forest of sorts towards the back and I head towards it. This is probably the best nightmare I've had in ages, I've gone 5 minutes without anything bad happening. Once I think I'm deep enough in the forest I stop and take the bag off, opening it to search through it for it while. In the bag was a map, a picture of the strange furless beings, a compass, a few pencils and books. I look at the map and see that it is for a town called Adelaide. I glance around to see if I can recognise any mountains or patches of trees but there is nothing I can see through the thick, leafy trees. I decide I'll have to leave the safety of the forest if I want to see where I am.

I start walking through the forest not really listening out for anything, the forest makes me feel safe, like I'm in a dream. I'm just walking along and I start to hum my favourite song, 'Incoherent' by Niic, it seems kind of fitting. I hear a branch snap just ahead of me and one of the furless animals start to emerge, frozen by fear I just stand there until he is standing in front of the bush staring at me. I slowly start to back away until I can feel a tree trunk against the bag. Slowly sliding down I start to whimper, bring my tail up between my legs and hold my arms up to protect my face, I can hear his footsteps getting slowly closer and I start to cry a little, don't want my life to end like this. "Please don't hurt me!" I say to it, "I don't want to die!" I hear him getting down onto his knees and I curl up tighter "Please NO!" I am shaking so badly right now and I feel like I'm going to pass out. The last thing I hear is "What are you?" before he touches my fur and I pass out from the panic it caused.